X-Files Game PC Cheats

X-Files Game


Warning: The following contains information that will help you solve X-Files. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll ruin the game. Honor thy Mulder and Scully and only use this as a last resort.

X-Files Spoiler
"OK!!  I give up!! How the heck do you get the thing to do the
thing with the -- with the THING?" You might be asking yourself.
You won't find the Spoilers to be nearly as cryptic.  They are
there for you when you are truly Quagmired.   And are starting to
feel a little like Queequeg.  Fear Not!  The solution for your
problem is at your fingertips.  But don't read any further than you
need to, or you might get more than you bargained for!

I'm standing in the hall! Now what?
Go sit at your desk.
What the bleep is my password?
On the bulletin board to your left: Shiloh.
Where is all my stuff?
Gun, badge, and cuffs in desk drawer.
Lots of cool stuff in cabinet in conference room:  Binoculars, Night
Vision Goggles, Lockpick, Evidence Collection Kit, Flashlight, and the
Digital Camera.
I can't leave the building!
File the APB using your computer, physically hand the case files on your
desk to Cook, and         go to Skinner.

I can't get Scully's password!
No one can. It doesn't exist. Or let me know if you figure it out, please.
Skinner won't leave the hotel!
Just go back to the Field office. He will follow. Make sure you get the
info from the girl with 'tude.
What's computer crime's number?
Phone has a menu. Use arrows on phone to move through it.
What do I find at the warehouse?
Find blood stain on floor, bullet in post just above, Moreley butt to the
and some crates near the door. Use your evidence kit to collect stuff.
Go to the office where Skinner is and go upstairs. Ooo. Dark. Use your
Find the crowbar.
Open the crate with the crowbar. Use evidence kit again.
Go out the back door of the warehouse. Oooo. A boat.
Go show your badge and talk to the guy. Ask all the questions.   Drag the
icons from the top of the screen to his face.  If you don't have all the
evidence the first time you question him, you'll have to come back for a
After the warehouse, I'm stuck!!!
Some say there can be a bug here.  I've run through it in several different
and always managed to go on to disc three.  Don't forget to drag the
evidence icons
to a person to talk.  Run a check on Wong in the ING, then talk to Skinner
in the
conference room.  If he doesn't get the phone call and leave at that point,
then go
back to the warehouse and talk to Skinner again. Drag the evidence icons
from the
top of the screen to his face.   Then drop off evidence at Crime lab (if you
already) go back to the office and talk to Skinner again.

What do I find on the little boat?
Yellow slicker that says Tarakan and a bottle of pills in the cabinet.
What do I find on the Tarakan?
Way downstairs, find a sphere in a crate.
Middle level find a log on the table and a log in the safe.
Middle deck look at burn marks on wall.
Upstairs find fingerprints and call John Amis about them.

I keep dying in the truck!

Get in the truck, crawl out passenger side and look at side of truck.  Get
back in
truck and look up. Eventually, you find a piece of paper with two numbers.
Keep it.
Then get out the passenger side quickly.
I keep dying at Gordon's!!
Find the shovel first. Then pick up the paper and get thrown around. Use the
to beat out the panel near the floor.  If you use the pliers on the lock you
into Clay's BBQ.

Where is everybody?  I'm stuck!
Find Cook in field office conference room.  Talk to him for info, but you
will end
up going with him.
What do I find in Smol's Warehouse?
Two objects: gun and logbook and conduct two thorough interviews. with Smol,
one after
you run ballistics at Crime lab.
Where the bleep is Smol?
Find spiral staircase on top floor. Another staircase goes down right beside

Scully hates me!!
Show her the plam that X gave you.
What do I do in the train yard?
Climb the pole.  Look at the tops of the cars with binoculars. Find the 5
digit number.
Find that car.

All I see is a body in the house.
Every day is like Halloween! Look up. Pull on the skeleton.
Those NSA guys make me die!!
I shoot them.
Autumn is nicer: She was able to run You can run from the NSA guys. You get
a use
icon on the landing. You then get followed in the dark in the woods. Gotta
run right
then straight ahead twice and then hide in a tree.
I don't know the computer password.
Nobody does. All you need is the map.
In the room with the bodies Mulder radiates me and I die!!
Tell Scully to run.  After you run from Mulder, get your gun ready. Turn
Shoot the guard.
Scully keeps grabbing me by the neck and I die!!
You're going someplace you shouldn't. Don't go near that shelf in the
Mulder keeps radiating me and I die!!
Got to lure him into that room.
I get him in the room, then Scully plams me and I die!!
This probably means you used your gun on Cook. You need to go back to a
save before you shot Cook. You have to zap Cook with the cattle prod, not
shoot him.
Anyone who gets a happy ending after shooting Cook (and NO!! Plamming Mulder
is NOT
a happy ending fellow OBSSErs!!) please let me know how. I can't find it.
Cook radiates me at the big door and I die!!
Someone else can help you. Throw the plam to Scully.
email - CarrieKendl@aol.com


Have A Nice Day !

Thanks to Revolution readers Marco the Dogfacedboy and CarrieKendl@aol.com!

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