Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny PC Cheats

Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny Walkthrough


Warning: The following is a detailed walkthrough of Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll spoil the game. And who knows, it might even blind you. Enjoy!

Solution by Mike Marcelais: Version 1.0, October 1997

Thanks to Mark Sunderland for all his help.

Table of contents

  1. The Caves of the Draracle
  2. The Halls of the Draracle
  3. Huline Jungle
  4. Hive Caves
  5. Huline Village
  6. Huline Jungle (again)
  7. Hive Caves (again)
  8. Savage Jungle
  9. Dracoid Ruins
  10. Dracoid Cemetary
  11. Dracoid Ruins (again)
  12. Savage Jungle (again)
  13. Claw Mountains
  14. The Citadel
  15. The Huline Temple
  16. City of the Ancients
  17. Underground Caverns
  18. Belial’s Laboratory
  19. Birthing Chamber

Part I: The Caves of the Draracle

Okay, you’ve just escaped from the dungeon of Gladstone keep, shifted forms three times, run to the ‘safety’ of the Draracle’s Caves and are being hunted by the guards of Gladstone. And you have no weapons, armor, or equipment.

In reality, this first area isn’t very difficult. This section is mainly to get you used to the interface of the game. The first thing you should do is walk over to the green rock cluster and get a stalagmite from it to use as a weapon. Also walk over near the water, on the right side, and pick three pieces of Cave Aloe from the wall. Cave Aloe can heal your wounds.

Now head out the cave to the west and watch the guards go by. Ambush the last guard by sneaking up on him from behind and loot his body. This will get you some much needed real armor and weapons. You can continue south to the entrance, but the guards there are armed with nasty ranged weapons and it is unlikely you could survive. Head north instead.

As you head north, you’ll see a very large boulder blocking the passage to the left and another passage to the right. Head to the end of the right passage and you’ll shift forms. If you shift into the Lizard, you are now small enough to run through the small passage that is here. If you shift into the Beast, you can run back to the large rock and push it out of the way (by walking into it) and get into the area beyond.

As you continue north, you’ll run by a large underground lake and then enter an area of construction with pillars. You can click on the pillars and drag them out of the way to make a passage that you can fit through. After you get through, you can turn around and attack the weak pillar to collapse the corridor and prevent guards from following you in.

Head right from the pillars and you’ll get to a room with four exits. In the northwest room, there are several crates and a passage high out of reach. If you stack three of the crates on top of each other, then stack two more crates next to those, then stack the two small crates next to those, you have a stairway that you can jump up to get to that hidden room. All that is up there are two broken maces and an orc shield; but messing with the crates is good practice.

The next room (to the northeast) contains a former Dark Army creature that recognizes you when you approach. He claims to have a gift for you hidden away, but dies before he can give it to you.

The door to the southeast is locked and can’t be opened. However, there is a chain set in the wall next to the door. If you cut the chain (by attacking it), the door will open and you can walk through. In that room, there is an Ancient Magic Stone hidden in the debris near the back of the room.

Now, leave this area and return to the collapsed passage and continue past. The black pools here are oil and if you cast a spark spell at them, they will ignite into flames. Continue past them, picking up any Aloe you see on the way, and you will reach a chamber with a large lava pool in the middle. Skirt the rim of this chamber and continue north.

As you continue north, you’ll reach a bridge over an underground river and the guards will lock a door behind you. If you pull the lever next to the bridge, you will reopen the gate and the door to the guard’s room will also have opened. Go in there and get the Light Crossbow, Pyro Pod, and a Guardian Sword.

Cross over the bridge, open the doors, and head to the Draracle.

Part II: The Halls of the Draracle

Go through the gate and over to the table in the next room. Don’t worry about the skeleton; as long as you leave it alone, it won’t bother you either. In general, don’t bother creatures which don’t seem hostile. Get the gifts that the Draracle has left for you. You can pull the lever on the wall now and walk to the mirror to the southern continent, but there is something much more interesting than the gifts on the table.

If you click on the Tapestry across the room from the table and then click on the wall behind it, a secret passage opens up. This leads to the Draracle Museum and it contains many interesting exhibits. Be sure to get the skeleton key from the wall at the end of the entrance hallway. Inserting it into the triangle shaped holders will give a narritive on the exhibit.

Explore a lot of this area, and you should be able to find many good items like the Long Sword Prism, and The Axe of the Long Arm. There are only three tricky areas in the museum.

At the very start, there is an orb held by a claw. Clicking on the orb gives you a welcome message. In front of the orb, on the floor, is a hidden opening. Clicking on it will raise a key holder opens a secret area behind the orb. Inside are scrolls of Heal, Spark, and Summon. Use the Summon to learn it. (Using a scroll will let you learn the group, if you didn’t know it already, or cast it if you already knew the group).

To the north, there is a caged in area that you cannot open. If you cast a Spark spell into the area, one of the crates will explode and you can reach inside and get a Dragon Stone.

To the far east, there is a closed exhibit about Time Travel. You can open this area by pulling the lever hidden behind the last picture in the gallery to the north. Once inside, break the Hourglass by attacking it, then break through the wall and jump through the hole.

Run down the corridor, finish off the last skeleton creature, open the door, and ask the dragon for a lift to the southern continent.

Part III: Huline Forest

Begin CD 2

This area is a very large forest area and it is hard to get a good idea of where places are located around here. When you first arrive, you will be in a clearing. Heading north, you are approached by a two-headed catbeast. Sometimes he’ll attack you; other times, it just ignores you. There is a lot of wildlife in this forest, and you don’t want to upset it -- don’t attack things that don’t attack you. And don’t walk under the spiders: they can poison you if you do.

There are many bushes around here that have bright green leaves. These are Aloe plants and you can pick the leaves off the plants. They will heal you. You may also see a beehive or two; you can get wax from these.

Continuing around the corner, you’ll meet a Huline guarding the village. He refuses you entrance because Shalla and her daughter are missing. Seems like the best thing to do is head into the forest and search for them.

