Mo Money, Mo Gyros:
If you need alot of gold and/or Gyros and don't have a Game Shark, you can start off in the town of Elle and travel back and forth between this town (Hera's Temple) and Sparta. Each time you leave one town and go to the other that town will reset. Gold, items, everything. This is an easy way to get 99 Gyros and 99 gold.CPU Controlled Jason:
Start a two player game, and pick Atlanta and Herc (You need 2 players!!). Then, after you beat Hades and do all of the tasks for the rest of the Gods, go back to Hera. Go to her and she will talk to you. Do this for all the Gods and then go to Egypt. The first Martian you kill will die and come back to life as Jason! He will now be contolled by the computer. He will follow you around and help you. And he's Invincivble, so send him head first into battle!
Game Shark codes
Infinite Health P1 800C4AE0 0032 Infinite Strength P1 800C4AE4 0046 Infinite Keys P1 800C4B3A 0009 Infinite Money P1 800C4AE8 0009 Infinite Lightning Bolts P1 800C4AF0 0009 Infinite Pandora's Box P1 800C4B30 000A Infinite Bombs P1 800C4AFE 0014 Ray Gun P1 800c4b06 001eThanks to Revolution readers Meester Peeches, Ben Schlake, Angelo Taruc, and
Andrew Spence!
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.