Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within PC Cheats

Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within


Warning: The following contains information necessary to completing Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. If you do, you'll ruin everything. My plans will be ruined. You'll ruin me, dammit.

Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within 


Chapter 1

If you just woke up in a strange house and don't know what to do
There are a number of things to do inside the Huber farmhouse. Open the
duffel bag and take out the letters, wallet, and dagger. Read Frau Huber's
note tacked on the wall, then take the car keys off the hook by the door.
Read Grace's letter and write a reply on the blank stationary. Read Lawyer
Ubergrau's letter to learn that you have a clear title to the Ritter
Castle. Finally, study the newspaper to see what the media makes of the
Huber killing.

If you're wandering around outside the Huber Farm
Go over to the woods. Hunt around until you find the depression in the
grass. A closer look reveals a clump of reddish-brown hair. Take it. Go
over to the muddy area by the water trough. Study the imprint in the damp
soil. Make a cast of the paw print in case you want to show it to someone
later. Now you're ready to expand your investigational horizons. Use the
key on the VW to access the U-Bahn map.

For a detailed hint about making a cast of the paw print
Go into the barn and look at the cement. You'll automatically pour some
into the bucket and mix it with water. Take the bucket outside and pour the
cement onto the print. By the time you've cleaned up after yourself, the
quick-drying cement will have hardened. Take the cast.

If you want hints about the Hellabrunn zoo
If you looked at the newspaper in the farmhouse, you learned that the
wolves suspected of killing the Huber girl escaped from the Hellabrunn Zoo.
To check out the story, get the VW's keys from the hook by the door and
drive to Thalkirchen. At the zoo, read the wolf sign, talk to the wolves,
and thoroughly question Thomas, the zoo keeper.

If you want to see the wolves up close and personal
Have you already talked to the zoo keeper, Thomas? If so, go to Klingmann's
office. Ask him lots of questions and tape his answers. Then return to the
Huber farm where you can work in private. Using Klingmann's recording, make
a spliced tape instructing Thomas to show you the wolves. Go back to the
zoo office, search Klingmann's coat, and then play the spliced tape over
the walkie-talkie sitting on the corner of the desk. Thomas will now take
you into the wolf enclosure. When Margarite comes up for her treat, look at
her zoo tag, then pet her to get a hair sample.

For a detailed discourse on the art of tape splicing
Look at all your tapes. Load the tape labeled Klingmann in A. Load a blank
tape in B. Go to the splicing interface. From Klingmann's message, select
the words "Thomas? Herr Doktor Klingmann here. Show our wolves to Mr.
Knight." Then transfer this message to the blank tape. You now have a
spliced tape that you can play over the walkie-talkie in Klingmann's

If you'd like to know what was in Klingmann's pocket
When you returned to Klingmann's office with the spliced tape, you had the
chance to search his coat, removing a receipt from the pocket. Look at it

carefully, turning it over to see the reverse carbon markings on the back.
After you've been inside the wolf enclosure, return to the Huber farm. Go
inside the house and hold the receipt up to the mirror. This reverses the
writing so that you can read an address: 54 Dienerstrasse

If you want to analyze the wolf hair samples
First you need to see your lawyer. Ubergrau's office is at Marienplatz 21,
to your left as you come up from the underground station. Among other
things, Ubergrau tells you that he has a client who is a professor at the
University. He makes a phone call, preparing the professor for your visit.
Go to the University. You should have two hair samples, one from the Huber
farm and one from the zoo wolf. Give the samples to Michael, the biology
lab technician. While you're at it, you might as well have Michael take a
look at the paw print cast as well.

If you want to mail your letter to Grace
Walk all the way down Marienplatz. Turn left at the fountain in the plaza.
Now you're on Dienerstrasse. The post office is about halfway down the
street on your right. To mail the letter, simply click it on the Hauptpost
doors. You'll go in, mail the letter, and come right back out again.

