Cheats are entered under the options menu,
All maps:
Enter GiveMeTheMaps as a case-sensitive code. You'll have to delete your profile if you want to disable it.Feral Attack In Earlier Levels:
FeralAttackInfinite Feral Attacks:
BloodlustInfinite Ammo:
UnleashHellRestore Health:
ImJackCarverLevel Select:
At the Arcade Mode character selection screen enter the following code to be able to change levels:
Hold Down + Left, then Press B + Start.Start with 9 Continues:
You can begin the game with 9 continues if you enter the following code at the Arcade Mode character selection screen:
Hold Down + Left, then Hold A + C, then release all four buttons and select a character.
Thanks to Revolution Readers Dennybonez and Useless!
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.