Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge PC Cheats

Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge


Warning: The following is a detailed walkthrough of Koala Lumper. It will help you solve the game. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. If you do, a horrible fate might befall you. Have you ever been befallen? I was befallen once. It wasn't pleasant.

       TO FINISH

       DO NOT READ ON!

       Search for Dr. Dingo:
       The point of "Search for Dr. Dingo" is to find Dr. Dingo so
       that he can accompany Koala and Fly for the remainder of the
       adventure. To free Dingo from the filing cabinet in which he
       has locked himself, the Player can either figure out how to
       unlock the filing cabinet or shoot the Hunter-Seeker missile
       at the filing cabinet to blow it up. Briefly, these are the
       essential steps to both of those solutions:

       Get elevator key card in green book.
       Find computer log-in password in yellow book's "to do" list
       Find encoded filing cabinet password and the appropriate
       decoding scheme in maroon book (notice letters on corners of
       book pages).
       Send Fly into the filing cabinet keyhole to discover Dingo
       Unlock elevator in shed with key card.
       Turn elevator hand crank and press the down button to get to
       the lab.
       Locate the generator switch in the lab and turn on the

       To unlock the filing cabinet:
       Pick up a piece of Dingo's clothing (for use with the
       sniffer) and store this item in Koala's Fez for later use.
       Connect the Computer to the filing cabinet with the network
       patch bay.
       Turn on the Computer and log in with the correct password
       Decode the filing cabinet password with the correct
       encryption scheme ("pememez" decodes to "bananas" with the
       infinity symbol).
       Download the decoded password to the filing cabinet.
       Return to the trailer and turn on the refrigerator/filing
       cabinet's terminal.
       While holding Dingo's clothing, click to open the cabinet.
       Dingo is unlocked if the password is correct and the sniffer
       detects Dingo.

       To blow up the filing cabinet:
       Connect the Identi-Kit to the Computer at the network patch
       Assemble a picture of Dingo on the Identi-Kit and download
       it to the Computer.
       Connect the Computer to the Hunter Seeker Missile with the
       patch bay.
       Turn on the computer and log in with the correct password
       Locate Dingo's picture in the Computer's data storage area
       and download it to the Hunter-Seeker missile terminal.
       Return to the Hunter-Seeker Missile terminal and turn it on.
       Confirm Dingo as the missile's target and fire it!
       Return to the trailer to find Dingo.
       After watching the animation that shows Dingo getting out of
       the filing cabinet, you'll need to place his marbles back
       into his brain. Do this by clicking on each marble to pick
       it up (only one at a time), and clicking again over each
       hemisphere of Dingo's brain to drop the marble inside.
       You'll now watch an animation showing Koala and Dingo depart
       from Dingo's atoll, and you'll regain control back inside of
       the TTRV. This is a good time to save your game (CTRL-S).
       You can play any of the remaining 3 episodes in any order.
       Each of the 4 animating icons on the TTRV's "map" represents
       each of the 4 episodes. Clockwise from the upper left they
       are: Dingo's atoll, Land of Lost Things, Stream of
       Consciousness, and Eye in the Sky.

