Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed Evolution Tournament Guide

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                  P O R S C H E     U n l e a s h e d

                    Evolution Tournament Guide
             Dingo Jellybean:
                    Version 1.0 April 29, 2000

---------------------------- [ C R E D I T S ] ------------------------------

-+- EA(
    For making one of the best games ever for the NES.

-+- CJC(
    For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean
    For typing this FAQ.



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The use of the Porche is copyright Porsche AG.
This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================

  I'm not going to make this FAQ long, mainly because I would be wasting my
  time. This is only a Evolution Tournament Guide, and after awhile after I
  think you start to feel comfortable, I will no longer place strategies in
  this FAQ because it's all pretty general anyways.  So sit back, enjoy the

------------------------ [ C L A S S I C   E R A ] --------------------------

  Now you want to get the extra cars and courses right? Head to Evolution   
  Mode. From here you want to select a good car, however the only thing you 
  can afford are used cars. Go to the Porche Center and select USED CARS. You 
  can pick any car you want but I suggest picking up the Porche 914 1.7. 
  After that go back to the screen and go to Tournament and then race in the 
  Class 3 tournament. You may want select the Novive Session since you are 
  probably a beginner in the game(^_^). Then get ready to race.

 - Fortress Village(Germany) Difficult: 1
   - Things you cna knock over: Street signs and Shrubs
     - Conditions: Afternoon in a snow storm

  Now in this race start off strong and blow past your competitors. You might
  want to switch to a helicopter view instead of the cockpit view of the 
  race. This way you can see the directional signs ahead of you. When you 
  encounter a castle with signs pointing to the left, turn left ahead of time 
  because its going to be a steep turn left, you may want to let loose your 
  acceleration petal and turn. This race should be VERY easy, your 
  competitors are like really old people driving OLDsmobiles.

  After the race you pick up 10 points and 2000 credits(or you should), now
  enter the next race and pick Novice Session again.

 - Riviera(France) Difficulty: 2
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs and billboards
     - Conditions: Afternoon on a sunny day
  This race is just as easy as before, however you have to stay focused this   
  time because there is more of a chance that your car will suffer more 
  damage. Use the helicopter view once again and. Watch for the small 
  mountain in front of you, you will eventually see it twice in this race, 
  both telling you to go to the right. Once again, let go of your 
  acceleration pad once you see it and make a hard turn. There are a few long 
  runways where you can pick up leads, and watch for light posts that look 
  like signs, they can be confusing at times.

  After the race you should be at least in the top 4 standings. Now continue 
  to the next race.

 - Desert Valley(USA) Difficulty: 4
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs and shrubs
     - Conditions: Afternoon on a bright sunny day

  You can pick Novice or Advanced, which ever you prefer but note that you 
  get more points for a finishing an advanced race(obviously). Pick any race 
  you want and then continue on. In this race it becomes increasingly 
  difficult than the last. You have to watch for the signs carefully and stay 
  in the helicopter view. Try to keep your car to about 70 mph, this way you 
  can turn more easily than if you had gone about 100 mph. This course also 
  has a long open road, but it suddenly changes as you progress to more 
  steeper turns, also you will have to perform two S curves in this race, 
  both of them are near the end of the race.

  After the race you will have completed the tournament. You should have
  at least finished in the top 3. Now when you return to the screen go to the
  Porche Center and sell your car. After that you should have close to 15000
  credits. Now buy a new car and select the 356 B 1600, the class should be
  the 2nd class.

NOTE: If you do not have enough cash, go back and race in the Tournament
      Class 3 race again.

  Now afterwards head back to the Evolution screen and race in the Class 2
  tournament. And select your class(novice or advanced) and race.

 - Black Forest(Germany) Difficulty: 4
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs and shrubs
     - Conditions: Dawn and clear skies

  In this race its really a pretty easy race, its hard to obtain 1st, but its
  pretty easy to obtain 2nd place. Try to slow down 10 mph when you are in  
  the town, it helps when you need to make those hard turns and curves. Its 
  just like the race you had before actually, but the cars give you more 
  younger competition.

