WWF No Mercy Custom Wrestler Creations
Oh, the joy of creation. Below you’ll find plenty of user-created wrestlers
for use in WWF Mercy. Please understand that not all user submissions will
make this page and not all are tested. If you don’t like what you see, then
by all means modify it to suit your tastes. Now hit the mat!
Big Show Short Name: Big Show Alias: None Picture: ABS Height: 7'4" Weight: 500lbs Music: ORIGINAL3 Body: Medium 2, Shade 1 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 92 Hair: Short 1, Front Hair 27, Shade 6 Facial Hair: 31 Ring Attire: Short Tights, Default Upper Body: Tanktop 3, Default, Default Knee Pads: Knee Pad 1, Default Feet: Boots 03, Default, Black |
Raven Short Name: Raven Alias: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 235lbs Body: Medium 2, Shade 1 Head: Male 7 Face: Male 18 Hair: Middle 3, Front Hair 07, Shade 4 Facial Hair: 09 Ring Attire: Cut Jeans 2, Default Upper Body: Cut Sleeves, Default Tattoo: Tazz Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1, Default Elbow Pads: Pad, Default Knee Pads: Knee Pad 1, Default Feet: Boots 05, Default Entrance Attire: Biker/Flannel - Dark blue top, default bottom |
Yokozuna Short Name: Yokozuna Picture: Funaki Height: 6' 5 Weight: 450 Music: TAKA Body: Fat 2 Color 4 Head: Male 5 Face: Male 47 Hair: Ponytail 1 Front-none Color 6 Ring Attire: Mawashi (buy from shop) red/black Feet: Athletic 5 Color-black Eentrance: Y2J Color 2 and 5 |
Virgil Short NAme: Virgil Height: 6'1 Weight: 215 Music: Original 1 Body: Austin color- 8 Head: Male 3 Face: Male 30 Hair: Bald Ring Attire: Basket Shorts color- 3/4 Wrist Band: Taped color- 3 Kneel Pad L and R: Supporter 1 color- 4 Feet: Boots 14 color- 3/4 |
Roberts Short Name: Jake Alias: Jake the Snake Height: 6'5 Weight: 250 Music: Cactus Body: Mediuim 2 color- 1 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 15 Hair: Middle 1 front hair 09 color- 6 Facial Hair: 18 Ring Attire: Benoit color- green with blue circles Feet: Boots 15 |
K Kwik Short Name: K Kwik Height: 6'4 Weight: 245 Music: N.A.O Body: Austin color- 7 Head: Male 3 Face: Male 1 Hair: Dreads color- black Masks/Etc.: Gold Chains Ring Attire: Grandmaster 1 color- 1/2 Feet: Boots 2 color- 1/2 Entrance Attire: Cap |
Droz Body: Skinny 1 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 66 Hair: Braided Color 5 Facial Hair: 07 Ring Attire: Cut Jeans 4 Upper Body: None Tatoo: Tribal 1 Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 Elbow Pads: (L/R) - Pad Color Blue Knee Pads: (L/R) - Tye Dyed Color Default Feet: Boots 01 Entrance Attire: Hats/Caps Jim Ross Color Light Blue (Optional) |
Pete Gas Body: Thick 2 Head: Male 5 Face: Male 61 Hair: Short 2 Front Hair 03 Black Facial Hair: None RIing Attire: Black Pants Upper Body: M.S.P. Pale Yellow/White Tattoo: None Gloves: None Elbow Pads (L/R): None Knee Pads (L/R): None Feet: Boots 01 Entrance Attire None |
