Hitman 2: Silent Assassin PC Cheats


Hitman: Codename 47 Walkthrough

Dune Tiger's Guide to Hitman: Codename 47  2.2
e-mail: dune_tiger@hotmail.com
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This document ©2000 Brendon Yu.
Unpublished work ©2000 Brendon Yu.
Hitman: Codename 47 ©2000 Eidos Interactive.
Hitman: Codename 47 is a trademark of Eidos Interactive.
Hitman: Codename 47 developed by IO-Interactive.

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Email me at dune_tiger@hotmail.com to ask.  That's all I'm asking for.  

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Introduction 1.0 Interface 1.1 Movement Setup 1.2 Sneaking 1.3 Leaning 1.4 Firing Your Weapon 1.5 Strangling 1.6 Dragging 1.7 Changing Clothes 1.8 Sniping 1.9 The Map 1.10 The Laptop 2.0 The HUD 2.1 The Static Display 2.2 The Dynamic Display 3.0 Weapons 3.1 The Garrotte (Piano) Wire 3.2 The Oyabun Knife 3.3 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' 3.4 Beretta 92. 3.5 Desert Eagle Mark XIX 3.6 Heckler and Koch MP5 3.7 Israeli Military Industries UZI 3.8 Mossberg Persuader Shotgun 3.9 Franchi PA3/215 3.10 Kalashnikov AK-103 (AK-47) 3.11 M16A2 3.12 US Army M60 3.13 M134 Minigun 3.14 Blaser Jugowaffen R93 Sniper 3.15 Walther WA2000 Sniper 3.16 Special Weapons 3.17 Other Items of Interest 4.0 Helpful Hints Before You Begin 5.0 Missions ****HONG KONG**** 5.a Training 5.1 Kowloon Triads in Gang War 5.2 Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant 5.3 The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant 5.4 The Lee Hong Assassination ****COLOMBIA**** 5.5 Find the U'Wa Tribe 5.6 The Jungle God 5.7 Say Hello to my Little Friend ****BUDAPEST**** 5.8 Traditions of the Trade ****ROTTERDAM**** 5.9 Gunrunner's Paradise 5.10a Plutonium Runs Loose 5.10b Plutonium Runs Loose - Alternate ****THE ASYLUM**** 5.11 The Setup 5.12 Meet Your Brother 6.0 Cheats 7.0 Frequently-Asked Questions (includes drawing two pistols) 8.0 Afterword 9.0 Contact Information 10.0 Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 Initial release covering up to and including Lee Hong Assassination 0.2 Fixed some minor clerical errors, no missions added. Added a few alternate "if" scenarios in the Hong missions. 0.5 Colombian missions added to the best of my ability. Eep. Added the Franchi to the weapons list. The FAQ finds a few more homes. Hooray! 0.6 Budapest is now listed, and even MORE Hong possibilities have been added. Oops, it's gamewinners, not gameadvice. A few weapons added to the rifles and specials sections. 0.8 Actually, nobody saw 0.6, I'm sure, but oh well. Anyways, the first Rotterdam mission has been included, as well as a nice new gun in the weapons list (The Minigun). 1.0 Everything is finally done, with as many frickin variations as I can think of, as well as having been pointed out to me. Oops, kevlar's a fiber, not an alloy (thanks, James) and now an Afterword. Woop woop! 2.0 Cripes! I've put enough in here to warrant a full version upgrade. Added the Derringer and the Sawn-Off in the Specials section, re-wrote most of Find the U'Wa Tribe, and added a completely different method of doing Plutonium Runs Loose. Not to mention that there is now a FAQ section (fancy that). ADDED THE MINIGUN TO COLOMBIA! LEAVE ME ALONE! ;) 2.1 Boop. Tiny additions. Can you believe I forgot to tell you to give the hotel receptionist the room key? Oh, and a FAQ I forgot to put in the first time 'round is now in there (why Ivan's mission fails even though you do it right). Also fixed my bad sense of direction. 2.2 Fixed bull-pup description, added new thingy for the sawn-off, and added some "things you don't really need to know" for the M16 and M60. Finally, and most importantly, nonsologiochi.com will be providing an Italian version of this document. NOT Spanish. My sincerest apologies. NOTE: I AM NOT TECH SUPPORT! I AM A GAME ENTHUSIAST! IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE RUNNING THE GAME AND I HAVEN'T ADDRESSED YOUR ISSUE IN THE FAQ SECTION, PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT EIDOS INSTEAD OF ME. MOST OF THOSE EMAILS WILL NOT BE REPLIED TO. SORRY, BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO TOOL AROUND WITH CONFIGURATIONS TO TRY AND FIX YOUR PROBLEM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first-ever attempt at writing a FAQ, so please bare with me as we go along. Basically, I'm here to present to you a thorough look at the game and all of its attention to detail because first of all, it's one incredibly tough game, and second of all, I absolutely love it. Taking the time to write this FAQ has proven to be a lot more demanding than I originally had thought it to be. It's lots of fun, but it does eat away at my time. I would have to say that the biggest challenge in writing this has been to best give directions for a very visual game in a very non-visual medium. Considering that this is strictly text, I apologize in advance for not being able to provide screenshots or maps for you. I hope that I've put enough in here so that you don't get too lost. IO-Interactive has obviously put a LOT of work into this game, and hopefully, this FAQ will give it the respect it deserves. The plan, insofar as I can actually call anything I think of as a plan, is to get every mission covered as quickly as possible with as many variations as I can possibly test. It's a gruelling job considering I have to restart every time I purposely pooch the mission, but hey, anything I can think of, no matter how ridiculous, is worth trying. After I get as much as I can cram into the mission walkthroughs, I will eventually return with even more variations on the missions. Hey, I might even come up with a better way to do things. Well, on with the show. (P.S. Any strategy guide companies wanna offer me a job? ;) ) ~Dune ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume that you all have instruction manuals for this game, so I'm not going to regurgitate everything in it, word for word. This section is here to basically give you the suggestions and point out anything you might miss. 1.1 Movement Setup ------------------ I highly recommend that whatever setup you use, be it the WASD (my fave) or NumPad setup (or, if you use your own personal configuration, skip this part), switch the "turn" and "strafe" buttons. This is ESPECIALLY recommended for fans of the FPS genre. Nothing will annoy you more than turning when you want to strafe around. So, in general: Use 4 and 6 to strafe left and right respectively if using the NumPad setup, or A and D to strafe left and right respectively if using the WASD setup. But WHATEVER YOU DO, use the mouse!! 1.2 Sneaking ------------ Sneaking is annoying at times due to the slow movement, but it is the best way to exploit the AI. Eventually, you'll find that killing up close and personal might be better suited to your needs than going in guns a-blazin', but you'll also find that enemy guards have incredible hearing. That is to say, when you pull out your trusty garrotte wire or Oyabun knife, the guards have a knack for turning around and planting a bullet into your chest. More often than not, going into sneak mode will totally counteract this sense of hearing akin only to that of Marvel Comics' Daredevil. For some odd reason, you can stand behind a guard and, for example, pull out your knife and be heard, but stand at the same distance in sneak mode and do the same thing and the guard knows nothing of what you're doing. 