Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen PC Cheats

Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen


Warning: The following walkthrough will help you solve Might and Magic 5. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll ruin the game. And an ogre might squash your house.

Might and Magic
World of Xeen


        I strongly suggest to finish first Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen ana 
import your party. The reason is that the enemies in this game are very strong 
and you will have problems.
        Something else is that the maximum level in this game is 250 (!!!) so you 
will need A LOT of money and experience. Don't waste your money in useless 
spells and items and try to deposit money to the bank.
        DON'T FORGET. Each time you have 5 energy disks give them to Ellinger and 
he will recover a part of Kallindra's Castle at a time. Then go and explore the 
new areas.
        The transportation mirrors do not work until you activate them from Queen 
Kallindra's bedroom.
        You can enter the fout towers from the back doors, which are located on 
the skyroad.
        There are many more quests in the game. Try to finish them all because you 
need the experience AND the money.


        When you go to Castleview, Zelda the Herbalist will give you the Dragon 
Pharoah's Orb. She tells you to go and talk with Ellinger. Of course you don't 
have the key now. At (23,27) is the mayor. He asks you to get rid of the 
Gramlins. Go to (29,13) and talk two times with Gattlewaithe, the Gremlin King. 
When you defeat him he will give you 3 energy disks. Go back to mayor to receive 
your reward (50.000 EXP and 10.000 gold).  Then go to (  ,  ) and talk with 
Jethro the Mapmaker. He will ask you to get his brother out of jail. He is at 
(1,20). When you set him free go back to Jethro (10.000 EXP & 6.500 gold). If 
you talk to him for second time he will give you a treasure map E1(1,11). Next 
go to (27,19). Nadia the Hoarder wants her necklace back from the rats which are 
in the Castleview Sewers. Entrances to the sewers are at : (2,29), (1,13) and 

Castleview Sewers
        At location (30,26) you will find Valio the Simple who will ask you to 
kill the Rat Queen. To do that go to (21,7), kill the Queen, get Nadia's 
necklace from (21,9) and go back to Valio (25.999 EXP). At (3,25) there you can 
find Felix the Tinker and for 1.000 gold you can buy a compass. At the locations 
(12,30) and (26,1) there are stairs which lead to some secret locations of 
Castleview. At (17,0) there are stairs which lead OUT of the city. When finish 
go up to castleview.

        Go back to Nadia (27,19), give her back the necklace. You get the key to 
Ellinger's Tower (and 100.000 EXP). Now it's time to meet Ellinger. Go to 
(12,10) and enter the tower.

Ellinger's Tower Level 1
        At (9,8) there is a mirror. It asks you a question about honour. The right 
answer is 1. It opens a secret passage so you can go further. At (5,5) is a 
hidden button (behind a carpet on the wall). Press it and another secret passage 
will open. Finally go up the stairs at (7,8).

Ellinger's Tower Level 2
        At (9,5) you get +20 Fire Resistance (Perm.) and at (9,11) you get +20 
Electricity Resistance (also perm.). There are many buttons on the walls. These 
buttons move the fire in the floor so you can pass without loosing any hit 
points but if you have a strong party don't bother with them. Just pass over the 
fire and get some rest later. The stairs that lead up are at (9,8)

Ellinger's Tower Level 3
        Nothing to do here. Just go up from (7,8) and (11,8).

Ellinger's Tower Level 4
        At (9,8) are stairs which lead to the Skyroad. The door at (7,8) leads to 
Ellinger. In the question just answer "Ellinger". Enter the door and talk with 
Ellinger. He will tell you how things are so far at the Dark Side. He will also 
give you the key to Queen Kallindra's Castle, which BTW is "out of phase" so you 
can't reach it yet. In order to bring it back you must find 20 energy disks. You 
don't have to find them all at once but every 5 disks you find, bring them back 
to Ellinger and he will restore a part of Kallindra's Castle at a time. Ellinger 
will also order the moving chest at Castleview (3,5) to stand still so you can 
open it. Finally you get 250.000 EXP. Now go back to explore the rest of 

