Last week's Operation Raptor was a success, with more than 350,000+ operatives promoting at least two characters during that time. Hopefully, you've received your Victory Pack (just an Equipment Pack, really) and the slightly delayed Commendation Pack. (Of course, I get the N7 Hurricane SMG instead of the N7 Talon Pistol or the N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle. My Salarian infiltrator is sad.)
This weekend's mission dubbed Operation Beachhead will essentially be a bonus for everyone doing so well. It will occur for two more days too. Between 6pm PST today until 5am PST, Tuesday, April 10th, all players will receive a +25% experience bonus for playing any match. This time around, PS3 owners can join in on the fun with those on Xbox 360 and PC.
As always, remember to set "Upload Gameplay Feedback" to "On" in the options menu. You can send a friend request to Draqq, my Gamertag, if you want to play. I've missed some of you, but I'll be playing ME3 multiplayer on and off throughout the weekend.