For hints on getting into the Royal Bavarian Hunting Lodge.
By talking to Ubergrau, you learn that Dr. Klingmann's receipt is for a
hunting license. Printed on the back of the receipt is the address of an
exclusive hunt club conveniently located on Dienerstrasse. Walk all the way
down Marienplatz and turn left at the fountain in the plaza. The Royal
Bavarian Hunting Lodge is at 54 Dienerstrasse, past the post office and
several blocks down. Go in and talk to Xaver, the concierge. He will kick
you out. Return to Ubergrau's office and ask him for your family papers.
Take them back to that snooty concierge and shove them in his face.

Chapter 2

You're at Schloss Ritter and there's a strange man in your bedroom.
You can't do much in the bedroom while the handyman is there. Check out the
wardrobe and both doors in the room. One door is locked; the other one
leads to the hallway and stairs. Go downstairs and talk to Gerde. You don't
like her very much, do you? Go outside, look at the car, then come back in
and ask Gerde about it. Oh well, looks like you'll be walking to town.

If you've just hit town for the first time and you want hints
On the far right end of town, you'll find the Gasthof Goldener Lowe,
otherwise known as the town pub. Go in and talk to the proprietor, Werner
Huber. When you've finished your conversation, feel free to explore the
rest of the village. The big blue doors are the entrance to the Rittersberg
Rathaus (or town hall). Knock to meet the mayor, Herr Habermas. He'll be
more than happy to talk to you.

If you've returned to Schloss Ritter and want to get into the library
First, look in the bedroom to see if the handyman has left for the night.
If he's still there, kill some time by talking to Gerde or going into
Rittersberg again. If he's gone, examine the fireplace and the toolbox.
Take the screwdriver. Look carefully at the place where the handyman
removed the stone. There's some kind of hole or sprocket there. Insert the
screwdriver into the hole. Did you hear a click?

Can't figure out what happened when you used the screwdriver.
Check out the wardrobe. You triggered the hidden catch that opens a secret
passageway. Follow the passage to the landing. Continue to the right and
you'll come out through a closet in Gerde's bedroom.

If you're in Gerde's bedroom, but can't find anything of interest
Look at the photo. You suppose it's of Gabriel's Uncle Wolfgang, but why
would Gerde keep his picture in her room? Search Gerde's closet. You'll
find a key. Take it and return through the secret passage to your room. Try
the key on the locked library door.

If you're in the Schloss Ritter library, but don't know what to read
You'll find several interesting, relevant books in the library. First
locate and read the book on werewolf lore and the letter that's hidden
within its pages. Gerde interrupts your studies, but don't worry. After
you're through with her, she won't be bothering you anymore. Find and read
the journals of Victor and Christian Ritter, either out loud or to
yourself. By now you'll be an expert not only on werewolves, but on the
previous Schattenjagers' experiences with werewolves as well.

If you would like more information on King Ludwig
Go to the desk in the library. You can look at Gabriel's manuscript if you
like, but he hasn't done much work on it, has he? In your purse you'll find
a card for Professor Barclay from Yale University. Use it on the phone to
call him. Even though it's the middle of the night in the United States,
the professor promises to get in touch with his friend, an expert in German
history at the Berlin University. He says he'll call you back in the

If you want to start research in town
When in doubt, go talk to the Mayor. Not only is he fluent in English, but
he's friendly and his curiosity has been aroused by your interest in the
town's colorful history. If you ask him the right questions, eventually
he'll show you the town hall's dungeon where the werewolf was held.

If you want some hints about the dungeon
Examine the dungeon window. You'll see claw marks in the bricks. Look at
the church through the window. That gives you an idea. You know that the
werewolf made his final confession to a priest. Maybe the church has a
record of it. Leave the dungeon and try out your idea on Mayor Habermas. He
is most encouraging, and even provides you with a note for the priest.

If you can't figure out how to communicate with the priest
Father Getz doesn't speak English and your German isn't quite what it might
be. Talking to him proves frustrating and non-productive. Fortunately,
Mayor Habermas gave you a note, didn't he? (If he didn't, you can easily
get it by talking to him again and letting him show you his dungeon.) Give
the note to the priest and he'll provide you with the church records. Give
the records to the mayor and he'll translate them for you.

