Heavenly Sword Boss FAQ

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Heavenly Sword

Boss Walktrough

Written by: Badder Shah

AKA. Nelo_Portgas

Email: Flamer_portgas@hotmail.com





1. HSB1. Introduction and tips

2. HSB2. General Flying Fox, First Fight

3. HSB3. Whiptail

4. HSB4. Roach

5. HSB5. General Flying Fox, Final Fight

6. HSB6. King Bohan

7. HSB7. Credits and stuff (Not something you'd be interested in)


HSB1 - Introduction and tips


So, getting down to it, this is FAQ regarding the boss fights in

the sexy sexy game of Heavenly Sword. All these Bosses were beaten

in Hell Mode, i.e. the hard mode. If you are playing a Normal game

and still use this piece of helping hand, beware that these tactics

are for harder opponents.

You CAN use it, just lower the damage output of the bosses and

increase the damage from Nariko a bit. Then its all good.

I'll be expecting some of the basics from you, like dodging or

doing a power combo R1 + Square + Square + Square) and

countering.... actually, I'll cover everything that you SHOULD




Tips and tricks

1. ============ Dodging

First tip of the day. Dogde. Yes, dodge. Many many many of the

attacks thrown at you by the bosses (most of the attacks, actually)

can be dodged. Just a flick of the rigth analog stick and

you're outta the jam. Sometimes you need to dodgde consecutively,

while some attacks arevery difficult to dodge though.

That is why you must counter them.

2. ============ Countering

Countering ends up in two boxes. Countering longe range attacks,

and countering physical attacks.

Long range attacks are easy to counter, usually just requiring you

to stand in one place and time your triangle button in time. Just

stand there if it is a blue range attack, and when you hear the a

"clink" sound, press triangle as fast as you can. If its an orange

range attack, quickly press R1 and then press triangle AFTER, you

hear the "clink" noise. The clink noise is very important since if

you dont wait for it, you'll get the damage.

It is the perfect moment to counter.

There is also a third variant of the range attack, and I'll tell

you which ones they are, when I get to the bosses.

These can be blocked by pressing L1, and pressing either Square or

Triangle, depending on the situation. Dont worry, I'll notify you

when to do it.

The tricky part is countering the physical attacks. Now, contrary

to popular belief, countering the physical attacks of bosses is

actually possible in this game. It is very very hard to do so, and

I've only done it about seven or 8 times in all my time fighting

them, but it is quite possible. I wouldnt ask you to try though,

unless you really know how to play this game. They are very hard to

trigger and the damage output is relatively small to what you can

actually dish out yourself.

3. ============ Aerial Combos

You wouldnt think they'd be useful in a boss battle, would you?

But they are pretty useful in one boss battle, which I'll come to

later. I'm just here to tell how to actually do them.

What you do is, you press L1 and press triangle, ONCE. Only press

it once. If you see your enemy flying through the air

because of your one attack, flick the Six-Axis controller up in the

air. You will now be face to face with the enemy. Just execute any

combo you like, I prefer the Power Combo, since it does the most

amount of damage.

4. ============ Health Pots

All the boss fights, except the King Bohan, will have small health

pots littered around. I'll give you the exact amount for every

individual fights later. Basically, you smash these babies with the

X button or with a countered long range attack. They instantly fill

all of Narikos health. Remember the location of these pots and boss

fights just that much easier.

5. ============ Useful Combos

These combos right are very very useful. Sometimes I'll say "Attack

in the Speed Stance" then I wouldnt mean a specific combo. If a

specific combo is useful, I'll tell you about it.

Oh and do remember to unlock these combos, if neccessary.

First up is the bread and butter of the useful combos.

It is a shortened version of the "Heavenly Storm". Just press

Square, and then keep mashing Triangle. What this combo does is

that it makes Nariko invincible for a short period of time and does

massive amountsof damage.

Yes, it almost feels like cheating. Almost.

The second useful combo is "Angels Harvest".

It goes Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle.

This is another massive damage combo but its a bit more tricky to

pull off. It does more damage, but the invincibility granted is for

a much shorter time.

The Power Combos. When I say "Pull off a Power Combo", I'm

talking about a mix of any of the 3-button variations in the Power

Stance. Be it Square, Square, Square or Square, Square, Triangle.

Its up to you what to use.

