Code Lyoko FAQ/ Walkthrough


1) Overview

2) Games Controls

3) First Level Walkthrough

4) Levels List

5) Enemy List

6) Upgrades

7) Gameplay Tactics & Tips

8) Cheats

1) Overview

Code Lyoko is an adventure game based on the television show, that immerses the player into both a 2D and 3D world filled with variety of different challenges.

The 2D part of the game takes place on the Touch Screen and represents the Real World as shown in the TV Series. The 2D part plays like a point and click adventure, where the characters investigate in the Real World the manifestations of X.A.N.A. Characters in the 2D part don’t have specific abilities, or fighting skills. The adventure relies on the player talking to other characters and find objects.

Once the player has completed a 2D quest, the player will then be sent to Lyoko through a virtualisation process, which will take them into a 3-dimensional world. The main purpose of going to Lyoko is to deactivate infected Towers. On their way to the Tower, the characters will confront challenges such as a variety of moving platforms and different types of enemies.

The 3D part of Code Lyoko is a 3rd person combat and exploration mode where the player needs to use the characters’ fighting skills to fight hordes of enemies and their special abilities to uncover secrets within the worlds.

In addition, the player will find themselves racing through different levels as well as solving a variety of puzzles.

2) CODE LYOKO - Controls


+Control Pad Up = Selection Up

+Control Pad Left= Selection Left

+Control Pad Down = Selection Down

+Control Pad Right = Selection Right

A Button = Selection Confirmation

B Button = Menu Back / Selection Cancellation

X Button = Not Used

Y Button = Not Used

L Button = Not Used

R Button = Not Used

START = Selection Confirmation


Touch Screen = Menu Selection / Confirmation

2D Quests

+Control Pad Up = Move Character “inside” the Screen

+Control Pad Left = Move Character Left

+Control Pad Down = Move Character “outside” the Screen

+Control Pad Right = Move Character Right

A Button = Context Confirmation

B Button = Not Used

X Button = Show / Exit Inventory

Y Button = Not Used

L Button = Show Room Exits / Display Global Map

R Button = Show Room Exits / Display Global Map

START = Pause Game

SELECT = Exit Dialogue

Touch Screen = Context Confirmation / Move Character

3D Levels

+Control Pad Up = Move Character “inside” the Screen

+Control Pad Left = Move Character Left

+Control Pad Down = Move Character “outside” the Screen

+Control Pad Right = Move Character Right

A Button = Primary Attack

B Button = Defense / Block

X Button = Secondary Attack

Y Button = Charge Attack

L Button = Not Used

R Button = Not Used

START = Pause Game

SELECT = Exit Dialogue

Touch Screen = Use of Abilities, Life Points & Lyoko Power Packs


+Control Pad Up = Not Used

+Control Pad Left = Steer Left

+Control Pad Down = Not Used

+Control Pad Right = Steer Right

A Button = Speed Up

B Button = Slow Down

X Button = Not Used

Y Button = Not Used

L Button = Steer Left

R Button = Steer Right

START = Pause Game

SELECT = Exit Dialogue

Touch Screen = Use of Abilities, Life Points & Lyoko Power Packs


+Control Pad Up = Not Used

+Control Pad Left = Not Used

+Control Pad Down = Not Used

+Control Pad Right = Not Used

A Button = Not Used

B Button = Not Used

X Button = Not Used

Y Button = Not Used

L Button = Not Used

R Button = Not Used

START = Pause Game

SELECT = Display Hint

Touch Screen = Move Pieces / Display Hint

3) 2D Walkthrough

Quest 1:

- Read the dialogue that appears and then walk towards Jeremy.

- When next to Jeremy, there is a talk icon that will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Touch the Icon or press the A Button to talk to Jeremy. Once the conversation with Jeremy is finished, move to the left, and stand in front of the desk.

- An Examine Icon will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Touch it or press the A Button to view Jeremy's "To Do List". Return to talk to Jeremy who will provide a key to his closet.

- Once the key has been given and the dialogue has finished, the Inventory Icon that can be seen at the top right corner of the Touch Screen, will start to flash.

- To open the Inventory, touch the Inventory Icon on the Touch Screen or press the X Button. Then exit the Inventory being once again touching the Inventory Icon on the Touch Screen or pressing the X Button.

- When exiting the Inventory Menu, another dialogue sequence will be triggered. Finish the dialogue and head towards the closet found to the right of Jeremy.

- When in front of the closet, a Key Icon will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen, touch the Icon or press the A Button. The Inventory Menu will appear.

- Touch the image of the key that appears on the Touch Screen. A new dialogue with Jeremy will commence.

- Complete the dialogue and the Take Object Icon will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Touch the icon or press the A Button to take the sandwich.

- Advance towards Jeremy and the Give Object Icon will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Touch the icon or press the A Button and the Inventory will appear.