  After the race you should be among the top 3, if not then try to get first
  place the next two races. 

 - Seaside(France) Difficulty: 6
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Conditions: Nightime with clear skies

  This race will be tough. Its basically the reverse of the France course   
  that you had rode through earlier. You can't use your headlights in this   
  race, you will have to try to look ahead and watch for trees to come about. 
  Try to keep it about 15 mph slower when you are in the towns because the 
  signs pop up out of nowhere.

  After the race you should still be among the top 3. Then continue to the
  next race.

 - Downtown(USA) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs and pesdestrian mailboxes
     - Conditions: Nightime with clear skies

  This race will be tough, you can give yourself an excellent boost by   
  cutting through the grass on the turns through the intersections. Use the 
  street lights to guide you through and you should try to stay at top speeds 
  at all times and let go of your acceleration button to make those hard 

  After the race collect your rewards and then sell your car and purchase a
  Class 1 car. If you do not have enough credits go and race in the Weekend   
  Races to acquire more credits. After that enter the Class 1 Tournament.

 - Snowy Ridge(Germany) Difficulty: 8.5
   - Things you can knockover: Street signs
     - Conditions: Afternoon with cloudy skies

  This race will be tough, the roads aren't slippery though. There is one 
  very long runway where you can boost your lead. Try to tone down your speed 
  by 20 mph when you get around the town, its going to be hard making those 
  turns swiftly if you go too fast.

  After the race you should at least place 3rd in the race. Now continue to 
  the next race.

 - Northern Valley(France) Difficulty: 6
   - Things you can knockover: Street signs, shrubs, plant pots, and 
     - Conditions: Afternoon with clear skies

  This race isn't too difficult, there are usually a lot of right turns. 
  There are seom S-curves once you get to the middle-end of the laps, so keep 
  in mind of that. Also there is one very long open road where you can 
  increase your lead. Its good to always stay at top acceleration, even if 
  you are in the towns.

  After the race, repair any damage you might have endured(repair only what
  you think is neccessary and what you can afford) and continue to the next

 - Dusty Ridge(USA) Difficulty: 9
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs and shrubs
     - Conditions: Dawn in clear skies

  This race will be tough, slow your car down by 30 mph when you hit the 
  roads between mountains. There are short open roads, make sure to take   
  advantage of them. Also use your breaks to make the turns, don't bother 
  with the accelerator, mainly because it will ruin your performance and it 
  can cost you some money when you crash into the walls because of sloppy 

  Now, after placing at least 3rd in ALL your tournaments, its time to move
  into the Golden era. You can always try again in the tournament mind you,
  but me I'm groooooooooooovin to the Golden Era.

NOTE: To move to the Golden Era, go to the options screen and move to the
      next era.

------------------------- [ G O L D E N   E R A ] ---------------------------

  Now purchase a new car from the Porche center, its really up to you, decide
  on your budget and continue on. After that head to the tournament.

--------------------------------[Class 3]------------------------------------

 - Fortress Village(Germany) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Shrubs, plants, trashcans, and street signs
     - Conditions: Morning with rainy showers

  This race basically is the same as the first one in the Classic era. You
  must slow down often in the town because of the coming turns, the traffic
  lights ALWAYS tells you to turn right.

 - Riveria(France) Difficulty: 5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, parking meters, trash
     - Conditions: Morning with clear skies

  This race is pretty easy, always go at full speed and let go of your 
  accelerator to make those hard turns.

 - Desert Valley(USA) Difficulty: 8
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, shrubs
     - Conditions: Afternoon with clear skies

  This course will be hard, watch for a lot of tight turns in this course and
  there will be one very long open road. Its the same as last time basically.

  After the race you should finish at least third in all your races. Then 
  continue to the next race.