6. ============ The Auras

Each attack an enemy makes has an aura to them. Speedy attacks are

coloured blue can be blocked in the Speed Stance, i.e. your normal


Powerful attacks are coloured orange and can be blocked with the

Power Stance (R1). HOWEVER, if the Orange attack is only one

attack, and not a combo, you can actually block it in Speed Stance.

Nariko will momentarily be off balance, but it is possible.

Very very powerful attacks are coloured Red. Always, always,

always dodge the Red attacks. You cannot block them. And you cannot

counter them. If they connect, they will usually deal massive

damage. Be very careful around these.

Some special attacks though, they have no Aura to them. Attacks

such as Water waves and flying Crows, for those attacks, you gotta

go into Range Stance (L1) and then press either Square or Triangle.

They're nothing to worry about.


HSB2 - General Flying Fox, First Fight


First off, this fight is about your fighting skills in general. The

better you manage against the early waves of soldiers, the more

health pots for you to use against Flying Fox.

There are two Health Pots on the stage, one to the very right, one

to the very left. I'm not gonna tell you how to beat those ordinary

thugs, just do your best. After the first two waves, if you've been

playing well, use a supermove to remove about half of the soldiers.

After you've fought these guys, you should at most have used one

Health Pot.

Flying Fox WILL damage you, and keeping at least one spare Health

Pot is the wise mans choice.

Getting to it.

After he jumps down to your level, unleash all and every type of

Combo you know in the Speed Stance. The trick is to keep him busy


As long as he blocks, he wont be attacking. As you are attacking

him, he will sometimes either sidestep your attack or disappear in

a puff of smoke. THAT is your cue to dogde roll, post haste.

Those two things means he will unleash an attack.

He attacks in all the stances. He attacks with a Blue Aura, an

Orange Aura, and his massive Red aura attack that can take more

than half of Narikos health in one go.

Blue attacks should be dodged easily. If you like, you can actually

try to attack him while he is attacking, and get a quick hit. It is

quite risky though, so be warned.

His Orange attacks should be dogde rolled at all costs. They are

too painful to play with.

His Red attacks are pure evil. They can practically take off more

than Half of Narikos health in one attack. When you see him go Red,

dodge, dodge, dodge and then dodge some more.

So, just keep pummeling the like a maniac. ONLY, in Speed Stance

though. The Power Stance is too slow for Flying Fox and he'll be

dodging your attacks like nothing. Range stance can actually hurt

him, but the damage to risk ratio is unacceptable. Its simply not

enough damage.

Pull off any or all combos you know, especially the ones I

recommended earlier. If you go low on health, dont be afraid to

break one of the pots. They are there for a reason.

If you manage to knock him down, STAY AWAY FROM HIM. He will rise

in blur of attacks, it may even be a Red aura attack. Stay away for

a while, and when he stops, then resume your attacks.

Eventually after you've pummeled him enough, a Circle will appear

near him. Press O, and you'll start on the cutscene button

mashathon. Press these buttons before time runs out, and you'll

have beaten him.

After pressing O, you gotta press Left. Then you gotta mash the X

button real fast. Then press Right. Square. Up. And Square.

There you, job well done. Easy peasy.


HSB3 - Whiptail


Round 1.

This fight is a medium diffculty fight. But fortunately for us, we

are given three whole Health Pots.

Plus a breather mission with Kai which results in the Health Pots

Respawning for the third part of the battle. Very good on us, eh?

Anyway, Whiptail is a nasty piece of work. Her physical attacks are

massive heavy. You need to be real good at finding openings to do

her damage.

Her range attacks on the other hand, are childs play. And this is

her major weakness. So getting to it.

She will begin the battle by throwing a major wave at you. Dont

panic. Simply press L1 + Square. That will disperse the wave. She

will send to more waves. Disperse them in the same way, while

running towards her.

After she does her Range attacks, she will momentarily be dazed.

This is your chance to do some massive damamge. Simply do a Power


She'll then retaliate with physical attacks.

Her attacks include Blue Aura ones and Orange Aura ones, no Red

ones. As her name IS Whiptail, she was very very long reach with

her attacks.

She will usually start off with a Blue, Orange, Blue combination.

If you want to fight her physically, which I would discourge unless

you know how to play the game, you have to use circular dodging.

That means that even though you dodge away from her attacks,

because of her long reach she would be able to reach. BUT, she can

only attack length wise, she has no circular encompassing attacks.