1.3 Leaning ----------- Leaning is something that's rarely offered in games like this, so it's only natural for the casual gamer to neglect its usefulness. So remember: LEANING IS GOOD Sometimes there's no possible way to slit your target's throat and thus, you'll have to resort to some high-speed projectiles to take him/her out. Leaning around corners is one of the best approaches to doing this (aside from lining up shots behind closed doors) because, again, more often than not, a guard won't detect your weapon if you're peeking around a corner. This is excellent maneuvering for getting those head-shots. 1.4 Firing Your Weapon ---------------------- You might want to play it out like Hollywood, but what Hollywood doesn't tell you is that guns don't always fire where you aim 'em. Always make sure you pick the right weapon for the right distance, otherwise you'll be wasting lots of ammo, and nobody wants that. Here's a guide: Wire/Knife: In your face Pistols: High accuracy up close and far away Sub-Machine Guns: Larger rooms, but better up close Rifles: Moderate-sized rooms, plenty of enemies Sniper Rifles: Up high and away 1.5 Strangling -------------- Strangling is great fun. It's all part of the atmosphere. The downside is that strangling someone with the garrotte wire is time-consuming and usually, you need to make the kill when there's a patrolling guard close by. If you know for sure that there is no possible way for anyone to witness the strangulation by walking into the scene, then by all means, go for it. It's loads of fun. Make sure you remember to ready up the wire before you make the kill, otherwise your target will hear the tell-tale "sching" sound. However, if there's a patroller around, or bumbling civilians that you know are going to turn the corner before the animation is done, use a knife. It's faster, and just as silent. 1.6 Dragging ------------ The manual doesn't lie when it tells you to make your kill near your 'dumping grounds'. Dragging a body takes time, usually time that you're incredibly short on, so make sure that if you've got a target you know you want to drag away, then don't do it in, say, a hallway with no alcoves, doorways, or pits. What the manual doesn't tell you is how to move the dead body around. Hitman is incredibly strong and can toss a limp body around like a rag doll. The only thing is, physics demands that the body be behind you when you drag it (duh), so it might be a problem getting that body into a pit that's in front of you without falling into it yourself. If you're poised, for example, at the edge of an open sewer grate, swing your mouse so that the body is hanging (either by your hand or on its own) over the open hole and then let go. Ususally, the body will slide in on its own (you gotta love gravity), but if the body's butt is in the air and not going down, pick up a leg and give it a little nudge. *THE STRAFE-DRAG TECHNIQUE*: As you're dragging the body, instead of walking forward or backward, strafe in the direction you wish and tap the run button several times as you go along. You'll find that you won't drop the body as you do this (so long as you don't hold down the run button) and that you'll move a lot quicker than regular dragging. *ADVANCED STRAFE-DRAG TECHNIQUE*: As long as you're holding the strafe button down, I've found that you can run full speed and not drop the body. The only trick to this is that you can't look up too far while you're doing it, otherwise the body sometimes gets caught on something or just plain slips out of your hands. If you know where you're going, look at the ground and have a laugh as you drag a body across long distances in a very short amount of time. 1.7 Changing Clothes -------------------- You're not just playing Mr. Dressup here. Changing clothes is an essential part of the game. Not only does it make you inconspicuous, it also gets you into several places to advance in each mission. What's not mentioned in the manual is that changing clothes while you're under suspicion (when the guards are looking for someone of your description) takes the heat off you for a while... IF nobody's there to see you do it. 1.8 Sniping ----------- Ah, sniping. What fps (or, in this case, fps hybrid) would be complete without a sniper gun? What makes Hitman stand out is that its sniping mode accounts for subtle body movements, the likes of which I have only seen in Metal Gear Solid. That is to say, the scope WILL move as you try to line up your shot. You'll want to smack Hitman for being such a heavy breather, but hey, everyone's gotta breathe. There are two ways to snipe where you want to snipe. a) Get used to the bobbing movement of the scope and time your shot as the crosshairs pass your target; or b) Learn the timing of the bobbing and slide your mouse opposite to keep the crosshairs still. I find that option (b) is a bit harder to get used to, but in the end you get better results. Mistiming a snipe might mean you get a body shot. 1.9 The Map ----------- THE MAP IS YOUR FRIEND No matter how much you think you know the layout of the mission, there is always the possibility that you'll get lost somewhere. Hit M (default) to bring up the map and reorient yourself. Furthermore, you may also gain hints in the mission as to locations of certain objects you're looking for. If you receive this kind of info, head to the map and you might just see it marked for your convenience. Oh yeah, and to zoom, click on the magnifying glass and then hover over whatever you want to see up close and slide the mouse forward or backward with the button held down. 1.11 The Laptop --------------- The laptop is your in-between interface. It provides useful information, as well as a screen for making your weapons purchase before the mission. The thing you must ALWAYS check before you enter the mission is your goals. It's tempting to jump right into the action, but you won't get anywhere without knowing what your goals are, and eventually, the agency stops making its weapons 'suggestions', leaving you with only a handgun to raid a complex. Not fun at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 The HUD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 The Static Display ---------------------- This isn't your standard shooter where you can take a rocket in the face and just brush it off like you're Superman. The static display is everything that is constantly on your screen. These being: Health Armor Selected Item Bullets do indeed hurt Hitman much moreso than heroes in other games (except maybe Rainbow Six). Keep a close eye on your health, during and after a firefight. If you're really low on health, chances are you won't make it to the end of the mission if you're not already there. Take the time to re-start or it's likely you'll suffer the frustration of getting further and dying. If your Armor (if you have it) is low, take the time to find a new vest, especially if your health is near or under the 50% mark. Chances are you'll get hit in the body more often than you'll be hit in the head and the kevlar will help keep you alive without spending $3000 to continue. Finally, the Selected Item is something you should glance at every now and then, especially after a kill or a firefight. The last thing you want to do is be forgetful and walk into a room with your weapon drawn. If you don't intend to use it, put it away. 2.0 The Dynamic Display ----------------------- ************READ THIS, SKIMMERS************ Next to your health readout is a space for your Action Display. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS SPACE. If anything pops up in that space, chances are that you'll need to know what it's saying, and it doesn't stay up there for long. There are three types of boxes that appear here: [Action] This box lets you know a sample of what you can do with the object your pointer is hovering over. For example, if you're hovering over an object that you can pick up, it will tell you so. [Warning] This is the most important box to look out for while you're in a mission. It will tell you two things: a) If a guard finds a body, and b) If you're under suspicion. If you're ever wondering why people are firing at you, you probably don't know because you missed this box. Pay close attention to it, and the second it says you're under suspicion, go find some new threads to change into. [Information] This box's importance juggles with the Warning box. It's important info that you need to know, but doesn't have anything to do with your actions. Usually, it's like your eye in the sky, telling you exactly what other people are doing in the mission. On timed missions or on missions where your target can leave the map, make sure you look at this box because if your target takes off, it's a 'fail'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 The Garrotte (Piano) Wire ----------------------------- Also known as the Fibre Wire when purchasing it, this is an entertaining weapon. It offers you a silent and unfailing kill should you manage to get it around your target's neck. Use it wisely as it takes a bit of time to get your target onto the ground and more often than not, you're going to have to hide that body quickly. 3.2 The Oyabun Knife -------------------- Also known as the Pentagon, the Oyabun is perfect for the quick and silent hit from behind, or the surprise slashfest from the front. It has the distinct advantage over the Garrotte in that the speed with which you take down a target from behind is much more efficient than strangulation. **PISTOLS** Pistols/Handguns in general are reliable weapons due to their accuracy even at long distances and that you can conceal six of them on you. Even still, you can go John Woo style with two guns firing away in a hot firefight. They are especially useful in long-distance shoot-outs. 3.3 AMT 1911 'Hardballer' ------------------------- The main handgun of choice in the game (as it is commonly suggested by the agency), the Hardballer has the distinct advantage over its counterpart, the Beretta 92. in that it seems to be a bit more powerful in its damage factor. Its downside is that it only carries 7 bullets per clip and is a bit worse in the noise department. It uses "pistol ammo". 3.4 Beretta 92. --------------- The main handgun of choice for ME is the Beretta. Not only does it come in the 'silenced' option for a few extra bucks, but it's a bit more silent without the muffler than the Hardballer, and it also holds 8 extra bullets per clip. And for what it's worth, 15 bullets in a firefight is better than 7 in my books. Reloading in the middle of a firefight can bring you a serious amount of pain and with the Beretta, the reloading comes less frequently than when using the Hardballer. It uses "pistol ammo". 3.5 Desert Eagle XIX -------------------- While it remains my favorite gun of all time, it isn't suited for the stealthy play of Hitman unless, of course, you're prepared to give the enemy one heck of an onslaught. Great for clearing out areas, the Desert Eagle is a noisy and messy gun that is efficient at taking out your targets in both the head and the body. 7 bullets of incredible power, this gun uses ".50 Magnum" ammunition. **SUB-MACHINE GUNS** Sub-machine guns are close-quarters weapons and should be used as such. In Hitman, and IRL, sub-machine guns have lower accuracy as the range at which you're firing increases. While they have some use in larger rooms, you're best off keeping it to room-sized rooms (as opposed to large, open rooms where the guards can pick you off with pistols) and whatever you do, DON'T SPRAY. Spraying is an incredibly inefficient way to fire an automatic gun. Keep it in short, aimed bursts and you'll take your enemies down much faster. You can conceal up to two on you. 3.6 Heckler and Koch MP5 ------------------------ The staple of SWAT teams and any close-quarters combat situations, the MP5 is one of the best guns in the game. It's a great weapon for mowing down your enemies and better yet, it proves to be an incredibly accurate gun compared to its in-game counterpart, the UZI. The only thing you have to be wary of is its high rate of fire. If you don't pay attention, you'll be plugging already-dead bodies full of bullets and you'll have no ammunition left for the living. Even better YET, it comes in a silenced mode later in the game! It uses "SMG Ammo". 3.7 Israeli Military Industries UZI ----------------------------------- The UZI, while I knocked on it in the MP5 description a little, isn't really that bad of a weapon. It has a lower rate of fire than the MP5 and lower accuracy, but it makes up for this in that it packs a bit more of a punch. That is, if you can get it to hit anything. The gun's major downfall is that it fires bullets like a lawn sprinkler: everywhere. Don't count on getting too many head shots with this gun, so you'll be expending a lot more ammo trying to get through body armor. Again, short, controlled bursts is the best way to getting use out of this weapon, and it can be a devastating weapon if you know how to use it. Oh, and I don't think there's a silencer for this beast. It uses "SMG Ammo". **RIFLES** The rifle class gun in Hitman is all about power and less about accuracy. Included in this class are the shotgun and the AK-47. As we all know from playing Quake and other FPSs, the shotgun is best used up close and personal. The AK-47 is the same, but it can be useful at a distance, but not TOO far a distance. The downfall of carrying so much power under your arm is that you can't conceal it. If you've got to carry one make sure you're dressed for the occassion, or make sure you're ready to use it. You can carry up to one rifle at a time, WITH NO CONCEALMENT. 3.8 Mossberg Persuader Shotgun ------------------------------ It's loud, it's messy, it's incredibly powerful. What more could you ask for? Again, in a firefight, reloading can be tricky and the unfortunate thing about this pump-action shotgun is that it loads one shell at a time, meaning you better be ready to take some hits or duck and weave as you ready up the next round to take a bite out of someone's arse. The best use for the shotgun would probably be holding down a hoarde in a bottleneck. If you're in trouble and you've got this baby handy, lead everyone into a tight spot and pick them off as they're forced to come one by one. Bang, shick-shock. It uses "Shotgun shells". 