        At (8,5) talk with Dysson the Puzzlemaster. Then go to (10,5) and close 
the chests with the order : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (50.000 EXP). Go to 
(6,5). There, manage to open all the chests exept the one in the middle which 
you have to open LAST (250.000 EXP). Go to (3,5). Reack the moving chest with 
sidestep and open it. At the locations (16,15), (16, 23), (13, 23) and (13,5) 
are the four Drawcab Monks. Don't let them confuse you. If you listen to them 
backwards you can find that they are studing "Palindrome" (you will need it 
later). Finally at (30,23) is Miles the Cartographer with a confusing puzzle. 
The answer is "       ". Some other important locations in Castleview are : 
Membership to Mage's Guild (5, 28), Mage's Guild (3,27), Swimming Skill (7,19) 
and costs 250 gold, Temple (15,1), Bank (21,16), Tavern (8,17), Blacksmith 
(9,22), Pathfinding Skill (29,27) and costs 1.500 gold, Teleport to Clouds ox 
Xeen (26,24) and Cartography Skill (30,23) and costs only 10 gold

        You can enter the city sewer system by a crate, which is located in the 
Dessert of Doom D2(12, 2), so the first place you will explore will be the 
sewers. You can also find the pass to the city from Vespar E4 (13, 5) when you 
finish his mission.

Sandcaster Sewers
        The stairs at (0, 16) lead back to the Dessert of Doom. Stairs which lead 
to the city are at the locations : (1, 26), (13, 28), (30, 21), (13, 9) and (1, 
1). At (27, 10) are stairs that lead to a closed room. Finally at (25, 4) you 
can find a training place. With 50.000 gold you can have +10 to might and 
endurance to all your characters. The stairs at (1, 1) lead to a new part of the 
city and that's the only way to go there.

        The most important things here are the key toEastern Tower (30, 1) and the 
pass to Lakeside (18, 8). You can also buy the pass to Sandcaster from (18, 10). 
At (20, 14) Astra will ask you to put an end to Xenoc and Morgana's terror. You 
can learn the linguist skill (19, 30) which costs 25.000 gold, merchant skill 
(19, 27) which costs 5.000 goldnavigation skill (19, 5) which costs 10.000 gold 
and the prestigitation skill (19, 1) which costs 1000 gems. At (21, 4) is 
Natasha the Enchantress and from (6, 21) you can buy Vulture Repelant for 25.000 
gold. Finaly at (27, 17) Edmont has a puzzle for you (Answer=3) and you get 
250.000 EXP and the Superior Intellectual Award. Some important locations are : 
Sorcerers' HQ (5, 30), Temple (1, 16), Guild (18, 22), Training Ground (19, 12), 
Tavern (9, 13) and Blacksmith (9, 19).
        In the new part of the city you have to kill all the wizzards. You can 
increase your statistics permanently at : (1, 10) and (8, 1) for +10 speed, (13, 
5) and (13, 3) for +10 intellect.

Eastern Tower
        Here you can find the Jewel of Ages.

Level 1
        It's quite a tricky level. The way up is from the stairs at (10, 8) but 
there are teleports at (7, 6) and (10, 8). The way to do it is to go at (7, 9), 
face north and use the Jump spell.

Level 2
        The stairs at (3, 8) and all the way up lead to the Skyroad.

Level 3
        There are two energy disks (11, 8) and (7, 4) and the Jewel of Ages at (5, 

Level 4
        At (5, 11) is the Fountain of Minimal abilities, at (10, 10) the Fountain 
of Life (+1 level permanently and +50 magical years), at (7, 4) is the Book of 
Great Power (+5 levels permanently but you loose all your secondary skills) and 
at (11, 8) is the Book of Fantastic Knowledge (+50 intellect. permanently). 
Finally, don't drink from the gauldron. 

        Go the Jewel of Ages to Thadews F4(6, 7) and he will restore the power of 
the Fountain of youth. He will also give you the key for the Southern tower. 
Each time you have problems with magical age go there and drink.

Western Tower
        The key to this tower is inside the tower (!) in the last level. 
Fortunately the door from the skyroad (4, 9) is open, so go to the skyroad (from 
Ellinger's tower or from Eastern Tower) and get the key. Then go down, go to 
Dreyfus A3 (8, 10) and give him the key. Now enter the tower.

Level 1
        There are two more energy disks at (8, 8) and (6, 8). There is also the 
Golden Pegasus Statuette at (7, 7).

Level 2
        Get +10 Electricity reristance (perm.) from (7, 7) and go up.

