Halo: Combat Evolved PC Cheats

Halo: Combat Evolved


Alternate Ending:

To get a different, longer ending movie, beat the game on "Legendary."

Good Pincushions:

When in possession of the alien Needler, you can do some devastating damage. To maximize its effectiveness you should be a stone's throw away from your target. Make sure as many needles hit your assailant as possible. Since they explode shortly after impact, you can cause an awesome chain reaction that is quite explosive to the now charred enemy and anything else in close proximity to your victim.

Left Wide Open:

If you're looking to knock out the round shield wielded by the mid-sized aliens, grab one of their weapons and hold the fire button down for a shot to charge. Now let it rip! It will permanently disable the shield, leaving him wide open.

Toro! Toro!:

Don't back down from those huge mortar toting Hunters. If you can get a Hunter to swing his shield at you, strafe around to get behind him, and shoot him ONCE in that squishy orange stuff in his back. If you hit him right, 1 shot will kill him. Easy stuff.

Pistol-Whip It Good:

Never underestimate the power of a well-placed melee attack. Smacking someone or something with the butt of your gun is great fun and immensely effective. Enemies resistant to gunfire like the shield-wielding Jackals are usually killed instantly when struck with the butt of your gun.

Board Them:

In the very beginning of the game when you are trying to escape the Pillar of Autumn, you can find cloak devices and Overshields (shields that double over your existing shield). When you locate the area where the escape pods are, you should find a couple Covenant boarding pods. This is how they have boarded your ship through your empty escape pod airlocks. Within their boarding pods you should find a few handy items.

Flash Flood:

When you encounter the Flood, turn your flashlight on and point it at them. The large one will stop running and jumping so that they are easier to shoot. But, if you raise your gun to reload, turn away from them or take the light off of them in any way, they will resume running around and try to kill you again. Although the creatures infected by the Flood stand still when you point the flashlight at them, they may still shoot if they have a gun, so kill them quickly.

Best Anti-Flood Weapon:

The combat shotgun is the best weapon when you fight the Flood. It will take them down in 1 or 2 shots.

Overshields Over There:

In the level "The Silent Cartographer" where you disable the security systems, there are three overshields near a couple of those purple barrel things. When you're about to enter the first hallway into the security disabling room, before you even go in the structure, turn left and they should be lying about.

Banshees & Shortcuts:

In the level where you charge the control room, the snow one, you can hi-jack an enemy banshee. When you're in the corridor and it says "If I had a Super Weapon" in the bottom right hand side, you can snipe down the Covenant that will get into the banshee. If you do snipe him down, make a break for the Banshee and hop in. Even if you don't get it, you can still skip half the level by turning left as soon as you come out of the door and falling off the bridge. The wall will break your fall, so you don't get hurt, from there you can head up to the control room and beat the level in no time.

Get the Drop on the Dropship:

When a drop ship unloads aliens, the next drop ship will hover in the air. If you take your sniper rifle and zoom in on the sides where the doors open, the targeting cursor will turn red. Fire once or twice and the alien will plummet to the ground.

You're In My Seat:

When one of your computer controlled buddies is in a vehicle spot/seat you want, simply go over to that spot and get in like you normally would. They will graciously move.

Quick! Duck!:

Ghosts can crush you, but if you press your duck button when they come at you they will go right over your head.

When Warthogs Fly!:

Park a warthog in any open space near a cache of grenades. Stand way back and shoot the explosives with anythng to detonate them and enjoy. Note: To see a master at work, go to the GR goodies section and check out Warthog Jump: A Halo Physics Experiment.

Where Do You Think You're Going:

Put a vehicle over a teleporter receiver. This is especially useful in Capture the Flag mode.

Eternal Slumber:

If you walk into a room and you notice that the Aliens are sleeping, do not shoot at them! Instead go into 'sneak mode.' In this mode, pistol whipping a sleeping enemy will kill them instantly without waking their friends.

Get a Banshee Early:

In the Assault on the Control Room level, get a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle from the area near the flipped Warthog where your men are fighting. Once you get to the Scorpion Tank, take it through the cave. After the cave there will be a small hill. Destroy the Wraith Tank from the top of the hill, and destroy any enemies you can without leaving the hill. Next, get out of the tank and turn around to your right. From here, if you look up you should see a platform with a blinking light. Also: if you pass the little pond where the wraith tank was, an elite guard will jump in your Banshee and it'll be lost. If you get on top of the platform, use a sniper rifle to aim directely at the Banshee through the hanger. Take a rocket launcher without moving the controls and shoot the rocket, which should flip the Banshee. When you know it's flipped, run to it. Now go to the hangar, kill the elite, and claim your Banshee!

Thanks to Revolution reader Iloveyoumasterchief!

These codes can only work in devmode of Halo: combat evolved and does not work during online play.

Code Effect
cheat_medusa 1 Instant death for enemies that see player
cheat_deathless_player 1 Invincibility
cheat_bump_possession 1 Possess touched character ¿?
cheat_all_powerups Spawn all powerups
cheat_all_vehicles Spawn all vehicles
cheat_all_weapons Spawn all weapons
cheat_super_jump 1 Super Jump!!!!!!!!
cheat_bottomless_clip 1 Unlimited ammo, no reload


Camera Control Mode

ATTENTION: This is for Halo: custom edition Devmode only. To activate Devmode, open the properties window of the halo custom edition shortcut. in the target line add -console -devmode (include the spaces before the -'s), then start a game. while in gameplay, press the ~ key (the one directly above tab), type the commands exactly as shown, including the _'s then press enter after each command. This will seperate the camera from the player and make it controllable. Hold the mouse scroll button down to control the camera

w- forward

s- back

a-strafe left

d- strafe right

r- move up

f- move down

mouse- look/turn

scrollwheel up/down- adjust camera movement speed

Password Effect
cheat_teleport_to_camera Makes the Master Chief teleport to the camera's position, and then gravity will take effect, so don't go too high
camera_control 0 Returns the camera to first person mode
debug_camera_save saves the current location of the camera; used in conjunction with the next command.
debug_camera_load this sends the camera to the location that debug_camera_save was used, seperating the camera from the player


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