Kevin Nash Profile/Music: Name: Kevin Nash Short Name: Nash Alias: Insider Picture: Edit 2 Hieght: 7'0'' Wieght: 328 lbs Music: Original 5 Titantron: Undertaker Appearance: Body: Thick 2 color: Third from left Head: Male 2 Face: Male 3 Hair: Long 1 Short Hair: Front Hair 7 color: dark brown Facial Hair: 2 Ring Attire: Leather Pants 2 -buy from SmackDown Mall- Color: black and red Upper Body: Tanktop 2 color: black Tattoo: UnderTaker Wrist Band: Taped Elbow Pad Left: Supporter color: black Feet: Boots 1 color: black |
AKI Man Short Name- AKI Man Alias- none Picture-AKI Man Height- 7'0" Weight- 263 Music-original 4 Titantron- none Body-medium 1 Head-male 1 Face-male 68 Hair-short 1 Front hair 1 Facial hair-none Mask/etc.-AKI Man Hats caps-none Ring attire-AKI Man Upper body-none Tattoo-none Wrist band 1 (blue) Elbow pad-none Knee pad-none Feet-pullons 06 |
Freddie Kruger Short Name: Freddie Alias: The DreamMaster Height: 6'1" Weight: 160 Music: original 4 Body: Skinny 1 tint 5 Head: male 1 Face: male 67 Hair: bald Facial Hair: none Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: black pants turn them brown Upper Body: striped shirt green and red Tattoo: none Gloves: Kane Wrist Bands: none Elbow Pads: none Feet: boot 1 Entrace Attire: Jim Ross hat Turn it brown |
Sagat Short Name: Sagat Alias: Height: 7'8" Weight: 230 Music: Saturn Body: austin tint 1 Head:male 2 Face: male 68 Hair: bald Facial Hair: none Mask/ect. eye patch Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: boxing 1 black Upper Body: none Tattoo: Scar 1 Gloves: taping white Wrist Bands: none Elbow Pads: none Feet: boot 1 Entrace Attire: none Weapons/ Props: none |
Captain Guile Short Name: Guile Alias: none Height: 6'5" Weight: 250 Music: Visera Body: austin tint 1 Head: male 2 Face: male 91 Hair: short 3 blond Facial Hair: none Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Dudley 2 as is Upper Body: tanktop Green Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Bands: wrist bands 1 Elbow Pads: none Feet: boot 1 Entrace Attire: Weapons/ Props: cannon |
Ken Masters Short Name: Ken Alias: Height: 6'1" Weight: 150 Music: T & A Body: Skinny 1 tint 1 Head: male 1 Face: male 80 Hair: long 3 front 12 blond Facial Hair: none Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Gi 3 Black belt red suit Upper Body: cut sleeves red Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Bands: wrist band 1 Elbow Pads: none Feet: Taped |
Johnathon Davis Short Name: Johnathon Alias: none Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 Music: Acolytes Body: skinny 1 tint 1 Head: male 2 Face: male 27 Hair: dreads Facial Hair: 11 Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: skirt black Upper Body: cut sleeves black Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Bands: wrist band 1 Elbow Pads: none Feet: boot 1 Entrace Attire: robe black |
Fred Durst Short Name: Fred Alias: none Height: 5'8" Weight: 222 Music: Benoit Body: skinny 2 tint 1 Head: male 2 Face: male 68 Hair: short 2 front 3 blond Facial Hair: 13 Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: black pants black belt baize pants Upper Body: plain shirt white Tattoo: saturn Gloves: none Wrist Bands: none Elbow Pads: none Feet: none Entrace Attire: Cap turn it red Weapons/ Props: microphone |
