The Godfather FAQ/ Walkthrough












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The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, Wii, Walkthrough


Intro [IN01]

Controls General [CT01]

Controls Driving [CT02]

Controls Attacking [CT03]

The Families [FA01]

Fronts [FR01]

Extortion [FR02]

Rackets [FR03]

Warehouses [FR04]

Complexes [FR05]

Banks [BK01]

Trucks [TR10}

Racket Deliveries [TR02]

Cash Hubs [CU01]

Mob Curriers [MC01]

Heat/Vendetta [HV01]

Cop Bribes [CB01]

Police Chief Bribes [CB02]

FBI Bribes [CB03]

Respect [RE01]

Skill Points [SP01]

Safe Houses [SH01]

Phones [SH02]

Crew Members [CM01]

Hit Squad [CM02]

Film Reels [FR01]

Safes [CS01]

Weapons [WP01]

Walkthrough [W001]

Death of a Father [W002]

Price of Loyalty [W003]

The Enforcer [W004]

A Grave Situation [W005]

Sleeping With The Fishes [W006]

The Don Is Dead [W007]

Tom Is Still Missing [W008]

Enforcer [W009]

Intensive Care [W010]

Fireworks [W011]

Associate [W012]

Death To The Traitor [W013]

Special Delivery [W014]

Sollozzo’s fronts [Optional] [W015]

Horseplay [W016]

A recipe For Revenge [W017]

Soldier [W018]

Now It’s Personal [W019]

The Silent Witness [W020]

Sonny’s War [W021]

Change Of Plans [W022]

Capo [W023]

Order To Kill [W024]

It’s Only Business [W025]

A Royal Flush [W026]

Baptism By Fire [W027]

Underboss [W028]

Don [W030]

Don Of NYC [W031]

Contract Hits [CH01]

Tattaglia [CHT1]

Whack Mikey Saleri [CH02]

Take Down Donnie Marinelli [CH03]

Rub Out Tony Bianchi [CH04]

Whack Freddie Nobile [CH10]

Take Down Johnny Tattaglia [CH14]

Stracci [CHS1]

Assassinate Plinio Ottaviano [CH05]

Knock Off Leon Grossi [CH13]

Take Down Oscar Zavarelle [CH21]

Assassinate Jack Fontana [CH22]

Assassinate Salvatorre Stracci [CH23]

Cuneo [CHC1]

Eliminate Bobby Marcolini [CH06]

Take Out Ronnie Tosca [CH07]

Take Out Mario Debellis [CH08]

Finish Off Michael Costa [CH15]

Take Out Luciano Fabbri [CH30]

Eliminate Marco Cuneo [CH31]

Barzini [CHB1]

Dispatch Big Bobby Toro [CH17]

Eliminate Glovanni Armanno [CH20]

Execute Pietro Testa [CH24]

Put Away Domenico Mazza [CH29]

Execute Emilio Barzini Jr.[CH32]

Other [CHO1]

Execute Patrick O-Donnell [CH09]

Bring Down Luigi Fusco [CH11]

Put Away Jaggy Jovino [CH12]

Assassinate Tyrone Bloom [CH16]

Knock Out Kelly Berry [CH18]

Knock Off Nicholas Klaus [CH19]

Eliminate the Scaleri Brothers [CH25]

Take Out Ronaldo Manning [CH26]

Bring Down Josef Neikrasz [CH27]

Whack Sergeant Ferriera [CH28]

Favours [FV01]

Pay Off The Don’s Official [FV02]

Destroy Fredo’s Car [FV03]

Retrieve The Valuables From The Top Floor [FV03]

Break Up The Union Strike [FV04]

Destroy The Midtown Drug Market [FV05]

Intimidate A Guard Jury Member [FV06]

Stash The Truck At Paulie’s Apartment [FV07]

The Lunar Bar [FV08]

Infiltrate The Bank and Retrieve Don Corleone’s Evidence [FV09]

Steal The Cuneo Money [FV10]

Blackmail {BM01]

Shopkeeper Favours {WS01]

Trapani’s Bakery [WS02]

Bowery Hotel [WS03]

The Full Moon [WS04]

Arnolds Famous 47 [WS05]

Sicilian Goods [WS06]

St Alban’s Hotel [WS07]

Palladio Willow [WS08]

Tyler’s Top Cuts [WS09]

A Word From the Maker [WFTM]




Intro [IN01]

This guide is only going to walk through the set missions of the game, things

like taking over fronts, warehouses and family complexes are what will take up

most of your time however it’ll be too dull and long for me to walk you through

each front.

