Batman: Arkham City Ships 6 Million, Beats Up So Many Thugs

My city's had a section walled off for the criminal scum I've put behind bars for nearly four months now. I'm enlisted countless aids in my fight for justice… It's still not enough.

I tell you, Batman: Arkham City was such a fantastic game. It still is! Seriously! Go check it out! You can own one of the six million units WB Games and Rocksteady has shipped to retailers. Jeez, that's a ton of Batmen!

Every time I think about it, I think about hopping right back into Arkham City. I could always go for a quick flight across the cityscape, beat-down a few thugs, and then grapple back to the nearest rooftop to survey the criminal landscape. Time Warner has reported that Mortal Kombat also assisted the media conglomerate in it's battle against financial results.

Of course, Batman was better. 😛


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