3.9 Franchi PA3/215 ------------------- Oddly enough, I have no information screen for this weapon, but taking it into the mission is the only way to truly test these things out, right? The Franchi is the better of the two shotguns in the game. While the Mossberg and the Franchi don't differ too much in the way of firepower, the Franchi does have one distinct advantage; a magazine that holds 8 shells. What does this mean? Well, my fellow killers, it means the ability to fire the gun like a semi-auto without having to reload after every shot. While a great advantage in the comparison between shotguns, it, like the Mossberg, still needs to be used up close for any efficient use. I haven't seen a single instance in which a shotgun is necessary, but who knows, maybe further down the line. 3.10 Kalashnikov AK-103 (AK-47) ------------------------------ Affectionately known as the AK-47, you commonly see this gun in movies in the hands of the bad guy. Probably something to do with its availability. Anyways, the AK-47 is a fully automatic machine gun. Like the shotgun, it's incredibly loud, and incredibly powerful. However, it is also incredibly inaccurate. Best suited not for range battles, but for taking out a lot of mean people very quickly. Use this gun when you've got hoardes after you, and trust me, you will, and there will be juicy bits and pieces flying everywhere. Just make sure you aim it. Remember, folks, nothing over 20 meters. It uses "7.62mm clips". * Despite the obvious difference in color between the two guns, it's been reported that the AK-103 fires a bit faster and a bit more accurately than the AK-47. I still don't see the difference, but hey, who am I to argue? 3.11 M16A2 ---------- What game using licensed guns would be complete without the good ol' M16? This gun, using a smaller caliber round than the AK-47 delivers a bit less on the damage aspect of things, but more than makes up for it in longer distance accuracy. In the right situation where you can focus in your line of sight, the M16 can be your best friend. Be careful when purchasing it, though. It's a tempting buy, but you can't conceal it. You might as well just paint a target on your butt. It uses "Machinegun Ammo". * Apparently, the M16A2 in Hitman is not accurately portrayed. It is not a full auto (thought it was), but instead shoots 3-round bursts. What appears in the game is actually the A1. (Info from M. Warner) 3.12 US Army M60 ---------------- The M60 is a beast, hands down, but then again, so is the Hitman, especially when he can run with this thing in his arms when the thing itself requires a tripod to balance its muzzle. The best part about this gun is that you can buy a stock of up to 300 rounds, and that is a lot of power. I haven't noticed a difference in the rate of fire between the M60 and the M16, but obviously, the power advantage in the M60 requires a lower accuracy. Still, it remains a great long-distance shooter and with 300 rounds, who cares if you miss from time to time? It also carries 20 more rounds in its magazine than the M16. It uses "Machinegun Ammo". * The M60 in Hitman is supposed to have a higher ROF than the M16, but this is not so in Hitman. It's also supposed to be a two-man weapon; one to shoot, and one to feed the ammo. (Also from M. Warner) 3.13 M134 Minigun ----------------- Power of biblical proportions. If Metal Gear Solid and those Making-Of shows I've seen way back when people still thought they were interesting (I still do) have taught me anything, it's that a minigun like this cannot possibly exist. Jesse Ventura in Predator? Specially made. Arnie in T2? Specially made. Vulcan Raven in MGS? He tore it off a helicopter. Oh well, maybe I'm not up on my gun trivia. Anyways, I'm glad such a fantastic... well, it's not a gun; it's a cannon. I'm glad such a fantastic cannon has made it into this game. This is what you want to carry with you if you've ever wanted to toss lightning bolts from the skies. At $1000 a clip, there's a reason why you can't buy this gun in Hong Kong. The first you'll ever see of it is in Colombia, and needless to say, there's no way you can hide this sucker, even if you're not shooting at anything. You can purchase up to 6000 rounds for it, which is, amazingly, 6 full magazines of ammunition to waste on any target you want. Unfortunately, the gun doesn't have too much use when it appears, but it's fun to bring along anyway. The big hinderance is that this weapon is heavy, meaning that you can only walk with it. Funny, though, if you holster it (you have to choose in the menu, otherwise you drop it), you can run as much as you like. The second thing about having this much power under your arms is that you have to wait for the barrel to prime itself. That is to say, the barrel has to start spinning before it starts spitting, so make sure you're prepared to take a few hits because there's no way you can surprise ANYONE with this. Love it or leave it, it requires a lot of grunting to take in (apologies to Tim Allen). It uses "machinegun ammo". (Since its original writing, I have been informed that such a Minigun -does- indeed exist. It's a crazy world out there!) ***Minigun Tip*** If you know you're going to fire and want to avoid the priming of the barrel, tap the trigger (click the mouse) to get the barrel spinning. The next time you hit the trigger, you should be firing instantaneously so make sure you hold it down when you do (unless, of course, you've already made minced meat out of everyone). 3.14 Blaser Jugowaffen R93 Sniper --------------------------------- Claimed to be the "assassin's most lethal weapon" by the folks at Eidos and IO (they've obviously not seen the Professional), the R93 will give you plenty of fun and makes a great Christmas gift for Grandma. Seriously, though, while it is fun to pick a spot and pick off your targets, the unsilenced sniper rifle of Hitman, while tempting, is rarely useful outside of the high-and-dry missions. On several occassions, you'll see one lying around, just calling out to you, but ignore it. If you're seen with it, expect to have your butt lit up. If you're not seen with it, expect one good shot before the entire complex knows where you are and what you look like. It's a very loud gun and draws much unwanted attention. On small missions, if you wish, bring it along for fun, but on the missions where the maps take a half hour to navigate, leave it at home. Restarting because you alerted everyone for one clean shot is no fun. It uses "Sniper Ammo". 3.15 Walther WA2000 Sniper -------------------------- You won't get to use this rifle until much later in the game when you reach Rotterdam. I didn't even know Walther made a sniper rifle... shows what I know, huh? Anyways, the gun works and feels the same as the R93. The only difference is that the WA2K uses a magazine and holds up to 6 rounds before you need to reload. Did someone say semi-automatic sniper rifle? I think they did. Looking at the picture, though, it seems that this gun is of bull-pup configuration. For the uninitiated, bull-pup means that you are basically shortening the rifle without actually hindering range or accuracy. How this works is that the triggering mechanism is placed in front of the clip and firing pin instead of behind it. So imagine the bullet being fired right next to your ear and wonder if it's worth it (thanks Mark and Xeno)^_^ Just a little trivia for you. In any case, the bull-pup config works well as the WA2K adds 200 more meters to its "effective range" listing. It uses "Sniper Ammo". **3.16 SPECIAL WEAPONS** The special weapons section will cover (eventually) all of the weapons that aren't regularly available for purchase. These are usually mission-specific weapons that you will need to use to complete your objectives efficiently. You COULD just shoot everyone, but where'd the fun be in that? Okay, let me rephrase, wouldn't you rather use that one-time weapon and save the shoot-up for another day? 3.16a The Car Bomb ------------------ The car bomb appears in "Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant" and is detonated remotely. You'll need a good disguise to plant it and make sure you're nowhere near it when you decide to press the button. A word to the wise, though, there is a slight delay between the call to arm the bomb and the actual detonation. It lasts about a second, but it could mean the difference between success and failure. 