Controls General [CT01]

Control Stick: Move.

Z Button (hold): Lock-on.

B Button (hold]: Grab opponent (while locked on).

C Button (tap): Reveal or conceal weapon.

C Button (hold) + Control Stick: Select weapon.

+ Control Pad: Camera

B Button: Shoot/Grab/Throw item? Drop TNT or bomb

A Button: Talk/Action/Vault over object/Grab bottle.

A button (hold): Sprint.

+ Button: Toggle: Free Aim mode.

1 Button: Pause.

2 Button (hold): Notepad.

- Button: Crouch/Wall cover.

Controls Driving [CT02]

A button: Enter or exit vehicle.

Control Stick: Steer.

B Button: Accelerate.

Z Button: Brake/Reverse.

C Button: Handbrake

Flick Nunchuk: Honk horn.

+ Button/- Button: Toggle crew shooting position.

Control Pad (left/right): Move camera.

Control Pad (Down]: Rear view.

Control Pad (Up): Change camera.

Controls Attacking [CT03]

Hold Z button for all these attacks

Flick Nunchuk/Wiimote forward: Jab.

Flick Nunchuk/Wiimote horizontally: Hook.

Hold Down on Control Pad the flick Wiimote: Charge attack.

Flick Nunchuk/Wiimote forward when opponent is on ground: Stomp/Kick.

Flick Wiimote when holding item: Throw item (bottle/TNT).

Weapon Attacks

Flick both Nunchuk and Wiimote down: Overhand Smash.

Flick Nunchuk/Wiimote horizontally: Blow

Flick Wiimote down: Downard blow.

Flick Wiimote across body: Pistol whip.

Flick Wiimote up: Weapon Butt.

Flick Nunchuk up: Reload

- Button: Switch Between Free Aim and Lock On

Grab Attacks

Hold both Z and B buttons.

Flick both Nunchuk and Wiimote Up when opponent is on ground: Lift Up.

Control Stick: Drag.

Flick both Nunchuk and Wiimote near a wall: Wall slam.

Swing both Nunchuk and Wiimote near low object: Table slam.

Swing both Nunchuk and Wiimote parallel: Swing opponent.

Swing both Nunchuk and Wiimote parallel then release B: Throw opponent.

Move Nunchuk and Wiimote towards and away for each other: Strangle.

Move towards an edge: Hold over ledge.

When holding over edge move Nunchuk and Wiimote forward: Throw over ledge

Flick both Nunchuk and Wiimote forward and back: Headbutt.

Swing both Nunchuk and Wiimote side to side (Garrote equipped): Garrote Choke.

The Families [FA01]

There are five major families in New York, each have devolved their own status

quo with each other, meaning that they tend to stay out of each others way and

give them respect, but that doesn’t mean they won’t jump at the chance to stab

you in the back if they think they can get away with it.


At the start the head of the family is Don Vito Corleone, however its no

secret that Michael later becomes the head. The Corleone family traditionally

owns Little Italy however the other families have started moving in on their



The weakest of the five families and the least respected. They control

Brooklyn and are probably the easiest family to wipe out. The rivalry

between them that the Corleones are very high.


The Stracci operate out of New Jersey, their ambition has grown and they

have become volatile. They remain a very rich and powerful family.


Operating in the appropriately name neighbourhood Hell’s Kitchen the Cuneos

are a hardened family. They don’t have much financially however they’ve got

a lot of brute force and won’t give up what little they have without a fight.


The Barzini’s control Midtown. They’re very wealthy and well connected.

The Barzini’s act as if they control the other families and perhaps to some

extent they do. This is the hardest family to take on.

Fronts [FR01]

All over New York there are legitimate businesses, whether they know it

or not, they need protection. That just happens to be your speciality which

brings me onto extortion. If a front shopkeeper is killed the whole front

will shut down for a while losing you money (if you owned the store)

Extortion [FR02]

Sometimes (well most times actually) shopkeepers won’t be too happy with

paying your protection money, mostly due to the fact they are already being

protected by another family. You’ve got to convince them otherwise.

Extortion is an art and you’ve got to find out what tactic works best on

the shopkeeper, some will hate being beaten up, others will hate their

customers being beaten up, breaking up their shop may be a good idea too,

or how about throwing them through that window. Grab them and swing them

around a little, then pull out a gun and pug one in the knee cap, yes

extortion is an art and you better get use to using the tools of the trade.