Heading west, you meet a pair of Huline mothers that look less than thrilled to see you. They distrust you and tell you little, eventually leaving with complains that you aren’t very polite.

Head through the forest, going generally west and staying between the two streams that flow through the forest. You are looking for the house of Kity’ara and you know you’re getting close when you see a double bridge over the northern stream. Head south from here a bit, then head west.

Kit’yara seems excited to see you and lets you loot her shack for equipment: swords, Gargoyle bracers, and a bow. She tells you about the Long Sword Firestorm which seems like a really cool weapon, but you can’t have it. She will also tell you about Power Orbs, the Monestary, and the wild ones that live across the river Bane (just east of where you started).

After leaving her shack, take the first path south that you can (it should be easily visible on your automap) and you’ll run into the Huline women again. After you finish your conversation with them, head west. This area is filled with growing branches that can be cut down. The automap will show which areas of the walls can be cut. If you simply cut the walls, they will grow back in a few seconds. Using a Spark spell on them will burn them to the ground and they won’t grow back. (If you are stuck in Lizard form now, you will be unable to hack the walls; you’ll have to use Spark or wait until you change back. You want to go through the woods here until you get to a lake to the southwest.

Across the lake from where you entered this clearing is a cave entrance. If you go inside, you’ll enter the realm of the Hive Caves. This is where Shalla is being held.

Part IV: Hive Caves

This is a very hot and unstable cave system. There is a lot of amber found on the ground here. When you walk through, don’t worry about the clouds of gas, but do worry about green bursts of liquid as they can poison you and watch out for cliffs, falling rocks, and lava.

Head down into the caves until you get to a room with a small beast with two heads sticking out of its body. This is the Executioner that the Huline were talking about. Kill it and investigate its nest across the chamber to the north. Hidden inside, you’ll find some plate armor. Good stuff.

Now, just to the west, there is a large chasm. If you attack the ceiling, using a ranged weapon, you’ll cause the roof to collapse and the chasm will be filled with rubble so you can cross. Head across and take a left at the fork. Somewhere in this next room is a spider creature. Kill it and head all of the way north. You’ll find Shalla hiding in a corner of the cave. When you’ve convinced her that the spider is dead, she will head back to the Huline village.

Now, return to the fork and take the other passage. It ends in a large lava field that has several islands of rock growing from it. Hop across the islands until you get to the northern exits. Fortunately, lava is not instantly fatal, although it does hurt a lot.

From here, to the north, is a chamber with lots of amber. To the west is a room with several pillars supporting the ceiling. Behind the pillars is a large sword set in the wall with two statues flanking it. Crawl between the pillars (sometimes I can get through in human form, although I usually have to wait until I’m in Lizard form), get the sword, and run out. The roof will collapse in a moment. Attacking the columns will also bring the roof down on you. The sword is too large for you to wield, although it may come in handy later.

Now, exit the cave area and return to the Huline Village.

Part V: Huline Village

Now that Shalla is safe, you are welcomed into the village. There are a few things you need to do here, but mostly, this is a chance to advance the plot and collect reward.

Travel through the village by heading left of the entrance. Follow the edge of the village until you meet a huline in a back alley. He’ll give you a password: "aikman".

Then travel to the southern edge and enter the cantina (the shop in the middle of the fixed screen). Inside, you’ll meet Bacatta. He’ll tell you that Dawn is also in the southern continent doing research about Ancient Magic. He lets you go on your word that you’ll return.

Next, head across town to the magician’s house, just to the north of the entrance gate. When you ask him about ancient magic, he’ll suck all your magical energy out of you, but allow you to take his items. You can get three fire crystals, a manafoil, a war cluster, and a Speaking Stone which shows the sinking of the ancient city.

Head just west and visit the King of the Huline village. He seems very unconcerned with what is happening and ignores your concerns.

This bit is optional, and may not be to everyone’s liking. Head further west until you reach an abandoned building. Click on the cellar and then on the door. With the password, you will be admitted to a thieves guild. The buisnessman there will get the sword Firestorm for you if you go and kill Kelsrick. While you’re down here, you can get poisonpaint (which can be used on weapons to poison them) and a skull key. Go and kill Kelsrick. You can also flip the switch behind him and go kill the King. He holds six Ancient Magic Orbs, so it is well worth your while. Now, return to the guild and pick up your sword. He also gives you a safe exit from the village.

Regardless of whether you killed Kelsrick or not, exit the village and head back out into the forest.

Part VI: Huline Jungle (again)

Your next goal is to visit the Monestary. Before you go there, stop by a few interesting parts of the forest that you may have missed on previous trips. Just to the north of Kit’yara’s house, at the headwaters of the stream just to the north there is a waterfall. Searching in the water will get you a Lightning Crystal and you can enter a cave to the west where you’ll find a corpse that holds a Speaking Stone showing the end of a great battle.

Following that stream all of the way east will lead you to a waterfall. At the base of the waterfall, on the north shore, is a small passage you can crawl through to get a recipe scroll and a Summon scroll. The Summon scroll is trapped, and since you already have the summon spell group, then it isn’t really worth going and getting. To get out of this area, go along the shore of the Bane River towards the south, wait until you shift into Lizard form, and run down the lizard tunnel there.

Head south, almost due south from the village, across two rivers, and you’ll arrive at a clearing completely blocked by a pink lake with a bridge across. You cannot cross this bridge in beast form (as the bridge will collapse). On the other side of the bridge is the Monestary.

Out behind the monestary is General in charge of vegetables. He’s mostly a waste of your time. In the library to the left is Dawn. She looked much better in the first Lands of Lore game...but I digress. She suggests you go see Brother Julian, who is behind the closed doors in the center of the first Monestary screen. He will be amazed by your tales of the Draracle, but require you to get a wax copy of runes hidden deep in the caves. He gives you a flute which operates the lift.