3.16b Bomb ---------- This bomb appears in Colombia and sits atop Pablo's desk. It looks like a block of plastique with a remote detonator in it. Who knows. You'll need to leave it behind in a lab and make sure you're far, far away when you set it off. 3.16c Luger P08 --------------- You'll find this gun in Budapest. It's exactly like the Beretta, and you'll only have 8 rounds when you find it. The plus side is that when you do find it, it's silenced. 3.16d Chemical Bomb ------------------- You'll also find this in Budapest. You don't actually use it, but Frantz intends to blow everything to kingdom come and you need to put a stop to it... but you can't destroy this thing. Your client wants it safe and sound so you need to find something to carry it in before you take it away. 3.16e Derringer --------------- This is the gun that you see in the movies, usually Westerns, and no self- respecting cowpoke would ever own one (it takes away from the image, you see), but there's always a point in the flick where he needs a bit of help and that's where the sassy lass in the big, frilly skirt offers her little pea shooter. That's the Derringer. I haven't actually come across it when playing except when using the 'giveall' cheat, but I'm sure it's carried by one of those classy ladies you see in either the Hong Assassination or in the Budapest mission. It's completely useless as there really is no need for a gun so small and so inaccurate (not to mention it's the weakest gun out there). It takes up one of your six pistol slots and considering that as long as a gun is in a certain class, your ability to conceal it doesn't pay much attention to size. If you ever find the woman who carries this and kill her (you fiend, you make me sick!) it's best to leave this gun alone. It uses "pistol ammo". 3.16f Sawn-Off Shotgun ---------------------- By far my favorite gun in terms of entertainment, the Sawn-Off acts as a semi-automatic pistol (thus, it's concealable), but retains the power of the shotgun (even moreso). It holds only two shells, but they can both be fired off in quick succession and seriously, if you plan to use this, you're probably cheating already so it's long reload time shouldn't affect you. You run into this fantastically fun gun (as it causes people to fly... literally!) in the Hong Assassination and maybe the Fish Restaurant. In any case, you'll have to take out the bartender if you want to get your hands on it, but once you do, make sure you find some shells to fill it with as the two rounds you find in it are the only ones the bartender had on hand. It uses "shotgun shells". * It is important to note that it does indeed act like a pistol AND is considered as such. This means that if you're cheating, have some fun and you can pull out two of these suckers. Even more fun is exploiting the "ammo bug", where you wield two guns, but what shows up in your display box is the pistol. So when you fire John Woo style, you get the same amount of shotgun shells that your pistol can hold. That is to say, if your pistol holds 15 bullets, your sawn-off now holds 15 shells. Neat, huh? **3.17 OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST** This part will cover anything that isn't lethal (at least in the game. I mean, who knows, you probably COULD kill someone with a compass) that is available for purchase during your pre-mission prep. 3.17a Compass ------------- On every mission, you'll be able to purchase the compass for use. While this is a nice feature, it's really not necessary to spend your hard-earned funds on it on the earlier levels. It's likely that you'll never look at it and if you ever get lost, just check the map and reorient yourself to where you want to go. Later on, when the maps get impossibly huge, you might find that constant map-checking gets tedious, so it might be good to bring it along. 3.17b Binoculars ---------------- Again, this little item may or may not be useful to you. It can seriously get in the way, especially if you have "fat fingers" (meaning you go for a key on your keyboard and miss in the chaos). Nothing like trying to run forward when all of a sudden, binocs come into view. Again, in the earlier levels, you won't need it. It'll be $700-some-odd wasted, so leave it until you get to the big maps. When the maps are fairly large and open (it's advised you do a quick run-through before actually attempting to survive the mission), the binoculars can be an invaluable asset in your pocket. First of all, when you're carrying it, you won't be attacked and it doesn't draw any attention. Second of all, in big, open spaces, you might need to take some time to plan a route of attack. Use them binocs. 3.17c Kevlar Body Armor ----------------------- Like the Punisher, you can purchase body armor made out of Kevlar, a thick, yet lightweight fiber that slows most bullets, if not stopping them completely. KEVLAR IS YOUR FRIEND! You'll find that eventually, no matter what, you're going to get into a shoot out without fail, and that's where kevlar will come into play. It doesn't work like Doom armor where it depletes and then your health goes. No, I'm afraid that you can still get hurt while wearing it (especially if a bullet takes a chunk out of your shiny, bald head). However, it does make the hurt less than it would be without it. With a vest on, you're more likely to survive an onslaught and complete the mission. Always take it with you as a precautionary measure, unless you know how to get some within the mission without taking too many (or any at all) hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 Helpful Hints Before You Begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A good way to go about a mission is to run through it first and figure out what you need to bring with you (or, sometimes, what you don't need to bring with you) - NEVER pull out a weapon unless you intend to use it. - On that note, when using the knife or wire, do not draw it until the very last second. Otherwise, you risk discovery. - If you pick up a weapon, put it away if you're not going to use it. - NEVER shoot cops unless it's absolutely necessary. - NEVER shoot civilians unless it can't be helped. - Always bring a silenced weapon if you can. - Sneak, sneak, sneak before you make a close-up kill with the knife or wire. - The wire is fun, but the knife is efficient. - Keep an eye on your displays. They're not there for ambience. - Always watch out for patrolling guards and learn their paths. - Pick up ammo whenever you can. - Don't pick up a vest if you have 100% armor. It's one less vest that you can't use if you need a new one. - The map is your friend. Kevlar is your friend. - Don't be afraid to hit Shift-Esc to restart the mission if things aren't going your way. Better to restart than to waste time on something you know you're going to fail. - If you don't have time to drag a body somewhere, just abandon it. It's better to have the guards find the body without you there instead of having them gun you down as you drag their fallen comrade around. What happens when they find the body is dependant on the mission, but as long as you're not around during discovery, you won't be put under suspicion. "It's not wrong until you get caught." - Finally, if there is no possible way to get where you want to go without killing silently, then try to find a door that swings both ways so that you can stand behind it and line up your shot. After it closes, draw your gun, open the door and let loose the fury. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 Missions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * It is assumed that you will also purchase ammo for whatever gun you bring along. Anything marked with an asterisk (*) in the recommended equipment is a side note on the suggestion and possibly contains an optional item to bring. ************ 5.a Training ************ Training is straightforward. If you don't know what to do, the obvious thing to do is listen to the voice on the intercom. If not that, then pick up a weapon and wait for instructions. If not that, then follow the outline in your instruction manual. If not that, then go out and buy a legitimate copy of the game. Let the voice finish speaking if you're interested in what he's saying. That is to say, pick things up one at a time and stop moving if he's speaking. That way, you'll hear everything he has to say. When you ride the elevator up immediately after your sniper training, prepare a gun, either a sub-machine gun or a handgun (there's no way you're going to get close to the orderly). As soon as you see the orderly coming toward you, put a few bullets in him. No need to drag him away unless you killed him right in front of the door. Steal the orderly's clothes. Make sure you're wearing the orderly's uniform when you walk through the door, otherwise the other orderly won't unlock the gate for you. It isn't necessary to kill the second orderly, but you'll receive no punishment if you do. He's a jerk anyway. Proceed past the second orderly and you'll be treated to a cutscene. ----------------- |***HONG KONG***| ----------------- The Hong Kong missions will ultimately give you a thorough introduction into the intricacies of being a bonified Hitman. These missions are stealthy and don't require much weaponry to complete (at least at the purchasing stage). They seem to take place over a few days or weeks as you inevitably turn the Triad world upside down. Have fun... it only gets harder from here. ****************************** 5.1 Kowloon Triads in Gang War ****************************** Mission Objectives - Eliminate Red Dragon Negotiator Recommended Equipment - Blaser Jugowaffen R93 Sniper * You don't need anything other than the rifle. Save your money and uncheck everything. Do the mission right and you'll be glad you didn't waste the funds. The first inhibition people will probably have is that they have to avoid everyone. Throw that thinking out the window. If nobody has any reason to attack you, they won't. For all they know, you're just a guy carrying a brief case. You can walk right up to the guards if you want to. When you first start out, you'll be facing a row of buildings, their alleys fenced off. Turn down the road and follow the street until you see an empty 'lot' with a dumpster in it. It should be the first alley you can walk down. When you come out of the alley, keep going straight, following the street. There are three places you can set up your perch. You'll pass each one as you continue down the street. On your first open left, you'll see a construction elevator leading up to the roof of the building. There are two more just like it. The first one won't give you a good shot if you've never played this mission before, so let's take the second one (on the north side of the map). On the ride up, give yourself some room to put together your rifle so that when you leave the elevator, the case will remain inside it instead of sitting out on the roof. Head out of the elevator and walk along the edge overlooking the park. You should be able to see a bell or sculpture that looks like a big bell. Wait for the negotiators to arrive. When the negotiators meet at the structure, click fire once to enter sniper mode if you haven't already. Zoom in as needed and line up your shot. Not to worry, though, take your time. They're not going anywhere. >From this vantage point, you should see only the head of the Red Dragon Negotiator. From the first or third perch, you should be able to see both of them standing there. If this is the case, make sure you don't shoot the blue negotiator. * If you choose the first perch, the blue negotiator will be in front of you. Make sure you position yourself so you can get a good angle on the red negotiator without popping the blue guy. Once you have your shot lined up, take out the red negotiator and ONLY the red negotiator. Shoot anyone else and you fail the mission. As soon as the shot's taken, don't even wait for him to go down. You won't get a second chance anyway because he'll head for the hills. Get out of sniper mode and run to the elevator, putting your gun back in its case on the ride down. * If you dawdle on the rooftop too long, a helicopter will fly by with a not-so-friendly guard balancing a not-so-friendly gun on his knee and it will take only a few shots to take you down. * If you don't put your gun back in your case, it's possible that a guard near the park will see you with it and will begin firing at you. Once you've made it back down to ground level (hopefully without the helicopter pegging your description on the rooftop), run down a few alleys and make your way back to your car where you started. Once you get there, you're done the mission. It only gets harder from here. ************************************* 5.2 Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant ************************************* Mission Objectives - Eliminate Blue Lotus Emissary - Eliminate All Blue Lotus Triad Members Recommended Equipment - You MUST have the car bomb, otherwise you'll be hard-pressed for success. - Oyabun knife or piano wire. * If you think you'll need it, you can also bring along a silenced Beretta 92. just in case. I've gone through this mission a few times and I've found that as long as you get your timing right, you'll never need to draw a gun. This map is pretty small, and the mission is pretty short, although it provides a good introduction into the usefulness of changing clothes. The thing that might throw you off guard is the mission goal to eliminate all the Blue Lotus Triad members. If you turn to the right before you move anywhere, you'll see some guards standing around on the street corner. THESE are the guys you need to kill, but leave them alone for now. Head towards the restaurant either through the alleys or by following the road. Whatever you do, don't enter the restaurant. For some reason, they get all angry and start firing on you, so stay on the sidewalk. There's no reason to go into the restaurant anyway. * Entering the restaurant causes everyone to start shooting you. It doesn't make much sense, but then again, you're a killer, not a philosopher. When you get there, you should see two garbage cans against a... well, a rail of some sort. I think it's a bike rack or something. Stay near it, and don't go too far. Eventually, either before or after you get there, the limo will pull up. If you're feeling especially rowdy, you can hit escape to skip the cutscene and try shooting everyone up right away. Chances are, you'll die. Don't say I didn't warn you. Soon after everyone's inside the building, the limo driver will walk around to your side of the street and down into an alley for some privacy. Too bad. He's not going to get any. Follow him at a close distance until he turns the corner towards the grate. No matter how tempting it is to kill him right off the bat, it would be much wiser to wait. At about the same time the driver begins to relieve himself on the wall, a civilian will walk onto the scene. Position yourself behind the