Perfect Dark Zero Xbox360 Cheats

Dark Agent Mode:

Beat the game in Perfect Agent mode.

To unlock new weapons, you must finish a mission where you find it with it in your inventory. The following is a list of the weapons and their corresponding locations.

CMP-150 Sewer Retrieval
Combat Sheild Trinity Infiltraiton
DEF-12 Shotgun Nightclub Stakeout
DW-P5 Nightclub Stakeout
FAC-16 Trinity Escape (off dead ally)
Falcon Nightclub Stakeout
Frag Grenade Nightclub Stakeout
Hawk Boomerang Rooftops Escape
KSI-74 Lab Rescue
Laptop Trinity Infiltration
M60 Mansion Infiltration
Magnum Rooftops Escape
Magsec 4 Mansion Infiltration
Multi Mine Temple Surveillance
Phychosis Gun Trinity Infiltration
Plasma Rifle Temple Surveillance
RCP-90 Jungle Storm
Rocket Launcher Bridge Assult
SuperDragon Outpost Rescue
UGL Liberator Nightclub Stakeout
Viblade Mansion Infiltration (red triplaser room)

Showdown Easter Egg

Whenever you die, it will say to press Back for debriefing. If you don't press it for a while, it will go into debriefing for you. In Arena | Showdown though, it won't. Zhang Li will still be jumping around on the camera in the top right. Waiting there for 5 minutes will make Zhang Li do a victory dance.




How to Unlock
1 Co-op Mission On Dark Agent Complete 1 Co-Op misson on Dark Agent Difficulty
1 Solo Mission On Dark Agent Complete 1 Solo misson on Dark Agent Difficulty
10 Explosive Kills Get 10 kills using explosive in any Multiplayer modes
10 Flags Captured Capture 10 Flags in Capture The Flag mode
10 Headshot Kills Get 10 Headshots kills in any Multiplayer mode
10 Kills in Killcount Get 10 kills in Killcount mode
10 Kills in Team Killcount Get 10 kills in Team Killcount mode
10 Melee Kills Get 10 Melee kills in an Multiplayer mode
10 Minutes Survived Survive 10 minutes in Onlsaught mode
10 Player Infected Infect 10 Players in Infection mode
10 Rounds Survived Survive 10 Rounds of Eradication mode
10 Sniper Kills Get 10 Sniper kills in any Multiplayer modes
10 Territories Held Score 10 points in Territory Gain mode
10,000 CR Property Destroyed Destroye 10K CR of property in Sabotage
100 Explosive Kills Get 100 kills using explosive in any Multiplayer modes
100 Flags Captured Capture 100 Flags in Capture The Flag mode
100 Headshot Kills Get 100 Headshots kills in any Multiplayer mode
100 Kills in Killcount Get 100 kills in Killcount mode
100 Kills in Team Killcount Get 100 kills in Team Killcount mode
100 Melee Kills Get 100 Melee kills in an Multiplayer mode
100 Minutes Survived Survive for 100 minutes Onslaught.
100 Player Infected Infect 100 Players in Infection mode
100 Rounds Survived Survive 100 Rounds of Eradication mode
100 Sniper Kills Get 100 Sniper kills in any Multiplayer modes
100 Territories Held Score 100 Points in Territorial Gains mode
100,000 CR Property Destroyed Destroye 100K CR of property in Sabotage
1000 Explosive Kills Get 1000 Explosive kills in any Multiplayer Mode
1000 Headshot Kills Get 1000 Headshot kills in any Multiplayer Mode
1000 Kills in Killcount Get 1000 Kills in Killcount Mode
1000 Kills in Team Killcount Get 1000 Kills in Team Killcount Mode
1000 Melee Kills Get 1000 Melee kills in any Multiplayer Mode
1000 Player Infected Infect 1000 Players in Infection mode
1000 Rounds Survived Survive 1000 Rounds of Eradication mode
1000 Sniper Kills Get 1000 Sniper kills in any Multiplayer Mode
5 Co-op Missions On Dark Agent 5 Co-Op missons on Dark Agent Difficulty
5 Solo Mission On Dark Agent Complete 5 Solo missons on Dark Agent Difficulty
Complete Co-Op Agent Complete Co-Op on Agent Difficulty
Complete Co-Op Secret Agent Complete Co-Op on Secret Agent Difficulty
Complete Single Agent Complete Single Player on Agent Difficulty
Complete Single Dark Agent Complete Single Player on Dark Agent Difficulty
Complete Single Perfect Agent Complete Single Player on Perfect Agent Difficulty
Complete Single Secret Agent Complete Single Player on Secret Agent Difficulty
Completed Co-Op Dark Agent Complete Co-Op on Dark Agent Difficulty
Completed Co-Op Perfect Agent Complete Co-Op on Perfect Agent Difficulty
Played 10 Dark-Ops Games Play 10 Dark-Ops games
Played 10 Deathmatch games Play 10 Deathmatch games
Played 100 Dark-Ops Games Play 100 Dark-Ops games
Played 100 Deathmatch Games Play 100 Deathmatch games
Played 1000 Dark-Ops Games Play 1000 Dark-Ops games
Played 1000 Deathmatch Games Play 1000 Deathmatch games


Thanks to Revolution readers Banja, Fireflier, and Koamohva!
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