Each shopkeeper will have a pressure meter, the first line shows when they’re

going to give in and pay you, before that line you get nothing, then there

is a red area, after you’ve crossed that point they won’t give you anything and

will attack you. Your aim is to get the meter filled as close to that red bar

as possible to get the largest amount of protection money. The better you

do the more reputation points you’ll get. Get a high enough reputation and

they might hand it over no fuss.

Rackets [FR03]

Behind some of the fronts there are rackets (why they’re call them fronts).

These are illegal gambling and prostitution businesses. Expect higher

resistance from the family that owns the Racket than you did for the Front.

You can either buy out a racket or you can use the same tactics you use for


Warehouses [FR04]

Warehouses and hubs are were you make all the big money, they’re the places

that distribute to all the rackets. These are fortresses and you’ll be heavily

outgunned however it’s worth it, these make a lot of money for the family.

Call in a Hit Squad to help you take one out. The racket boss is inside

somewhere but to talk to him you’re going to have to go through

waves of opponents.

Complexes [FR05]

There are 4 complexes in the game (okay five if you could the Corleone’s).

These are the homes of the families heads. These are the toughest to take

over, crawling with the family you have to fight tooth and nail into the

weapon vaults under each of the two houses, you then have to set a bomb and

blow up the house. Each complex has two houses so you need to destroy

them both to totally take control over the complex. Don’t attempt to take

over a complex too early in the game.

Banks [BK01]

Banks are a nice way of making money without paying tribute to the Corleones.

There are 6 banks over New York with some serious cash in the vault. You have

to find the vault, blow it up with some TNT and then make a get away to one

of your hideouts. Simple enough yes? Well no as you expect there are bank

guards, the more money in the bank the more guards there are and the better

their weapons, then you’ve got the cops, for the smaller banks you can pay them

off and you’ll get away quite easily but for the larger heists no amount of

ribery is going to make them turn the other way. For an added challenge try

robbing all the banks at the same time, do this and you’ll get major respect.

Trucks [TR10}

All over New York there are trucks (nicely colour coded so you know whose

they are), these are supplying the rackets will all they need, highjack a truck

and deliver it do a drop off point for some easy money. Well maybe not too easy

as you’ll be chased by the family you just ripped off and if you’re too far

from a drop off point it’ll likely to explode.

Racket Deliveries [TR02]

Racket Deliveries are very much like truck runs just with the slight difference

that you’re now the truck driver. Once you’ve taken control of a warehouse or

hub you’ll sometimes be asked to deliver a truck from there to a front or

warehouse, these missions are rather risk free and the longer the distance you

have to travel the more you’ll get paid, easy money for those that probably

don’t need it at that stage.

Cash Hubs [CU01]

Wasn’t quite sure what to put this under but a set points on the map (normally

hard to reach or seduced parts) family men and the occasional gang of bell hops

will converge and protect a crate of money, these crates normally only contain

a few thousand dollars but it’s something to do. If you’re wondering why bell

hops are doing it, well they were often the ones to get drugs/hookers for hotel

guests and direct visitors to the illegal gambling rackets, they also would

tip off police and gangs alike to the whereabouts of wanted men so they’re

involved in a lot of shady dealings.

Mob Curriers [MC01]

Walking around the neighbourhoods are curriers working for the family. They

carry briefcases full of money. They’re easy to recognise they’re fat, wear

black coats and have a briefcase. It’s the same model for each currier so

once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. Kill him to get his money but he

can run fast for a fat guy so be quick about it. Killing these will raise your

vendetta level significantly though and you’ll be prone to drive-bys.

Heat/Vendetta [HV01]

As you cause crimes your heat level goes up and the cops will come after you,

the higher the heat the more stars you get and the more of a problem you’ll

have on your hands. Make sure to keep your heat low by bribing the cops.

Also note that heat levels change from region to region so if you’ve got a lot

of heat in Midtown stay in New Jersey until things die down. To reduce heat

simply duck in a safe house to lower it to two stars and then you can bribe

cops or just keep your head down.

Vendetta is a different matter, the more you damage a family the higher the

vendetta against you rises. Each family has a Vendetta meter the higher it

goes the more that family will hit back at you, you can bribe an FBI agent to

bring a Vendetta down so make sure you keep an eye on it. If you don’t and it

gets too high you’ll start a mob war complete with drive-bys and the bombing

of your fronts. To stop a war either bribe the FBI or bomb one of their

fronts. Of course if you get iced during a mob war it’ll be over by the time

you wake up but don’t expect all your fronts to have made it.

Cop Bribes [CB01]

Bribing cops is a sure fire way to reduce your heat, however if the cops

are shooting at you they’re not likely to take your money so it only really

works when you’ve only got two stars. Aside from lowering heat cop bribes

also serve another purpose, each bribe will fill the cop bribe meter.

