Timelapse PC Cheats



Warning: The following is a detailed walkthrough for Timelapse. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH!! If you do, you will ruin the game for yourself. This is only here to help you if you are stuck. So be quick about it.

The Solution



After watching the intro, the game starts with you facing some stones. From here on, "right" means your right hand side and "left", your left hand side. So, turn right, advance, turn right, advance, get the camera, retreat and go back to the stones. Turn your back on them and follow the path. Get close to the statue you'll see on the right and retrieve the journal. Get back on the path and follow it. At the T-junction, turn right and advance examining each of the three statues in turn - make a sketch of the symbol at the foot of each statue and then advance to see the glyph on their chests. Clicking on the chests produces the glyph again, in case you've forgotten it. Save the camara for later, if you can.

When you have done this and know the three symbols and the corresponding glyphs, turn right and follow the path to the camp. Keep advancing till you are in front of the table. Click on it to get a close up. Take a piece of paper from the left and place it on the stone. Grab the pencil and bring it over the paper. Three more symbols with their glyphs will appear. Again, record them. Step back and turn to the right, facing the side table, and advance close. Examine the instructions to light the lamp (take a photo or make a note) and get the matches.

Back off and turn around. Follow the sandy path to your left. You can get a close up of the items on the oil drum, but I could not do anything with them. Perhaps the clear message on the bottle has some meaning which escapes me just now - not that it mattered in the long run. Continue along the sandy path till you come to the cave.

Enter it and advance till you come to the lamp.

The Lamp puzzle:


Click on it to get a close up and remember the instructions by consulting your notes or the photograph you took.

1. Place the hand icon over the TANK PUMP to the left and actually move it up and down till you hear it click ten times. Make sure you leave it in the DOWN position, i.e., not sticking up as when you started.

2. Click it on the PRIMER VALVE (the little lever to the bottom right) once to get it in the UP position.

3. Turn the GAS KNOB to the UP position by clicking on it twice.

4. Take a match from the box by placing the hand icon on it and then drag the match along the side of the box to light it. Without letting go of it, apply it to the MANTLE so that it lights.

5. Click once on the PRIMER VALVE to put it in the DOWN position.

When you've done, the lamp will be lit and you can proceed.

Keep going till you come to a spot where you can turn left and right. Look at the statues on the right. Turn left and advance. Click on the stone face and there will be an outflow of lava: a mask will appear on it. Examine the glyphs on the eyes of the stone face. Click on the stone bowl and water will cool the mask. Take it. Turn around and go to the statues. Put the mask on the hand directly below the symbol which corresponds to the glyph on the eyes. If you make a mistake, the mask will disintegrate and you'll have to start again.

Go back to the stone face. Change the glyph (and so, the mask) by clicking on the left or right eye. Again, click on the bowl to cool the mask and retrieve it. Back to the statues and place the new mask on the hand under the correct symbol. Do this till you have all six in position, turn to the left and you will see a face with glowing eyes on the rock in front. Click on it and you'll be through to the time machine.

Advance till you get right up close to the globe. You will receive a message from your mate. You might like to save here. Click on the first symbol to the left (the scarab) and then on the globe. You will be transported to...


Turn right twice and advance to the pool. The water talks to you. Advance some more to see the bottom of the pool. No need to record what you see, it is drawn in the journal. Back off and turn right to head for the pyramid. Have a look around (a statue obligingly tells you to find a scarab) and enter it. You will find a door with a combination lock on it.

Return to the spot from where you stared. Turn left and head for the barge. Have a good look around so that you know where everything is. Clearly, you have to go elsewhere to find out how to open the combination lock and you need to use the barge, at the moment immobilized inside a gate. Look inside the well and make sure the bucket is right under the spout by moving the lever on the top. Go around the stonework construction till you are on the river, turn to the left and you will see a hanging basket. Click on it FOUR times, so that the water it contains is emptied. Walk around to the well. Pull the lever on the right. Look inside. The bucket should contain water and remain under the spout. Pull the lever at the top so that the bucket hangs straight down. Back off, turn left and then go to the end of the dock. Turn left and advance to see a lever. Pull this to the left (don't just click on it, drag it). Go to the well and pull the lever at the top to put the bucket back under the spout. Go back to the basket.