In other words, you have roll AROUND her, not away from her. If you

keep rolling around, she wont be able to hit you and you can

unleash your combos.

If you wanna go by the easy way, simply run away from her after

doing your first Power Combo. She will dive after you but she'll

eventually give up and start doing her Range Wave attacks again.

Now, every time she does a Range Wave attack, it will only be 3

Waves long. If its a huge wall of a wave, you must disperse it with

L1 + Square. If its a small, concentrated wave, you must disperse

it with L1 + Triangle. Important difference. Dont worry, she wont

be mixing up the two kinds of waves just yet.

Just keep killing her Range attacks and doing a Power Combo.

Rinse and Repeat.

When a Circle appears above her, simply press it once and its over.



Round 2.

Basically a continuation of Round 1, with added aggressiveness

from Whiptail. She will actually mix up her attacks, so stay on

your toes, you have to switch up between L1 + Square and L1 +


The waves also increase in number, up to 5 waves at a time. AND,

she wont be perceptible to a Power Combo anymore, when she's dazed.

I.e. after you start your combo, she'll dodge the rest and then

beat you up. What you CAN do is, you can perform an Aerial Combo on

her. Remember, press L1 + Triangle, ONCE. After she's flying in the

air, flick your controller up.

Once you're up there with her, I'd recommend using a Power Aerial

Combo. What you do, once in air, you press R1 + Square, Square,


That'd show her.

If you're beating her up physically, her tactics havent changed

much. She will now try to grab you, once in a while. Counter this

by quickly pressing Circle. Just use the circular dodging method

and you'll be fine.

This time when you'll see a Circle, press it, but be prepared. You

have to press it one more time. After that, the end.



Round 3.

Since you've had a break with Kai, all the health pots are now

restored. So you get 3 health pots for one round. Pretty neat.

Again, a repeat of round 2. Not much more to add here.

After you've beaten her up a while, she'll have a Circle near her.

Press it once. Then you will be prompted to press Square.

And so comes the end of sweet fishface, Whiptail.


HSB4 - Roach


Round 1.

Big ol fatass here. He's actually a lot tougher than he looks. Be

mindful of that.

This fight contains three Health Pots in total. A new one will be

thrown, after you use the previous one. You can use all of them in

one Round 1, or you can save one Pot for each stage. Depends on

your skills and you choice.

The battle starts off with you with your back to Roach. When he

starts spinning, run to the right black pillar. Stand on its left

side. As soon as Roach gets near you, dodge roll to the left.

Roach will run into the pillar and recieve massive damage. He'll

even be dazed for a few seconds but unfortunately, he'll be a wee

bit invincible.

When he finally stands up, unleash a Power Combo on him. Speed

Stance is too weak for him to actually notice, and Range Stance is

completly out of the question.

If you can, keep pulling Power Combos on him. He is much faster

than he looks, so always keep an eye out for his Red/Orange colour

attacks. He can start them very very quickly so it's wise to keep

an eye on the dodge rolling stick.

Roach has no Blue colour attacks and no Range attacks.

After a few skirmishes, he'll throw his swords around and start

spinning on the ground. If the camera angle doesnt change, just

keep dodge rolling. He will soon descend from the heavens like a

ton of fat cherubs.

After he lands, he will be stuck in the ground for a while. Quickly

go to his back and do a Power Combo. If you attack him from the

front, he may actually block your attack.

Be careful, he has a tendency to retaliate with a Red attack, just

as your last strike hits. Dodge roll to avoid.

If you stand still, he will grab you and do masive damage. Counter

this by quickly pressing Circle when prompted.

He will usually do a Red, Orange, Orange combo. Just keep dodge

rolling once he start on his attack. Keep up your Power Combos.

Whenever he starts rolling towards you, simply run near a pillar

and dodge just as he's about to hit you. He'll again run into a


After his Green health runs out, lure him to the center of the

stage. He will start on a massive Red attack and he'll end up

jamming his swords in the bedrock.

Quickly go to his back and press Circle. You must then press

Square. End of Round 1.



Round 2.

This time he gets massive aggressive. Roach will start to use many

many more physical attacks. The best time to attack is right after

he attacks you.

He will usually do a Red, Orange attack. His other attacks include

an Orange, Orange, Red, Red.