Part VII: The Hive Caves (again)

Exit the monestary and return to the caves. Remember that area to the west of where you killed the spider creature that I said you could ignore? Well, go there now. As you approach the area, you should see four runes on the wall to your right. Make a note of them. Also, be sure that you have a piece of wax. You can get wax from behives in the forest. Stand on the edge of the ledge and use the flute. This will raise the lift up to the top. The lift platform has eight buttons on it -- pushing one of the buttons will move the lift to that floor. Most of the floors also have a call button on them, in case you get separated from where the lift is.

Floor 2: Clicking on the three stone blocks on the roof reveals a hidden fountain that heals you when you drink from it.

Floor 3: A spider creature lives here. Kill it and then crawl into its nest in the back of the room to get two Lightning Crystals and a Net of Exile.

Floor 4: There is amber here and a lizard tunnel to floor 6.

Floor 5: Clicking on the three blocks to your left will open a passage in the wall. Climbing down the very steep walkway all of the way to the bottom will get you into a large area where a spider creature lives. Halfway down, there is a disembodied hand that has a Ring of Regeneration that you can take.

Floor 6: When you enter this area, it seals shut behind you. Climb up the ramp until you get to a chamber. To your right, there are three buttons set in the wall. Click these buttons in the same order as the runes you saw just before the lift area. (If you don’t remember, its “left”,“left”,“right”,“top”. This will raise the ramp up further and allow access to another room.

In this room, slide the three blocks into the cubbyholes that have the same symbols. When you do this, two side rooms open up, and the stone block that seals you in here also raises up. Get the two items here, the Bow Shift and the Death Stroke Shield. Also, in the corner of the room is a cubbyhole containing Helin’s Ring and wax. You should now have two pieces of wax.

Floor 7: Run into the room and get the scroll. The room will start to lower and there will be two large stone balls in the room. Dodge the balls for a few seconds until the room comes to a stop and exit onto the eighth floor.

Floor 8: From here, head towards the exit that looks like it has oil on the floor. Don’t walk on that floor, as it will explode. Instead, turn to the right and put the flute in the slot in the wall. A tile walkway will slide out.

Go across the tiles and instead of turning right, open a secret door straight ahead. This passage lets you avoid the spinning knives. Then, when you are past the blades, turn left and run to the end of the passage. Turn around and watch the boulder come flying towards you and break a hole in the floor.

On one side of the hole, there is an unlit brazer. Light it with a spark spell and jump into the pit. On the left side of the screen is a holder for an Ancient Magic Stone. On the right is the totem that is enscribed with the runes. Use the Wax on it to get a wax impression of the runes. Do this twice.

Now head outside. At the entrance, you’ll meet Dawn. Give her one of the two copies of the runes and return to the monestary. Talk to Dawn in the library. She will give you a charm (which you should use) that gives you the Dampen spell. Then head upstairs to talk with Brother Julian and give him the other wax copy of the runes. He will give you a Power Orb in return.

If you didn’t get Firestorm from the buisnessman before, you can go back to Kit’yara and buy the sword from her.

Head north, keeping to your right and head towards the Bane River, which is east of where you originally entered this area. Along the way, you will meet Kit’yara, who will give you a gift for her brother in the Savage Jungle so you will be accepted there. You will also meet Bacatta, who will escort you past the Gladstone guards that are at the Bane River bridge. When you get to the bridge, an army of spider creatures will take the bridge away. Use this opportunity to sneak into the Savage Jungle.

Part VIII: Savage Jungle

Begin CD 3

When you enter the jungle, you meet the “wild ones” that Kit’yara mentioned, and specifically, you meet Daniel. Give the gift to him. When they run to the trees, he drops the blade. Pick the blade up and take it with you.

Head into the forest to the east and bear south. You will find the Huline Temple that you are looking for. Unfortunately, nobody is home, at least nobody that you want to meet, and the temple is sealed shut.

Now head generally north, heading towards the Wild Ones village. When you meet the guard who tells you to begone, give him Daniel’s sword. He will let you in the Wild Ones village.

Give the sword to Daniel. This time he actually keeps it. He won’t be able to give you any useful advice, except to go away and leave him alone. Leave his hut.

Go exploring around the rest of the city. To the right of the main screen is an herbalist that will let you take two Ironwood Sap, Cave Aloes, and Amber. To the center is a guru that says he can’t be bothered with your problems unless you join the tribe. When you volunteer, he requires you to go to the Dracoid Cemetary and get a Silverleaf.

Leave the village, but instead of heading immediately for the Cemetary, head south for the deep pit. There is a log spanning the edge of the pit to a small peak in the middle. Walk across the log and hop down the peaks until you get to the bottom. (Save, as the fall will kill you and it will likely take you many attempts.) At the bottom, there is the entrance to the Dracoid Ruins.

Part IX: Dracoid Ruins

This a large and very dangerous area. Save frequently and often. The caves here are littered with stone creatures that shoot fireballs at you and vicious dragon snakes. Also, you’ll see several crystal globes that are mounted on pedestals and green clovers on the top of spikes. Cast Spark on these to light them. Most of them trigger a lock that opens up a new section.

Head immediately west. You’ll get to a span of river. Lighting the crystal globe to your right will lower a bridge that lets you cross. Head all of the way to the west and enter the Mage’s Tower.

Note that the stairs going up are blocked off with a forcefield. So don’t head up, head around behind the stairs. There is a globe there that you can light. Do so and go down the stairs. Get the goodies down there.

Head back to where the field is and enter the side room next to where you entered. There is a globe that when lit will lower the field. Now is a good time to mention that there is a snake creature on each level of the tower and releasing the field lets him get to you. Be prepared.

On the next level, the alcove near the stairs has another crystal that can be lit. There is also a pedestal with a claw on it. This is the White Glass Globe Generator. You can’t use it now, but it is very important.

On the next level, there is a creature in the alcove. When you defeat it, you can take the bracers from the wall nitch. These bracers allow you to speak with the dead (as the dead corpse tells you when you pick them up). There is also a globe to light to gain access to the next level.

Not much here, although you can discover a path much later that follows a river and lets you get in the window on the wall. Head back down to the main level and return to the caves.