If you've given the records to the mayor and now he's all talked out
Now that you're armed with more information, return to the Gasthof Goldener
Lowe and talk to Werner again. He'll tell you more about King Ludwig and
show you his portrait and a newspaper clipping as well. Once you've
finished the conversation, you're free to go back to Schloss Ritter.

If you're ready to make your report to Gabriel.
Go back into the library (it's unlocked now). Write a letter to Gabriel on
the clunky manual typewriter and put it into an envelope along with the
book and two journals. Gerde will give you Ubergrau's address if you show
her the envelope. Gabriel is in contact with his lawyer who will forward
his mail. Go into town to mail the package.

If you'd like a hint about mailing the package to Gabriel
The post office is to the left of the Gasthof. Ring the bell and the
postmistress will come to the window. Hand over the package and pay for the
postage with money from your wallet.

Chapter 3

If you'd like help getting this chapter rolling
It's morning. You just woke up. Even though you're missing a cup of coffee
to go with it, why not start by reading the newspaper? Looks like there's
been another mutilation killing, this one right in downtown Munich. Head
into the city to check it out, but first stop off at Ubergrau's office to
collect your mail. Reading Grace's letter provides you with a few
additional questions for your lawyer.

If you'd like to get Kriminalkommissar Leber's attention.
Go to the crime scene on Dienerstrasse. Try getting Leber's attention by
clicking on him. He is singularly unimpressed. The only way to get him to
notice you is to become the center of attention. Show the evidence analysis
report to the TV newswoman. She'll latch onto the scoop and start
videotaping your story. This gets Leber's attention in a big way!

If you're having trouble getting into the hunt club basement.
Buy the woodpecker clock at the store on Marienplatz. Go to the hunt club
and chat up Xaver. Explore the parts of the club to which you have access.
In the rear hall you notice the back entrance and a mysterious locked door.
Xaver probably keeps the keys in his desk in the front hall. Of course,
you'd have to be cuckoo to search the desk while Xaver's there, but if you
could get him away for a few seconds... Just be sure to return his keys so
Xaver doesn't suspect anything.

If you're STILL having trouble getting into the hunt club basement.
You want to get Xaver's key to the basement door, and a cuckoo clock is
just the thing to distract him. The cuckoo clock store is on Marienplatz.
Talk to the clock-maker and look at the clocks. The clock you like is lying
on the counter, not hanging on the wall. To purchase the woodpecker clock,
give the clock-maker money from your wallet. Go to the hunt club. Go into
the rear hall and hide the woodpecker clock in the plant. Quickly return to
the front hall and wait until the clock goes off. Since it sounds just like
someone knocking, it fools Xaver into leaving to answer the back door. Open
the desk drawer and take out the keys. When Xaver comes back, return to the
rear hall. Unlock the door to the basement. Retrieve the clock, reset it,
and put it back behind the plant. Go to the front hall and wait for Xaver
to fall for the same trick again. Return the keys. Now you can explore the

If you're investigating the basement, and von Zell keeps catching you
Guess what? Von Zell is supposed to catch you. Before he does, however,
make sure you've checked out the photographs and weapons on the right wall,
and the animal heads hanging in front of you. Also look at the ritual items
and carefully examine the appointment book on the table. After von Zell has
brought you up to the main room, question him. True, he has a definite
attitude problem but what he has to say is very interesting nonetheless.

If you want to know how to get to von Glower's house.
Look at von Glower's business card. It shows that he lives in Am Perlacher
Forst. Take the subway to Perlach and visit von Glower. He welcomes you to
his home and is only too happy to talk about the club's philosophy. You
have a hard time tearing yourself away from his charming company. Just make
sure to look at the mask before you go.

If you don't know how to get Grossberg's phone number
The police station is on Prinzregentenplatz. After you've questioned the
Kriminalkommissar thoroughly, look at the crime scene map on the wall. The
phone number for Grossberg, the most recent victim, is written on a note
tacked to the map. You know you have no memory for numbers, Gabriel. Better
copy it down in your notebook. Go back to the Huber farm where you'll have
some privacy. To call Grossberg's office, use the page from your notebook

on the telephone.