James Hetfield Short Name: James Alias: none Height: 6'2" Weight: 242 Music: Malenko Body: Skinny 1 tint 1 Head: male 7 Face: male 80 Hair: new james short 3 light brown old james long 3 front 7 light brown Facial Hair: new james 21 old james 26 Mask/ect. none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: leather pants 1 Upper Body: cut sleeves black Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Bands: none Elbow Pads: none Feet: boot 1 Entrace Attire: edge Weapons/ Props: microphone |
Buff Bagwell Short Name: Bagwell Alias: None Picture: Scotty Height: 7'6 Weight: 241 Music: Too Cool Titantrum: None APPEARANCE Body Size: Skinny 2 Body Color: 4th From Left Head: Male 2 Face: Male 25 Hair: Short 1 Front Hair: 37 Hair Color: Black Facial Hair: 18 Masks/Etc: Gold Chain Hats/Caps: None Ring Attire: Hardy Pants Upper Body: Basket Tattoo: None Gloves: None Wrist Band: None Elbow Pad: None Knee Pad: None Feet: Athletic 2 Entrance Attire: None Weapons/Props: Microphone |
Kid Rock Short Name: Kid ROck Alias:none picture: Edit 1 Height: 6'6" Weight:245 Music: Crash Body: skinny 2 shade 1 Head: male 2 Face: male 93 Hats/Caps: Scotty red Hair: medium 2 brown Facial Hair: 19 Ring Attire: Hardyz pants blue Upper Body: short sleeve Y2J silver Feet: Atletic 2 all black |
Gangrel Short Name: Gangrel ALias: None Picture: Gangrel Height: 6' Weight: 24o lbs Music: Original 7 titantron: none Body: Skinny 1 Head: male 1 Face: Male 43 Hair: Middle 2 Front: 40(3rd color from left) Facial Hair: None Masks/etc.: None hats/Caps: None Ring Attire: Christian (black, default colors) Upper Body: Gothic (Have to buy at smackdown mall) Feet: Pullons 11 Entry Attire: Shades 1 Weapons/ Props: Goblet |
Mosh Name:Mosh Short Name:Mosh Picture:Mosh Height:6' Weight:243lbs Music:RAW Body:Medium 1 Head:Male 2 Face:Male 63 Hair:Bald Facial Hair:13 Ring Attire:Skirt(buy from mall) Upper Body:Headbangers(buy from mall) Tattoo:Chaz(buy from mall) Feet:Boot 1 |
William Regal Short Name: Regal Alias: Good Will Embassader Picture: Your Choice Height: 6'4 Weight: 256 lbs. Music: Your Choice Titantron: None Appearance Body: Medium 2 (3rd Color) Head: Male 1 Face: Male 34 Hair: Short 2 Front Hair: Front Hair 24 Facial Hair: None Masks: None Hats: None Ring Attire: Short Tights (Dark Purplish Pink) Upper Body: None Tattoos: None Gloves: None Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 (Dafault) Elbow Pad: NoneKnee Pad: Supporter 1 (Dark Purplish Pink) Feet: Boots 08 (Dark Purplish Pink/White Laces) Entrance Attire: None Weapon: Microphone |
Britney Spears Name: Britney Spears Short Name: Britney Picture: Terri Height: 5'4" Weight:120 Music: Original 5 or 6 Titantron: None Body: Fit 1 Head: Female 2 Face: Female 2 Hair: Long 5, Front Hair 60, (first blonde color) Ring Attire: Half Tights Upper Body: Tied Top, Tori Top, or Tube Top Feet: Boots 1 Taunts: Women |
Slim Shady Short Name: Eminem Alias: none Picture: Hardcore holly Height: 6"3 Weight: 198 Music: Hardyz Titantron: None Body: Austin first color Head: Male 1 Face: 18 Hair: Shaved blond 2nd color Front Hair:none Facial Hair:none Ring attire: Hardyz color,blue Upper body: Hardyz 1 white Tattoo: Road dogg Wrist: Bands:none Elbow Pad:none Feet: Athletic 2 white Weapon/prop: Microphone |