Right around the corner from the Mage’s Tower is a globe that when lit opens a door. There is a large mirror on the wall here. Jump into the mirror and you will be teleported to a room that your Automap calls the ‘Teleport Room’. There are three mirrors here. One leads back to the forest and is one way. One leads back to where you just came from (and is two-way). The third leads to the Dracoid Cemetary. It is two way, but the end in the Cemetary only works after you have gone from here to the cemetary. Go through that mirror.

Part X: Dracoid Cemetary

Note the large number of dead walking around. For the most part you can ignore them and concentrate on the buildings themselves. Unfortunately, most of the buildings are magically locked. Most doors have a stone face near the door. Clicking on the face will cause an arrow to light up below the face. The arrow will be one of three colors: white, yellow, or blue. To open the door, you need to put a glass globe charged with the correct color in the face’s mouth. Head due north. The last building on your left before you get to the wall is completely unlocked and you can enter it. Once inside, there is a glass globe on the floor. Get the globe. You can also search the coffins in the room, one of them has a Bezel Ring in it.

With the globe, head out of the cemetary, hop through the Teleporter and return to the Mage’s Tower. Put the glass globe into the claw and then get it. It is now charged white. Fortunately you only need one white globe, and the other color generators are located in the Cemetary. Return to the cemetary and head west to the wall, then north. The second building (from the wall) to the north opens with a white globe.

There is nothing actually in this building, but right next to the entrance (on the inside) is a lever that you can pull. This opens a secret door on the building to the south. When you enter that building, there is a glass globe on the floor. Get that and head back to the entrance. Click on the barrel there and it will flip over. Then push it by walking into it and it will roll down the hill and into the next building, through the door you just unlocked, and shatter on the floor. When you head over there, you’ll notice that the floor is covered with oil.

Now, the fun part. While you might be tempted to, don’t cast Spark. You need action at a distance. Use a Dragon’s Blood, throw it into the oil and run backwards out the door. Watch the building blow up. This reveals an opening into the catacombs below the city. Head back into the wreckage and jump into the opening.

You are now in the underground area beneath the cemetary. Down here, in this area, is a generator for blue globes. It is to the north. There should also be a glass globe at the generator. Charge both globes that you have blue. To get out of the underground area, jump over the fences down to a lower level. You will have to jump over two fences. Then head for the stairs which lead up to a building in the southeast of the cemetary area.

From here, head to the two buildings that require blue globes to open. In one of the buildings is the Crossbow Valkyrie which is a very nice weapon. In the other is the ghost of an ancient Dracoid Priest. You need the Bracers of the Dead to talk to him, but you don’t actually need to have them equipped. He will give you a Silverleaf if you go find his body in the city below, burn it to ash, and put the ashes in this urn that he gives you, and return them here.

For now, don’t head to the city quite yet. Instead, go back down with the two globes you have and take them to the Yellow generator that is to the north and west of the stairs leading down into the catacombs. Go and unlock all of the yellow buildings in the cemetary. Each building contains another glass sphere and one of them contains two. When you are done, be sure to have either 3 uncharged globes, or 2 uncharged and 1 yellow. Take a second of the globes and charge it blue. Leave both of the charged globes here and head back to the underground ruins.

Part XI: Dracoid Ruins (again)

To find the ashes, you will need to explore most of this area. Towards the north part of the ruins, there is a river. Just to the south of the river, in the middle of the ruins, there are two buildings of import: One contains a statue that looks like Belial, the other appears to be just an ordinary two story building. If you climb to the second story, head out on the balcony towards the left side and peer around the corner of the building, you will see a walkway along the edge of the building leading into the wall. Head down that walkway and you’ll get to the river again. You can walk along the edge of the river to the north, over the bridge, and along the edge of a huge lake. At the end of the ledge, there will be a room to the right and in that room is a corpse and an altar. Move the body onto the altar, light both of the globes and the corpse will be incinerated. Put the ashes into the urn and head back to the cemetary.

On your way back, stop by the Mage’s Tower and get your last uncharged globe charged White. You also should do lots of exploring as there is quite a bit of neat stuff lying around and this is your last opportunity to explore this area in peace.

Once back in the Cemetary, pick up the two globes and return the ashes. It seems that you are refered to a higher power. Take the Ankh and head toward the door in the southeast of the cemetary. Use the Ankh on the door. Inside the room, there are three pedestals. If you click on the pedestals (when you are real close to them), they will open up and there will be a receptacle for a globe inside. Use each globe on the pedestal (matching colors of course) and the door past the pedestal will open. To get it all of the way open, use the Ankh again. Inside, you will find another Dracoid Ghost who wants to vindicate his race by animating Belial’s statue to kill some kind of wurm. Get his corpse from the coffin and return to the Ruins.

In the ruins, head for the statue. Before you do anything with the statue, make sure you have explored the area just to the west and north. You’ll notice this temple like area with a waterfall down the north wall and at the end of the corridor there will be the worm that the Dracoid was talking about. (The Worm will get really upset at you, but it doesn’t actually do you any harm.)

Now, back to the statue. Put the corpse into the urn on the statue’s left. The Dracoid will animate the statue. Follow it all of the way to the wurm. Save the game now. The Statue will kill the wurm, but in the process the ceiling will crack and water will start to fill the caves.

Run back and right into the room with the temple. Jump onto the table by the waterfall. Tables float. Nice that. Stand on the table until you get near the ceiling. There is an opening in the wall near the top of the waterfall. Jump into that opening, run down the corridor, head around the large hole in the next chamber and through the opening in the far wall. You will wind further up until you find a wooden door. Throw the door over the edge, follow the door off the edge and stand on the door. The water should be rising up the large center hole in this room now and you can float on the raft all of the way up to the surface.

Part XII: Savage Jungle (again)

Once back on the surface, you will meet Dawn again. She talks about the Huline temple, about not animating dangerous statues, and about speaking with the dead. Give her your Bracers of the Dead (you don’t really need them anymore) and she will give you an amulet that teaches you the Human spell and a Speaking Stone.