Use the basket TWICE. Go to the well and pull the lever on the right. Look in - the bucket should be full. Back off, pull the lever on the top. Go back to the dock and to the lever. Pull that to the left and the gate will open. Get on the barge and walk to the front of it. You sail off.

When you get to the Temple, step off the barge and turn right around. Get the spear. Turn right around, advance and you will be greeted by a crocodile. Now, this is tricky. When the croc moves his head to the left, point the spear at a spot on his neck, by the base of his lower jaw. While his head is turned to the left, click on the spear to stab him in that spot. There is no point in trying to stab him anywhere else, so persist; when you hit the right bunch of pixels, he will disappear.

Advance into the Temple. You can do this in any order, but we'll try to save time. Go to the room to the left (remember, YOUR left) of the circular altar and examine everything. If you click on the statue of Annubis, he'll tell you to "find the tablet". In one of the baskets, you'll find a mirror. Step back and use the mirror on the wall to read a message. Now go to the bottom of the room and slide the mirror over the vessels. On the right hand side you will see an elaborate key. With the mirror over it, grab it. Find the locked chest, use the key on the lock and then advance and open it. You will find an amusing head whose eye will follow the movements of the pointer. Click on the tablet and record what you see. Basically, you are being told which number each symbol represents. For instance, the first one is next to a knife, so the number of knives you find in the Temple is the number this particular symbol represents. Get counting.

When you've finished in this room, go out and turn immediately right. Advance and turn left. Spot the symbols on the crackling column and click on the lowest one. Proceed to the room opposite.

Now, I suggest you do the following to make it easier for yourself. Get a sheet of paper and draw seven equally spaced lines across and four equally spaced lines down. You will soon find out why. Open the first casket you come to and inspect each scroll in turn. On your piece of paper, draw on the first square an approximation of the face you see on the scroll, and in the next square along, the name of the god plus the type of face it has (i.e., goat, crocodile, etc.). Examine all of the scrolls, doing this. Count them.

Turn around and leave the room. Go to the statue head in the middle and move the orb slowly. You will see the face of each god and, on it, a symbol. On the piece of paper, draw the symbol alongside the face and the name of each god, in your third squares. Go back to the room you've just left. Still counting all the objects you come across, click on the statue to the left for another scroll. If you examine this scroll, you will see Egyptian numbers in front and after the gods faces - record this. Consult the journal and you'll find out that a number before a god is to be substracted and a number after a god is to be added. It will all become clear later on. Continue exploring and counting. At the end, you should know what number each symbol on the tablet represents.

OK, let's leave and go to the symbols on the crackling column. Press the middle one. Leave the temple and turn to the right. Walk right around the temple till you are facing the row of obelisks. Advance between the first pair, turn to your left and look at it (let's call this obelisk A1). You will see the face of a god and a number. Write that number down on the fourth square on your piece of paper, alongside the right god; and on the fifth, the position of the column in the arrangement you could see when you started (e.g., A1 out of A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2). Turn right around and examine the face and the number on the next obelisk (let's call this obelisk A2). Advance along all the obelisks doing this and enter the building. You will see eight crystal obelisks, corresponding in position to the real ones outside.

Turn left to the first one (A1). There are three wheels to click on. The first will be the face of a god, which you will have to change to the one you saw on the corresponding obelisk (in this case, Thoth the ibis); the second wheel is the number you saw outside (in this case, one); the third wheel is the symbol of the god, which you saw moving the ball in the temple (in this case, wings and entwined serpents). However, this isn't all. The number has to be changed according to the scroll you found inside the statue. Is this all beginning to gel? No? Well, to save you the trouble, I will tell you which numbers to put in the middle wheels; I am sure you'll be able to sort out the other two wheels.