Rhino Name:Rhino Short name: Rhino Height:6'3 Weight:285 lbs Appearance Body: male, fat 1 tan 4 Head: male 7 Face: male 21 Hair: middle 2 Front hair- 23 black Facial hair: 16 Ring attire: henry, color black and red Gloves: taping, black Knee pads l/r: 1, black Feet: boots 2 |
Justin Credible Name: Justin Credible Height: 6'0 Weight: 225 Appearance Body: skinny 1/tan 4 Head: male 1 Face: male 92 Hair: bald Facial hair: 27 Masks/etc.: matt Ring attire: cut jeans 1 Tattoo: original 1 Wrist band: taped Elbow pads l/r: pad Knee pad l/r: knee brace 2 Feet: boots 5 Entrace: showster, black/white Weapons/props: kendo stick |
Blade Short name: Blade Alias: The day walker Hight: 6'3" weight: 240bl Music: Original 4 Body: Rock color 8 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 68 Hair: Shaved color 6 Facial Hair: 23 Mask/Etc: Undertaker Ring Attire: Leather pants 1 Black Upper body: SWAT vest Black Gloves: Grappling |
Earthquake Name:Earthquake Short name:Earthquake Height:6'11 Weight:599 Music:Original 7 Body:fat 2/color 1 head:male 1 Face:male 55 Front hair:Middle 4 black / Front hair none Facial hair:27 Ring Attire:short tights Light blue Upper body:one shoulder light Blue Feet:Boots 9 light blue Wrist bands:1 white |
Rey Mysterio J.R. Name: Rey Mysterio J.R. Picture: Edit 3 Height: 5'3" Weight: 140 LBS. Music: ORIGINAL 1 Body: Skinny 1 Color 4 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 49 Hair 1: Short 1 Color Red Hair 2: Front Hair 37 Color Red Facial Hair: 13 Masks/Etc: Edge Ring Attire: Zebra Pants Color Gold & Black Tattoo: Tazz Gloves: Grappling Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 Feet: Pull-ons 03 Hair 2: Front Hair 37 |
Haku Short Name: Haku Picture: Faarooq Height: 6'2" Weight: 280 Music: Too Cool Titantron: Too Cool Body: Thick 2 (Shade 5) Head: Male 3 Face: Male 23 Hair: Afro (Black) Facial Hair: 03 Masks/Etc: Matt Ring Attire: Martial Arts 2 (Shade 2&11) Gloves: Taping (Black) Wrist Band: Taped Elbow Pad L&R: Supporter Feet: Padded 2 Entrance Attire: Rikishi (Shade 1&2) |
Goldberg Short Name: Goldberg Picture: Austin Height: 6'3" Weight: 285lbs Music: Original 7B ody: Hairy 2 (Shade 4) Head: Male 2 Face: Male 83 Hair: Bald Facial Hair: 02 Ring Attire: Short Tights Tattoo: Christian Gloves: Grappling Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 Knee Pad L&R: Knee Pad 2 Feet: Boots 03 Front Special Move: Jack Hammer Running Attack: Spear Taunt Up: Taunt 024 Taunt Left: Undertaker 02 Special Taunt: Taunt 015 Entry Way Taunt: Taunt 013 |
Jason Vorhees Short Name: Jason Picture: Edit 1 Height: 6'7" Weight: 250lbs. Music: Original 4 Body: Medium 2 color 4 Head: Male 2 Face: (You won't be able to see it) Hair: Shaved color black Mask/ETC: Hockey (buy from mall) Ring Attire: Black pants color black Upper Body: Flannel vest Gloves: A.P.A. Feet: Boots 1 color black