The higher it is the more cops will look the other way when it comes to

crimes, hell they might even fight for you.

Police Chief Bribes [CB02]

There are five Police Chiefs, one for each neighbourhood and they’re just

as crooked as the street cops, the only difference is they cost more.

Once you bribe a police chief it fills the cop bribe meter making things

easier for you. You can also blackmail the chiefs for free coverage, more

on that under Blackmail (see contents).

FBI Bribes [CB03]

These are needed for lowering Vendetta levels, they’re rare and tend to

hang around churches a lot but are vital in the middle of a mob war.

It may not be cheap but it’s easy.

Respect [RE01]

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Sorry couldn’t resist, as you would expect from a Godfather game respect

is a very important aspect of the game. To gain respect you take over

fronts, kill mobsters that get in the way, complete favours asked by the

family and bribe cops. Once you’ve filled your respect meter you can choose

a new skill. Also the higher your respect level the more pressure you’re

exert on shopkeepers so by the end of the game you can just walk into a

joint and they’ll practically give you the place.

Skill Points [SP01]

Every time you gain a reputation level you’ll be able to choose 1 skill.

These skills affect how you play the game to be brute or a businessman,

while you should be choosing skills from both the Enforcer and Operator.

All the skills are useful, the later ones are especially helpful but it’s

doubtful you’ll ever be bothered to get enough reputation levels to get

them all meaning you’ll have to choose. I myself have never gotten over

50 reputation levels whereby I’ve completed everything and there wasn’t

anything to give me decent reputation points.


Black Hand

Muscle: +20% Uppercut and Kick damage.

Street Fighting: +15% Jab/Hook attack damage.

Quick Hands: +10% BlackHand attack speed.

Over Head Smash: Knock opponents to their knees.

Tough Guy +45% Uppercut and Kick damage.

Boxing: +30% Jab/Hook attack damage.

Extremely Quick Hands: +25% BlackHand attack speed.

Contender: +50% Jab/Hook attack damage.


Heavy Hitter: Power attack damage increased. Power attack charges faster.

Disarming Shots: Greatly increases your chance to disarm hostiles by shooting

them in the shoulder.

Strong Hands: Grab hold time increased.

Gravitas: +10% Negotiation pressure.

Disarming Blows: All your punches have a chance to knock your opponent’s gun a


Very Heavy Hitter: Power attack damage increased. Power attack charges faster.

Very Strong Hands: Grab hold time increased.

Extreme Gravitas: +50% Negotiation pressure.

Hits Like A Truck: Power attack damage increased. Power attack charges faster.


Quick: Movement and sprint speed increased. Sprint farther.

Stealthy: Crouched movement speed increase.

Thick Skin: Increase how much damage you can recover when hurt.

Fast: Movement and sprint speed significantly increased. Sprint farther.

Very Stealthy: Crouched movement speed greatly increased.

Rapid: Movement and sprint speed greatly increased. Sprint much farther.

Extremely Stealthy: Crouched movement speed greatly increased.

Very Thick Skin: Significantly increase how much damage you can recover when



Focus: Accuracy increased.

Quick Reload: Reload speed increased.

Marksman: Gun accuracy increased.

Draw: Weapon reveal, conceal and switch speed increased.

Precision: Gun accuracy increased.

Rapid Reload: Gun reload speed greatly increased.

Quick Draw: Weapon handling speed significantly increased.

Deadeye: Gun accuracy increased.

Sharpshooter: Gun accuracy increased.

Enforcer Perks (Each upgrade worth 1 point)

Executioner (15 points)

Makes enemies more vulnerable to execution moves

Unlimited Ammo (30 points)

Unlimited ammunition for all guns.



Negotiator: Breaking point revealed 3 seconds longer.

Business Smarts: +15% Business income.

Advanced Negotiator: Breaking point revealed 6 seconds longer.

Racketeer: +10% Racket income.

Superior Negotiator: Breaking point revealed 9 seconds longer.

Evaluate: Immediately detect weak spots.

Business Acumen: +30% business income.

Savvy Racketeer: +20% Racket income.

Master Negotiator: Breaking point always revealed.


Car Bombs: Allows you to plant car bombs.

Neck Snap: Lets you do a instant silent kill while using the garrotte.

Conceal Explosives: Carry limit increased: +3 Molotovs, +1 Dynamite, +1 bombs.

Crew Bravery: +20% Crew health.