 - Country Moors(Scotland) Difficulty: 6.5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, shrubs
     - Condition: Dawn with clear skies

  This course will be fairly easy. You will have to slow it down a bit when
  you are in the desert area, and there are only a few long open roads.
  Your best bet is to try and finish second.

NOTE: From now on I will just display the course information, the strategy
      is pretty general anyways.

---------------------------------[Class 2]-----------------------------------

 - Black Forest(Germany) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, shrubs
     - Condition: Afternoon with snow showers

 - Seaside(France) Difficulty: 6
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, bill boards, pot plants, 
     - Condition: Afternoon with rainy skies

 - Downtown(USA) Difficulty: 8.5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, pedestrian mailboxes, trashcans
     - Conditions: Dawn with clear skies

 - Lighthouse Cliffs(Scotland) Difficulty: 6
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Conditions: Afternoon with rainy skies

---------------------------------[Class 1]-----------------------------------

 - Snowy Ridge(Germany) Difficulty: 6.5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, road stoppers, road signs
     - Condition: Afternoon with snowy skies

 - Northern Valley(France) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, pedestrian plants
      - Condition: Dawn with clear skies

 - Dusty Ridge(USA) Difficulty: 6
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, shrubs
     - Condition: Afternoon with clear skies

 - Highlander Road(Scotland) Difficulty:
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Condition: Afternoon with clear skies

------------------------- [ M O D E R N   E R A ] ---------------------------

--------------------------------[Class 1]------------------------------------

NOTE: In this class, it will be increasingly difficult to get to 1st place,
      2nd place is good enough for all these races those.

 - Snowy Ridge(Germany) Difficulty: 8
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, road stoppers, road signs
     - Condition: Afternoon with snowy skies

 - Northern Valley(France) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, pedestrian plants
      - Condition: Nighttime with clear skies

 - Dusty Ridge(USA) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, shrubs
     - Condition: Afternoon with clear skies

 - Highlander Road(Scotland) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, public mailboxes, road stops
     - Condition: Dawn with clear skies

 - Bamboo Forest(Japan) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Condition: Afternoon with clear skies

---------------------------------[Class 2]-----------------------------------

 - Black Forest(Germany) Difficulty: 6.5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, shrubs
     - Condition: Afternoon with snow showers

 - Seaside(France) Difficulty: 8
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, bill boards, pot plants, benches
     - Condition: Afternoon with clear skies

 - Downtown(USA) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, pedestrian mailboxes, trashcans
     - Conditions: Nighttime with clear skies

 - Lighthouse Cliffs(Scotland) Difficulty: 7.5
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, road stops
     - Conditions: Afternoon with rainy skies
 - Garden Village(Japan) Difficulty: 7
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Conditions: Dawn with clear skies

NOTE: This race(Garden Village only) is a qualify race, you are not given a
      position and you will have to race 2 1/2 laps, this will qualify for
      what position you start at later in the same course. Basically you race
      5 1/2 laps total in the Garden Village!

----------------------------------[Class 3]----------------------------------

 - Fortress Village(Germany) Difficulty: 8.5
   - Things you can knock over: Plants, fire hydrants, and street signs
     - Conditions: Nightime with clear skies

 - Riveria(France) Difficulty: 9
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, parking meters, trash
     - Conditions: Dawn with clear skies

 - Desert Valley(USA) Difficulty: 8

   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, shrubs
     - Conditions: Dawn with clear skies

 - Country Moors(Scotland) Difficulty: 9
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs, plants, floor ads, crates
     - Condition: Afternoon with rainy skies

 - Shipyards(Japan) Difficulty: 8
   - Things you can knock over: Street signs
     - Conditions: Nighttime with clear skies


  Congrats! You finished the Evolution tournament!

---------------------------- [ C R E D I T S ] ------------------------------

-+- EA(
    For making one of the best games ever for the NES.

-+- CJC(
    For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean
    For typing this FAQ.


Time of completion: 4 hours, 5 minutes

Copyright Dingo  Jellybean (C) 2000

>Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Dingo Jellybean!
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