- Touch the image of the sandwich and another dialogue will commence. Once the dialogue has been completed, Yumi will appear and another dialogue will start. Ulirch will be asked to get a CD in Odd's and Ulrich's bedroom.

- Using Ulrich, advance to the bottom of the Touch Screen. An Open Door Icon will appear at the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Touch the icon or press the A Button to exit the room and enter into the hallway.

- Walk across the hallway, to the room opposite of Jeremy's.

- Enter the room and advance to the top left corner of the room, in front of a closet.

- Examine the closet and take the Backup Disc that is found inside.

- Now head back to Jeremy's room and give Jeremy the Backup Disc. Once the Backup Disc is given to Jeremy Ulrich will be brought to the Lift Entrance found inside the factory.

- Move into the Lift and a Room Selection Menu can be activated.

- Select the Scanner Room.

- Once inside the Scanner Room advance to the middle of the room, this will trigger an FMV and the mission will be completed.

Level 1:

- In the Character Selection Menu, select Ulrich.

- Advance to the first Checkppoint.

- Once at the Checkpoint, touch the Context Icon at the bottom right corner of the Touch Screen to activate the Character Selection Menu.

- Select Odd and advance to the wall that has a Climbing Symbol in front of it.

- Move up against the wall.

- Climb the wall by first touching and holding the Context Icon at the bottom right corner of the Touch Screen and pressing Up on the +Control Pad.

- Once at the top, move forward and engage the NPCs that appear in the combat zone.

- Head down the pathway to reach the second Checkpoint.

- At the Checkpoint, open the Character Selection Menu and select Yumi.

- Move down the pathway to face a giant bolder. When in front of the bolder, press the Context Icon to use Yumi's telekinesis and walk past the bolder.

- Move forward and eliminate the NPCs that appear in the second combat zone. Walk down the pathway and head towards the Data Well and the third Checkpoint.

- Break the Data Well to collect the Data Bits and move onto the Checkpoint to activate the Character Selection Menu. - Select Ulirch and move towards the moving platforms.

- Touch and hold the Context Icon, do a Dash across the moving platforms to reach the other side.

- Move ahead and eliminate the NPCs that appear in the third and final combat zone.

- Move forward, there will be a moving platform that moves back and forth to another island.

- Take the platform to the other island and advance to the fourth and final Checkpoint.

- Select Aelita and move towards the edge of the island, to the left of the Checkpoint.

- Touch and hold the Context Icon to make Aelita levitate across the digital sea and onto the small island with the Tower. - Move towards the Tower.

Quest 2:

- Exit Jeremy's Room

- Go into Odd and Ulrich's bedroom and talk to Odd.

- Once the dialogue is finished, exit Odd and Ulrich's bedroom and head down the hallway.

- Exit the hallway and into the 2nd Floor Stairs.

- Head down the staircase to reach the 1st Floor Stairs.

- Once at the bottom, walk to the right and enter into the 1st Floor Corridor.

- Walk down the corridor and enter into the Math Classroom to the right.

- A dialogue will be triggered when walking into the Match Classroom, finish the dialogue and exit the classroom.

- Walk back through the corridor and into the 1st Floor Stairs.

- Take the exit that will lead to the Dormitory Entrance South, which is located at the bottom, middle part of the Top Screen.

- (Optional) - Talk to Sissi.

- Walks towards the bottom left corner of the Top Screen and enter into the School Crossroads North.

- Walk to the bottom right corner of the Top Screen and enter the School Crossroads South.

- Talk to Yumi and Ulrich.

- Once the dialogue has been completed, walk towards the building behind Yumi and Ulrich and enter into the Science Building Entrance.

- Enter the building to reach the Science Build Corridor.

- Walk down the corridor and enter the Science Classroom located to the left.

- Talk to the teacher and exit the classroom.

- Talk to Odd and Ulrich who are in the corridor.

- Exit building and into the Science Building Entrance.

- Walk down towards the School Crossroads South.

- Walk down towards the School Crossroads North.

- Once at the School Crossroads North, walk towards the top right corner of the Top Screen and reach the Administration Entrance.

- Walk along the pathway and across the entrance of the building to the Park - Passage to Administration.

- Walk down the pathway to reach the Park North Path 1.

- Walk towards the houses found at the top of the Top Screen and reach the School Gates.

- Walk past the archway.

- A cinematic will play.

- Once back in Jeremy's Bedroom, head towards the computers.

- Exit Jeremy's room and down the corridor.

- Take the stairs going down.

- Exit into Dormitory Entrance South.

- Walk to the left and advance to School Crossroads North.

- walk up towards the building.

- Take the Passage to Administration.

- Enter into the Administration Hall and walk down into the library.

- Talk to Ulrich.

- Once in the Scanners Room.