Thats some heavy damage if you get caught in that.

Just after he attacks, , whatever attack it may be, he will let his

guard down for a second. Thats when you pull out a Power Combo and

beat up his ass. Dont be greedy, only perform one combo. Otherwise

he may instant counter with a Red Aura and beat the crap out of


He will still, periodically, do his spinning move and his drop from

above move.

It might be possible that you've used up all of the Black Pillars

to stop his spinning move. Now, to avoid this, just keep dodge

rolling from the very moment he starts spinning. When he stops, he

will be dizzy for a while. Thats another good opportunity to pull a

Power Combo.

After you wittle down his health, he will again do his supermove in

the center of the stage. Simply go to his back and press circle.

Then press Triangle when prompted.



Round 3.

Everything from Round 2 counts here. This is just a matter of

patience and not getting cocky. I've been cocky many times and I've

bitten the dust because of it.

Only attack when you know he will get hurt, i.e. right after he

attacks. Dont mess about with trying to do an extra combo or two.

You will get burned.

Just keep doing what I told, only use the Health Pots when

absolutely neccessary.

When he does his final superattack, go around his back again and

press Circle.

Then, when you are prompted to, press Right, Square, Right, Square.

If you fail to press the buttons correctly, you will either die or

you will be thrown back in the arena with Roach having some of his

life back. So dont mess up the button presses. They are vital.


HSB5 - General Flying Fox, Final Fight


Round 1.

This fight is actually quite easy once you know how to do it. BUT,

if you get cheeky or lose attention for a moment, Flying Fox WILL

kill you.

There are three Health Pots on the stage, two are on the bars of

the "cage". You cant physically collect them so you'll have to use

Flying Fox' range attack to break them apart.

The last Pot is in the North-East side of the stage.

I'd recommend, in the first two rounds at least, to use the two

Health Pots on the sidelines. I'll do that because in the last

Round, you wont have access to them anymore, so it should be

considered that you will only have access to the last Health Pot,

the one on the ground, for the last part.

So, Flying Fox starts the fight by floating around. He has two

attacks in this mode. A Blue aura flying knife, and a Orange aura

flying knife. You can counter both attacks.

What you should do is, run as far away from him as you can. Then

turn around to face him. Stand still. If you see a Blue aura, press

Triangle AFTER you hear the clink noise. If its a Orange aura, keep

R1 pressed and then press Triangle AFTER you hear the clink noise.

If you successfully countered one of the attacks, you go in the

slow-mo cam, where you can control where the knife goes. You can

either hit the two Health Pots (only do it when you need them) or

you can hit Flying Fox with them.

You dont have to hit him dead center, your projected knife may only

graze one of his legs and he'll recieve full damage.

He will either do 2 or 3 of these Range attacks, depending on how

well you countered them.

After a while, he will drop down. Just go gung-ho on his ass.

Unleash Speed Combos, especially the ones I recommended earlier.

The Range stance is effective against him, use it if you will.

Though personally I dislike the low damage output.

Power Stance is out of the question. He will either block you 90%

of the time or dodge you. You may get in one hit but the effort is

too much for so little damage.

If you manage to knock him down or if he vanished in smoke, dodge

away from him as fast as you can. He will unleash one of three

combos, an all Orange combo, an all Blue combo or an Orange attacks

followed by a Red attack. If you see him go Red, dodge like theres

no tomorrow. If he catches you, you're in for some pain.

If you're feeling a bit cocky, you can actually counter one of his

Blue aura attacks. It does little damage to him but still a nice


He will repeat this pattern, he will fly up, throw knives, drop

down, fly backup, etc. etc.

If you keep cool, you'll not even need one Health Pot. But if you

do need one, wait for him to fly up, let him throw a knife, counter

it, and lead it to a Pot so it breaks.

After a while, he'll have depleted his green health.



Round 2.

He will start off this fight on the the ground. He will keep his

attacks from Round 1 but he will be slightly more aggressive with

his attacks, i.e. therewill be more of them. He also adds one more

attack: an all Red Aura attacks. This attack takes massive life

away so be very very careful when he goes Red.

Just keep attacking him like in Round 1 and he will eventually fly

up. He will throw one knife at you, counter as neccessary.