If Leber's information on missing persons made you curious..
Go to Ubergrau's office on Marienplatz. If you talk to him about recent
developments, he'll agree to let you borrow his secretary's services for a
newspaper search on missing persons. He says he'll have the information for
you tomorrow.

Ubergrau's talk of Ludwig's castles gave you an idea...
At the Huber farm, write to Grace on the stationary. When you return to
town, post the letter at the Hauptpost on Dienerstrasse.

If you don't know who to talk to at the hunt club.
When you first arrive at the club, Herr Preiss is the only member present.
Talk to him. Soon the other members arrive. Von Aigner and Hennemann seem
glad to see you so you should question them. You notice that Von Aigner
lies about knowing Grossberg, the latest victim. How very interesting.

Von Zell and Klingmann shut up whenever you approach.
Von Zell and Klingmann refuse to let you in on their conversation. But if
you're sneaky enough, you can eavesdrop using your tape recorder. Borrow a
magazine from the table between the two men. Slip the tape recorder into
the magazine, then put the magazine back on the table. The party breaks up
shortly thereafter and the chapter ends, but don't worry. You'll have a
chance later on to go back to the club and retrieve your tape recorder.

Chapter 4

For hints about communicating with Gabriel.
At the beginning of chapter 4, Gabriel owes you a letter. Go to the post
office and ring the bell to collect it. Gabriel writes that he wants you to
visit castles and museums to further your research on Ludwig II. Since
Gabriel stubbornly refuses to tell you where he is, you have little choice
but to follow his instructions. When you feel you have gained enough new
information, write a reply on the typewriter in the library. As before, the
postmistress will be happy to mail it for you.

For hints about the Smiths
The Smiths are staying at the Gasthof Goldener Lowe. After Mrs. Smith's
strange behavior of the previous night, you're anxious to talk to her
again. Questioning her provides few answers at this time, but she does
tarot card readings for both you and Gabriel. Return to the gasthof after
you've visited the museums and castle. Ask Werner Huber to bring the Smiths
downstairs so that you can question them further regarding your dream and
the Black Wolf. Mrs. Smith suggests that you should ask Ludwig himself for

If you can't figure out how to get to the castle and museums.
You need wheels to travel further than Rittersberg. Gerde has the keys to
Gabriel's car but what with the way you've treated her, she's not in the
mood to do you any favors. First you have to find her, then you have to
apologize, perhaps with an appropriate peace-offering. If Gerde knows
you're sincere, she may relent and give you the keys.

Still cant get Gabriel's Car?
You need Gabriel's car. How to convince Gerde to give you the keys? You'll
find her in the crypt at the back of St. Georg Church. Gerde is standing by
Wolfgang's coffin, lost in her own sad thoughts. You realize that she was
in love with Gabriel's uncle and your jealousy vanishes. How can you let
Gerde know how sorry you are for your harsh words? Some flowers for the
coffin would be nice. Now where did you just see some roses? Return to
Schloss Ritter and go into the secret passage in your bedroom. Turn left at
the landing and head down the stairs to the outer door. Pick the roses and
go back to the church. When you offer the roses to Gerde, she accepts your
apology and gives you the keys to Gabriel's car.

If you want to know how to return Barclay's phone call.
When you return to Schloss Ritter after going to the castle and the
museums, Gerde tells you that Professor Barclay returned your call. Go up
to the library and return his call by using his card on the phone. He gives
you the number of a German historian: Herr Joseph Dallmeier. Jot down the
number and then call Dallmeier by clicking the scrap of paper on the phone.
Dallmeier arranges to meet you at the Ludwig memorial in Seeshaupt, now
located on your road map. Dallmeier will be waiting for you outside on the
shores of the Starnberger See. Among other things, he tells you about a
special research permit. When you return to Schloss Ritter, ask Gerde about
this permit. She suggests that Herr Ubergrau might be able obtain it so you
include a note to him in with your next letter to Gabriel.