Level 3
        You get +10 Poison resistance (perm.) at (7, 7) and +10 Cold resistance 
(perm.) at (6, 8)

Level 4
        Talk to Dreyfus at (4, 10) and get your reward.

Now go to Lakeside

Northern Tower
        Here you can find the Challice of Protection. All the puzzles here have to 
do with letters. There are some sentenses and you have to find the letters that 
are missing
The answers to the puzzles are :


Finaly get an energy disk from (3, 8) and the Challice of Protection (enter : 
AIE) from (7, 4)
        The most important here are the Pass to Necropolis (1, 14) and the Golden 
Dragon Statuete Sewers (12, 11). Free all the prisoners, Aretha the helpless (4, 
12), Isabella the victim (14, 5), Naomi the prisoner (13, 1) and Rhet the wimp 
(6, 1) and you get +200.000 EXP from each. You can drink from the gauldrons at 
(9, 5) for +25 Endurance, (14, 4) for +25 speed and (14, 1) for +25 personality 
but ONLY ONE CHARACTER. At (15, 14) you can get the boat for the Isle of the 
Lost Souls (when you find the pass). Finally at (3, 5) a skull will give you a 
puzzle (Answer=witch) and you will have free membership to the giuld. Other 
important locations are : Guild (1, 9), destroyed tavern (5, 9) and destroyed 
Blacksmith (8, 7)

Lakeside Sewers
        The only thing here is the Golden Dragon Statuette (12, 11). You can also 
learn the Prayermaster skill for 10.000 gold at (6, 4).

When finished head to Necropolis

        Quite a difficult city. The first thing you have to do is to find Sandro's 
Heart. Sandro is located ar (10, 8) and his heart is at Necropolis' Sewers at 
(1, 14). The problem is that in the sewers you step on lava all the time so you 
will need the TELEPORT spell. Be sure that your wizzard has enough spell points. 
The first time you talk with Sandro he will attack you. He is very strong so you 
will need a strong party for that. When you give his heart back he will give you 
the key to Dungeon of Death. The Golden Dragon Stattuete is at (10, 10) but you 
can't get it before you find Sandro's heart. At the locations (14, 10), (14, 6), 
(12, 6), (12, 10), (6, 5), (4, 5), (3, 14) and (5, 14) are the Books of the 
Dead. They give you 999.999 EXP AND 25 years of age more except from the (1, 14) 
that giver you 9.999.999 EXP and 50 years, so watch out that your character (who 
needs quite high Intelect. to read them) will not die. The best way to do it is 
to read one or two, then go at F4(6, 7) where is the Fountain of Yout
h and then come back to Necropolis and continue. At (5, 1) is the guild.

Temple of Bark
        You get the key to the temple from Nibbler the Monkeydog - B4(3, 12) - 
when you finish his mission and talk to him for the second time.

Level 1
        Set the prisoners at (10, 3) and (9, 3) free and get +25.000 EXP from each 
one. Pull the levers at (14, 2), (9, 8), (9, 6) and (13, 14), increase your 
might +5 at (2, 5) and personality +5 at (2, 11) and go down the stairs.

Level 2
        There are some secret walls which close when you go close to them. You 
have to use the Jump spell. In that level you can increase your statistics 
permanently. You get : +5 intellect at (10, 15) and (14, 4), +5 endurance at 
(15, 15) and (15, 13), +5 accuracy at (14, 9) and (14, 1), +5 speed at (14, 7) 
and (12, 1), +5 luck at (13, 6), +5 might at (11, 6) and +5 personality at (12, 
4). The barrels at (1, 13), (1, 14), (2, 14) and (2, 13) will increase all your 
statistics but you will get also some years of Magical Age (Remember the 
Fountain of Youth).

Level 3
        Kill Shaalth the Orc King at (8, 9), set the prisoners at (1, 2) and (10, 
12) free and get +25.000 EXP from each and finaly set Princess Sheewana the 
Spirit free (also +25.000 EXP)

Level 4
        Turn the western dials at (0, 4) and (0, 11) to 1, the northern dials at 
(2, 15) and (9, 15) to 2 and the eastern dials at (15, 8) and (15, 3) to 3. Then 
pull the lever at (15, 14) and finally drink from the Well at (8, 7). 