This is it, by pairs, first left then right.

A1 and A2. For Thoth (ibis), use II (2). For Sebek (croc), use I (1).

B1 and B2. For Set (square ears), use the inverted V (10). For Knumm (goat), use ((( ( (9).

C1 and C2. For Osiris (man) use the six little bars (6). For Horus (hawk) use the "2" number (7).

D1 and D2. For Bastet (bat), use I. For Annubis (dog) use =3D (8).

I hope this makes sense to you, it's difficult to explain. At any rate, go to the altar at the top of the room and click on it. All eight obelisks inside should be lit and a gem should appear in the middle. If an obelisk is not lit, you've got one of the wheels wrong. Go back to it and change things till you get it to light.

With the gem go through the door at the top and when you come to a cobra, use the gem on it. Continue till you come to a well. Look in and drop the gem in the water. A guy in a funny hat talks to you.

Retreat and press the stair symbol on the column to your right. Look into the well and you'll see steps; go down them and enter the room to the right. Explore around, click on everything. You'll end up playing a game of snakes and ladders. The trick is to get to the yellow square first. It's largely out of your control - just click on the "dice" when it's your turn; but if you land next to a snake, you can use any gems you have to escape sliding down (move the red ones to the other side of the eye with the hand icon, the number under the particular snake tells you how many gems to move). I didn't bother and I still won. The price is the eye symbol you'll see above the game. Take it and retreat.

Use it on the yellow cabinet, alongside its mate. Open the cabinet and enter. Click on the scroll with the pyramid; I believe we've found the code for the combination lock. Record it. Click on the scarab and you get some more info; you carry away with you this artifact. Leave and turn to the door through which you came. Advance and click on it to get yet another message. Push on to exit.

Back to the temple, find the crackling column and press the first symbol (pyramid). Get back on the barge and walk to the front to get across the river. Now go to the pyramid and to the door with the combination lock. If you added up the symbols on the pyramid scroll, top to bottom, you will have obtained 3-10-9-4. Place the appropiate number symbols in front of the little triangle to the left and press it. Bingo! Keep advancing till you get to the time machine.

Click on the next button along the first and you will turn up at the...


Things are going to get a lot tougher, I can see that. Turn right, advance and get the log. Head back for the tree at which you started, turn left and advance. When you come up smack against a rock and can't go any further, step back and use the log. This forms a bridge. Move on. You will come to a junction. Just now, continue forward. When you reach the stones and the lever, ignore it and continue advancing. You will see a circle containing other circles on the rock behind. This is actually very important. Back off to the lever. It has five positions, and each gives you access to certain puzzles. Every time you visit a new section in this scenario you will see a circle with the season marked on it.

Let's start by pushing the lever all the way left. Go and see what the circle looks like now - it should have a line right through the middle. OK, turn around and go to the junction, where you will turn right and advance.

Turn to your right and note the big cactus. This is the most important spot in the whole of this scenario - you will have go get here every time you complete a section in order to get to the stones and move the lever we've just pushed and get access to another section.

OK, if you are facing the cactus, turn right around and advance. Ignore the first turning to the right and go on. Ignore the next turning to the right and go on. If you keep advancing, you will come up against a blank wall. Turn right and follow the path to the cave.

Pick up the torch, move right up to the different walls, shake it and shine it around. You should see various glyphs and it is important that you remember them well, so record them. Leave the cave. Go back to the blank wall and keep advancing. Somewhere around here you should see a *wolf* - it is important you remember which animal you see in association with each section, i.e. with each type of circle (or season). You should come to a stone with drawings on it. What you have to do here is click, in the right order, on the same symbols you saw in the cave. It is not easy because of the hands obscuring the drawings, but you should not really have much trouble. When you've done, turn left and click on the circle on the rock. Turn right and enter the cave that has just opened up. Have a look around. You will see a stone carving come up through the *water*. Right, that's that one. By the way, you must memorize every carving/drawing you uncover in this scenario. Make a little sketch of it, save your photos for later.