For hints about the Ludwig biography.
Look in the library for a biography of Ludwig. You're lucky enough to find
one in English, written by Sir Richard Chaphill and published by Bertil.
Read the biography by clicking on all the pages. Gabriel would probably
like to know what you've found out thus far. Write to him, and plan to mail
the letter the next time you're in Rittersberg. You'd also like to contact
Sir Chaphill about Ludwig's diary, but the biography contains only the
publisher's phone number. Use the book on the phone to call Bertil
Publishing. The receptionist gives you the Chaphill number which you jot
down. Use that piece of paper on the phone to get a hold of Thomas
Chaphill, Sir Richard's son.

If you'd like a hint about contacting Ludwig II.
Mrs. Smith told you to attempt contact with King Ludwig's essence. Perhaps
an offering at the site of his death will bridge the gap between the living
and the dead. Outside St. Georg Church, you see some white lilies blooming.
You hesitate to pick them, but Father Getz picks one for you. Return to the
Ludwig memorial at Seeshaupt and walk down to the water's edge. Lay the
lily on the water.

If you need a hint to obtain Ludwig's diary.
The biography you find in the library makes mention of Ludwig's diary.
There are two people you must contact in order to get this diary.
Unfortunately, they are both dead. Even though the biographer, Sir Richard
Chaphill, has passed on, you can talk to his son Thomas. Call Bertil
Publishing for the number. You must also contact Ludwig's essence by laying
a white lily on the Starnberger See. Somehow, Ludwig's spirit compels
Chaphill to fax you the diary. At Schloss Ritter, Gerde tells you there's a
fax waiting at the post office. Go into town to collect it. Show the diary
to Georg Immerding at the Wagner museum.

If you're at Ludwig's castle in Neuschwanstein.
Explore the museum thoroughly and at your leisure. Listen to the tape tour
for each room and click on all the paintings for a closer look. Make sure
you visit every room in the museum: the entry hall, Ludwig's bedroom, the
chapel, the living room, the study, the grotto, and the impressive singer's
hall. Note that the paintings in the singer's hall feature wolves and are
not based on any of Wagner's known operas.

If you're at the Herrencheimsee museum.
Buy a ticket from Frau Miller, the woman at the counter. Check out the
letters in the entry hall before moving on to the two display rooms. To the
right, you'll find Ludwig's notes to his servants, information on Ludwig's
last days, and a painting of a midnight sleigh ride that reminds you of
your dream. To the left, you'll see a display on the Knights of St. George.
Read all the signs and letters in the cases, including the display on
Ludwig's diary. You'll find it in a case under Wagner's portrait. When
you've explored the museum thoroughly, return to the entry hall and ask
Frau Miller about the diary and Wagner. This conversation will put the
Wagner museum at Bayreuth on your road map.

If you're at the Wagner Museum in Bayreuth.
The Wagner museum is closed; however, if you talk to the caretaker, Georg
Immerding, he will allow you access to several of the rooms. The first room
contains displays on Wagner's death and his final, incomplete project. A
case in the second room contains correspondence between Ludwig and Wagner.
When you've examined the displays, return to the front desk and ask Georg
about the lost opera hinted at in the letters.

Chapter 5

For a hint about the tape you made of von Zell's conversation.
The first thing you have to do is retrieve that tape recorder before
someone discovers you've been eavesdropping. Go to the hunt club and take
the recorder out of the magazine. Now you need someone to translate the
conversation for you. Your lawyer seems trustworthy (for a lawyer). Go to
Ubergrau's office. He'll give you a letter from Grace. Read it, ask
Ubergrau about the missing persons information, then give him the von Zell
tape to translate.

If you're in Kriminalkommissar Leber's office.
After hearing what's on that tape, you realize this case might be more than
you can handle. Go to Leber's office in Prinzregentenplatz. Your questions
don't get you too far until you provide proof that you have information to
trade. Give the von Zell tape to Leber and watch his reaction as it plays.
Leber agrees to show you Grossberg's account books. Look through the papers
and tear out the sheet with Dorn's address on it.