       Land of Lost Things
       Pick up the bone lying on the ground just to the right of
       the TTRV. Place it into inventory by clicking on Koala's
       Enter the first pipe maze opening you see as you scroll the
       screen to the right (it resembles the tail of a WWII
       Move through the maze, turning right twice. You will emerge
       in the Lost Expedition Clearing.
       Pick up (and read) the Lost Expedition Log Book.
       Reenter the pipe maze.
       Move through the maze, turning to the right once.
       Pick up the wrench you find in the clearing and place it
       into Koala's fez.
       Reenter the pipe maze.
       Move through the maze, turning right and then left. You
       should emerge in the "arrival clearing" and see the TTRV
       still parked there.
       Now enter the other pipe maze entrance from this clearing
       (not the one that looks like the WWII plane). You will
       emerge in the "pipe lid" clearing.
       Pick up the broken TV set lying on the ground, and place it
       into inventory by clicking on Koala's fez.
       Click on Koala's fez. When inside the fez, click on the
       wrench. This should prompt Koala to open the pipe lid. After
       it is open, you'll automatically enter the pipe.
       Move through the maze, making a left turn at the first
       intersection, and a right turn at the second. You should
       emerge in the "catapult clearing."
       Click on Koala's fez and retrieve the bone from inventory.
       Scroll to the right until the bone is being "zapped" by the
       laser beams surrounding the catapult.
       As soon as the catapult launches, click on the pipe entrance
       behind it.
       Move through the maze making a left turn when you get to the
       intersection. You'll emerge into a "3-way" clearing.
       Reenter the pipe maze by clicking on the pipe opening to
       left of the one you just came out of (that's the one on your
       left, not Koala and Dingo's left!).
       Move through the maze, making a right turn when you have the
       opportunity. You'll emerge into the "bomb" clearing.
       Click on the bomb's "timer" to cause it to explode. You'll
       be blasted to another clearing in the maze.
       Pick up the goblet you find on the ground in the clearing
       you land in, and place it into inventory by clicking on fez.
       Move through the maze making a left turn when you get to the
       intersection. You'll emerge into a "3-way" clearing.
       Reenter the pipe maze by clicking on the pipe opening that
       has the wooden plank in front of it (there's two openings,
       and this is the one on the left).
       Move through the maze, making a right turn and then a left
       turn. You should arrive in the catapult clearing again.
       Pick up the bone (the same one you had before) that is lying
       on the ground in this clearing. Use it to trigger the
       catapult and click on the pipe opening behind the catapult.
       Move through the maze making a left turn when you get to the
       intersection. You'll emerge into a "3-way" clearing.
       Reenter the pipe maze by clicking on the pipe opening just
       to left of the one you just came out of (that's the one on
       your left, not Koala and Dingo's left!).
       Move through the maze, making a right turn when you have the
       opportunity. You'll emerge into the "bomb" clearing.
       Exit the bomb clearing by entering the pipe opening behind
       the crater left by the exploded bomb (there's only two exits
       from this clearing, and this is the one you didn't just come
       in through).
       As you move through the maze, turn right when you can.
       You'll emerge into the "winch bone" clearing.
       Pick up the winch bone you see lying on the ground in this
       clearing, and place it into inventory.
       Reenter the pipe maze. Make a right turn when you have the
       chance. You'll emerge into a "4-way" clearing.
       Reenter the pipe maze through the pipe that has the spare
       tire in front of it. As you move forward and emerge into the
       next clearing, Koala and Dingo will be trapped in a cage.
       Click on Koala's fez and retrieve the winch bone from
       While carrying the bone, click on the winch just to the left
       of the cage trap. When the bone is properly inserted, click
       on the winch again and Koala and Dingo will be freed.
       Reenter the pipe maze using the opening on the opposite side
       of the clearing (the one that doesn't have the cage trap in
       front of it).
       Congratulations! You've successfully navigated the pipe
       The clearing you just arrived in is the entrance to Junk
       City. Click on the door (the only one in this clearing).
       Inside Junk City, scroll up and click on the door just above
       the one you came in. Click on the door opening again to
       enter Immigration.
       After being ejected by the guard dog, click on the door to
       Immigration to try again. This time, fly is placed in
       Dingo's head so that you can tell Dingo what to say.