Leave the cave and find the blank wall, turn right and advance towards the big cactus, but take the first turning to the left. You should be going under the bridge and through a hole in the rock to another cave. Have a good look around; when you come to the snake on the wall, you have a very tiresome puzzle to solve. Imagine the footprints under the snake are marked A to H. Click on them in the following order (1 means once, 2 means twice):

C2, D2, G1, F1, G2, D1, B1, D1, B1, C1, H1, E1, A1, E1, H1, C1, B1,

D2, G1, D1, B1, C1, H1, C1, B1, D2, F1, A1, F1, G1.

Be sure to click on the correct footprint - make a mistake and you'll have to start again. When you've finished, the snake will rattle it's tail. Turn to the right and advance to touch the pipe. You get a message. To get the full story, click on the pipe 5 times. Turn right and observe the map on the wall. Leave the cave and advance as far as you can go, then left and up to the big cactus (ignoring the turning to your left).

Turn right, advance, turn left and go all the way to the stones and the lever. This time, move the lever up once, still on the left side, so that it is not quite upright nor flat on its side. Back to the cactus, facing it.

Go all the way forward, ignoring the two turnings to the right. Come right up to the wall with the acorn indentation and turn left. Pick up the stick. Turn left and advance to the first junction. Turn left. You should see a *squirrel*. Note also the circle, and remember to associate them both. Keep going till you come to some bees. Use the stick on then and collect a glob of honey on its point. Keep going and observe the squirrel - it drops an acorn on a rock. Advance and you will see the acorn in a crack. Use the stick to collect it. Turn around and get to the junction, then right and all the way to the indentation. Put the acorn in it and a cave will open up. Enter it, have a look around, keep advancing and pick up a match. Turn to your right and pass the match over the stone to light it, then light the *fire*. Turn right around to see the image dancing on the wall. Another section done. Back to the cactus.

Go to the lever and push it to the right, but not fully down. Back to the cactus. If you are facing it, this time turn left, advance, turn right at the next junction and going all the way to a contraption on the ground with five holes and, above, a feather impression on the wall. Turn to your left and you will see five birds carved on the rock; you have to find their feathers. Walk all around the scenario till you find them. You will probably find more than five, so you'll have to experiment. As far as I could determine, the birds are a turkey, an owl, a hawk, a bird I didn't know, and a woodpecker. When you have found and placed the correct five feathers in the right order, click on the feather impression on the rock and the cave to your left will open up. Go in and take a look. Another carving has emerged. Note the *leaves* and the *crows*. Back to the cactus yet again.

Might as well go to the village, so, if you are facing the cactus, turn left and advance all the way till you get to a spear. Take it and turn around, advance and turn right. Puncture the base and "branches" of all the cacti around the maize until the spear disappears, by which time the corn will be tall enough for you to climb. Advance and have a good look all around.

Take the maraca from the basket and turn around to the snake. Poke it with your finger and the snake will make a noise. You have to match it by shaking the maraca - as I recall, left, up and down, then let go. If this doesn't work, keep trying, it's not all that difficult. When you succeed, the snake will turn into a ladder. Go up it all the way.

At the loom, grab the wooden needle to the left and use it on the basket nearest the loom. Then take the large ball of red wool and put it in the basket - poke at it with your finger and the end of the wool will appear. Click on the eye of the wooden needle and it will be threaded; now click on the loom and, next, click on the wooden transversal stick on the loom. Repeat with the medium sized reddish ball of wool and then with the smallest reddish ball of wool. This should complete the weaving; a golden maize plant will appear on the loom. Leave, remembering that to descend stairs you have to go backwards.