Dorn wants money. For a hint on how to get it for him.
Dorn runs a black market exotic animal kennel in Buchenau. Your initial
meeting with him is brief and unpleasant. Dorn won't talk unless you fork
over the money Grossberg owes him. Simply go back to Ubergrau and ask him
for the cash. If only it was that easy in real life... By the way, before
you go back to Dorn's, stop by the sausage stall outside Ubergrau's office.
Buy a sausage. You'll be glad you did.

If you're inside Dorn's skanky kennel.
You return to Dorn's kennel, give him the money, and now he's willing to
talk. After questioning him thoroughly, examine the cages. The wolves were
kept in a cage on the far right. Look closely at the straw in the cage. You
see something metallic. Suddenly you realize there's a tiger in this cage!
Distract him momentarily by giving him a sausage, then quickly snag the zoo
tags. If you haven't bought a sausage yet, you'll have to leave the
kennels, go to the sausage stall outside Ubergrau's office, buy a sausage,
come back and try it again.

You need to get to the club's hunting lodge in the Bavarian forest.
Simply go to the hunt club at 54 Dienerstrasse. If you've completed all the
tasks you have to do in town, you'll get there just as the club members are
leaving for the lodge.

For hints about getting into von Zell's locked room.
Go into Preiss's bedroom directly across the hall from yours. Open the
wardrobe and take out the rope. Go over to the window and look down. You
see a ledge running along the outside of the building beneath the windows.
Click the rope on the ledge. Once you're out on the ledge, click the left
arrow to move across to von Zell's room. Go in through the window.

If you're in Von Zell's room.
Walk over to the night table by the bed. Look in von Zell's appointment
book. There's a bit of paper sticking out between the pages. Read the
letter. Go into the bathroom and look around. Notice the footprint under
the rug. Examine it closely. Leave von Zell's room the way you came in and
return to Preiss's bedroom.

If you want to know how to get Klingmann to talk.
When you go into von Aigner's room, you interrupt his bath. However, he is
still more than happy to chat. Klingmann, on the other hand, seems to
resent your intrusion on his nap time. You think about showing him the zoo
tags to shake his complacency, but that will only work if you've been down
to the lodge's living room and questioned Hennemann first. Give Klingmann
the tags after that and the man will crack wide open.

If you've found a paw print.
There are two paw prints to find in the woods. The first one is imprinted
on a patch of bare dirt found in a clearing. A careful examination of this
print shows some orange mud in the track. The second print is by a thick
bank of hedges, and reveals the source of the orange dirt.

If you need a hint to get through the bushes.
You can't push through the bushes with your bare hands. You need to cut
them away with hedge shears. You'll find a pair of shears in the stable
next to the hunting lodge.

If you're in the cave.
Cut through the bushes to enter the cave. There is smaller cavern leading
off the main room. Enter the second cave. It's too dark to see. You will
need a lantern and matches to explore any further. If you don't have them
already, return to the lodge. Get the lantern out of the living room
closet. Take the matches off the fireplace mantelpiece. In the inventory
panel, use the matches on the lantern. That should throw some light on the

If you've seen von Zell, but don't know what to do now.
There is only one person who will believe you. Immediately go back to the
lodge and find von Glower. He is in his bedroom, the first door to your
right as you enter the hallway.

If the werewolf keeps killing you.
The woods are like a maze at night, complete with dead ends and cut-offs.
You need to drive the werewolf into the ravine to trap him. Your talisman
provides protection as long as you don't wander into a dead end or attempt
to confront the werewolf head on. You can go from scene to scene and the
werewolf will follow you. However, he won't go into the ravine unless you
herd him into it. To do so, use your talisman on the werewolf to push him

If the werewolf STILL keeps killing you.
If the werewolf keeps killing you, select Try Again from the control
screen. You take the talisman from beneath your shirt and wrap it around
your hand. Move one screen to the right to confront the werewolf. Select
the talisman from the inventory and use it on the werewolf to drive him
back one screen. Click it on the werewolf again and move one screen to the
right. Succeed in herding the werewolf down two more screens and he will
get trapped in the ravine. Von Glower rides up and throws you his gun. You
have no other choice than to shoot the werewolf.