Spike Dudley Name: Spike Dudley Height: 5'7" Weight: 155 lbs. Picture: Edit 6 Music/Titantron: Dudley Boyz Face: 45 Hair: Middle 3 Front Hair: 1 Facial Hair: 6 Ring Attire: Dudleyz 2 Upper Body: Dudleyz (No Sleeves) Gloves: Taping Feet: Boots 12 Entrance: Buh Buh Ally: Buh Buh Ray or D-Von |
Sabu Name: Sabu Height: 6'3" Weight: 239 lbs. Picture: Edit 2 Music: Shamrock Face: 38 Hair: Long 1 Front Hair: 23(Black) Facial Hair: 2 Ring Attire: Gi #3 (Buy from Mall)(Green and Black) Gloves: Taping Feet: Boots 1 (White) |
Danny Doring Name: Dastardly Height: 5'10" Weight: 201 lbs. Music: Malenko Body: Skinny #2 Face: Male #92 Hair: Middle 1 Front Hair: #2 (Black) Masks/Etc.: Bandana Ring Attire: Long Tights (Pink) Upper Body: D'Lo (Black w/ Pink Liner) Elbow R: Supporter (Black) Feet: Boots #8 (Black) Entrance: Shades #1 |
Jerry Lynn Short Name: Lynn Alias: New F'N Show Body:Medium 2 (Shade 4) Head: Male 02 Face: Male 79 Hair: Middle 2 Front Hair: 07, Blond Ring Attire: Y2J 2, Yellow and Blue Wristband: Wristband 1 (White) Feet: Boots 01 (Default) |
Shane Helms Short Name: Helms Alias: Sugar Height: 6'1" Weight: 212 lbs. Body: Skinny 1 Head: Male 7 Face: Male 60 Hair: Middle 2 Front Hair: 23 (Black) Facial Hair: 06 Masks/Etc: Gold Chain Ring Attire: Jeans 4 Gloves: Taped (Black) Elbows: Supporters Feet: Boots 02 |
Honky Tonk Man Short Name: Honky Tonk Height: 6'1" Weight: 290 lbs. Body: Thick 2 Head: Male 6 Face: Male 16 Hair: Cleancut (Black) Masks/Etc.: Gold Chain Ring Attire: Martial Arts 2 (Black and White) Upper Body: King (All Black) Gloves: Taping Feet: Boots 02 (White and Default) |
Shawn Stasiak Short Name: Stasiak Alias: Mecca Of Manhood Height: 6'4" Weight: 245 lbs. Body: Austin (Shade #4) Head: Male 2 Face: Male 88 Hair: Short 2 Front Hair: 03 (Dark Brown) Ring Attire: Short Tights (Blue) Wristbands: Wristband 1 Elbows: Supporters Knees: Knee Pad 2 (Blue) Feet: Boots 08 (Default and Black) |
Kid Kash Short Name: Kid Kash Alias: Picture: Edit 2 Height: 5'8 Weight: 200 Music: any Titantron: Body: Skinny 1 color 4 Head: Male 2 Face: Male 75 Hair: Long 2 (light brown) Front Hair: 07 Facial Hair: 13 Masks/ect: Hats/Caps: Scotty Hat (red) Ring Attire: Leather Pants (default) Upper Body: Stylish (red/red) Tattoo: Original 4 Gloves: Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 (white) Elbow Pad: Knee Pad: Feet: Boots Athletic 3 (white/black) Entrance Attire: Shades 1 |
Evan Courageous Short Name: Evan Alias: Courageous Picture: Edit 2 Height: 6'1 Weight: 224 Music: Too Cool Titantron: Body: Austin color 4 Head: Male 6 Face: Male 16 Hair: Dreads (black) Front Hair: none Facial Hair: none Masks/ect: Matt Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Hardyz Pants (Red/Red) Upper Body: none Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 color black Elbow Pad: Pad (black) Knee Pad: none Feet: Boots 1 (black/black) Entrance Attire: Cap (red) Weapons/Props: Microphone (if you want) |
Big Vito Short Name: Vito Alias: Picture: Edit 1 Height: 6'2 Weight: 250 Music: Original 1 Titantron: Body: Medium 2 color 4 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 80 Hair: Bald Front Hair: none Facial Hair: none Masks/ect: none Hats/Caps: None Ring Attire: Original 2 (Red/Blue) Upper Body: Original 2 (Red/Blue) Tattoo: Chaz Gloves: none Wrist Band: Taped (White) Elbow Pad: none Knee Pad: Knee Pad 1 (Black) Feet: Pull-ons 18 (Black/Black) Entrance Attire: Biker Jacket (Black/Black) Weapons/Props: Kendo Stick |