- Advance to the center of the room and examine the area.

- A dialogue will be triggered, once it has been completed, take the elevator to the Lift Entrance.

- Talk to Odd and take the elevator back to the Scanners Room.

- Go back to the center of the room and use the videogame.

- This will trigger another dialogue and then a hacking puzzle will appear.

- Complete the puzzle.

- Take the elevator to the Laboratory.

- Head towards the center of the room and examine the area.

- A dialogue will be triggered followed by a cinematic.

- End of the quest -

Quest 3

- As Odd, exit the room and walk down the hallway.

- Walk down the stairs and exit the building into the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Talk to the two girls.

- Once the conversation is finished, head to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Enter the school Crossroads South located at the bottom right corner of the Touch Screen.

- Talk to Sissi.

- Once the dialogue has been completed, a cinematic will appear.

- Exit Odd and Ulrich's Bedroom.

- Walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

- Exit the building into the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Advance to the Passage to Administration and talk to Jeremy.

- Enter the building to reach the Administration Hall.

- Advance to the entrance of the Administration Corridor and enter the Secretary's Office.

- Talk to the Secretary.

- The moment Jeremy distracts the secretary, take the keys found on the secretary's desk and exit the secretary's office.

- Go talk to Jeremy and then head back to the secretary's office.

- Use the key to enter into the Principal's Office.

- Search and take all four of the cell phones.

- Head back to Jeremy.

- When next to Jeremy a cinematic will be triggered, followed by a dialogue.

- Once the dialogue has been completed, take the elevator to the Scanners Room and head towards the center of the room.

- Another cinematic will appear.

- End of the quest -

Quest 4

- As Yumi, complete the dialogue and exit Yumi's Bedroom.

- Go down the stairs.

- Walk down the hallway and into Ishiyama's Dining Room located to the right.

- Talk to yumi's mother.

- Exit the dining room and walk down the hallway.

- Exit the house and enter the Town Ishiyam's House area.

- Walk to the top left corner of the Touch Screen to enter the Town North Road area.

- Walk to the bottom, middle of the Touch Screen and enter the Park South Path area.

- Walk down the pathway and enter the Park Crossroads area.

- Take the path leading to the top right corner of the Touch Screen.

- This will lead to the Park North Path 2, head down the pathway and then to the right.

- This will lead to the Park North Path 1, walk down the pathway to reach the Park - Passage to Administration.

- Walk up the pathway to reach the Administration Entrance.

- Walk past the Administration Building to enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk to the bottom left corner of the Touch Screen to reach the Dormitory Entrance South.

- A dialogue will be triggered.

- Once the dialogue is complete, the rats will start to move.

- Follow the rats into the Cafeteria Exterior area.

- A dialogue will be triggered.

- Once the dialogue is finished, exit the cafeteria Exterior are to reach the Dormitory Entrance South.

- Head down the hallway to reach the Dormitory North Entrance.

- Walk to the top right corner of the Touch Screen to reach the Gym Entrance Part 2.

- Talk to Jeremy.

- Once the dialogue is finished, follow Jeremy into the Gym Corridor North and then into the Gym Corridor South.

- Talk to Jeremy.

- Head back towards the Gym Corridor North and into the Gym Storeroom on the right.

- Take the key found on the wall on the left and exit the room.

- (Optional) Take the key back to Jeremy, where a dialogue will be triggered stating that it is the wrong key and that the key found is actually a locker key.

- Enter the Boy's Cloakroom and check the lockers on the left.

- Take the key, exit the room and head back towards Jeremy.

- Give Jeremy the key and then enter the Gym Boiler Room, then into the Tunnel to the Gym.

- Walk down and enter the West Tunnel.

- Follow Jeremy to the Sewers Main Entrance.

- Head towards the ladder and exit the Sewers Main Entrance to reach the Bridge to Factory.

- Advance to the factory and reach the Factory Entrance.

- Head down the stairs and follow Jeremy through the Main Hallway to the Lift Entrance.

- Talk to Jeremy and take the elevator to the Scanners Room.

- Walk to the center of the room and a cinematic will be triggered.

- End of the quest -

Quest 5

- As Ulrich, exit the room and enter Jeremy's Bedroom.

- Talk to Jeremy and exit the room.

- Walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

- Exit the building and talk to Sissi.

- Once the dialogue with Sissi is finished, Odd will come out and another dialogue will commence.

- When the dialogue is completed, head back into the Dormitory - 1st Floor Stairs.

- Take the stairs all the way up to the Girl's Floor.

- Talk to Odd and enter Sissi's room.

- Take Sissi's doll and leave the room.

- Talk to Odd, then head down the stairs and exit the building.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Talk to Nicolas and then head back to the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Walk up the hallway to reach the Dormitory Entrance North.