Crew Leadership: +10% Crew damage.

Conceal more Explosives: Carry limit increased: +4 Molotovs, +1 Dynamite.

Extreme Crew Bravery: +40% Crew health.

Conceal Lots Of Explosives: Carry limit increased: +3 Molotovs, +2 Dynamite,

+1 Bombs

Superior Crew Leadership: +20% Crew damage.


Healthy: +20% Health.

Basic Recuperation: Health regenerates while out of combat, to a maximum of 30%.

Healthier: +40% Health.

Very Healthy: +60% Health.

Basic Recuperation: Health regenerates while out of combat, to a maximum of 45%.

Extremely Healthy: +80% Health.

Peak Health: +100% Health.

Basic Recuperation: Health regenerates while out of combat, to a maximum of 60%.

The Law

Hotwire: No Heat for stealing parked cars.

Friend Of The Law: Police Bribes Cost 20% Less.

Shady: Take 10% Less Heat.

Deep Pockets: Police bribes last 20% longer.

Good Friend Of The Law: Police Chief bribes cost 40% less.

Very Shady: Generate 10% less Vendetta.

Connected: FBI bribes cost 20% less.

Extremely Shady: Take 20% less Heat and Vendetta

Operator Perks (Each upgrade worth 1 point)

Pistol Whip (15 points)

Smack your enemies about with this brutal attack.

Improved Hit Squad (30 points)

This Perk allows you to call in the Corleone Hit Squad twice as often.

Safe Houses [SH01]

Safe Houses are where you can go to save and restock on ammo and health.

Also when cop heat is too high you can duck in and lower it to a more

manageable two stars. You’re given a few safe houses as you progress t

hought the game but most of the time you have to buy them, normally

found in hotels.

Phones [SH02]

In all your Safe Houses and some fronts and clubs there is a phone,

people will ring you up on them to remind you of who you’re meant to be

meeting or to direct you to a new meetings. You can also call a driver

from the phone who will transport you to any of your safe houses.

Crew Members [CM01]

After you join the family you’ll be able to hire a single crewman to come

along with you, for a price. The better the crew member, the higher the price.

You also can only hire crew members below or the same rank as you, so if you’re

an associate to the family you can’t hire a Capo. Crew members will help you

wherever you go and provide some extra pressure to shopkeepers, also very handy

when taking on other families, but remember they can still die so look after


Hit Squad [CM02]

Once you become an associate to the family (second promotion) you can call

the Corleone hit squad. Firstly you need to fill up the hit squad meter, the

Corleone crest in the top left hand corner, now you don’t have to do anything

to fill this up, it fills up as time progresses. The hit squad has four men

in it of all the ranks and provide fantastic backup when you’re in a tight

spot, I recommend using them when you’re talking out warehouses, hubs and

compounds. Just remember each day they stick around costs you money which will

be taken out of your payday.

Film Reels [FR01]

Hidden throughout the land of New York City film reels are lying in wait.

There are 100 in total, each one giving you 1000 respect but wait, there’s

more. After you collect a certain number it’ll unlock film clips from the

movie The Godfather. Sadly I won’t be given a complete list of where to

find them all.

Safes [CS01]

There are 100 safes hidden in the game, most of which you’ll find in fronts,

compounds, warehouses, hubs and doctor surgeries. Infact they’ll turn up most

places. To get into a safe you’ll need a stick of TNT. Once you’ve blown the

door you’ll be treated to 1000 respect, some money and weapon ammo. Most safes

will give out TNT after they’ve been blown making it harder to run out and need

to do find a dealer. I won’t be giving a full list of their locations.

Weapons [WP01]

Melee Weapons

Throughout the game you can pick up many different items such as bats, pipes

and sticks to use as a club of some sort, I might not include them all because

I forgot or missed them but each one has two execution moves so if you want

them all you’ll have to find them.

Baseball Bat

The Baseball Bat is a strong wooden weapon that is great for intimidation, and

in the right hands, the bat can be used as a lethal weapon.

Police Baton

The Police Baton is a solid wooden rod with a leather wrapped handle that can

be used to easily dispatch someone.

Tire Iron

The Standard Tire Iron is used for removing tires. It is a solid piece of metal

that deals a good amount of damage.


The Shovel will bury your enemies with just a few short swings.

Attack with the heavy end for greater power.

Lead Pipe

A Lead Pipe can be found in many sewage systems. It doesn’t deal as much

damage as other items, but it gets the job done.

Two By Four

The Two by Four is a block of wood that packs a mean punch, especially when

it’s on fire. Use it to take out a group of attackers at once.