Once outside, enter the other room. Climb up to where the drums are. Turn all around - note the indentation on the wall, in the shape of a leaf. Take the drumstick. Turn to the chimes and poke them, identifying the notes, if you can. Now turn to the drums and repeat the sequence. If you can't, try this: supposing the drums are linearly numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (i.e., pretend they are all in a straight line), bang the following: 2, 5, 3, 1, 4. Turn to the chimes and you will see the fur has fallen off, allowing you into another room. Enter and pick up the small stick from the fire and use it to examine the holes in the wall to your left. Only one does not contain a nasty; grab what there is in it (it's a rag). Turn around and dip the rag in the water in the stone container and then use it to clean the wall. You'll see a drawing; very nice. Leave the village, remembering to go backwards down the steps and down the maize stem.

Make your way to the lever and this time push it fully to the right. Go to the cactus and, facing it, advance to the first junction, turn right and go along here. Ignore the turning to the right and continue till you get to the bow. Note the *hawk*. Advance to look at the bow; handling it will make an arrow appear, but it has no head. Step back and turn left. Advance looking for flints - they are hard to see, but they are there. Grab them and go back to the bow - by clicking on the flints when you have an arrow shaft in position, the arrow will be armed. Advance till you are in position and save your game. This nearly drove me nuts. You have to put an arrow through the hole in the column in front of you. Try putting the arrow parallel to and slightly away from the left side of the column, pull it completely back and let fly. The relative space between the column and the arrow should be about the width of the arrow's head. It's very tough, because the wind changes and then you have to change your strategy, so be prepared to reload again and again. When you finally manage to put an arrow through the hole, you'll be hailed as a great hunter. Step back, turn right around and advance till you can't go any further; turning right will reveal a newly opened cave. Pop in and see what's on the wall: a *bison* will become a *thundering* stampede.

Right, now back to the lever and center it. Back at the cactus, and facing it, advance to the first junction, turn right, advance, turn right and go along here; turning right will put you in front of four stones. Each slab is topped by the symbol of one of the seasons. On the first one to your left, you have to click on the crow and on the leaf (it doesn't look like a crow, but makes a sound like it), on the next one, click on the top right hand-side symbol (a kite or a hawk) and then on the symbol for the storm. Next: squirrel and fire. Last: wolf and drops of water. Now click on the circle above the stones and a slab should fall letting you through. Inside this chamber you'll get the pod (and another message). Note the outline of a leaf underneath.

OK. Now for the last push. Go back to the village and to the pit of sand; note that the leaf silouette above it has turned to green. Look into it an a whole lot of leaves will land artistically on the spiral. You have to complete the sequence: use the following narrow leaves: red, red and green. If this doesn't work, instead of starting at the end of the sequence, start by placing the green leaf on the last indentation and then the two red leaves moving up to the rest of the leaves. At the end, you get a leaf of the right shape for the indentation we saw in the drum room, so let's get there. When you place the leaf in the indentation, the wall across the roof opens. Walk across and enter a chamber.

Here there are drawings on the walls either side and behind you, and in front, a wheel with arrows, which must be turned blue. Turn left and click on the bird and the maize plant. Turn right twice and click on the bison and the bee. Turn right again to face the door and click on the eye surrounded by rays and on the man with the stick, both in the top left hand corner of the wall, and also on the man further down with horns. If you turn right around, all the arrows should be blue; if they are not, click on another drawing and see what effect it has on the arrows. If none, click on it again and choose another drawing, and so on. When all the arrows are blue, click on the center of the circle. Go through to the time machine. After the message, click on the fourth symbol from the left because we are going to the...


Well, here we go again. Get going in the only direction you can. At the first slab, turn to the left and click on the head. You get a statuette. Turn right and look at the slab. Keep going and looking at the slabs. You will notice a recurring theme: skull, monkey, jaguar and salamander (or at least, that's what I think they are). As you come to the temple, you'll see a circular platform. Advance to it and use the statuette on the crackling center. A salamander will appear. You are about to play a game of Simple Simon. Click on the salamander and remember the colours it acquires. Click on the coloured tiles in front of the platform in the same order. Keep doing this till the salamander disappears. Go forth into the temple and have a look around. You can go right through and out, but you will find that, apart from the door directly in front of this particular pyramid, all the others are shut. Perhaps it's Sunday. Go back in.

