For a detailed walkthrough click here.
During gameplay press Esc. Now enter the following codes:
CODE: RESULT: ucantkillme Activates God Mode (Only for Bob) fleshnblood Deactivates God mode braindead A1 Off einstein A1 On icantsee A1 Vision Off icantseeu A1 Vision On freezecam Freeze Camera thawcam Thaws Camera toohardforme End Current Game charwireon Character Wireframe On charwireoff Character Wireframe Off worldwireon World Wireframe On worldwireoff World Wireframe Off onpolycount Polycount On offpolycount Polycount Off gamespot Weapon Ammo voodooextreme Bazooka softwarebuys Grenades weldme Welding Torch buzzbuzz Buzzsaw boomstick Pumpgun rapidfire Machinegun sliceendice Maimer lightemup Flamethrower cooloff Pakgun coolfx Maser stickaround Harpoon Gun illbeback Weapon Ammo getsome Grenades lcop Light Cop mcop Medium Cop hcop Heavy Cop rcop Riot Cop gunmndr Gun Commander incharge Domina mynightmare Armoured Behemoth cantseemyface Welder workinman Worker egghead Scientist glowstick Radiation Worker heydoc Medic smellguy Chot 1 nohygiene Chot 2 idontdance Chot 3 scumbucket Chot 4 chotling Chot Dwarf smellysteriods Chot Behemoth fungirl Fungirl workit Prost 1 mansdream prost 2 specialguy Hung averagejoe Male Dweller 1 averagejack Male Dweller 2 averagejohn Male Dweller 3 janeplain Female Dweller 1 jillplain Female Dweller 2 femfatale Subgirl 1 nastyone Subgirl 2 varmint Rat bestfriend Barman bringmeadrink Waitress bustamove Dancer 1 cutarug Dancer 2 mixalot DJ tophat Pimp Daddy onsteriods Behemoth addedfirepower Offensive Bot keepmecompany Companion Bot letmein Bouncer
Thanks to Revolution readers Jimbo and Vipa!