Golf Club

The Golf Club is usually for taking long shots off the tee, but it can also

be used as a lightweight and lethal weapon.

Pool Cue

The Pool Cue can be used to inflict a lot of damage, It is usually not seen

outside of a pool hall, but some criminals like to use it as their trademark.

.38 Snub Nose

Level: 1

Clip Size: 6

The .38 Snub Nose is a standard police issued sidearm. It is the most quiet

firearm, but it is also the weakest.

.38 Special

Level: 2

Clip Size: 6

Found: Little Italy, Broadway.

Price: $7,500

The .38 Special is an upgraded revolver with a slightly faster firing rate

than the base revolver. Your ammo carry limit has increased to 60 bullets.

Saturday Night Special

Level: 3

Clip Size: 6

Found: Little Italy, Foley Sq.

Price: $75,000

The Saturday Night Special is a modified revolver that has an extremely fast

firing rate. Your ammo carry limit has increased to 80 bullets.


Level: 1

Clip Size: 8

The Pistol is a semi-automatic sidearm that uses a vertical clip with an 8

round capacity. The pistol has a fast firing sped with an even faster reload.

Extended Clip Pistol

Level: 2

Clip Size: 10

Found: Brooklyn, Plymouth ST., under the bridge.

Price: $12,500

The Modified Pistol has an upgraded clip that holds 10 rounds and fires faster

than it’s predecessor. The modified pistol has an ammo carry limit of 80 rounds.

Assassin’s Pistol

Level: 3

Clip Size: 14

Found: Brooklyn, in the Cargo Yard down by Willow St. Where you offed Paulie.

Price: $250,000

The Assassin’s Pistol is an advanced pistol with a blistering firing rate.

Its extended clip holds 14 rounds make for very few reload times. The ammo carry

limit is increased to 140 bullets.


Level: 1

Clip Size: 6

The Magnum is a hand cannon with a swing out cylinder. The magnum is the

loudest and most powerful sidearm, and it rivals the shotgun in damage dealt.

Extender Barrel Magnum

Level: 2

Clip Size: 6

Found: Hell’s Kitchen, Galvin St.

Price: $25,000

The Modified Magnum is upgraded to use longer bullets dealing more damage

and exiting the cylinder faster than the base magnum.


Level: 3

Clip Size: 8

Found: Hell’s Kitchen, 52 St.

Price: $250,000

The Python is one of the most lethal firearms available. Upgraded from the

Modified Magnum, its cylinder holds 8 rounds and uses hollow tip bullets,

dealing an unparalleled amount of damage. Additional, the ammo carry limit

is increase to 80 bullets.

Tommy Gun

Level: 1

Clip Size: 35

The Tommy Gun is a compact machine gun that is small and light enough for

one man to handle. It cuts enemies down in record time, but it has a slow


Modified Tommy Gun

Level: 2

Clip Size: 50

Found: Midtown, on East 79th St.

Price: $50,000

The Customized Tommy Gin is augmented to hold 50 bullets, and it has a

faster firing rate than the standard Tommy Gun.


Level: 3

Clip Size: 75


Price: $400,000

The Dillinger is one of the most advanced Tommy Guns available. It has a

n astounding 75 bullet clip, making for fewer reloads and a blistering

firing rate.

Long Barrel Shotgun

Level: 1

Clip Size: 2

The Long Barrel Shotgun is a pump action rifle that fires effectively

over short ranges. Since the shotgun has a pump reload after every 2 shot,

you better make every shot count.

Double Barrel Shotgun

Level: 2

Clip Size: 2

Found: New Jersey, Centre park in the band stand off Park Ave.

Price: $45,000

The Double Barrel Shotgun is has a slightly shortened barrel that makes

for more damage with each shell. More importantly, your ammo count is

increased to 24 bullets

Street Sweeper

Level: 3

Clip Size: 10

Found: New Jersey just off Garden Parkway, It’s also found in Little Italy

just off Sterner Street.

Price: $350,000

The Street Sweeper is among the most powerful firearms around. The clip is

modified to hold 10 shells that are fired like an automatic weapon.

The ammo carry limit is increased to 100 shells.

Garrotte Wire

The Garrotte is an instrument of execution by strangulation. It is meant to

seize your enemy from behind, so be patient.


The Molotov is a glass bottle filled with fuel and topped off with an oily

rag. Light it and watch your targets burn. You can only carry a limited

number, so use the molotovs wisely.


Dynamite does tremendous damage to a small area, and it is great to destroying

vehicles, safes and bank vaults. It can be thrown or planted, but is has a

short fuse, so watch your back. You can only carry a limited amount, so use

them wisely.