Level 5
        The most important here is the two energy disks at (31, 17) and (0, 18). 
If you walk all the area and look at the map you can see that the whole level 
looks like a tree. So, give from five gems to the "roots" (31, 0), (22, 0), (7, 
0) and (0, 0). Then go to the treasure rooms and drink from the wells to get +50 
Fire Resistance at (2, 11) and +50 Electricity Resistance at (9, 12) 

Dessert of Doom
        Here you can find the Great Pyramid D2 (0, 5) and the secret entrance to 
Sancaster Sewers (D2 (12, 2). There are also eight boulders. Seven of them C2 
(11, 0), C2 (11, ), D2 (0, 10), D2 (5, 10), D2 (5, 5), D2 (5, 0) and D2 (0, 0) 
give you some clues and the last one C2 (11, 10) asks you a question. The answer 
is "Paladin". You receive +1.000.000 EXP and if you visit the seven boulders 
again you can find some interestin stuff. In dessert you can only rest at the 
oasis. Their locations are : D2 (3, 0), D2 (10, 2), C2 (4, 3). B2 (12, 5), C2 
(9, 6), D2 (2, 9), C2 (10, 11) and C2 (2, 11). There are also many lamps that 
can give you EXP, gold or gems but if you take many of them, when you get close 
to Necropolis they will get back all the gold you are carrying. So take many of 
them, go to a city and deposit your gold and come back to continue. Their 
locations are : B2 (12, 2), C2 (2, 6), B2 (13, 9), C2 (6, 11), D2 (0, 15) and C2 
(3, 15). Finally you can find the Shrine of Great Power at C2 (1, 8) that gives 
you +15
 leves temp.

Castle Kallindra
        You can't visit the castle at once because it is "out of phase"

        Open the safes to get some new weapons and armor. They are at : (11, 0)  
Combination = 3-6 9, (11, 2)  Combination = 7-7-7, (9, 0) Combination = 10-20-
30, (9, 2) Combination = 1-2-3. Set Guido the Convict at (7, 9) free and he will 
tell you the combination for the "difficult" safes. You don't have to open the 
cells with the dragons because there is nothing in there.

Level 1
        At this level you can have free combat lessons from Erol the Afile at (8, 
6) and free lessons in Sence of Danger from Gem the Empath at (8, 8). Open the 
safes at : (1, 1) Combination = 5-17-58, (0, 10) Combination = 6-6-6, (1, 13) 
Combination = 14-4-25, (2, 14) Combination = 69-25-71, (4, 14) Combination = 8-
12-32 and (4, 11) Combination = 4-9-53

Level 2
        You can find many Energy disks in this level in the safes at (0, 10), (0, 
12), (0, 15), (2, 15), (4, 15) and (8, 15). Dimitri will tell you the 
combination (64-52-31) later. At (11, 15) is Megan Dimitri's daughter and she 
will ask you to get the Songbird of Serenity from the Dungeon of the Lost Souls 
and she will also give you the key. At (10, 15) is Dimitri and finaly at (3, 6) 
you can learn the astrology skill.

Level 3
        You can find the Blacksmith at (15, 2), Trainer at (15, 0), Temple at (15, 
13) and Bank at (15, 15). In Kallindra's bedroom, press the button at (0, 14) to 
open a secret passage and activate (at last) the mirror portals at (1, 1). 
Finally get Kallindra's crown from the safe at (2, 15). Kallindra will tell you 
the combination when you visit her two times at Castle Blackfang where she is 
prisoner (Combination = 3-31-62)

Dungeon of the Lost Souls
        You get the key for this dungeon from Megan, Dimitri's daughter in Castle 
Kallindra Level 2 (11, 15). DO NOT enter the dungeon if you don't have a strong 
party and 266.000 gold. Take care of the Gargons and the Minotaurus. They are 
very strong.

Level 1
        Just turn all the hour-glasses and go to the next level. Don't open any 
door because you will find only Minotaurus.

Level 2
        Turn the dials up (14, 5), (14, 8), (14, 11) and (14, 14), pull the lever 
at (14, 2) and finally drink from all the wells (13, 1), (11, 1), (3, 3), (3, 
6), (3, 9), (3, 12), (11, 13), (13, 13), (11, 7), (13, 10), (11, 10), (13, 4), 
(11, 4) and (13, 7) and get +654.321 EXP but DO NOT drink from the (9, 1). Now 
go down the stairs.