Find the spot with the calendar, the head and the sphere and the numbers on the wall (this is a good moment to consult the journal to find out which number is which). Look at the tablet with the numbers. This is a very simple puzzle, but just in case: imagine that each number is marked A, B, C, D along the first row, E, F, G, H along the middle row and I, J, K, L along the bottom row. Click on the following numbers, in this order: A + F =3D I; B + G =3D L; C + H =3D J; and D + E =3D K. A lever will appear. Click on it. Turn left: the sphere will be mobile now. Turn it so that you get the skull.

Go outside and find the slab with the skull head on it. Click on the skull and three symbols will light up. Record them. Back to the calendar. Now you've got to align the three symbols along the center line by manipulating the three wheels. The inner one, with the numbers, has 8 sections; the next one, 12; and the other wheel, to the right, has 16 sections. Basically, get the two symbols alongside one another and then jiggle the wheels up and down till you get them correctly aligned with the right number. When you've succeeded, go to the other pyramids. The door to the one on the right (with the skulls) will be open. Turn right and examine the skeleton. You have to reconstruct it. Now, how did it go? The thigh bone is connected to the... hip bone, tra-la-la-la.

The Skeleton puzzle


Save your game before you even begin on this one. Start by having a good look at all the bones in the box beneath (i.e., pick them up); you will notice that some are white and some are reddish. Reload your game and imagine that the box under the skeleton's body is divided into four sections which we will name boxes A, B, C and D. It is very important that, when you attempt to attach a bone, you slide it gently underneath and don't quite let it touch the other one: when you let go, it will attach itself. If it was too far away it will drop and no harm done. However, if you touch the other bone too far up, the skeleton will collapse. In this instance, I will refer to the right hand side and left hand side of the skeleton, as opposed to YOUR right hand side and left hand side. Save a new game every time you successfully complete a limb.

1. Left arm, reddish. Top, in one piece, from box C. Lower arm, complete with hand, from box B. Use this as reference for the right arm.

2. Right leg, white. Top, in one piece, from box B. Lower leg, complete with foot, from box A. Use this as reference for the left leg.

3. Left leg, reddish. Top, one bit from box D, the other from box B. Lower leg, one complete bit from box D, foot from box D.

4. Right arm, white. Top, one bit from box B, the other bit from box A. Lower arm, thin bit from box D, thin bit from box B, hand from box C.

When you've completed it, save your game and then click on the stone in the mouth of the skeleton, turn right around and put the stone in the middle of the circle. You get a message and a picture. Record this picture with the camera, and also the others which will appear after each message in each temple.

OK, let's go to the sphere and move it on to the monkey. Find the slab, click on the monkey's head and record the three symbols, etc. I think you've got the idea. At the monkey's pyramid (to your left, as you come down the stairs from the first pyramid), look around and spot the maze puzzle. You just have to get your green spider through various square holes to the bottom of the board, where the blue gem is. It's a matter of watching the other spider and moving at the right moment. Save each time you elude one of the spiders and you'll have no trouble getting the gem. Now turn left, advance, and use the gem on the circle to get the usual message and another picture.

Back to the sphere, let's go for the jaguar next. You know what to do. The jaguar temple is on top of the pyramid opposite. Get up there and have a good look all around. Above the recumbent green god you will see a circle with colours. Note the position of these four colours. Go back to the entrance and, with your back to it, turn right. Note the four squares around the jaguar picture. Advance and you are into the puzzle. Click on each square to change it, not only to the same symbol as around the jaguar picture but also to the colours you saw in the circle - all in the right position, of course. When you've done this, you get the golden head of a jaguar.