Return to the cemetary. (On the way, you may meet Bacatta tied up in one of those snares. Just cut him free.) Return to the room where the ancient Dracoid was and he will thank you. At least I think he is thanking you -- its hard to understand what he is saying now. Anyway, all of the mandrake root plants in the cemetary change into silverleaf plants so you can collect one. There is also a Mist of Doom scroll waiting for you.

Return to the Wild Ones village and give the Silverleaf to the guru. He will tell you that to complete your initiation, you need to fight one of their tribe members in single combat. It isn’t that hard, just incinerate him. The fight will stop before it turns lethal anyway. The guru will then give you a potion to use against the Lharkon and a charm that casts the Lizard spell.

Mix the potion with a silverleaf to get the Lharkon Vapours. Then head to the east where the river is. There is a tree with a long branch extending towards you. You can jump across the river if you can land on that branch on the way over. So save, and take your best jump. Once across, head up the hill, run towards the Lharkon, and use the vapours on it. It will pass out. You can then walk past him and into the Claw Mountains.

Part XIII: Claw Mountains

Begin CD 4

When you first arrive in the Claw Mountains, you meet Dawn again. How did she get past the Lharkon? A mystery for another day. Anyway, she think she has all of the answers, etc. When you get done talking with her, strike out across the ice towards the north.

You’ll get to a clearing with a large chasm crossed by an ice bridge. Ignore the bridge for now and head straight ahead. Here is a community of lovable gorilla thingies. Behind the back of the stockade, there are several boiling pools of tar and many tar crystals around it. Nothing interesting, so head back to the bridge.

Cross the bridge and go down the ice tunnel. In the next clearing, there is a lake. To your right is a cave in which sleeps a polar cat. It is just like the cats in the Huline Jungle, except its white. Kill it and then turn into a Lizard. Behind one of the stalagmites is a lizard tunnel. Inside is an ancient magic stone, and a crystal globe that you can light with your Spark spell. Doing this raises a small building in the middle of the lake. You can hop from ice flow to ice flow in the lake and get very close to the building. On top, there is a Great Axe Blizzard which you can reach once you get close enough.

Continue down the ice passageways. This next area is very dangerous. As you enter the clearing, the snow you are standing on will begin to collapse. Your best bet is to run at full speed towards the other side, staying near the wall on your right. Eventually everything will settle down, but the drop is too steep to survive.

From this side, notice that there are wooden stakes nailed into the wall of the canyon on the other side? Return to the other side and look straight down. You can’t use the stakes that are facing the avalanche since you won’t be able to make it around the corner; instead, face the river (right near the corner) and take a leap of faith down to the stakes. Then, run down the stakes until you are at river level.

Explore both sides of the bank here. On the far side of the river, there is a caved in doorway. If you attack the doorway, it will open up revealing a narrow passage into the ice. Become a lizard and enter. Keeping right, you will arrive at a large chamber with a pool of water in it and several people frozen into the ice in the wall. The person directly ahead of you is holding a bow. If you cast spark on him, he will melt and drop the bow into the water. Quickly grab it. This is the Shard. Head back outside now.

You should see an ice sheet flow down the river. Jump onto it. About halfway around, there will be a cave in the outer wall. Jump into it and get the Greater Bezel Ring and a recipie for acid. Then hop back onto another ice sheet and then back to shore. On your way back, notice that there are ice walkways along the cliffs.

To get back up, you’ll have to climb up the stakes again. There are several chances to fall to your death here, so save early and often.

Now that you are back up top (or you never went down), cross the avalanche area again and enter the caves on the far side. You’ll see Kenneth dead on the ice. If you raid his body, you can get his girlfriend’s picture. Throw the picture at one of the walls a good distance away and it will shatter revealing Kenneth’ Charm, which is a much better trinket than the picture. If you stand at the edge of the cliff here, you can drop down to the ice walkways you saw earlier. Do so and then walk to where you can jump to the walkways on the inner core.

Entering the core of the circular river, you’ll meet Bacatta. He’ll tell you that Dawn was captured in the Citadel, and tells you to go rescue her. He is too weak to help you, but warns you of their potent magical powers. Head across the ice bridge beyond and enter the Citadel.

Part XIV: The Citadel

This part of the game was very frustrating to me. The creatures in here move very fast, use magic aggressively, fly, and in general piss me off. And you need to kill all of them.

Anyway, walk in. You’ll be pestered by one in the first room. Click on the globe in the center of the room to open the door. There are two more in the next room. Clicking on the globe in the second room will open two doors. To the right is the Egg Chamber. If you don’t shoot the eggs here and break them, then the Ruloi will merely grow back after you kill them. So go in here and shoot all of the eggs. (Each time you shoot an egg, the light at the top of the room will shoot down at you, so be careful.)

In the other direction is a long corridor that leads to an elevator, which you can activate by clicking on the globe. This next room is very large and filled with lots of those magic using creatures. Save often -- it is easy to have an instant death here. Run around trying to chase down all of the creatures. Patience will eventually get you the victory.

Now that they are all dead, take a look around. There are several more globes that can be clicked on to raise display tables in the floor. These tables contain all kinds of alechemical reagents, plus other useful objects like Lightning and Fireball Cyrstals.

To the north are two rooms. The one on the right is a corridor that leads to a green pool with a black circle in the middle. Jump to the circle and it will take you to a prison cell (on the outside) where several women are imprisoned. I couldn’t find a way to free them though.

The room on the left has a globe in the center. Clicking on it will open a passage to the north, open another door you haven’t gotten to yet and causes both of the statues on the sides of the room to start shooting at you. Run north and you’ll get to a prison cell holding Dawn.

Now, return out and look for a wall that has purple glowing platforms sticking out from it. (I don’t remember which direction it is, but its around here somewhere.) You can climb that ladder by jumping from one platform to another on your way up. At the top, there is “gun” that shoots across the chasm and in its wake, a bridge forms. The bridge only stays a short while. What you need to do is run across the bridge immediately after a shot has been fired. If the door on the far side of the bridge is closed, that means you didn't click on the globe in the previous paragraph like I told you to.