Axl Rose (of Guns n Roses) Short Name: Axl Alias: Axl Picture: Edit 2 Height: 6'2 Weight: 200 Music: Dudley Titantron: Body: Skinny 1 color 2 Head: Male 1 Face: Male 40 Hair: Long 3 (Red) Front Hair: 47 Facial Hair: none Masks/ect: Matt Hats/Caps: Bandana 1 (Pale Red) Ring Attire: Semi-Short (Default) Upper Body: Godfather (Blue/Blue) Tattoo: Road Dogg Gloves: none Wrist Band: none Elbow Pad: none) Knee Pad: none Feet: Athletic 3 (White/Red) Entrance Attire: Y2J (Red/Red) Weapons/Props: Microphone |
Mike Awesome (WCW) Short Name: Awesome Alias: That 70's Guy Picture: Edit 2 Height: 6'6 Weight: 292 Music: T & A Titantron: Body: Medium 2 color 3 Head: Male 6 Face: Male 94 Hair: Middle 3 (Black) Front Hair: 07 Facial Hair: none Masks/ect: none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Black Pants (light Pink/White) Upper Body: $800 Shirt (Green/light pink) Tattoo: none Gloves: none Wrist Band: none Elbow Pad: none Knee Pad: none Feet: Athletic 4 color default/default |
Mr. T Short Name: Mr. T Alias: Picture: Edit 1 Height: 6'6 Weight: 275 Music: any Titantron: none Body: Medium 1 (color 7) Head: Male 3 Face: Male 85 Hair: Mohawk 2 (black) Front Hair: none Facial Hair: 12 Masks/ect: Gold Chain Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Boxing 1 (red) Upper Body: none Tattoo: none Gloves: Boxing (default) Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 (default) Elbow Pad: none Knee Pad: none Feet: Athletic 3 (black/black) Entrance Attire: Tazz Towel (Black/Black) |
Butterbean Short Name: Butter Alias: Picture: Edit 1 Height: 6'2 Weight: 315 Music: any Titantron: none Body: Rikishi (color 3) Head: Male 5 Face: Male 86 Hair: Bald Front Hair: none Facial Hair: none Masks/ect: none Hats/Caps: none Ring Attire: Basket Shorts (white/red) Upper Body: none Tattoo: none Gloves: Boxing (default) Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 (default) Elbow Pad: none Knee Pad: none Feet: Athletic 3 (white/red) |
Mystikal Short Name: Mystikal Height: 6' Weight: 200 lbs. Music: X-Pac Body: Austin (Last Shade) Head: Male 6 Face: Male 1 Hair: Dreads Facial Hair: 19 Masks/Etc.: Gold Chain Hats/Caps: Bandana 2 Ring Attire: Leather Pants Upper Body: Biker Jacket Feet: Athletic 4 Entrance Attire: Shades 1 Weapons/Props: Microphone |
Richard Ringo Langly Short Name: Langly Alias: Lone Gunmen Picture:Edit 1 Height: Your Choice Weight: Your Choice Music: Original 1 or Your Choice Body: skinny 1 1st shade Head: Male 1 Face: Male 75 Hair: Long 3 (1st shade of blonde) F Hair: Front Hair 01 Mask/Etc.: Buh Buh R Attire: Jeans 2 U Body: Attitude Feet: Athletic 4 |
Justin Credible Short Name: Incredible Height:Your Choice Weight:Your Choice Music: X-Pac Video: X-Pac Body Size: 1 Ring Attire: 85 Tattoo:18 Head: 0 Face: 17 Hair 1: 0 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 26 Wristband: 1 Elbow Pads: Left:1, Right:1 Knee Pads: Left:11, Right:11 Feet:10 Special: Sweet Chin Music Stolen Special: X-Factor Rivals: Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy Accompanied By: X-Pac |
