Beating Black Jack:
In Episode 7, Scenes 1, 2, and 3, you can go ahead of younger Black Jack,
but not too far. You can beat him to where he needs to go (listen to Luke
to tell you when you need to turn).
Extra Power-ups:
Collect a power-up, then leave that place and return. The power-up will
still be there and may be collected again. The maximum number of nitros
that may be collected is five.
Keep Luke Hanging out of the Window:
While Luke is hanging out of the window drive slower, or he will go back
inside the car. If you hit anything he will go back inside.
Level Select…the Hard Way:
Finish the game, then save it to a memory card. Load the game from the options/memory
card screen to chose any episode and scene. Choose quit to the main menu
and save the game again at the options/memory card screen.
Losing the Police:
When being chased by the police, you can cut them off by hitting them on
the back when they try to cut you off.
GameShark Codes
Infinite body damge d0057014 0630 80057016 2400 Infinite tire damage d0056f8c 0074 80056f8e 2400 Infinite items on pick up d00563b0 06f4 800563b2 2400 Infinite time d0066ccc 0414 80066cce 2400
Thanks to Revolution readers Ryan and Graeme!