Once across, head around the ring until you find an extrance to the central core. Click on the door and you’ll see several of those flying magic creatures fighting a spawn of Belial, and getting their ends kicked. When the animation ends, you’ll have to fight the spider creature. I didn’t find it too tough, especailly after fighting the creatures below.

Once he’s dead, you can get the Dreamstone from the holder and then hop on the teleport platform which takes you back to the entrance. Go back inside, and rescue Dawn. To avoid having to climb the platform again, head back to where you entered this large room. There is a walkway going up the stone cluster right in front of you. Halfway up, there is a teleport pod that takes you back to the beginning. Once at the Citadel entrance, use the Dreamstone to open the door to go out and leave.

Head back through the mountains, and into the Savage Jungle. To cross the river, you’ll need to jump across to the platform on the left side. It is possible, although it may take you a try or two. Once across, head towards the Huline Temple. Use the Dreamstone to gain entrance.

Part XV: The Huline Temple

Return to CD 2

When you enter the temple, you will see an open area with a body lying on the ground. Walk past the body and enter the next room. There is an altar that has two bowls on it.

BUG!!! If you click on the bowl to the left, Aloe will appear in it. For me, once that has happened, you can’t do the steps described in the next paragraph and you’re hozed.

Place Aloe in the bowl on the left and poison paint (made from Vemon Sacs and Lamplight Eggs) in the bowl on the right. (If you don’t have any with you see the next paragraph.) The platform behind you will raise up. Drag the body from the courtyard and put it on the platform. Then click on the body. You should see a lightning bolt zap it and the body will disappear.

Next, head out the east exit. You will arrive in what looks like a chapel. Behind the altar to the north is some Aloe and some Poison Paint on the floor. Continue past the room and there will be a pool with a green crystal in the stone in front of the pool. Take the crystal.

Side note: Out in the Huline Jungle, there was a hut that a platform you could walk up onto and five torches. It was about due north of the Temple and a little south and west of where the Wild Ones village was. If you light all five torches using Spark, the stairs will rise up to a door on the top level. The door is locked, but the crystal you just will unlock the door. All I found in there was Kieran’s Circlet and the Dagger of the Empty Hand, as well as ingredients for making more Lharkon Vapours.

Once you’ve taken the crystal, you can also attack the pillars that hold up the ceiling. When you break two, the ceiling will come crashing down. This is kinda cool because the floor is a little weak here and when you get to the underground area and discover the spiders, they will be able to exit the underground through this room. Lowering the ceiling prevents them from getting out this way.

Head back to the entrance and take the second left, then turn south. This leads to a circular open-air room with a fountain. If you push the button on the wall by the entrance, an Aloe tree will grow here.

Heading back north, there will be barracks and a kitchen area. When you get here, a spider should break through the north wall. Follow the spiders into the next area. There are a lot of spiders here, and you can’t kill them all as they will regenerate.

In the first room, there will be three “coffins” on the right. In one of them will be a flute. Get the flute. (This is the same as the flute you used back in the Hive Caves.) Head down the corridor across from the coffins, and take the passage to the left. Around the corner after turning left, there will be a table with that corpse from above down here and a large machine. Click on the corpse again and it will zap to the machine where it will get ground into pulp. Walk around the back of the machine and pull the box out of the machine and put it into the second machine. (I had to push and prod to get it to go down the ramp easily.) Then go around behind the machine and get the statuette.

With the statuette, return to the entrance. Head east again, and enter the alcove on your left. There will be one wall niche that isn't filled. Put the statuette into it and it will close. From the floor will rise a pedestal that holds a second crystal shard. Take it.

Return to the entrance and head west, taking the first left. In this room there are two large bowls and carvings of green crystals on their bases. Put the crystals into the bowls and the wall will open up. Go through the wall into the next room and push the button there. This will create a spiral stair going up. Climb the stairs.

In this room, there are three archways leading to three “extradimensional” areas. Enter the one on the left. You will be at the top of a large maze room. Jump from platform to platform making your way across the room. If you fall down, you can find ramps back up to the start near where you started. Staying to the north is your best bet. When you get past that room, there is another room with a long, winding path leading towards a statue in the middle of the room. Run down the path to get to the statue. Things start shooting fireballs at you, so don’t go too slowly, but don’t fall off either. When you get to the end, pick up the idol and you’ll be teleported back to the start.

Enter the center archway. As you walk across the room, the floor will start to tilt in one direction or the other. Go to the top of the slope. There will be two buttons there, one on the near and far side of the room. Push them both. Get off the slope (which will flatten the floor) and get back on until the slope slopes the other way. Push the two buttons on that side of the room. The door to the next area will open. Get the idol here. (There are also Gorgonite Nodules and Amber behind the pedestal.

Enter the right archway. In this room, there are three long, thin paths leading to the edge of the room with fire blocking the start of the paths. Run down each of the paths and push the button at the end. There is also a Mist of Doom scroll there. When you have pushed all three, a bridge should have lowered itself into place on the other side of the room. Walk across it and get the idol.

Now you have all three idols. Walk around the archways and go down the passageway behind the center arch. You will get to an area where the floor is black. Does this look familiar? It is the same as the first trap from the Hive Cave, except that this time around, the traps are much more deadly. Anyway, to your right is another receptable for a flute. Put the flute in it and walk across the newly formed floor.

Next comes the spinning blades. Again, just like last time, there is a secret door to the right of the blades that lets you bypass this area.

The third trap is the rolling ball. Run down the corridor until you see two buttons on the wall. Run past them, turn around, and push the both. This will cause the floor to fall away, the stone ball won’t crush you and the door further ahead will open.

In this room, three holders will fall from the ceiling. Put the three idols in the display cases. The door on the far side will open up. In this room, there is a wooden bridge. When you step on it, the bridge goes down a little, but not very far. Soon, some birds will enter the room. Kill the birds and drag their bodies onto the bridge. Once two or three are on the bridge, then you can step on the bridge and go all of the way down to the bottom.

