Fallout Steam Sale Is The Perfect Fix Before Fallout 4

With less than three weeks before the release of Fallout 4, Bethesda knows that we need something, anything, to whet our appetite. Or maybe sate our appetites. Maybe both.

For this weekend, select Fallout titles will be up to 66% off in a special Steam sale. Fallout 4 doesn't come with a discount of any kind, but the rest of the Fallout lineup does. The best of the bunch is the Game of the Year Edition for Fallout 3 (for $9.99) and the Ultimate Edition for Fallout: New Vegas (also $9.99).

But if you're in for a more classic mood, you can purchase both the original Fallout and Fallout 2 for $3.39 each. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is also great at the same price, though it plays much differently than main Fallout series. You can claim all three for $9.99 as well if you don't have any of them.

You can also check on my series of in-depth features on Fallout 4 including the perk system, our lovable companion Dogmeat, and an analysis of power armor.


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