       Inside Dingo's brain, do the following to satisfy the guard
       dog: say "bow wow" and wait for the guard dog to respond
       "bow wow"; present your butt for sniffing (by clicking the
       "butt" button); say "woof bark arf bark" and wait for the
       guard dog to respond "woof whine pant"; say "arf yelp whine"
       and wait for the guard dog to respond "bark grrr"; now "sign
       in" by clicking on the fire hydrant button and wait for the
       guard dog to say "bark" and turn his back to you.
       Now that you're outside of Dingo's brain, you'll need to
       place a bribe for the guard dog. Click on Koala's fez to
       access inventory and retrieve either the goblet or the TV.
       Place the retrieved item on the ground in front of the guard
       dog. After Koala and Dingo are done talking, the guard dog
       will signal that it's OK for you to pass. At this point,
       you'll see Koala and Dingo go up the pipe to Customs. At the
       end of the animation you'll end up back inside Dingo's head.
       Do the following to satisfy the Customs guard dog: sniff his
       butt (click the "nose/butt" button); say "arf bark woof
       bark" and wait for the guard dog to respond "woof whine
       pant"; say "arf yelp whine" and wait for the guard dog to
       respond "bark grrr"; now "sign in" by clicking on the fire
       hydrant button and wait for the guard dog to say "bark" and
       turn his back to you.
       Click on Koala's fez to access inventory and retrieve either
       the goblet or the TV.
       Place the retrieved item on the ground in front of the guard
       dog. After Koala and Dingo are done talking, the guard dog
       will signal that it's OK for you to pass. At this point,
       you'll be entering Woody Knot's throne room. When the
       non-interactive sequence is over, Dingo will be lying on the
       ground and Koala will be trapped beneath the all-seeing
       Click on the jet pack on the back of the guard dog on the
       right side of your screen (he's the one directly beneath the
       ceiling fan).
       After Dingo retrieves the scroll piece, pick up one of the
       pieces of dog meat and use it to lure the other guard dog
       away from the switch he's guarding. By keeping the meat
       close enough to the dog, you'll be able to get him to walk
       all the way to the throne room's cannon (about 180 degrees
       from the throne you'll see an opening to the barrel of the
       Drop the meat into the cannon while the dog is still being
       lured by it. You should see the dog bend over and start
       chewing the meat.
       Fire the cannon by clicking on the light blue "pullcord" to
       the upper right of the cannon.
       Flip the switch that the guard dog was guarding and then
       open the exit to the throne room (the door directly below
       Koala). When you exit the throne room, you'll see a
       non-interactive sequence that will complete this episode of
       the adventure.
       Once back in the TTRV, select another episode.

       Stream of Consciousness
       After the opening animation has played, navigate to the
       fortune teller and click the "button" on his forehead.
       After Koala retrieves the scroll piece, click on the fortune
       teller again to get a ticket.
       Click on the ticket.
       Click on the train when it arrives in the station.
       Once inside Dingo's brain and Tuff Luv prompts you to do
       some word association, click on the following series of
       words: Please unpack my emotional baggage.
       Once you're off the train of thought, navigate to the door
       of the train station and open it by clicking on it.
       Click again on the open door to enter the house of doors.
       In the house of doors, Tuff Luv will ask Dingo a number of
       questions. The answers to the eight questions are as
       follows: C, B, A, B, C, C, B, A.
       After confronting Dingo's phobias, you'll be back in the
       train station and ready for another word association game.
       Click on the fortune teller to get a ticket, click on the
       ticket itself, and then click on the train when it arrives.
       The words to select once inside Dingo's brain are: Beneath
       this tough Dingo exterior scared little pup. Upon completion
       of the word association, you'll progress to the next train
       Once off the train, navigate to the giant wooden teeth and
       click on them. Click once again to actually go into the
       mouth. You should now see a non-interactive sequence that
       leaves you in the House of Self Knowledge searching for
       another scroll piece.
       The scroll piece is located on a stack of papers on an end
       table next to a couch. Clicking on this scroll piece brings
       this episode to a close (Don't click on the scroll piece
       right away, though, if you want to see some interaction
       between Dingo and Tuff. Clicking on Dingo or Tuff will also
       get a reaction).
       Once back in the TTRV, select another destination.