Chapter 6

If you'd like some help getting this chapter started.
Gabriel is very sick, but he's conscious and able to talk. After a rather
unsatisfactory conversation, go to the post office and collect the letter
from von Glower. Read it, then go to the gasthof and show it to Mrs. Smith.
Your main goals for this chapter are to collect the three lost opera
scrolls from Neuschwanstein castle and the crystal diagram from the urn
containing Ludwig's heart at Altotting.

For general hints about retrieving the lost opera.
Ludwig hid the three acts of Wagner's opera in the Neuschwanstein castle.
Gabriel's dream revealed the hiding places. You'll have to devise some
sneaky schemes to divert the guards while you retrieve the scrolls. Hint:
You'll need a dove and some water to carry out your diversionary tactics.

For detailed hints about retrieving the lost opera.
You need a dove and some water to divert the guards at Neuschwanstein.
There's a dove on the window ledge in the Rittersberg dungeon, but you'll
have to lure it inside to catch it. Go to the gasthof and get a hard roll
from the bread basket on Mrs. Smith's table. Go to your bedroom in Schloss
Ritter and borrow a pillowcase from the pile of clean linen on the bed.
Return to the dungeon. Scatter crumbs for the bird, then pick it up and
wrap it in the pillowcase.

To get some water:
Go to the shrine at Altotting. Enter the priest's office. He has taken a
vow of silence so you can't have much of a conversation with him. However,
he gives you a card stating that he'll take you into the shrine once the
service is over. Make a donation from your wallet to obtain a bottle of
Madonna water.

If you have the dove and water, but don't quite know what to do
Go to Neuschwanstein castle. In the living room, you'll see a bratty kid
climb on a chair. Wait until his mother drags him away, then pour the
Madonna water on the chair. The guard comes in and you tell her what that
nasty little rugrat has done. She runs for towels. Quickly go into the
bedroom. Retrieve scroll number one from the secret panel between the doors
to the living room and the chapel. Now go to the grotto. Simply wait until
the guard goes into the study, then open the secret panel that's to the
left of the altar, hidden in shadows. Remove scroll number two. Scroll
number three is in the singer's hall, but the guard will not leave his post
unless distracted. Free the dove at the doorway between the singer's hall
and the back hallway. While the guard is busy chasing the bird, retrieve
the scroll from the secret panel that's under the painting of the lovers,
to the left of the door.

For general hints about retrieving Wagner's crystal diagram.
The crystal diagram is at Altotting in the urn containing Ludwig's heart.
First, you'll need to obtain a silver penitent gift to gain access to the
inner shrine. Think of someone who might recently have made an offering for
a lost loved one. After you've given the Madonna your gift, you'll have to
get the diagram from the urn without being detected. Try the old trick of
turning out the lights.

For detailed hints about retrieving Wagner's crystal diagram
When you were first at Altotting, you noticed the silver penitent gifts in
the case. Go to St. Georg's Church in Rittersberg. Look carefully at
Wolfgang's coffin and you'll see a silver heart that Gerde placed there as
an offering. You don't want to take it without asking first so go to
Schloss Ritter. Gerde gives you permission to take the heart. Return to the
church and do so. Go to Altotting. Talk to the priest and show him the card
he gave you on your previous visit. He will take you into the shrine and
start to pray for you. Offer the silver heart to the Madonna by placing it
in the basket to the right side of the altar. When the wind begins blowing,
open the door to your right. The wind blows out all the candles in the
shrine. Now's your chance. Quickly move the chair under the urns. Climb up,
open Ludwig's urn, and remove the diagram.

If you are (Grace) at the Residence Theater.
Look at the poster, then pick up a programme from the table in the foyer.
Read the plot of the lost Wagnerian opera. Go down the hallway to the right
of the auditorium. The rear door leads to the office. Gabriel is in there,
sleeping on the sofa. Take the seating chart off the bulletin board. Pick
up the opera glasses and your to-do list. Reading the list gives you a good
idea of what you'll need to accomplish before the opera begins. Finally,
check on Gabriel and see how he's doing.

