Sarif Industries Prepares You For Human Revolution

It's not everyday you see someone with a bionic arm walking down the street. As much as I'd like to play it cool when I did see ol' one-arm walking by, I'd probably run up to check the manufacturer. If you see someone with a Sarif Industries augmentation beware!

Of course, Sarif wants the public to believe they're helping people, but we don't need those augs around. They're destroying the human race! Just look at this promotional video:

Well… I guess that looks pretty cool. Augmented eyes? Sure, sign me up! Arms? Legs? Blades in my arms? Legs with bionic kicking power? YES! ALL OF IT!

If you'd like to see yourself with an augmentation, head over to You'll have to use your webcam, but it can't be all that different from trying on different noses, right? Not that I would ever do that…. Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be in stores August 23 in the US.

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