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Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd Person: Is There a Third Person Mode?

Out right now, many players are wondering if this game is similar to other fantasy, massive open-world RPG’s like Skyrim and The Witcher 3. Is there a Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd person mode? The Witcher 3 has you play entirely from the third-person perspective, whereas Skyrim gives you the option to do either.

Because of other Western RPG’s, it totally makes sense for there to be a Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd person mode. Though it is primarily marketed and shown in footage as a first-person game, that doesn’t mean the option to switch to third-person isn’t there at all. So, what’s the answer? Let’s find out.

Is There a Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd Person Mode?

Kingdom Come Deliverance Battle

Let’s start with the reveal of the answer right off the bat: there is no official Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd person mode. That means that when you boot up the game, you won’t be able to switch between first-person and third-person at will with the press of a button. This is unfortunate news for console players, but could mod support help out PC users?

As any good RPG should, there is mod support for it on the PC version. However, there currently is no mod available to allow you to switch to a Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd person mode. Even worse, the engine that this game was built with (CryEngine) makes it so that creating a mod like that will take some time most likely.

Also disappointing is the fact that there is no console command for switching the camera to a Kingdom Come Deliverance 3rd person mode. This is unfortunate news for those (like the author of this) that prefer to play in third-person. Your best bet is to wait patiently for a mod on PC.

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