Guild Wars 2 Gender, Profession, Race, And Craft Statistics Released

What you see above are official bar graphs and a pie chart released by ArenaNet detailing the popularity of every major option in Guild Wars 2's character development.

From top left to bottom right you have the following:

  • Gender: Female, Male
  • Profession: Engineer, Thief, Elementalist, Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger, Guardian, Necro
  • Race: Norn, Charr, Asura, Sylvari, Human
  • Crafting: Weaponsmithing, Hunstman, Armor crafting, Cooking, Leatherworking, Artificer, Jeweler, Tailor
The profession results aren't too surprising, but seeing how popular Humans are opposed to the other races is shocking. Actually, the two most human-like races are much more saturated than the others as opposed to the high Sylvari count I was expecting. A lot of pre-release polls placed Asura and Elementalist at the top of the bunch, and this goes to show exactly why unofficial polls aren't to be taken very seriously.

I play a Human Engineer so I sit at both the top and bottom of the spectrum. I tend to stray away from the popular classes in MMOs, so it's probably a good thing I turned my head away from the Warrior on launch day.

How do you fare?

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