- Walk to the top left corner of the Touch Screen to rach the Gym Entrance Part 2.

- Walk down the stairs and go to the left to enter the Gym Outside Court.

- Walk to the top left corner of the Touch Screen and enter the Gym Side Entrance.

- Walk to the far left and talk to Herb.

- Head back to the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Advance to the top left corner of the Touch Screen and enter the Cafeteria Exterior area.

- Enter the cafeteria and walk towards Yumi.

- A dialogue will be triggered followed by a cinematic.

- As Odd, talk to Jeremy and enter the factory.

- Head down the stairs to reach the Main Hallway.

- Advance to the lift entrance and take the elevator to the Scanners Room.

- Move towards the center of the room and a cinematic will commence.

- End of the quest -

Quest 6

- As Yumi, talk to the two girls to the right of Yumi.

- Once the dialogue is finished, advance to the top right corner of the Touch Screen and enter the Administration Entrance area.

- Talk to Jim who is next the doors.

- Now walk to the right and enter the Park - Passage to Administration.

- Talk to Odd and Ulrich.

- Once the dialogue has finished, head back towards the Administration Entrance.

- Walk back towards the School Crossroads North.

- Walk to the bottom left corner of the Touch Screen and enter the Dormitory Entrance South.

- Advance to the Dormitory Entrance North and then past into the Gym Entrance Part 2.

- Walk down the stairs and to the left to enter the Gym Outside Court.

- Walk to the far top left corner to enter the Gym Side Entrance.

- Walk to the far left and talk to Jeremy.

- Go back to the Park - Passage to Administration to talk to Odd and Ulrich once again.

- Enter the factory and advance to the Lift Entrance.

- Take the elevator to the Laboratory.

- Talk to Ulrich.

- Move behind the globe and examine the area.

- A dialogue will commence and Jeremy will appear.

- The dialogue will continue and a second Jeremy will appear.

- Once the dialogue has finished, Yumi will have to choose one of the Jeremy’s'.

- Select to talk to the Jeremy on the left.

- A cinematic will appear.

- End of the quest -

Quest 7a

- Talk to Jeremy.

- Odd and Ulrich will appear during the dialogue.

- Once the dialogue has finished, a cinematic will appear.

- As Yumi, enter Yumi's house.

- Enter the dinning room that is to the right and then into the kitchen which is located at the bottom left corner of the Touch Screen.

- Talk to Yumi's mother.

- Go back into the dinning room and take the black book that is located on the shelves to the right.

- Go back into the kitchen and give it to Yumi's mother.

- Exit the house and walk up the street, going left and enter the Town North Road area.

- Continue going left and enter the Town East Road.

- Walk to the right and examine the trash can.

- Take the Address book.

- Head back towards Yumi's house.

- When inside the house, go back into the kitchen and give the address book to Yumi's mother.

- Once the dialogue is finished a cinematic will appear and then Yumi will be in Jeremy's Bedroom.

- Talk to Jeremy.

- Once the dialogue has been completed, a hacking minigame will appear.

- Complete the puzzle.

- Once the puzzle has been completed, a short dialogue will appear and then Ulrich and Odd appear in the Dormitory Entrance South.

- As Odd, talk to Ulrich.

- Walk up the hallway and enter the Dormitory Entrance North.

- Walk to the left and enter the Gym Entrance Part 2 area.

- Walk down the steps and move to the left to enter the Gym Outside Court.

- Walk to the far left corner of the Touch Screen to enter the Gym Side Entrance.

- Walk down and enter the Tool Shed Exterior area.

- Move forward and talk to Ulrich.

- Examine the door on the tool shed.

- Look for the key, which can be found next to a pole to the right of Ulrich.

- Take the key and use it to open the tool shed door.

- Enter the tool shed and take the can of spray paint.

- Exit the tool shed and a dialogue will be triggered.

- Once the dialogue has been finished, head back to the Gym Site Entrance.

- A dialogue will be triggered once Odd arrives in the area.

- Once it is completed, advance towards the doors.

- Use the can of spray paint.

- A cinematic will appear followed by a dialogue with Jim.

- Another cinematic will appear and Odd will be in the Principal’s Office with Jim.

- Once the dialogue is finished, an additional cinematic will appear followed by another dialogue.

- When the dialogue is finished, a hacking puzzle will appear.

- Complete the hacking puzzle.

- Once the puzzle has been completed, a cinematic will be triggered followed by a dialogue.

- End of the quest -

QUest 7b

- As Jeremy, deactivate the Supercomputer.

- A dialogue will be triggered.

- Once it has finished, active the supercomputer and a cinematic will commence, followed by another dialogue.

- The dialogue wil finish and another cinematic will appear.

- End of the quest -

Quest 8

- As Aelita, talk to Yumi.

- Exit the room, head down the hallway and down the stairs.

