Raiden Announcement For PlayStation All-Stars Evokes Developer Disappointment

Raiden might seem like a natural fit for PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale, but that doesn't mean Kojima Productions and Platinum Games have to be happy about it.

Yuji Korekado of Kojima Productions shared during a video interview with GameTrailers that he's disappointed that Raiden's induction into PSABR was leaked before the planned announcement. He said:

You know we’re working with Santa Monica Studios to create Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale and Raiden is in there but there are some things we’re quite not satisfied with. We are looking forward to working with Santa Monica and creating a really cool game with them and having a big announcement here at PAX. Unfortunately, there were a couple leaks leading up to the show and so we were a little dismayed at that unfortunately.

A lot of gamers were expecting the announcement well before it was leaked, so it isn't that big of a deal. However, it's understandable to be disappointed when you're a developer at a convention and one of your announcements is broken before you get to make it. Ouch.

Platinum Games' Atsushi Inabu's thoughts are a different story. He had very little to say but it definitely wasn't positive. He said the following to GameTrailers:

…there are a few things we are not too thrilled about with Battle Royale as well but the reasons are different. So we hold that for later.

Whether it's the game, Raiden's character model, or his abilities is unknown. However, given that they announced Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U exclusive earlier in the week, their reasoning is certainly not fan-related.

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