       Eye in the Sky
       After the opening non-interactive sequence, you'll be left
       in Annie Body's bedroom with Dingo locked up inside her
       "dress-up" wardrobe. To get Dingo out, you must get him back
       in his own clothes.
       Click on the head, body, legs, and feet on the "dress-up"
       controller so that each item is highlighted blue.
       You'll need to press the left arrow button five times and
       then hit the "Dress" button to get Dingo back into his own
       Pick up Koala's clothes that are lying on the floor.
       Exit Annie's bedroom by clicking on the big cat face door
       just to the left of the "dress-up" controller. Click again
       to go through the open door.
       Navigate through the space station "hub" by dragging fly to
       the bottom edge of the screen. Enter the second door you see
       on right. You should end up in the galley and find Koala in
       a diaper sitting at a "tea party."
       Click on Koala while holding his clothes to get him dressed
       again. At this point, Koala picks up the scroll pieces from
       the table and you must now figure out how to escape from

       Annie's space station.
       Click on the puzzle piece that Koala had been sitting on
       and, while holding it, click on Fez to place it into
       Exit the Galley by clicking on the cat face door you came
       through before. Click again to go through the open door.
       Back in the hub, drag fly to the bottom of the screen until
       you see a door on the left hand side of the hallway. This is
       the Door to the Captain's Bridge.
       Click on the door.
       You should now see a close-up of a Number Lock.
       NOTE: You have ten (10) guesses to get the correct three
       digit number to unlock the door to the Captain's Bridge. The
       arrows above and below the number digit increase or decrease
       that digit's value. The button with the hand on it to the
       right of the numbers enters your guess. The arrow bar to the
       left of the numbers tell you if your number is too low or
       too high. The arrow bar will change into an equals sign when
       you guess the right number.
       Enter 499
       Add or subtract 250 depending if your guess is too low or
       too high.
       Add or subtract 125 depending if your guess is too low or
       too high.
       Add or subtract 62 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 31 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 16 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 8 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 4 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 2 depending if your guess is too low or too
       Add or subtract 1 depending if your guess is too low or too
       The arrow bar to the left of the numbers should turn to an
       equals sign, and you will hear a click signifying that the
       door to the Captain's Bridge is now unlocked.
       Click on the door to the Captain's Bridge to open it and
       click again on the open doorway to enter the bridge.
       When you're inside the Captain's Bridge, scroll down to the
       bottom where you should see a maroon-colored control panel
       with a lever on it. This is a Telepad Control Panel.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel.
       This should give you a close up of the Telepad Control
       Make note of the coordinates of this Telepad Control Panel
       for future reference (Doll, Hand 4, Auto, House).
       Exit the Telepad Control Panel by clicking either to the far
       left or far right of the screen.
       Scroll to the top of the Captain's Bridge.
       Click on the door to open it and click again on the open
       door to get back to the hub.
       Move Fly to the bottom of the screen to navigate "down" in
       the hub.
       Stop at the first door to the right. This should be a
       Tractor Beam Corridor.
       Click on Koala's fez to access your inventory and, once
       inside of Fez, retrieve the puzzle piece by clicking on it.
       Click on the red control panel to the left of this door.
       Drop the puzzle piece you're still holding into place on the
       control panel.
       Take note of the LED pattern on the face of the control
       panel. The LEDs indicate the force field patterns within the
       corridor. Note that the fields cancel each other out when
       they pass through each other. Also take note of the "pie
       piece" patterns at the end of each of the three corridors on
       the space station map (located on the bottom half of the
       control panel you're looking at now). You can tell which
       corridor you're about to enter because your current position
       in the space station is indicated by the small "x." Write
       down each of the three patterns, and mark the one for the
       corridor you're about to enter.
       Click on either the right or left edge of the screen to exit
       the close-up view.
       Click on the door next to the control panel and it should
       now open. Click again to go through the open door.
       Navigate corridor number one, making sure not to come in
       contact with the force fields traversing the corridor. You
       can move forward by moving Fly to the upper center portion
       of the screen, and you can move backward by moving Fly to
       the bottom center portion of the screen. You can stop by
       either centering Fly on the screen or by moving him to the
       left or right edge of the screen (this is easier and
       provides better control).
       When you've reached the end of the corridor, click on the
       "cat face" in front of you to exit the corridor. You should
       now be in the Stinger Puzzle Room.
       Click on the Stinger Puzzle Control Panel located in the
       middle of the Stinger Puzzle Room. This should give you a
       close up of the Stinger Puzzle.
       Rotate the rings of the Stinger Puzzle to create a pattern
       that matches the pie piece pattern that you took note of
       before entering the corridor. Segments are highlighted
       (pink) when there are two adjacent segments (on separate
       rings) that "match" (i.e., the two adjacent segments either
       both have a star in them or both don't). Note that the outer
       two rings don't affect the inner two rings (i.e., two
       adjacent and matching segments on the middle two rings won't
       be highlighted). The easiest way to solve Stinger Puzzle is
       to rotate the outermost ring until the outer two rings match
       the pattern on the control panel at the entrance of this
       particular Tractor Beam Corridor. Do the same for the inner
       two rings. Make sure to not only match the pattern, but to
       have it oriented properly (not only do the highlighted pie
       piece shapes need to be in the proper pattern relative to
       each other, they must be, as a group, positioned exactly as