A Bomb deals tremendous damage to a large area. If thrown or planted inside of

a building, I will gut it. Since a bomb has a long fuse timing is everything.

You can only carry a limited number, so use them wisely.




Walkthrough [W001]

Death of a Father [W002]

After the cut scene you’ll have a chance to practice your fighting skills.

Lock onto the mobster with the Z button and swing the nunchuk and wiimote

to take them out, you can’t die so take all the time you need, sadly you’re

no match for Tommy Guns.

Price of Loyalty [W003]

After you’ve played around with your characters appearance you’ll see a cut

scene where your mother asks a favour from the Godfather, the favour is to

help you out. Luca will come looking for you, good thing too as you were

taking a beating.

You get to practice your fighting skills again, do some jabs, hooks and

charger punches, now take him out. Pick up the guy on the floor and go to town

on him using grab attacks and then finish him off. Now all you need to do is

kill the last man. Now talk with Luca.

Respect: +400

Money: $500

Head on over to the safe house on the map, you might want to pay a visit to

the shops nearby and try your hand on extorting businesses but it isn’t

needed. Steal a car unless you want a nice long walk.

The Enforcer [W004]

Talk to Luca now head over to the shop. Now pressure the butcher into giving

you protection money by smashing up the shop, beating him up and being a

general jerk. Don’t push him too far or you won’t get anything and you’ll have

to start the mission over again.

The back door is now open, head-on upstairs and take the few rival family men

and talk to the racket boss and buy him out. Now head on down and bribe the

cop. Now talk to Luca again.

Respect: +750

Money: $1,000

Now go talk to Paulie, in addition to that you can talk to the man with

puppeteer hand over his head to perform a favour or head on over to the

closest bank, it appears to have had a heist gone wrong and there are

money bags littered around. Pick them up and bring them back to your

safe house.

A Grave Situation [W005]

Head towards the mark and take out your bat or pick up the bat that’s

leaning against the wall and take a few swings on the first guy. Now

enter the grave yard, head right and pick up the hidden money bag behind

the grave stones. Now slam the next guy into the wall a couple of times,

now drag him over to a crypt and smash his head against that a few times,

now throw him around a time. Then just finish him off.

Respect: +2,500

Money: $1,500

Talk to Monk and go meet Luca.

Sleeping With The Fishes [W006]

Luca is going to teach you how to fire a gun. Odd for me at that point because

I’ve been going around making Swiss cheese out of rival family members, oh well.

When you face the first dummy shoot the boxes at its feet repeatedly and pick

up the hidden money. Now shoot the dummy in the shoulder and the knee cap,

take cover along the wall and take out the two highlighted dummies. Now pug a

few rounds into the truck, then reload the weapon and conceal it.

Now you’ve got to get to the marked part in Midtown under 4mins, easy enough,

just check the map every now and again to make sure you don’t take any wrong

turns. Oh no Luca has been killed. Crouch down and take out the man just in

front of you and head towards the backdoor and swipe out the guys that appear.

Work your way through the building until you reach the target, take him out

swiftly. Now head back to your Safe House in Little Italy in under 3mins.

Watch out for the cops along the way but you should make it without too great

a difficulty.

Respect: +3,000

Money: $2,000

After this lie low for a while until your phone starts to ring, meet Monk in

Little Italy.

The Don Is Dead [W007]

Take out the guys hiding behind the cars, now head on out and shoot the guy

holding Frankie hostage. You’ve got to follow the ambulance and try to protect

it as you make your way to the hospital, Fredo will be firing from it so

all you have to do is keep it on the road and the other cars away from it.

Once you reach the bridge you’ll stop and have a shoot out. Take out the first

three and head over to the guy with the puppeteer logo over his head and

interrogate him. Before getting in the ambulance blow up the cream coloured

car near by it as there are money bags hidden under it. Now drive it to the

hospital, there shouldn’t be any problems with that.

Respect: +4,000

Money: $2,000

Tom Is Still Missing [W008]

Crouch down and follow Clemenza and Rocco. Strangle the first guard, follow

the path around strangling them all before the timer reaches zero, try to do

them one at a time to keep things simple. Sneak through the hole in the fence

and shoot the boxes opposite from where you just come from to find the

hidden money. Now head on over to where Tom is being held before it’s too

late, stay low and take out all the guards. Now take out the guy holding

Tom hostage, be careful not to him Tom, so that’s no shotguns then.

Once that’s done head on over to the Corleone compound to end the mission.