Level 3
        Pull the four levers at (1, 1), (1, 10), (13, 14) and (14, 2) and go down 
the stairs.

Level 4
        Pull the levers at (6, 4), (6, 6), (6, 8), 6, 10), 96, 12), 96, 14), (14, 
10), (14, 12) and (14, 14) to deactivate the teleports and go down the stairs 
after you pay 266.000 gold. You can break the door (if you are stronf enough) at 
(6, 2) but the only thing you will find is instructions for the levers and many 
many minitaurus and gargons.

Level 5
        Set all the birds free and they will increase your statistics. Break the 
door at (20, 17) and free the Songbird of Serenity which is located at (1, 8)

Castle Blackfang
        It's not very difficult. You can come there if you finish Ambrose's 
mission. There is nothing serious at the first two levels. At level 3 kill Count 
Blackfang (13, 14) and then go down to the dungeons to set queen Kallindra free 
(1,1). You have to visit her two times. She will tell you the combination to her 
safe (3-31-62) and she will give you the key to the Great Pyramid. You also get 
+5.000.000 EXP.

Great Pyramid
        The Great Pyramid is located in Dessert of Doom D2 (0, 5). Queen Kalindra 
will give you the key after you resque her. Here you will talk with Dragon 
Pharoah who will explain you what exactly is going on.

Level 1
        There are many Cloud and Fire dragons here so be careful. You have to 
solve a puzzle with numbers. You read in a statue that there are 8 numbers in a 
row and all of them together have a sum of 52. Of course these numbers are : 3-
4-5-6-7-8-9-10. There are 8 skull and they will ask you a question each about 
these numbers. At (20, 23) answer 3, at (26, 23) answer 4, at (26, 27) answer 5, 
at (28, 25) answer 6, at (18, 25) answer 7, at (20, 27) answer 8, at (22, 25) 
answer 9 and at (24, 25) answer 10. Pull the levers at (5, 4), (18, 6), (25, 
20), (4, 28), (22, 6), (26, 6) and (11, 30). Get the treasure from the passage 
that opened at (23, 15) and go to the next level.

Level 2
        Another puzzle with numbers. If you read the statues you will notice that 
you have to taoal the dates, minus 32, divide the result with 3 and finaly 
substruc another 42. If you walk all the area and look at the map you will 
nitice 3 dates. So the answer to the door for the next level is : 
[(1993  + 1492 + 1776 - 32) / 3 ] - 42 = 1701

Level 3
        There are many teleports here. Use the Jump spell at : (11, 8), (20, 14), 
(13, 15) and (18, 15) and got to the next level.

Level 4
        Here you find Dragon Pharoah. You get +5.000.000 EXP and a very good 
explanation of what is going on. He orders you to investigate the second craft 
that felt close to the volcano and report back to him. He also removes the lava 
from that area so you can reach the craft. When you come back and tell him what 
happened he will give you the Pass to Olympus.

Escape Pod #2
        In the control room you have to release Corac the Mysterious from the 
"stasis". To do that solve a sinple puzzle with letters and numbers. Each number 
represents a letter with ascenting order. So 1 is A, 2 is B and so on. The 
sentense you have to write is : WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE. When so Corac will 
be released and he will ask you to find something that he can hide in so he will 
be able to go undetectable to Alamar's Castle and defeat him. Go back to Dragon 
Pharoah and get the pass to Olympus.

        You can go there either with the Town Portsl spell or with the boar from 
the edge of Skyroad. There you find answers to many puzzles of the game. At (5, 
1) you get free membership to the guild, at (5, 8) is the Blacksmith, at (9, 10) 
the Temple and at (9, 8) is the Tavern. At (9, 7) you get the answer to Miles' 
puzzle in Castleview (Answer = Sandcaster), at (14, 9) you find Alamar's true 
name (Sheltem), (at (14, 7) are all the answer to voueless knights puzzles. Some 
people also give you information abour Alamar ("Alamar's birth number is 9"). 
The soul box is at (10, 14) but you can reach it only through the sewers. Have 
the Day of the Sorcery spell activated ALL the time and go down the sewers. If 
yo look carefully you will find some messages with letters. They are parts of 
the password you need to get the Box. At the sewers (7, 8) Syrano Jones the 
Salesman will sell you the pass for 100.000 gold (Tribble). When you get it or 
quess it from the messages go up, straight to the tavern and go down again from 
 crate. Give the password and the way to the Soul box is free. Get it, go back 
to Corac and then go to Alamar's Castle.