- Exit the building, walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk to the right bottom corner of the Touch Screen and enter the School Crossroads South.

- Advance to the Science Building and enter the building.

- Walk to the right and down the stairs to enter the Science Building Basement area.

- Talk to Yumi.

- Enter the Science Storeroom right behind Yumi and take the camera located on the desk to the left.

- Exit the room and a dialogue will be triggered with Yumi and Jim which will be followed by a cinematic.

- Aelita will then appear in the Park with Jeremy.

- Once the dialogue is finished, take the pathway behind Aelita.

- When entering the next area a cinematic will be triggered.

- As Odd, walk to the left and enter the Park East Path 1 area.

- Follow the pathway and enter Park Crossroads area.

- Move forward and pick up Aelita's notebook.

- A dialogue will be triggered.

- Head back to the Park East Path 1 area.

- Follow the dog to Park East Path 2 area.

- Continue to follow the dog which will bring Odd to the Hermitage's Gate, Hermitage's Front Garden, and into the Hermitage's Rear Garden area.

- Move up to Aelita.

- A dialogue will be triggered.

- Follow Aelita down into the Tunnel to Hermitage.

- Walk left and enter the Tunnel to Park area.

- Continue to move forward and enter the Tunnel to Gym area.

- Walk down the pathway to reach the West Tunnel.

- Move forward and to the right to reach the Sewers Main Entrance.

- Move forward and take the ladder to enter the Bridge to Factory area.

- Enter the factory and head towards the Lift Entrance.

- Once inside, a cinematic will commence.

- End of the quest -

Quest 9

- As Jeremy, exit Jeremy's Bedroom.

- Exit the building.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk up towards the building and enter the Passage to Administration area.

- Enter the building and move to the right and enter the Administration Corridor area.

- Walk down the corridor and enter the Archives Room.

- A dialogue will be triggered and Jeremy will appear back in the Administration Corridor.

- Enter the Secretary's Office and take Ms. Weber's Notepad found on the desk.

- Exit the building and head back to the Dormitory.

- Enter the Dormitory, go up the stairs and enter the Dormitory - Boy's Floor area.

- Walk down the hallway and a dialogue will be triggered.

- Enter Jim's room located to the right.

- Talk to Jim.

- Exit the room and another conversation will Jim will start.

- Exit the building and advance to the Administration building.

- Once in the building, advance to the Archives Room.

- Examine filling cabinet that has a drawer open.

- A cinematic will play and Jeremy will appear at the Hermitage's Gates.

- Pass the gates to enter into the Hermitage's Front Garden.

- Walk to the left and go up the stairs.

- Enter the Hermitage house.

- Advance to the right and enter the Hermitage's Office.

- Take the History Book that can be found on the floor.

- A dialogue will commence followed by a cinematic.

- Use the computer and another dialogue will start.

- Jeremy will then appear in the Laboratory and a final cinematic will then be triggered.

- End of the quest -

Quest 10

- The quest starts with a dialogue followed by a cinematic.

- As Aelita, enter the Hermitage house.

- Walk down the hallway to enter the Hermitage's Stairs area.

- Take the stairs to reach the Hermitage's 2nd Floor Corridor.

- Walk down the hallway and enter the room on the left.

- A cinematic will play followed by dialogue.

- Explore the fireplace and take the item "Mister Puck the Elf"

- This will trigger another dialogue.

- Give the item to Jeremy and another dialogue will start.

- Another item will appear on the ground to the right of Jeremy, take the item which turns out to be a key.

- Another dialogue will start.

- Enter the Inventory Menu and select the key which will start another dialogue.

- This will be followed by a cinematic and then Jeremy will appear at the Town Railroad.

- Walk down to enter the Train Station.

- Walk down and enter the Train Station Lockers.

- Walk down, use the key to open the locker found on the left and take the Diary on CDs.

- A dialogue will be triggered, followed by a cinematic and Jeremy will appear in the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Head towards Jeremy's room.

- Once inside, a dialogue will commence.

- Use the Diary on CDs on the computer which will start a dialogue, followed by a cinematic.

- Another dialogue will appear, followed by a cinematic.

- Yumi will then appear on the Bridge to the Factory.

- Enter the factory and head towards the Lift Entrance.

- Enter the lift entrance and head towards the elevator.

- Use the computer to the left of the globe.

- A dialogue will appear.

- Take the elevator to the Scanners Room.

- Advance to the center of the room.

- This will trigger another cinematic.

- End of the quest -

Quest 11

- As Ulrich, take the elevator to the Laboratory.

- Talk to Jeremy.

- Now in Odd and Ulrich's Bedroom, exit the room.

- Walk down the hallway and take the stairs going up.

- Walk down the hallway and enter Sissi's room that is located to the left.

- Talk to Sissi.

- Ulrich will then appear in front of Yumi's house.