At the bottom, there is another clone of Beliel. Kill it, then enter the Hall of Voices. (Check the automap to the direction.) Use the Dreamstone here and the City of the Ancients will be raised from the water. You will be taken to the City of the Ancients.

Part XVI: City of the Ancients

You arrive on the balcony of the Ancient City. Take the elevator down to the main level. A note about the geography down here. There is a central area, which is due south of you. There are four corner towers, to the northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest of that central area. Straight south is the water fountain and straight north is where you are now.

You need to solve the four tower puzzles. To solve one of them requires four ivory chips. So first, we wander all over the city looking for those chips.

Head to the right at the first intersection. When the street turns north, there is a gap in the wall straight ahead that leads to a balcony. I never figured out what this area was for. Follow the street north and when it turns again, there is another opening straight ahead. In this room, there is a chalice on a pedestal. Again, I never figured out what this was either.

Just to the east of the Chalice room, there is another room that contains three fountains. Freeze the fountains and break them. There are many ways to freeze things and you’ll be doing a lot of that in the city. The ways I’ve discovered were to shoot the fountains with the crossbow Valkyrie, attack the fountains with the Axe Blizzard, or use an ice seed from the claw mountains.

Once you’ve frozen and broken the ice, move the block next to the entrance over onto the square in the ground. Then go down the stairs and do the same thing on the next level. This opens up a secret wall. To cross over the lowered wall, jump on the block and then jump over. On the other side are stairs leading up again and at the top of the stairs is a statue holding one of the chips. Take the chips and start running back towards the stairs because the ceiling is lowering. Once back downstairs, move the block next to the wall, jump over, and exit the area.

Continue down the street west and there will be another side room to the south. Open the doors to get in this room and then look at the statue holding an ivory chip across a vast chasm. Walk across and get it, stone steps will appear beneath your feet. (Its like that scene from The Last Crusade with the Leap of Faith test.) You now have two chip pieces.

Now follow the main street until it ends at a large maze of rising and falling walls. There are three important features here: A spinning stone disk which is just to the left of the entrance, a glowing white sphere and a glowing red sphere. Go to all three and attack them which destroys them. You should see a large fireball erupt from a pyramid that was hidden previously. The fireball will flow across the room and strike the center of the tower to the north, blowing the doors open. At the door will be a storm crystal. Take the stairs up and you will see another movable block and a glowing sphere. The sphere is a teleporter; drag the block into it and then follow it in. Once on the other side, drag the block into the square hole right in front of you. Head around the circular gate and you will see a large plane. Off to one side of the center is a glowing octahedron. Click on it and part of a tower will raise in the center of the area. This process I will call “raising the tower” and you will have to do it after completing each one of the four corner tower puzzles. Jump back through the gate to return to the city.

Return to the intersection and head south. Directly ahead in the center hub I mentioned with part of a building constructed here. As you raise parts of the building in the outer part of the city, the building will also be built here. Continue to your right.

On the north side of the street is another side room. As you enter this, there is a glowing force field directly ahead, and two globes on each side wall. Light the two globes on each side using Spark and a secret door will open between them. Go inside there and spark like the globes on the inside. This will open the forcefield. Behind the field is the third chip. As soon as you take it, the lights go out and the floor starts to fill with water. Head directly south (using your compass as a guide) until you get to a wall. Click on the wall to open it and you will re-emerge on the city street.

Continue around the central hub counterclockwise until you are on the east side of the south exit from the central circular street. There is another room off to the south here. It contains a simple fountain that contains another ivory chip. Freeze the fountain, then break the ice and take the chip. You should now have all four ivory chips. Return to the street and head back around the center loop and take the west exit.

As you head down this street, there is a side room at the corner when the street turns south. You need to click on the wall in the alcove to get in. To actually do anything in there requires you to have the skeleton key from the Museum and I didn’t have it when I got to here, so I don’t know what goes on in there.

As you head south, there is another side room to the east. This just leads to a view of a room from high above. You can get into that room from the Underground Caverns (the next section), but I’ve found no way to make the caverns accessable from here, or the city accessable from the floor of this room.

At the south end of the street, there is a room that has holders for four ivory chips. Put a chip into each holder and the pyramid in the room will shoot a fireball at the tower doors to the south. Do the Raise the tower actions with that tower. Then head back to the central city area and take the south path.

At the end of the path, there is a fountain at the top of a set of stairs. floating above the fountain is a water globule. Freeze the water ball and then break it. This will cause water to start flowing in the fountain and flooding the canal behind the stairs. This allows water to get at the third and fourth towers; without that water, those puzzles are insolvable. Head north and take the east path from the center circle.

As you head south, after turning the corner from east, there is a side room on the right. Inside this room, there is a small pedestal in front of a large platform. As you get close, six alcoves open up (2 are around the corner) revealing three pairs of items. The first pair is a Fire Crystal and an Ice Seed. The second pair is an Ancient Magic Stone and a Ring of Regeneration, and the third pair is Lightning Crystal and a Stone Cube. If you place one of the items from a pair (it doesn’t have to be the item you got here) on the small platform, the other item will appear on the platform.

Continuing south to the tower area, there is a door in the west wall. In this room, jump over the canal and take the stairs up to the south and get a few of the Black Lichids. Then head back down and go through the yellow doors. There are four sets of yellow doors, but only one of the three in each set actually lets you go through. I don’t know if it is the same from game to game, but when I played, it was south, north, south, middle. After going through all four, you will see a statue of Belial over an oil pit with a fountain. Light the fountain with a Spark spell to create a huge explosion. Take the bow that is dropped in the oil and leave the area. The fireblast will break the pyramid at the other end and open the door to the tower. Raise the Tower.

Note that if the water isn’t on when you do this, you die from the fire.