Step back, turn left, advance till you are at the pile of bones and turn left. Advance and use the head on the crucible above the fire. It melts and pours into the mould. Click on the vessel to the left so that water pours into the mould and cools the piece. Look inside the mould - if it is still too hot to pick up, have a walk around the temple and come back. When the heart is cool, pick it up, turn right around and place it on the cup the recumbent figure is holding. You get a gem. Back to the door - to the right, another circle. Use the gem on the circle to get the usual. Out.

Get to the sphere and change it to the salamander. Find the right slab and do the usual. Now we are going to go out and through the door of the opposite pyramid, at ground level. Keep going through here till you come to a green statue. Turn right to face it and save your game. There is a rather revolting game coming up (not for the squeamish) and, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life playing, it's as well to adopt a strategy. Start the game clicking on any of the skull orifices. Write down the sequence in which the opposite skull spews out nasties as you go. Although these sequences appear to be random, a given set will be often used. So, having written down the sequence (and unless you've won by chance), reload the game and do the same. Eventually you'll recognise the pattern and will know which creature to use because you know what to expect. Save every time you win a game and it will soon be over. Your eventual win means that the hanging bridge is pulled up and you can go through.

Follow the path till you get to the giant head. Turn to your right, wait till the spider moves and grab the stone. Turn left and use it on the left eye of the statue, then move the eye to the left. You can turn left and walk along here safely and move on till you reach the pyramid. Of course, you can't enter yet. Back to the stone head and turn your back on it. You will see a glint in a flower. Advance a couple of times and grab the gem hiding in it. Back to the head, use the gem on the other eye and move it. You get a machete. Use it on the vines to the right of the head and you can get through to the salamander pyramid.

Once inside, look around, get hold of the broken heart and put it in the golden basin in front of the statue with the skulls. Push forward for the next puzzle. Have a good look at it. Consult the journal to establish the numbers on the skulls. Step back.

Go to the circle on the wall, the one with the salamander in the middle, and step right up to it. Turn right and, in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, you will see an object. Click on it and you will find the numbers (you will have to consult the journal to see which ones the head symbols represent) to move the salamander, back at the puzzle, using the skulls. The red symbols refer to the skulls on the left and the black symbols to the skulls on the right. Thus, you would start by clicking on the first skull on the right (five: the salamander would move five spaces), followed by the first skull to the left (four: the salamander moves four spaces) and so on. Guiding yourself by the journal, write down the skulls to click on in the right sequence, go back to the puzzle and do it. At the end, you get a salamander. Turn to the left and advance on the slab on the floor, click on the compartment and place the salamander on the silouette you will see. This opens up a floor and you go down.

Follow through here and, when you can, turn left. Advance through here. At the end, turning to your left will reveal another pod. Click on it, get another message and, when the cylinder raises, get the hammer. Now place on the cylinder the four skulls and the grey stone (not the bone nor the other stones). Turn left and advance till you can go no further. Turn left and advance. Click on the impression of an axe on the side of the doorway and you get a tune. Use the hammer on the five columns in front of the doorway, reproducing the same tune. I'm sure you'll be able to manage; but, if you are tone-deaf like me, this might help: imagine the columns are numbered 1 to 5, left to right. Hit the following: 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 5, 5, 1. You are through. Advance till you come to a skeleton in a coffin, hanging on to a gem. Grab hold of the gem and move it side to side till you shake it loose. I don't know about you, but I'm up to here with skeletons and bits thereof. OK, you know what to do; get to the circle in the temple above and use the gem in the middle. Message and picture.

Now it's time to go to the final temple. Go to the stone head, face it, make sure its left eye is moved to the left, turn left and advance all the way up to the top of the pyramid. Wot, no gem in the middle? Turn right around and advance 10 paces down the pyramid. You will see a rock and, in a crevice to the bottom right hand side of it, a gem. Get it and go and put it in the middle of the circle on top of the pyramid. This will open the door and will let you advance to the puzzle. In this, you have to form the four pictures you saw in each temple - guide yourself by the numbers indicated to the left and right of the panel with the tiles. Bear in mind that, once you get together the four pieces of each picture they will fuse and it will be more difficult to move the others, so try doing first the bottom right, the bottom left, then the top right and, finally, the top left. One piece of this last one (top left) is missing, otherwise you could not move the tiles.