- Enter Yumi's house and advance to Yumi's room.

- When in Yumi's room, take the close on the floor next to the bed.

- Exit the house.

- Walk up the street heading left and enter the Town North Road area.

- Walk down and enter the Park South Path.

- Walk down the pathway and enter the Park Crossroads area.

- Follow the path leading up and enter the Park North Path 2 area.

- Walk down to the right and enter the Park North Path 1 area.

- Walk down the path and enter the Park to Administration area.

- Walk towards the administration building.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk left and enter the Dormitory Entrance South area.

- Enter the building and go up the stairs to Sissi's bedroom.

- Give Sissi the dress.

- A dialogue will commence triggered by a cinematic.

- Now in the Laboratory, another dialogue will take place followed by a cinematic.

- End of the quest -

Quest 12

- As Aelita, exit the room, head down the hallway and walk down the stairs.

- Exit the building.

- Talk to Yumi.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Talk to Jeremy, Ulrich and Odd.

- Once the dialogue is finished a cinematic will be triggered and then Aelita will appear in the Hermitage's Front Garden.

- Walk up the stairs and enter the Hermitage.

- Walk to the left and enter the Hermitage's Dining Room area.

- Examine the object on the floor in front of the entrance.

- A cinematic will be triggered.

- Exit the room and walk down the hallway to enter the Hermitage's Stairs area.

- Take the stairs.

- Walk down the hallway and enter Aelita's Room to the left.

- Move forward and enter the second part of Aelita's Room.

- Examine the window found to the right of the bed.

- This will trigger another cinematic, followed by a dialogue.

- Exit the room and head down the stairs.

- Exit the Hermitage.

- Head down the stairs and to the left to enter the Hermitage's Rear Garden.

- Enter the Tunnel to Hermitage, located to the left.

- Walk up the pathway and enter the Tunnel to Park area.

- Continue to move forward to enter the Tunnel to Gym area and then into the West Tunnel area.

- Move forward and enter the Sewers Main Entrance area.

- Take the ladder to enter the Bridge to Factory area.

- Enter the factory.

- Move forward and a cinematic will commence.

- End of the quest -

Quest 13

- As Yumi, exit the house.

- Walk up the street and enter the Town North Road.

- Continue to the left and enter the Town East Road area.

- Walk to the right and up the stree to enter the Town South Road 1 area.

- Continue down the street and enter the Town Crossroads.

- Walk to the left and enter the Town West Road 1 area.

- Walk down the street and enter the Town West Road 2 area.

- Walk to the right and enter the Town Main Road 2 area.

- Continue up the street and enter the Town Main Road.

- Follow the street to enter the Town Canal area.

- Continue to the right and enter Bridge to Factory area.

- Enter the factory and advance to the Lift Entrance.

- Take the Lift to the Laboratory.

- A dialogue will be triggered when in the Laboratory.

- Once the dialogue has been completed a cinematic will appear and the mission will end.

- End of the quest -

Quest 14

- As Jeremy, take the laptop found on Jeremy's desk.

- Exit the room.

- Walk down the hallway and down the stairs to exit the building.

- Exit the building and walk down the hallway to enter the Dormitory Entrance North area.

- Walk to the left and enter the Gym Entrance Part 2 area.

- Enter the gym through the doors that area located straight ahead.

- Walk down the Gym Corridor North area to enter the Gym Corridor South area.

- Move forward and enter the Gym Boiler Room.

- Walk down and enter the Tunnel to Gym area.

- Walk down the tunnel to enter the West Tunnel area.

- Move forward and enter the Sewers Main Entrance area and then up the later to enter the Bridge to Factory area.

- Enter the factory and advance to the Lift Entrance area.

- Talk to Aelita who is located in the Main Hallway, just before the Lift Entrance.

- Use the lift to enter the Scanners Room.

- When in the Scanners Room, move to the center of the room and use the laptop.

- A hacking puzzle will appear.

- Complete the puzzle.

- Talk to Aelita.

- A cinematic will appear and the mission has been completed.

- End of the quest -

Quest 15

- As Odd, walk back and enter the Park North Path 1 area.

- Walk down and enter the Passage to Administration area.

- Walk towards the administration building and then into the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk down to enter the School Crossroads South.

- Talk to Ulrich and Yumi.

- Once the dialogue is finished, advance to the Dormitory, through the School Crossroads North and Dormitory Entrance South.

- Enter the Dormitory and used the stairs to get to the second floor.

- Enter the hallway and into Ulrich and Odd's Bedroom.

- Take Ms. Weber's Notepad located on Odd's desk.

- Exit the room and walk down the hallway to the stairs.

- Go down the stairs and exit the building.

- Walk to the left and enter the School Crossroads North area.

- Walk up and enter the Passage to Administration area.