       you saw the pattern on the space station map.
       When the Stinger Puzzle is solved, an animation of the power
       for the Tractor Beam shutting off should play. A Telepad
       should now be exposed to the left.
       Click on the Telepad's Control Panel
       Make note of the coordinates of this Telepad Control Panel
       for future reference
       (Hand 0, Hand 0, Hand 0, Umbrella).
       Enter the Captain's Bridge's coordinates using the up and
       down arrows on the Telepad Control Panel. (Doll, Hand 4,
       Auto, House)
       Exit the Telepad Control Panel by clicking either to the far
       left or far right of the screen.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel's Lever to activate the
       You should be teleported to the Captain's Bridge.
       Scroll to the top of the Captain's Bridge.
       Click on the door to open it.
       Click on the open doorway to enter the hub.
       Scroll downward in the hub.
       Stop at the first door to the right. This should be a
       Tractor Beam Corridor you just finished.
       Click on the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel to retrieve
       the Puzzle Piece.
       Exit the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel by clicking
       either to the far left or far right of the screen.
       Scroll downward in the hub.
       Stop at the second door to the right. This should be another
       Tractor Beam Corridor.
       Click on the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel
       Insert the Puzzle Piece into the Puzzle Piece Impression.
       Again, take note of the "LED" pattern that displays the
       force field pattern inside of the corridor, and also take
       note of the pie piece pattern for this corridor.
       Exit the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel by clicking
       either to the far left or far right of the screen.
       Click on door to the Tractor Beam Corridor.
       Click on the open doorway to enter the Tractor Beam
       Navigate through the Tractor Beam Corridor avoiding the red
       energy beams.
       Click on the door at the end of the Tractor Beam Corridor.
       You should now be in the Stinger Puzzle Room.
       Click on the Stinger Puzzle Control Panel located in the
       middle of the Stinger Puzzle Room.
       This should give you a close up of the Stinger Puzzle.
       Rotate segments of the Stinger Puzzle to match the pie piece
       pattern on the control panel at the entrance of this
       particular Tractor Beam Corridor.
       When the Stinger Puzzle is solved, an animation of the power
       for the Tractor Beam shutting off should play. A Telepad
       should now be exposed to the left.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel
       Make note of the coordinates of this Telepad Control Panel
       for future reference
       (Hand 0, Hand 0, Hand 0, Flower).
       Enter the Captain's Bridge's coordinates using the up and
       down arrows on the Telepad Control Panel. (Doll, Hand 4,
       Auto, House)
       Exit the Telepad Control Panel by clicking either to the far
       left or far right of the screen.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel's Lever to activate the
       You should be teleported to the Captain's Bridge.
       Scroll to the top of the Captain's Bridge.
       Click on the door to open it.
       Click on open doorway to enter the hub.
       Scroll downward in the hub and stop at the third door to the
       right. This should be the Tractor Beam Corridor you just
       Click on the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel to retrieve
       the Puzzle Piece.
       Exit the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel by clicking
       either to the far left or far right of the screen.
       Scroll downward in the hub.
       Stop at the second door to the right. This should be the
       final Tractor Beam Corridor.
       Click on the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel.
       Insert the Puzzle Piece into the Puzzle Piece Impression and
       again note both the LED pattern and the pie piece pattern
       for this corridor.
       Exit the Tractor Beam Corridor Control Panel by clicking
       either to the far left or far right of the screen.
       Click on door to the Tractor Beam Corridor.
       Click on the open doorway to enter the Tractor Beam
       Navigate through the Tractor Beam Corridor avoiding the red
       energy beams.
       Click on the door at the end of the Tractor Beam Corridor.
       You should now be in the Stinger Puzzle Room.
       Click on the Stinger Puzzle Control Panel located in the
       middle of the Stinger Puzzle Room.
       This should give you a close up of the Stinger Puzzle.
       Rotate segments of the Stinger Puzzle to match the pied
       pattern on the control panel at the entrance of this
       particular Tractor Beam Corridor.
       When the Stinger Puzzle is solved, an animation of the power
       for the Tractor Beam shutting off should play. A Telepad
       should now be exposed to the left.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel
       Make note of the coordinates of this Telepad Control Panel
       for future reference (Hand 0, Hand 0, Hand 0, Fish).
       Enter the Captain's Bridge's coordinates using the up and
       down arrows on the Telepad Control Panel. (Doll, Hand 4,
       Auto, House)
       Exit the Telepad Control Panel by clicking either to the far
       left or far right of the screen.
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel's Lever to activate the
       You should be teleported to the Captain's Bridge.
       Go up to the Big Screen with a picture of Annie in a Indian
       Chief's Headdress.
       On the Big Screen, click on the red button to the right.
       This button is close to the stairs to the right.
       Click on the button in the lower right corner. It has a
       three armed satellite on the button.
       This will bring up the Tractor Beam schematic for Annie's
       Satellite. The clue on how to teleport to the TTRV is also
       shown on this schematic.
       In the upper left corner of this schematic you will see a
       "Hand 2" symbol followed by three pie piece patterns that
       correspond to those on the space station map. Note that the
       Telepad coordinates for each of the Stinger Puzzle Rooms are
       the same except for the last coordinate. Taking the unique
       coordinate for each Stinger Puzzle Room and substituting it
       for the pie piece pattern it corresponds to will give you
       the coordinates for the TTRV (Hand2, Flower, Fish,
       Click on the Telepad Control Panel at the bottom of the
       Captain's Bridge.
       Input the coordinates for the TTRV (Hand2, Flower, Fish,
       Exit Control Panel. You'll now see an animation showing you
       departing the Eye in the Sky.
       You are now in the TTRV. This is a good place to save a game

