Nice box cover. Review

Nice box cover.

“Centuries of reckless consumption and overpopulation had brought the Earth’s

ecosystem to the brink of collapse. In desperation, governments of the world

developed an interstellar Evacuation Program granting exit passes only to the

most privileged segments of society. The poor and common were left behind to

perish.” Two societies developed. One society emerged from those who left for

the stars, calling themselves the “Chosen”. The other society emerged from those

humans left on Earth to die.

Now, centuries later, the “Chosen” have decided to return to Earth and assume

control, and cleanse the planet of the left over vermin that toiled and fought

to become the proud warriors known as the “7th Legion”. In this post-apocalyptic

future, you can choose to be either the strong, tenacious survivors, the 7th

Legion, or the Chosen who remind me of good old Uncle Adolph’s merry band of

waffle stompers.

Whichever side you choose, it seems to be the same old, same old: build up

your forces and lead your ground troops through the battlefield and kill the

enemy routine, reminiscent of other games of this genre. Just another C&C

clone. No real changes or upgrades like the back of the box promises.

7th Legion lacks all of the latest graphical enhancements. Most strategy games

today, like Myth and Incubation,

use the dazzling special effects that go along with accelerated 3D graphics.

Sure, the graphics in 7th Legion are fine, if boring and dated, and the explosions

well done. However, being the spoiled gamer that I am, with two Voodoo 2’s,

I felt a hungering for more. I mean, if you’re going to rehash an old concept

and expect me to buy it, at least make it look pretty! The best thing about

the graphics was watching buildings, men and machinery eventually crumble and

weaken under the onslaught of laser fire and missiles. Then again, this is nothing


Now the fun part, let’s talk about the controls. Or should I say the lack

of control. Commanding my forces through the terrain was nothing short of frustrating.

For instance, I would select the troops that I wanted to move, indicate the

position to which I wanted them to go, and specify an offensive movement toward

any enemies in that area. Then I’d sit back and watch them either run in the

opposite direction, or go to the enemy site and sit there letting the enemy

blow them apart.

Sometimes I’d watch my forces split up, one set following my orders and the

other set running off to a remote part of the battle map, perhaps to perform

a urinary relief function. When I got lucky, my forces would perform as commanded.

This was the case whichever side I played.

The most exciting thing about this game was the box cover! Once you get past

trying to learn all the clunky controls and commands, you realize this game

ain’t all the hype you were lead to believe.

So what did I like about the game? Well, I thought the music was cool, in

a cheese-metal, techno sort of way. Keep in mind this is my opinion only, and

you may disagree. The cut scenes were good. Oh, and did I mention the box cover

really got me excited when I first looked at it!?

The 7th Legion is a game that can be summed up in a few words: I didn’t like

it! After Command & Conquer came out, it seems

that everyone and their mother was coming out with strategy/turn-based style

games. Whenever a good thing is cranked out in mass numbers, like widgets in

a factory, the consumers suffer from lackluster products, advertising bogus

claims of originality and innovation. I kept looking for something else that

would make this game worthwhile, and I didn’t find it.

On the back of the box the creators of the game brag about, “Your balls-to-the-wall

real-time combat action.”

They should’ve said, “Your finger-to-the-uninstall, real-time action.”

  • Okay music
  • Frustrating gameplay
  • Ho hum graphics
  • Nothing new
  • Nice cut scenes
  • Great box cover!!!


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