- Enter the building and walk up to enter the Administration Corridor.

- Enter the Secretary's Office located to the left.

- Give the secretary the notepad.

- Enter the Principal's office.

- Exit the building and head back to the Dormitory.

- Enter the building and take the stairs to the second floor.

- Enter Jim's Bedroom located to the right.

- Take a picture of Jim on the table.

- Exit the Dormitory and walk down the hallway to enter the Dormitory Entrance North.

- Walk to the left and enter the Gym Entrance Part 2 area.

- Enter the Gym.

- Enter the locker rooms located to the left and then into the Gym Inside Court area.

- Walk down to enter the Gym Climb Walls area.

- Talk to Jim and give Jim the picture.

- Head back towards the Dormitory.

- When in the Dormitory Entrance South area, a dialogue will commence stating that Odd must head towards the Scanner's room.

- Head back into the Gym.

- When in the Gym Corridor North, walk down the hallway and into the Gym Corridor South area.

- Enter the Gym Boiler Room and then into the Gym Tunnel area.

- Walk down the tunnel into the West Tunnel area.

- Continue forward, into the Sewers Main Entrance area and then up into the Bridge to Factory area.

- Enter the factory and head towards the Lift Entrance.

- When in the lift, head towards the Scanners Room and walk to the center of the room.

- End of the quest -

4) Level List

Quest 1: Just the Basics

Level 1: Welcome to Lyoko

Quest 2: Power Cut

Level 2: The Forest Sector

Quest 3: Satellite

Level 3: The Mountain Sector

Quest 4: Plagued

Level 4: Descent into the Crater

Quest 5: Trapped

Level 5: The Guardian

Level 6A: Forest Krabes and Aelita Alone

Quest 6: Ghost Channel

Level 6B: Forest Krabes and Aelita Alone

Quest 7A: Code: Earth

Level 7A: Journey to a New World

Level 7B: Journey to a New World

Quest 7B: Code: Earth

Level 8A (race): Fastest Finish and Tarantula Attack

Quest 8: New Order

Level 8B: Fastest Finish and Tarantula Attack

Quest 9: Uncharted Territory

Level 9A: Welcome to Sector Five

Level 9B: Welcome to Sector Five

Quest 10: Mister Puck

Level 10A (race): The Scyphozoa

Level 10B: The Scyphozoa

Level 11A: The Flying Mantas

Quest 11: Missing Link

Level 11B: The Flying Mantas

Level 11C: The Flying Mantas

Level 12A (race): Secrets of Sector Five

Quest 12: Déjà vu

Level 12B: Secrets of Sector Five

Quest 13A: Franz Hopper

Level 13A: Escape from Sector Five

Quest 13B: Franz Hopper

Level 13B: Escape from Sector Five

Quest 13C: Franz Hopper

Level 14A (race): The End of Lyoko?

Level 14B: The End of Lyoko?

Quest 14A: The Key

Level 14C: The End of Lyoko?

Quest 14B: The Key

Quest 15A: Welcome Blackmail

Level 15: Straight to Heart

Quest 15B: Welcome Blackmail

5) Enemy List

a) Kankrelat and (Black Kankrelat)

b) Hornet and (Black Hornet)

c) Mite and (Black Mite)

d) Cyberhopper

e) Blok

f) Megatank

g) Krabe

h) Tarantula

i) Flying Manta

j) Creeper

k) Scyphozoa

L) Scorpion

6) Upgrades:





Life Point Upgrade......n / a...........Increase Life Point Capacity to 150.......................................2000

Lyoko Power Upgrade.....n / a...........Increase Lyoko Power Capacity to 150......................................2000

Attack Upgrade..........A, X or Y.......Inflict Double Damage with Basic and Combo Attacks.........................500

Defense Upgrade.........hold B..........Slash At Attack From Close Ranged Enemies While In Defense.................500

Sting Sabre.............X, A, A.........Ulrich Performs a Sting Attack.............................................500

Spinning Sabre..........X, X, A.........Ulrich Performs a 360 Degrees Spin........................................1000

Dragon Sabre............A, A, X.........Ulrich Performs a Vertical Jump Attack.....................................750

Flip Sabre..............A, X, A.........Ulrich Performs a Jump Flip Attack.........................................900

Dragon-Flip Sabre.......A, A, X, A......Ulrich Performs a Vertical Jump Attack Followed by a Flip Attack..........1500





Life Point Upgrade......n / a...........Increase Life Point Capacity to 150.......................................2000

Lyoko Power Upgrade.....n / a...........Increase Lyoko Power Capacity to 150......................................2000

Attack Upgrade..........A, X or Y.......Inflict Double Damage with Basic and Combo ................................500

Defense Upgrade.........hold B..........Shoot On Attack From Long Ranged Enemies While In Defense..................500