Alamar's Castle
        There is nothin to do at the first level exept from killing the robots. If 
you can't open the doors just break them. Now go down to the dungeons

        Drink grom the Xeen's Power Juice at (10, 15), (10, 11) and (10, 7) and 
get +5 levels permanently. The stairs at (2, 2) lead to Shangri - La. Pull the 
levers at (6, 5) and (8, 5), fet the key to Dragon Tower and read ALL the 
statues CAREFULLY.

Level 2
        Set all the dials to 9, go to the middle of the room (to the big head) and 
give Alamar's true name (Sheltem). 

Level 3
        Did you read the statues at the dungeons carefully ? If not follow the 
path : F E W A E E F F W A E F A W E E W W E F A W, where A=Air, W=Water, 
E=Earth and F=Fire. Enter Alamar's room and watch the end sequence.


Quest : Save Castleview from the Gremlins and report to Mayor - 
Solution : Castleview (29,13)
Reward : 50.000 EXP and 10.000 gold

Quest : Help Jethro's brother to get out from jail and report back to Jethre
Solution : Castleview (1,20)
Reward : 10.000 EXP, 6.500 gold and Treasure Map (talk to him 2nd time)

Quest : Find Nadia's necklace and give it back to her - Castleview (27,19)
Solution : Castleview Sewers (21,9)
Reward : 100.000 EXP and Key to Ellinger's Tower.

Quest : Kill the Rat Queen fir Valio and report back to him - Castleview Sewers 
Solution : Castleview Sewers (21,7)
Reward : 25.000 EXP

Quest : Find the 3 golden statuetes fir Luna and bring them back to her - A4 
Solution : Necropolis (10, 10), Western Tower Level 1 (7, 7), Lakeside Sewer 
(12, 11)
Reward : +5 levels permanently

Quest : Find Western Tower's Key for Dreyfus and bring it back to him - A3 
Solution : Western Tower entrance from Skyroad (4, 9)
Reward : 500.000 EXP, 10.000 gold and 200 gems when you meet him at Level 4 (4, 

Quest : Find some (3) mellons for Nibbler - B4 (3,12)
Solution : B1 (1, 4), A4 (8, 4) and A4 (3, 1)
Reward : Key to Temple of Bark and +10.000 EXP

Quest : Find Vespar's staff and bring it to him - B3 (7,1)
Solution : E4 (13, 5)
Reward : Pass to Sandcaster and +200.000 EXP

Quest : Kill the Ogres near to Ogre's Path and report to Kramer - B3 (11,4)
Solution : D3 (3, 7) + 100.000 EXP, D3 (9, 8) + 100.000 EXP and D3 (11, 5) +2 
Energy Disks
Reward : 150.000 EXP and 150.000 gold

Quest : Find Jewel of Ages for Thadews and bring it to him - F4 (6,7)
Solution : Eastern Tower Level 3 (5, 11)
Reward : 1.000.000 EXP and restores the power of Fountain of Youth (Removes 
magical age)

Quest : Find Sandro's heart and bring it to him - Necropolis 10, 8)
Solution : Necropolis Sewer (1, 14)
Reward : Golden Dragon Statuette and key to Dungeon of Death

Quest : Put an end to Xenoc and Morgana's terror and report to Astra - 
Sandcaster (20, 14)
Solution : Kill all the wizzards and witches in the city, also at the secret 
Reward : 1.000 gems and +2.000.000 EXP

Quest : Save Sharla's sister from the Temple of Bark and report back - C4 (1, 7)
Solution : Temple of Bark - Level 3 (6, 12)
Reward : 2 energy disks and +250.000 EXP

Quest : Find Ector's ring and bring it back to him - E2 (3, 12)
Solution : E1 (11, 12)
Reward : Obsidian battleaxe and  +500.000 EXP

Quest : Find Caleb's magnifying glass and bring it back - E3 (13, 13)
Solution : F1 (10, 0)
Reward : 50.000 gold and +500.000 EXP