Head back up to the north where the fouth tower is (directly across from the first tower -- it should be obvious looking at the map). All you have to do here is click on the octahedron to water the area, put a silverleaf into pyramid in the center of the room and click on the hourglass on the far side. This advances time and causes the silverleaf plant to grow through the pyramid, breaking it. You can also plant lichen or aloe in the plots of land on the side and every time you advance time a new plant grows that you can harvest. Raise the Tower.

Now that the entire tower is raised, head back towards the very center of the city and enter the building. The sparkling opening is a teleporter that takes you to the real building.

Inside, another version of Belial is waiting for you. Once you kill him, head through the room. There will be another forcefield that you should walk through. This is the Mantle of the Ancients. Getting it raises your magic level by 2 and also gives you the fifth level curse control spell which allows you to expel your curse. I haven’t found this useful except once when the plot requires it.

Return to the city and head towards the southeast tower. Before you turn the street to the south, there is a room to the north. In this room, there are light beams which shoot across the screen. Dodge those and open each of the doors on the left and right of the room. Behind each door is a globe you can light up. After they are all lit, head through the door at the far end of the room. Move the curtain out of the way to reveal a dry fountain. In the next room, there is a fountain with a dragon’s head sticking up out of it. Jump into the fountain and attack the Dragon. He will bleed into the fountain which opens up a door behind him. The corridor behind this door will lead to a one way teleporter to the underground caverns.

Part XVII: Underground Caverns

Very important note here. This area is filled with green spider creatures. They are very numerous and very irritating, but they are mostly harmless. If you kill them, a brown spider is formed somewhere else in the cavern. Brown spiders are nasty. The best way through this area is to not kill anything and just run.

Run through the corridors heading mostly south and west. Avoid any spiders you see and keep going south and west. All of the way to the south and west is a room that has a fleshy looking ceiling with several hatching pods hanging from the ceiling. In the back corner of this room is a notch in the wall. You can hack through the flesh tubes running floor to ceiling and go through.

You are now in a non-walking area of the caverns. Click on the left passage. Then ‘attack’ to open a passage. Go through it. On the right side of the screen is a tentacle that you can click on. When you do so, it rips off the wall. Wait for a second and a spider will come by and repair it. When this happens, a passage to the left side of the screen opens. Go through it, hack through more floor-to-ceiling flesh tubes and enter the Laboratory.

Part XVIII: Belial’s Laboratory

Bacatta gives you the Horn of Belial here. Don’t lose it since it is the only weapon that can harm Belial. Walk down the corridor and you arrive at a chamber that is bleeding in the center of the room. Morph into Lizard form, jump in the small canal, and attack the bars blocking the outflow from the fountain. Run through, up the left side, but stop right before you get to the green tube.

By the way, the slime you walk through and the green slime in the next room drains your magic.

Morph back into human form. You should be able to see three levers across the river on the left. Shoot them with your bow and they will flip down. When all three are down, a dam will close across the river. Then jump into the river, swim across, and get on the far shore.

Once on the far side, pull the levers again to release the dam and lower the slime level again. This will empty the next chamber so you can just walk through. (Side note, if you run at full speed, you can also make it across before drowning.)

Around the corner there is a door. Through the door, the floor is covered with more green slime. Enter the corridors and head north. When you get to a room with no floor, you know you’re going in the right direction. A lever on the wall will lower the bridge and continue past. When you get to the end of the corridor, jump off the edge (this is the only edge that is short enough to safely jump off) and head downstream. At the end there will be a room where you can actually get out of the slime.

Go through the door, down the corridor to the second door on the right and go through. Your automapper labels this room as the ‘Summoning Room’. There are four translucent skulls in the corners of the room. Cast a level one Apparition at each one. When you do, the skulls will move to the center of the room. After the fourth one is in place, a minor daemon will be summoned. Kill it. Its body has an ancient magic orb on it.

Drag the body out into the corridor and into the room that you passed on the way here. Drag the body behind all of the blood fountains and put it on the silver pad beneath the skull. This will open the wall right behind that skull. Jump through the opening and take a long elevator down. You’ll meet Dawn here and she’ll tell you to go into the birthing chamber and kill Belial.

Part XIX: Birthing Chamber

When you first enter this area, you’ll see this amorphous blob. This is the form that will spawn Belial. Transfer your power to Belial (the level 5 curse control spell). He will thank you, then get upset, then leave you be to fight a few daemons. Kill them, get their ancient magic orbs, and follow Belial. To get through the door, just attack it with your weapon.

In the next room, you’ll see Belial again and there will be an amber river running across the room with blue sparkle things in the river. To get past the river, you must shoot the blue generators in the ceiling to open a gap in the blue sparkles so you can run across. And there are some more daemons to keep you company.

In the next room, there are several platforms that shift up and down. Belial taunts you here again and summons an image of Scotia to keep you company. You’ll have to kill it. Then jump across the platforms to the far side. If you mistime your jumps, there are stairs leading from the bottom area back to the wrong side of the chasm. These stairs are actually the best place to fight Scotia.

The next chamber holds a maze of traps. There are three kinds here: stone blocks which rise and fall. Flaming Spears which also rise and fall. And pillars of ice which rain shards down on you if you touch them. To get through this area, you quickly need to destroy the red and white globes and the stone block. These are the same pieces that you destroyed in the Tower puzzle, except that these pieces will slowly regenerate. The stone block is on your left. Jump look up and hack on it with a weapon. This will cause all of the falling blocks to stop moving. Then, turn around and head straight. The white globe should be ahead of you. A level 2 or 3 Spark will destroy this. Now all of the pillars of ice are moved out of your way. Then head north to the red sphere. A 1st level Apparition spell will usually do this one in.

Now, Belial will summon another image for you to fight: the Draracle. When you are finished with it, hack down the door, run down the corridor and hack down that door and enter the final arena.

The best way I found to defeat Belial is just to charge at him and attack him before he can do too much damage to you. The first time through, I spent a lot of time chasing after him before he died; when I went through the second time when writing this walkthrough, he died on the second attack. I dunno. Anyway, when he dies, the game ends and you get to savor yo

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