Seeking Shots...........X, X, A.........Odd Shoots 1 Homing Ball...................................................750

Feline Shots............A, A, X.........Odd Runs Like a Cat, Jumps and Shoots 2 Grenades..........................1000

Back Draft Shots........A, A, B.........Odd Jumps Backyard and Shoots 2 Balls......................................500

Beam Shot...............X, X, B.........Odd Puts His Hands Together and Shoot a Beam..............................1500

3-Ways Shots............A, X, A.........Odd Shoots 3 Homing Balls..................................................900





Life Point Upgrade......n / a...........Increase Life Point Capacity to 150.......................................2000

Lyoko Power Upgrade.....n / a...........Increase Lyoko Power Capacity to 150......................................2000

Attack Upgrade..........A, X or Y.......Inflict Double Damage with Basic and Combo Attacks.........................500

Defense Upgrade.........hold B..........Slash At Attack From Close Ranged Enemies While In Defense.................500

Shoot On Attack From Long Ranged Enemies While In Defense

Screw Fans..............A, A, B.........Yumi Performs a 360 Degrees Spin...........................................750

Swipe Fans..............A, A, X.........Yumi Throws Both Metal Fans In Front of Her...............................1000

Blast Back..............X, A, B.........Yumi Pushes the Enemy Back and Throw a Fan at Him.........................1500

Blast Forward...........X, X, A.........Yumi Throws Both Fans, Catch them Back and Slashes the Enemy...............500

Twirl Fans..............X, A, X.........Yumi Throws Both Metal Fans In Front of Her with a Wider Range.............900





Life Point Upgrade......n / a...........Increase Life Point Capacity to 150.......................................2000

Lyoko Power Upgrade.....n / a...........Increase Lyoko Power Capacity to 150......................................2000

Shield Upgrade..........n / a...........Reduce by 50% the Use of Lyoko Power.......................................750

Shield Deflection.......hold B..........Deflect Attacks From Long Ranged Enemies While in Defense..................750

Shield Damage...........hold B..........Inflict Damage to Enemies Touching Her While in Defense....................750

Shield Mobile...........hold B + +......Allow to Move While in Defense.............................................750





Life Point Pack Touch...................Replenish Life Point meter (only one can be held)..........................250

Lyoko Power Pack........................Touch Replenish Lyoko Power meter (only one can be held)...................250

Resurrection............................Touch Resurrect a Dead Lyoko Warrior ( X 1.5 after each use)................50

7) Gameplay Tactics & Tips





Primary (A)..............Melee : Vertical Slash

Secondary (X)..............Melee : Slash

Special (Y)..............Melee : Stomp

Combo 1 (X, X, A)........Melee : Spinning Saber..........................................Creepers & Krabes

Combo 2 (X, A, A)........Melee : Saber Sting.............................................Kank (+Black) & Mite (+Black)

Combo 3 (A, A, X)........Melee : Dragon Saber............................................Hornet (+Black) & Manta

Combo 4 (A, X, A)........Melee : Flip Saber..............................................Blok & Cyberhopper

Combo 5 (A, A, X, A).....Melee : Dragon Flip.............................................Megatank & Tarantula





Primary (A)..............Range : Base Shot

Secondary (X)..............Range : Grenade

Special (Y)..............Range : Charge Shot

Combo 1 (X, X, A)........Range : Seeking Shot............................................Hornet (+Black) & Manta

Combo 2 (A, A, X)........Range : Feline Shots (2 Grenades)...............................Creepers & Krabes

Combo 3 (A, A, B)........Range : BackDraft Shots.........................................Kank (+Black) & Mite (+Black)

Combo 4 (X, X, B)........Range : Beam Shot...............................................Megatank & Tarantula

Combo 5 (A, X, A)........Range : 3 Ways Shots (3 shots)..................................Blok & Cyberhopper





Primary (A)..............Melee : Normal Swipe

Secondary (X)..............Range : Fan Throw

Special (Y)..............Range : Slow enemies

Combo 1 (A, A, B)........Melee : Combo Srew..............................................Hornet (+Black) & Manta

Combo 2 (A, A, X)........Melee : Combo Swipe.............................................Creepers & Krabes

Combo 3 (X, A, B)........Range : Combo Blast Back........................................Megatank


Combo 4 (X, X, A)........Melee : Combo Blast Forward.....................................Kank (+Black) & Mite (+Black)

Combo 5 (X, A, X)........Range : Combo Twirl.............................................Blok & Cyberhopper


Special (Y)..............Aelita Shield (Charge Release)

Defense (B)..............Aelita Shield (Guard Hold)

8) Cheats

At the profile screen, press and hold both the L and R buttons. Then enter the following sequence; +Control Pad Up , +Control Pad Left, +Control Pad Right, Y Button and X Button, it will unlock a very special feature.
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