THEN, he'll pull out a new card. After his first knife, he will

spawn two copies on the ground. They fight exactly like the

original Flying Fox so beware their attacks. If you can, try to

keep the copies from ganging up on you. Then they can really hurt


Kill them one by one. They'd wont have many hit points though, so

they're easy pickings in a certain sense. They'll vanish once they


After they die, Flying Fox will drop down. Just kick his ass like


Then he will fly up. He will throw knives at you. Depending on how

you counter, he may or may not spawn new copies. If he doesnt spawn

new copies, counter his kives and kick his ass when he drops down.

Or Smash one of the outlying Health Pots if you find the need for


If he DOES spawn copies, there will be three of them now. Remember,

they all have his attacks, even the all Red Aura attack. Be careful

when killing them.

After they're dealth with Flying Fox will drop down. Do the same

deal over again, until he flies up again.

Again, depending of your countering, he will either spawn four

copies or just throw knives.

I know that by now, you probably have lost some health, so now

would be a good time to smash those Health Pots on the railings.

Thats from personal experience, when I felt the need to smash one


After a while, he will finally lose his health and he will start on

Round 3.



Round 3.

This round can be a bit tricky. There will be no one-on-one against

Flying Fox. Instead, you will be facing 8 copies, at the same time.

That can be pretty daunting in itself.

So, no countering knives in this round. All the copies have exactly

the same attack + attack patterns of the Round 2 Flying Fox.

To kill them all, stay at the edge of the arena. Dont let the

copies circle you out. Once you're on the edge, use your Range

Stance attacks. They will usually hit about 3 or 4 them and you

keep yourself on the edges, you will eventually kill most of them.

Remember, dont get surrounded by them or they will Fight Club your

ass. When about 2 or 3 are left, you can switch back to Speed

Stance and pick them off, one by one.

If you listening to my advice earlier, you will still have one

Health Pot left to use (North Eastern corner of stage). You will

get damaged here, so I'd say use it.

Afer that you will have defeated him... but wait a minute ! He's

not dead yet !!



Round... Kai?

All you have to do is shoot Flying Fox before Kais health runs out.

Pretty damn simple. Aim around until you find him and nail the



HSB6 - King Bohan


Round 1.

In this fight, there are no Health Pots. None whatsoever. But

luckily, your health will be filled between each round. In a way,

its easier and also harder, to have no Health Pots.

You'll start with Bohan flying above and swooping down. As soon as

the battle begins, start dodge rolling. Dodge until he has swooped

down and lands.

The start of this fight can be a bit tricky because of all the

soldiers running around but they'll eventually stop. If you are too

bothered by them, just keep dodging Bohan until they stop running.

This entire round will be fought on ground. Bohan switches between

Physical attacks, which include the Combos listed here:

Red, Orange, Orange.

Blue, Orange, Orange.

Orange, Red, Orange, Orange.

You gotta use either the Power Stance or the Speed stance. The

Range Stance is completely useless since Bohan can dodge pretty

fast and you'll be left spinning with nothing to hit.

I myself prefer Speed because of all the differen Combos, but Power

can work just as well.

Be wise in this, dont spam attacks when you know you should be

dodge rolling. Its a simple matter. If you stand still, he will

grab you and hit for a lot of damage. Counter this by pressing

Circle when prompted to.

He will also have two Range attacks. A blue lightning, and an

orange lightning. You can counter them both. Actually, on Hell Mode

you will NEED to counter them both because otherwise, you're dead.

He will do his range attack after he slides away from you. Stop

moving, wait for him to throw the lightning and the counter when

you hear the clink noise.

This fight is pretty easy, I actually beat him on my first time

playing the game. Eventually, he'll lose his life and you will get

a Circle propmt near him. Press Circle when you can and you will

then have to press Square. Do so.



Round 2.

This round is actually pretty hard, compared to the last fight. It

will again begin Bohan floating up high, laughing madly. Just dodge

him like last time.

The entire fight will be fought with Bohan floating on his wings,

so it'll be hard to get decent view if your attacks are connecting

or not. Just trust your gut on when to dodge. His physical attacks

include all the Aura and are listed below.

Orange, Orange, Red (Orange).

Blue, Red

Orange, Orange

Blue, Blue

For this fight, I'd recommend the Power Stance. First because the

Speed Stance is combo based and because of his view-blocking wings,

you wont be able to see when to roll from a combo.

Second because his most used physical attack is actually Orange, so

you'll automatically block him if you're in the Power Stance.