Quest : Find Chalice of Protection for Bosco and give it ti him - D1 (1, 8)
Solution : Northern Tower Level 4 (7, 4)
Reward : 100.000 gold ans +1.000.000 EXP

Quest : Find Songbird of Serenity for Dimitri and bring it back
Solution : Isle of the Lost Souls - Level 5 (1, 8)
Reward : Combination of the safes with the energy disks (64-52-31)


A2 (7, 2)
: Barbarian camp (+100.000 EXP)

A3 (12, 14)
: Ruby armor or weapon (costs 100 gems)

A3 (13, 12)
: Emerald armor or weapon (costs 300 gems)

A3 (14, 7)
: Entrance to Skyroad

A3 (15, 11)
: Saphire armor or weapon (costs 400 gems)

A3 (2, 10)
: Well of Spells (+50 SpellPoints)

A3 (3, 3)
: Well of Resilience (+50 HP)

A3 (4, 9)
: Great Western Tower

A3 (8,  14)
: Shrine (+3 levels)

A3 (8,10)
: Dreyfus, high priest of Mok - Wants the key of Western Tower

A4 (1, 4)
: Brother Reger the Monk (Answer=Palindrome) +500.000 EXP

A4 (13, 15)
: Luna the Druid - Wants the three golden statuetes

A4 (14, 10)
: Castleview

A4 (14, 3)
: Monga melon

A4 (14, 8)
: Secret entrance to Castleview Sewers

A4 (15, 12)
: Pass to Castleview - Costs 1.000 gold

A4 (2, 2)
: Message "Queen Kallindrra in prisoner at Castle Blackfang"

A4 (3, 1)
: Monga melon

A4 (3, 10)
: Well of Protection (+10 AC)

A4 (5, 14)
: Castle Callindra

A4 (7, 1)
: Falista the Unicorn (Restores all HP)

A4 (8, 4)
: Monga melon

A4 (9, 11)
: Well of Might (+25 Might)

B1 (1, 4)
: Monga melon

B1 (2, 9)
: Escape Pod #2

B2 (0, 2)
: Barbarian Camp (+50.000 EXP)

B2 (13, 14)
: Climb Skill (costs 50.000 gold)

B2 (3, 8)
: Escape Pod #1

B3 (1, 12)
: Diamond armor or weapon (costs 1000 gems)

B3 (10, 9)
: Mine

B3 (11, 4)
: Kramer the Caravan Owner - Wants to destroy the Ogres' Forts

B3 (6, 12)
: Yog the Barbarian (fills packs with food 1 time)

B3 (7, 1)
: Vespar the Wizzard - Wants his Staff

B4 (2, 2)
: +100 luck

B4 (3, 12)
: Nibbler the Monkeydog - Wants monga mellons

C3 (6, 7)
: Mine

C3 (6, 9)
: Mine (God of Mountains for 250.000 gold will refill the mines)

C4 (1, 7)
: Sharla the Sprite

C4 (2, 8)
: Temple of Bark

C4 (6, 10)
: +10 Intellect (permanent)

D1 (1, 8)
: Bosco the Dwarf King

D1 (10, 5)
: Guradel the Giant (+2 energy disks)

D1 (6, 13)
: Fountain of Might (+100 Might)

D3 (11, 5)
: Ogre Main Fort (2 Energy Disks)

D3 (3, 7)
: Ogre Fort (+100.000 EXP)

D3 (4, 5)
: Mine

D3 (9, 8)
: Ogre Fort (+100.000 EXP)

D4 (12, 4)
: Shrine (+10 to all stats)

D4 (2, 4)
: Fountain of Element Resistance (+50 Elements Resistance)

D4 (2, 7)
: Great Southern Tower

D4 (3, 4) 
: +50 Elemental Resistance

D4 (6, 2)
: +10 Personality (permanent)

E1 (0, 11)
: Xanthus the Wizzard

E1 (11, 12)
: Ector's Ring

E1 (2, 10)
: Fountain of Great Magic (+1.000 Spell Points)

E2 (3, 12)
: Ector the Woodsman

E2 (8, 15)
: Leafpoint the Tree

E3 (13, 13)
: Caleb the Inventor

E3 (13, 5)
: Vespar's Emerald Handle

E4 (13, 13)
: +10 Might (permanent)