       Interactive Finale:
       Once you've completed each of the four episodes listed
       above, you'll see an animation that shows Macho Mental being
       released. Once you're back in the TTRV, you'll need to
       travel back to each of the 3 episodes other than Dingo's
       atoll. You can do this in any order, and this walk through
       suggests only one of several options (each slightly
       Click on the Eye in the Sky icon (lower left on the map).
       Watch the animation.
       Click on the Land of Lost Things icon (upper right).
       Watch the animation.
       Click on the Stream of Consciousness icon (lower right).
       Watch the animation.
       Now Dingo's head will explode and Koala will place Fly
       inside his brain to manipulate his thoughts. You should see
       a set of puzzle pieces inside of Dingo's brain. The
       objective here is to connect Dingo and Koala to the mallet
       (since, after all, that is what you're trying to get from
       Tuff Luv). Note how the following series of moves relates to
       the ending sequence you'll watch once the puzzle is solved.
       Connect [Koala/Dingo] to [Annie Body] + [Space Station] (the
       space station should now disconnect from Annie).
       Connect [Koala/Dingo] + [Annie] to [All Seeing Helmet] +
       [Woody] (Annie and the helmet should now be connected, and
       Koala/Dingo and Woody should now be by themselves).
       Connect [Woody] to [Tuff Luv] + [Mallet] (Woody and Tuff
       should now be connected, and the Mallet should be by
       Connect [Koala/Dingo] to [Mallet].
       That's it! Enjoy the ending sequence. Thanks for playing.

Thanks to Revolution reader Mister S. Pain!

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