Just pummel him with a single Power Combo at a time. Remember, he

is most weak after having done a Combo of his own.

His other attacks include floating up high, and laughing like a

madman, then Swooping real fast, down on you. So whenever you hear

him laugh, dodge like crazy.

He also has two types of Range attacks. Orange and Blue. You can

counter them, and again, if you're in Hell Mode, you MUST block, or

you'll get massive damage. Actually, his most devasting attack is

not his Red attack, but his Range attacks.

If you get hit 3 or 4 times by his Range attacks, you will die.

If you cannot beat him physically, you can actually beat him by

countering his Range attacks. If he throws Blue lightning, it will

be in waves of three lightnings at a time. Remember the clink

sound, and you'll counter correctly.

If he throws Orange lightning, he will throw them two at a time.

BUT, he'll send 3 waves. In other words, he'll send 6 Orange

lightnings in one go, but they'll come out in pairs.

If you successfully counter all of his Range attacks, he will drop

down. Thats your cue execute a single Power Slash on him. Only a

single, dont be greedy, because as soon you hit him one, he will be

invunerable to harm for a short period of time.

After you've beaten him enough, there will a Circle prompt. Press

it. Then you'll need to press Circle once more to end the Round.



Round 3.

The final fight. This is gonna be massive hard. This time around,

Bohan will fight both on the ground, like in Round 1 but also in

the air like Round 2. Double the trouble.

His aggressiveness with his physical atttacks has erupted

massively. When he is on the ground, I'd recommend the Speed

Stance. Clear view, no wings to interrupt and the Combos can open

up through his blocking. When on the ground, he will also use more

Blue Aura attacks, compared to when he's floating.

When he is in the air, he will keep his attacks from round 2. Below

is a list of his combos.

Blue, Red

Blue, Red, Orange Orange

Blue, Orange, Red

Blue, Orange, Orange

Orange, Orange

Orange, Orange, Red, Orange

While on the ground, as I said earlier, use Speed Stance, when he

starts to float, then start to use Power Stance. You can of course

not do what I say and go your own way, but I have tried and tested

and these Stances work the best for the given situations.

While floating, he loves Orange attacks so being in Power Stance

would be natural, no?

He also retains his Range attacks from Rounds 1 and 2. But he has

modified them a bit. When he is on wings, all of lightning attacks

will come in rounds of 6 at a time. BUT, he mixes up between Blue

and Orange so you'll have to keep a sharp eye on when he does what.

Plus this mix-up, he'll also start sending 3 or 4 waves of crows at

a time. You can block them by going into Range stance and pressing

Square. You cannot counter these, only block them.

He also does his madman swoop but sometimes, if you dodge the

first, he will swoop a second time. Be careful of that and remember

to look for his laugh.

If you manage to counter all of lightnings when he is floating, he

will drop down, dazed. Now, you SHOULDNT slash him once with a

Power hit, because he's learnt from before and he will block it.

Once he's dazed, you gotta hit him with a Speed slash. That'd teach


Oh, and he'll still be able to grab you. Counter by pressing


After a while, when his health is about a third way down, he will

Look unconcious, go up to him and press Circle. Then press Square

when prompted.

After seen that very very cool move, repeat what I listed earlier.

Attack, when he's vulnerable, i.e. right after a combo, and when

his health is Aabout 2/3 down, he will again be looking dazed. Run

up to him and press Circle.

Press Triangle when prompted. Now on to the final part of the final


Again, repeat the tactics I've listed earlier. Dont be cocky, you

probably wont have much life left. Just keep attacking and making

clever choices.

This time when his life is nearing end, he wont be dazed. But you

gotta press Circle, so get close to him and be fast enough to press


Then press these button when they appear on screen.

Square, Circle, Triangle.

BAM. Congratulations. You've just beaten this masterpiece of a

game. Watch the very very very moving ending scene.


HSB7 - Credits


A thanks to all who could make this game possible.

I'd like to give a shout out to Ninja Theory for making this game.

A shout to Nitin Sawnhey and his crew at the Prague Philharmonic.

A definite pump up to Sony for investing in Ninja Theory and giving

them time to make this game.

Also a thanks to GameFAQS for posting this up (yeah, you reviewer,

I'm talking about you)

And finally, a thank to myself. Yes, I'm the man, I know it.

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