E4 (13, 7)
: Forbidden Fruit

E4 (5, 15)
: Spot secret doors skill (costs 5.000 gold)

E4 (5, 4)
: +10 Accuracy (permanent)

F1 (10, 0)
: Galeb's Magn. Glass (Gargoyle's Lair +100.000 EXP)

F1 (13, 8)
: Fountain of great Resilience (+500 HP)

F2 (6, 10)
: Dungeon of Lost Souls

F2 (8, 5)
: Fountain of Magic Resistance (+50 Magic Resistance)

F3 (10, 9)
: Great Eastern Tower

F3 (11, 1)
: Forbidden Fruit

F3 (13, 14)
: Forbidden Fruit

F4 (14, 3)
: Fountain of great Protection (+50 AC)

F4 (14, 3)
: Fountain of Great Protection (+50 AC)

F4 (6, 7)
: Fountain of Youth (Removes Magical Age)

F4 (6, 7)
: Thadews - Wants the Jewel of Ages. Gives the key to Eastern Tower


        When Alamar is finally dead you receive a message from Dragon Pharoah. You 
have to see him immediately. Go to the Great pyramid and talk with him. He will 
tell you that your mission is not over yet. You have to help him unite the two 
worlds of Xeen. To do that you have to activate the four machines in the four 
corners of Cloudworld, awake the four guardians in the Darkworld (you can enter 
from the four skyroad corners), clear the path to the temple of the Ancients and 
of course set Prince Roland free from Alamar's Castle. 
        The first two parts are quite easy. Just be careful when you try to reach 
the four machines. You have to use the teleport spell but you have to be very 
accurate. When finished, go to the Dragon tower.  It is located in the middle of 
the lave area. In the first level you find Alister the Duld who asks you a 
Dragon Egg. Go all the way up. You can get +50 endurance (permanent) in Level 3 
(9, 11) and +20.000.000 EXP in Level 4. Collect all the treasures. Finally climb 
to the last level, to the clouds. There are many places that you can increase 
permanently your levels (crystals on the clouds). Use the Day of the Sorcery 
spell all the time. Be carefull because there are many dragons. There are four 
statues (30, 0), (0, 0), (30, 31) and (0, 31) that give you a clue about dragons 
secret. Go to (15, 30) and answer INFINITY. You will get the Silver I.D. 
        Head to the Alamars Castle Dungeons and show the Silver I.D. to the skull. 
A secret passage will open and you will find the Key to Darkstone Tower at (11, 
9). Go there.
        In the first three levels are some statues withnotes. Walk all the area 
and look at the map. You will see that there are 3 numbers : 3 (Level 1), 4 
(Level 2) and 2 (Level 3). To go from one level to the other you have to use 
first the gongs. In the last level at (7, 7) is a skull that tells you that E 
(if you look the map of level 4) is 5. So go to the other skull and answer the 
puzzle. The answer is : 120. Now go at (9, 8) and get the Golden I.D. Go back to 
Alamar's Dungeon.
        Show the Golden I.D to the other skull and another secret passage will 
open. Go in and set Prince Roland free. He will give you the Amulet for the 
Southern Sphinx. Go there 
        It will be a good idea to have 4.000.000 gold, so you will pay for 
protection from the axes. If you don't have use the jump spell. There are two 
stairs. Go to the ones that lead to the third level. There are many signs with 
letters. All you have to do is to find Sphinx's name (It is Picard). You can 
also increase you levels (perm.) if you drink from the red bottles. There are 
some areas that you can go only with the teleport spell.        DO NOT TAKE ANY 
TREASURE. When finished go down to the first level to the other stairs. If you 
have one or more cursed characters you will not ba able to pass, so be carefull. 
When you go to the second level talk with Picard. He will ask you for a 
Imaginary Widget. If you don't have it go to Halan (north of Darkstone) and he 
will give it to you when you finish his mission. Go back to Picard. He will 
trade the Widget for the Chime of Opening. Go to Darkstone tower.
        Climb all the way up and now you are able to climb the last stairs. Just 
follow the cloudroad to the end, and when you reach it, use the teleport spell 
to the left and go to the Pyremid. Remember to rest and use the Day of the 
Sorcery spell ALL the time. Click on the Pyramid and watch the ending sequence.

Dimitris Boukogiannis

Thanks to Revolution reader Barbra Babar!

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