driver, but WAIT for the civilian to pass by and go along his merry way. As soon as you're clear, quickly take out the guard silently (SNEAK) either with the wire or the knife and drag his body over the open grate, letting it slip down into the sewers. Jump down after it and steal his uniform (you can do it before you drop him, but you risk the chance of being discovered) and then make your way to the parked limo. REMEMBER TO PUT AWAY YOUR WEAPON! Make your way to the driver's side of the car (it's on the left, even though you're in Hong Kong. Must've slipped their minds). If the guard is there, you might want to wait for him to move to the other side. If he's already on the passenger side, then click on the front door and plant the bomb. It -is- necessary to remove the bomb from your pocket first. (Previous versions of this document reported the opposite. My apologies.) After all's said and done, head back toward your car, and if you're feeling like it, you can stop off in the sewer to get your clothes back (but you don't need to). Now play the waiting game and face the guys standing on the corner. I'm not sure what happens if you walk up to them with the detonator drawn, so if you're not feeling bold, stay behind the wall near your car and wait for the limo to drive by. Draw the detonator in the meantime. A word of caution, there is a delay between the click of the remote and the detonation of the bomb, so you'll need to hit the trigger about half a second before the limo makes its turn between the four guards on the corner. If you've timed it right, you've killed the emissary, all the triad members in the car, and all the triad members on the street in the single explosion. Turn around and walk to your car and you'll be handed a success. ********************************************** 5.3 The Massacre at Cheng Chau Fish Restaurant ********************************************** Mission Objectives - Eliminate the Red Dragon Negotiator - Hide the Body of the Red Dragon Negotiator - Eliminate Chief of Police - Place a Red Dragon Amulet Inside the Restaurant Recommended Equipment - Fibre Wire/Oyabun Knife - Silenced Beretta 92. (silenced) * A weird thing about this mission is bringing along the UZI. At a certain point in the mission, you will be required to surrender all your weapons to a guard; however, for some reason he doesn't take your UZI. The following mission layout is based on not purchasing an UZI, but feel free to do so. This is a very entertaining mission, straight out of the Godfather. As you know by reading the briefing, you've got to make a kill in a restaurant (and just as a reminder, the bartender carries a powerful gun), but you've also got to make it look like the Red Dragons did it. Here's how. This map is small compared to the one coming up, so enjoy it while you can. This is a semi-timed mission in that you have to replace the Red Dragon negotiator with yourself before he makes it to the restaurant for the big pow wow. The mission begins before anyone has arrived on the scene. The man you're after will arrive from the north-east corner of the map. Everyone else will be at the restaurant when they need to be. * On the west side of the map is an alleyway that contains an R93 Sniper. Nobody knows why it's there (complete with two ammo clips, mind you), but you won't need it. This mission is stealthy, and the rifle is not. Resist the temptation and leave it alone. First off, get to the restaurant and talk to the bartender. Don't worry about anyone attacking you for the moment so long as you don't have any weapons drawn. He'll give you a key to the bathroom. * You'd think you could just wait in the bathroom and kick down the door in a surprise attack, shooting everyone before they even know what hit them, but the Chief didn't rise in rank by being stupid. If you're in the bathroom after everyone's entered the restaurant, the Chief will come and kick you out. You could, of course, just kill him then, but then the Red Dragon negotiator will take off, thus causing you to fail the mission. Enter the wonderful bathroom (small restaurant, ain't it?) and close the door behind you. Draw your Beretta and then drop it (F on the WASD setup). This is done because you're a crafty killer who knows how to get things done. Head back out of the restaurant and run to the north-east corner of the map. By now, you should have seen an information display saying that the targets have arrived on the map. In the distance, where you can't walk, you should see the Red Dragon negotiator approaching. Now's a good time to check the map to see the location of the nearby sewer (on the north end of the map seeing as that's where you want to ditch him after the kill. When he turns the corner, follow him closely, but don't make your kill until he's near the sewer. As long as you are walking, and as long as you are quick, you won't need to enter sneak mode to get this kill. Ready your wire or knife and use it immediately. Remember, do not draw you're weapon until the very last second, otherwise all your efforts are for nothing. Steal his clothes before or after you drag his body into the sewer, but remember that you don't have a lot of time to dawdle. Remember to take the amulet as well. * Killing the Red Dragon right after he turns the corner means you'll be discovered. There are a few cops patrolling the outer areas of the map and one comes from the west soon after you make the kill. If you're too far away from the sewer, your butt is toast. * Hiding the body in the corner of the map is no good either. Either a cop or civilian will see it and then report it to the Chief. That's not very professional of you, now is it? If you're in the sewer, head on up once you've got the clothes and amulet. Put your weapon away and stroll casually back to the restaurant. By now, both the Blue Lotus negotiator and the Chief of Police should be sitting in the restaurant, awaiting your arrival. Head in the front door and whatever weapons you may be carrying will be removed from you (except for the UZI, if you've brought it along). Here's where your thinking-ahead will come into play. Instead of talking to the Chief, head into the bathroom and pick up your gun. * If you stand around too long, the Chief will stand up and attempt to talk to you. At that point, he's discovered who you are and now every cop on the map will be looking for you. Furthermore, you'll be without a weapon to defend yourself. There are two ways to ensure that you pick the Chief off before he knows what's going on. With the gun drawn, you can just open the door and walk out, firing away, but be sure the Chief is dead before you kill anyone else. If, on the other hand, you're not quite confident in your quick-aiming, holster the weapon (R in WASD) and walk up to the door. Open it and line up your shot with the white circle. Wait for the door to close and then draw your gun. Open it again without moving your crosshairs and the shot can be taken right away. * An alternate route is instead of even bothering to enter the front door (or even planting a gun, for that matter), you can simply hang around outside after you get the bathroom key and wait for everyone to gather. You -must- kill the Red Dragon, though, seeing as his death and the stashing of his body are two objectives for the mission. Anyways, if you haven't noticed already, you can enter as well as exit the restaurant through the bathroom window (just make sure nobody sees you). So, once everyone's sitting down for their chat, hop in the window fully armed and burst