M.C. Hammer Short Name: Hammer Height: 6'3" Weight:208 Music: D'Lo Video: none Bodysize: 0(3) Ring Attire: 58(1,1) Upper body: 1(0,1) Head: 1(3) Face: 37 Hair 1: 2(0) Hair 2: 2 Masks/etc.: 1 Feet: 4(0) Special: Shake, rattle, and roll Stolen Special: Running scissor kick |
2pac Shakur Short Name: 2pac Alias: The Don Killuminati Height: 5'11 Weight: 175 Titan Tron: Godfather( or none) Music: DLO Picture: Edit 1 Body: Austin (2nd to last shade) Head: Male 3 Face: Male 65 Hair: Bald Facial Hair: 31 Masks/Etc.: Matt Hats/Caps: Bandana 1 (Red regular shade) Ring Attire: HArdyz Pants (Default) Upper Body: None Tatoo: Saturn Feet: Athletic 4(Default) Weapons/Props: Microphone |
Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW) Short Name: Tajiri Alias: Japanese Buzzsaw Height: 5'9" Weight: 205lbs Body: Skinny 1 Head: 2 Face: Male 46 (Taka) Hair: Short 2 Front Hair: 42 (Black) Facial Hair: 04 Ring Attire: Leather Pants 2(2nd Color Make Dark Green) Gloves: Taped (White) Moves: Suplexs, Dropkicks to knees, and lotsa kicks Special: Depends, for ECW give him the Poison Mist, for WWF, Sweet Chin. Back Special: Octopus Stretch |
Mikey Whipwreck Short Name: Whipwreck Height: 5'11 Weight: 245 lbs Body: Skinny 2 (pale) Head: Male 3 Face: Male 2 (unless you prefer Al Snow's face) Hair: Middle 4 Short Hair: front hair 58 (Red) Ring Attire: Original Tights 3, Green Design Upper Body: (Sleeve S)Grandmaster Black top white under) Gloves: Taping (red) Feet: Tennis Shoes... what ever looks good to you Moves: Choose your own Finisher: Stunner from Standing, TB-3/4 turn neckbreaker (Closest to the Whippersnapper) |
Diamond Dallas Page Height- 6'3" Weight- 240 Music- Original 4 Body- Medium 1 Face- 38 Hair- Curly Color- 3rd or 2nd blond Upper Body- Cut Sleeves Ring Attire- Black Pants Front Special- 3/4 Turn Neck Breaker Entry Way Taunt- taunt 11 for up,left,right Rival- Undertaker all |
Andy Sliker Height:128 lbs. Weight: 5'9" Music: Hardy Boyz Video:None Face:38 Body:1 Tan:2 Ring Attire:73 Knee Pads: 16 Color: 2 Elbow Pads:1 Wrist Bands:1 Front Srecial: Sweet Chin music Back Special: Impaler |
Steve Corino Short Name: Corino Alias: "Sexy Boy" Height: 6'6" Weight: 258 lbs. Body Size: Medium 1 Tan: 4 Face: 17 Hair: Medium 2 Color: 4 Elbow Pads: Pad(Black) Ring Attire: Val 1 (Black,Gold) Wrist Bands: 1(White) Kneepad Left: Kneepad 1 Kneepad Right: Kneebrace 2(Gold) Boots: 2 (1,3) Front Finisher: Powerbomb into Facebuster Back Finisher: Full Nlson Face Drop Turnbuckle Special: Super DVD Turnbubkle Special W/ opp. on ground: Guillotine Leg Drop Entrance Theme: Theme 4 |
Ryno |
Hurricane |
Thanks to Revolution readers Virgil, perfectman55, Vampyro, Rayneno1, Matt
Fraser, Steven, Billy Griffiths, Zach Bauman, gmc, Andrew, RoodyPoo, Shamus
Porter, J. Ayala, Tim Allen, jesse villarreal, Rey322, Boo & PMF, David
Simmons, Mason15, INDEED, Frohike845, Matthew “Mad Dog” Gannon, Tim Barnes,
Macc, Mirage, Andrew Sliker, Andrew Sliker, Mr.PPV and CHRIS HERBECK!