For a hint about testing the chandeliers.
Go through the auditorium's main doors. When you get a chance, warn Georg
Immerding to continue the performance, no matter what happens. Then talk to
the foreman. You'll find him installing a chandelier above the balcony to
the left of the stage.

Chapter 6

For hints to help you prepare for von Glower's arrival.
Look at Wagner's crystal diagram. The 'X' indicates von Glower's designated
seat. Compare the diagram to the seating chart to determine that the usher
should seat von Glower in the mittelloge. Go upstairs and through the
double doors to confirm the location. Next, go to the spotlight room. It's
upstairs, all the way down the right-hand hallway. Slide open the window to
the right of the spotlight to look down into the theater. Turn the
spotlight on. Click on the handle and then align the spotlight so that it's
shining directly where von Glower will be sitting. Now return to the foyer
and use the seating chart on the usher to give him your instructions.
Finally, you need to find a way to lock von Glower in the mittelloge. Go
down the left-hand hall on the ground floor. The backstage entrance is the
last door in the hallway. Examine the ropes and pulleys. You'll see one
rope on the right that looks like it could be removed without causing too
much destruction. Take the rope.

If you're in the basement.
There are two entrances to the basement. One is through the arch on the
ground floor, the other is down the backstage stairway. Wander around to
get a feel for the basement layout. Look for a room with a panel box on the
wall. Take the key you'll find inside. Locate the main prop room. Go into
the adjoining storage room and take the sign reading "privat." Use the keys
on the prop room door to make certain it locks. The furnace room is next to
the stairs leading down from the foyer. If you're going to lock Gabriel in
the prop room, you should make sure he'll be warm enough. Start the furnace
by opening the door, shoveling in some coal, and lighting the pilot light.
Click and drag to turn the control dial up to "Hoch," the highest setting.
The coals ignite.

If the usher is about to open the theater doors.
Move Gabriel from the office to the prop room. Return to the office to
change into your evening gown. After speaking with Leber, go to the
spotlight room and use the opera glasses to make sure von Glower is sitting
in the mittelloge. Tie the mittelloge doors shut with the rope you picked
up backstage, then hang the "privat" sign over the rope.

If you are playing the human Gabriel and are in the prop room.
Go to the adjoining storage room. Move the packing case to uncover the
vent. Use your dagger to pry off the vent screen. Climb into the
ventilation shaft.

If you've escaped from the prop room, but don't know where to go.
Use the back stairway to go up to the backstage area. Look at the ropes and
pulleys. There's a roll of electrical tape to the right of the main pulley.
Take it. Go through the right-hand doorway to get to the dressing rooms.

If Englehart keeps catching you in his dressing room.
You don't have much time before Englehart comes in. First get the costume
off the rack. Go into your inventory, select the costume, and put it on.
Take the powder off the dressing table. Before you can put it on your face,
you hear someone at the door. Use the powder on the mirror to block the
view of the changing screen. Then hide behind the screen. If you can do all
that before Englehart comes in, he will sit down at the dressing table and
start to remove his make-up. Cover his mouth with electrical tape to keep
him from screaming.

If you are playing the werewolf Gabriel, stalking von Glower.
Use the smell button to locate von Glower. His position is indicated by a
red square. Yours is represented by a blue triangle pointing in the
direction you are facing. Your goal is to trap von Glower in the furnace
room. You can close doors by unlatching them with your mouth, thereby
forcing von Glower to go in the desired direction. The first thing to do is
block his access to the ventilation shaft leading to the outside and
freedom. Note that you can only close a door from the room that it opens
into. Be careful not to shut yourself into a dead end. Also avoid
confronting von Glower face-to-face because he will attack you.

If you have trapped von Glower in the furnace room.
Enter the furnace room. Grace and Leber come in at your heels. Click on
Grace to give control over to her. As Grace, open the furnace door. Now
click on the gray wolf to give control back to Gabriel. When von Glower
leaps to attack Leber, hit him in mid-air to knock him sideways into the

The end.

Thanks to Revolution reader Pedro Rosado!

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