When you've finished the puzzle, the door will open and you will be able to go through to the time gate. This time we are going to Atlantis, so click on the middle symbol.


Start by turning right around and advancing and then turning to the right to enter the pyramid. Examine everything with care. Click several times on each holograph until the message is repeated, to get all the info. In this particular building, you must activate all three maps by clicking on them. Note also the letter symbol either side of the door.

Leave and proceed to examine all the other buildings in the same way (and make sure you remember their outward shapes), clicking on each holograph several times, and noting the letter symbol associated with each. Sometimes this symbol is obvious, sometimes it is not. In one of the buildings, it's on the floor (the one with the DNA in it).

When you've been everywhere and examined everything, go to the center building. Inside, turn to your left and advance to input the code - this will be obvious to you. Just click on each square under each of the buildings till you get the correct symbol (or an approximation - they are actually back to front or upside down), then click on the last button to the right. If you've done it right, you can now enter the lift. Inside, turn right around and examine the controls. You will notice that clicking on the symbol to the left of the lit one gets you nowhere; so click on the one to the right. You go down. To get out of the lift, just advance and the doors will open.

Now, for the first time in this game, you are in real danger. Save your game. Cautiously turn in every direction you can till you spot the robot. Be very aware of where you are in relation to the lift. Because you are about to go forth, nick the robot's charge and get into the lift pretty damn quick, before he kills you. Inside the lift, use the charge crystal on the appropriate indentation in the control panel and click on the first symbol to the left in order to go up.

Aha. Now we are getting somewhere. Save immediately, you don't have a lot of time and you must have a trial run. First look around carefully, as usual, to see where everything is. Take your time. One thing you must do is to make a note of the white/blue dot sequence you will see behind the sarcophagi; some of the dots will be obscured in some cases, but you can view them from other angles. Once you have the complete sequence noted, look at the empty stasis box. Now find the puzzle on the wall and have a bash. It's just a matter of getting all the red sectors in the middle and it can be done quite easily clicking on the yellow arrows here and there. While you are messing around, you'll probably get killed by the robot. No problem.

Reload your saved game and go for it. Take the crystal from the lift, go to the empty stasis box, place the crystal in the hole on the floor; enter the stasis box and set the right sequence of dots by clicking on the white ones you want to change to blue. Then turn around and tackle the puzzle. When you've solved it, press the button in the middle. Now back off and you find yourself at the power machine and you are supposed to fire on the button above the panel to switch on the stasis field, while the robot is trying to get his crystal. You have to be very quick about it, otherwise... Game Over.

When you get the robot securely immobilized in the stasis field, you can go left to the door, which you can now enter. Advance and turn to your right: click on the round contraption and you will see that your three pods are missing. Call them up through pressing the spacebar, or whatever, and place the hand icon on them to join them to the other one. Pick up the four reunited pods. Turn left and advance till you get to the panel. Click on it, place the combined pods in the indentation, turn around and go back to the entrance. Turn to your right and advance to the time gate. Get the message, click on the last button on the right and you will free your mate, the ungrateful wretch. Now you can stay here or go back in, it doesn't matter. Watch the finale. Game well and truly Over, and you are all set for Timelapse 2. The End.

* * *

Paul Marvin and Jean-Jacques Laperriere found another way of finishing the game which is much more exciting, and they very kindly sent in the following information:

Place the pods in the control panel, and go to Alex. After you've heard what he has to say, release him with the button to the right. Hurry, now. Go to the elevator, enter and click on the flashing symbol. The elevator becomes a scapepod. Watch what happens, wait, read paper. A fisherman's boat rescues you. You win the Nobel Prize and lots of cash.

Much thanks to Revolution donater Lu Richardson for Cheet Sheets Magazine (cheets@sv.span.com)!!

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