through the door. Fun, ain't it? Once the Chief is down, the Blue Lotus member will take off like a sissy and the bartender will be quite cheesed. The bartender is your priority. If the Blue negotiator gets away, don't worry about it. He's not in the mission goals. Take out the bartender and quickly ready up the Red Dragon amulet. There's no actual action to plant it in the restaurant, so just hit the drop key. * You can also safely drop the amulet before you go get your gun. I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. Thanks, Erik. Now's the time to make your escape. The best course of action is to head back into the bathroom and leave through the window. Do this as quickly as you can because the cops will follow you in there. The good thing about this is that you've led quite a few of them into the bathroom and that means less of them will be on the street trying to pick you off. * You can also shoot out one of the windows and attempt to sprint back to your car that way (so you don't have to bother opening the restaurant door). *WARNING* Whatever you do, do NOT shoot any cops. The only cop you're allowed to kill is the Chief. Kill any more and it's $5000 off of your income EACH, not to mention that if you kill too many, the Agency gives you a fail and you have to do it all over again. Once you're on the road, run back to your car, taking any route you have to to avoid the bullets that are bound to be fired at you. DO NOT STOP to fight back. Just head back to your car and you'll get a success. ****************************** 5.4 The Lee Hong Assassination ****************************** Mission Objectives - Find Safe Combination - Find Safe Location - Deliver Jade Figure to Herbal Shop - Eliminate Lee Hong - Captured Agent Must Survive Recommended Equipment - Oyabun Knife - Beretta 92. Silenced * This is a long mission if you don't know exactly what to do right away, so you may want to bring an UZI or the non-silenced Beretta as an extra weapon if you're adamant against restarting. Timing is everything in this map, so a slip could mean a firefight. Use your own discretion: Are you a Hitman or a Gunman? At first, the sheer size of this mission's map is intimidating, and rightfully so, because if you don't know where you're going, you'll be spending a LOT of time wandering aimlessly. I recommend a walk-around before you attempt anything vital to your plan, but I'll do my best to tell you where to go. At least study the map. If at any time a body is discovered, Lee Hong will lock the front door to his HQ. You do not need to restart the mission if this happens. This walkthrough will completely avoid the front door so not to worry. You'll first start off outside the Wang Fou Restaurant from the second mission. There is nothing to do out here other than reminisce about missions past. Oh, and that R93 I mentioned in the alleyway? That's gone now. Head on into the restaurant. To the left is a stairway leading up to two doors, one on the right, and a higher one on the left. That goes to the VIP Area. To the right is a doorway with two (or three) guards in front of it with no stairway. This leads to what I'll be referring to as the BROTHEL AREA. This area is not labeled on the map, so if I refer to it, remember what I mean. If you walk around the divider, you'll see a door up ahead with the word "BAR" above it in fake Kanji. Just before that should be a door on the right with a single guard in front of it. That door on the right leads to a store room, perfect for stashing a body. How convenient. Walk behind that guard (easier to approach from HIS right) and open the door to the store room. Don't walk too far in. Instead, sit yourself right on the door's threshold and turn around. This way, the door doesn't close on you, saving you a bit of time in the very near future. Enter sneak mode and prepare to make a kill. There is a third guard near the entrance to the Brothel Area that patrols between the bar and the Brothel door. Make sure she passes by either way before you pull out your knife and cut the guard. Since you're standing in the doorway, simply drag him into the store room and stick him in a corner. You won't have time to steal his clothes right away, so make sure you stash him first. Once he's in there, hidden from the unknowing guards, feel free to relieve him of his suit and his Beretta. Put your weapons away and leave the store room, heading for the bar. Make note of the door just right of the bar. This leads to the Restaurant Area marked on the map, where the Herbal Shop (not labeled) makes its connection. More on that later. Talk to the bartender and he'll recommend you go upstairs for a little 'action'. Of course, you won't be allowed into the Brothel Area without the flyer, which the bartender conveniently leaves on the bar. * If you want to explore some more dialogue, talk to one of the waiters first and he'll recommend you to the bartender. Talk to the bartender a second time, and he'll let you know of another foreigner locked in the basement for trying to crack one of Hong's many safes. Pick up the flyer and return to the lobby, taking the door without the stairs to the Brothel Area. Follow the long ramp down after climbing the short steps up. Turning to the right reveals another restaurant area (which you can see through one of the windows at the top of the ramp), as well as a set of double doors guarded by a fat man. Approach this door and he'll let you in (funny, he has the same voice as the guy out in the lobby! How strange...). Climb up the steps and you'll be in the Brothel (labeled on the map). At the top of the stairs, you'll see an old lady and a younger lady in purple. Talk to the old lady and she'll offer you her best girl (how nice, considering that the girl standing next to her is the ONLY girl in the brothel). Once Hitman puts the woman's fee on his tab at the bar, the young woman will head through the door behind her. Follow her to her room (annoying since you walk faster than her) and when you get the chance, talk to her. She'll tell you that she doesn't belong there and wants your help. You have no choice, but to agree. Besides, she knows the combination to Hong's safe. So, once the dialogue's over, she'll begin to... trot, I guess, out of the room to her shortcut over the rooftops. Follow her, but make sure you don't run too far ahead of her or fall back too far behind her (annoying because you walk slower than her, but run faster than she trots). She'll lead you a short way outside and around a fence to a ladder. When she gets there, she'll wait for you to climb up first. Watch the cutscene. * If you're feeling like a big butthead, you can also shoot Ling and just take the combo from her. Of course, you'll probably be charged for an unnecessary kill, so be wary. When you regain control, you should be behind a dumpster, facing the patrolling guard. Never mind him. So long as you're still in the guard's uniform, he'll leave you alone. Notice how he's a Red Dragon, too. Anyways, spin around to the right and you'll see your lovely damsel in distress making her way to the gate. Follow her there and she'll wait for you to talk to her. Watch the cutscene (gotta love the shiver). Don't worry if the guard comes up to you after she's gone. He doesn't do anything. That's one objective off the list. Now to free the captured agent. Head back the way you came. You won't be able to climb back up the ladder, but there's no need to anyway. You should see a set of stairs leading up to three
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