Respect: +4,500

Money: $2,500

Enforcer [W009]

After the last mission go and talk to Tom to become an associate. It’s the first

rank in the family.

Respect: +5,000

Money: $7,500

Intensive Care [W010]

Talk to the guard and get all your wonderful weapons removed, and no, killing

the guard doesn’t get you a gun. Now go to talk to Frankie, kill the assassin

that has just appeared, grab his gun also. Head on down to the basement and

pick up the shotgun in one of the rooms along the way. Here you come face

to face with a gang of Tattaglia family men. They shouldn’t be to big a

hassle being only equipped with pistols and bats and get Frankie to the

car. Head upstairs but before talking to Michael go into the Don’s room to

get the hidden money bag

Respect: +6,000

Money: $5,000

Fireworks [W011]

Partay time, talk to Rosa and head on upstairs and talk to Sony, Monk and

Paulie, after a couple of moments the fuzz will break in an generally break

up the party. The Sergeant takes Rosa for some private “interrogation”.

Kill the cop upstairs silently by strangling him and make your way downstairs,

then bribe the cop at the door to let you out. Head on down the alley way

and take out the cops either strangling them with your bare hands or using

a garrotte wire. Once you’ve killed the last cop but the door, the door

magically unlocks.

Take out the cops inside, you can use your gun as you wish but it’s hardly

needed, talk to Rosa and then head on up to the roof using the elevator.

Don’t kill the SGT just yet, instead break the crates with have a green

glow coming out of them, they have hidden money bags inside, there should

be four. Now just grab in and throw him off the edge.

Respect: +7,500

Money: $7,500

Talk to Rosa and head towards the Corleone compound.

Associate [W012]

Respect: +10,000

Money: $7,500

Promotion Benefits: Payday income increased.

In addition to that you can now call the hit squad. The hit squad is a four

man group ranging through the ranks, so even at this low level you can get

help from Underbosses. Use this wisely, such as when invading warehouses or

compounds as you can only call them once the meter is full (the Corleone

crest in the top left corner)

Death To The Traitor [W013]

You’ll start outside a restaurant, head up stairs and stock up on some

weaponry, seems a family has decided to pay the store a visit, coincidentally

just after you turned up. Make short work of them by shooting from the upstairs

balcony into the ground floor. Talk to the guy in the over sized hat to

get the door upstairs unlocked for more weapons. Now go talk to Clemenza.

Follow him to the bar through the alleyway. Take out the guys hiding behind the

bar and when you go through the door watch out for the guy hiding in the

downstairs office. Head on up and take out the guys up in the pool room.

Plant the bomb as close to the door as you can now run, not down the stairs but

to the left and grab the money bags in the little room, now run down the stairs.

You only have 15 seconds so it’s going to be close but it can be done.

You pull over but for some reason you can pull the trigger fast enough and

Paulie gets away. Head through the maze of containers shooting the exploding

barrels before you get too close as Paulie does it for you if you don’t.

Kill Paulie, should be no problem as he only has a pistol. Now take the car

and get to the marked safe house, which will be given to you after you

reach it.

Respect: +17,000

Money: $10,000

Special Delivery [W014]

First of all you’ll need a Time Bomb so buy one of those from the many

dealers scattered about, they have a larger logo than normal Dynamite.

Next go meet Clemenza in Midtown outside a warehouse. You need a racket truck,

they’ll be marked by a blue cross while you’re in the mission, which can be

more of a hindrance than a help because it’ll switch trucks while you’ll just

getting to one, oh well. You should know how to highjack a truck by now but

if you ram it at full speed head on or stop in front of the truck and lay

a couple of rounds in the front until the driver gets out. Interrogate the

driver and take the truck to Clemenza.

Now the mission is basically the same as taking over a warehouse, just instead

of working your way through to talk to a racket boss you have to plant bombs in

each of the buildings, but as all warehouses are set out the same way you should

be right at home. Grab a bomb but the side of the truck if you don’t already

have one and head on to the left building. Enter it taking out those on the

causeway and then head across targeting those on the lower floor as you go.

There should be a blue arrow down the stairs and that’s where you need to place

the bomb. Now rush out of the building up the stairs and go through the right

door (Note I could hold two bombs at this point if you can’t go left and back

as you’ll need to get another bomb). Now go down the stairs and into the

building at the back, take out the few family members and head upstairs,

plant the bomb in one of the rooms and head out.

Head Down to the truck (there is an opening in the fence so don’t worry about

going through any buildings) and grab a couple more bombs. Head on up the right

stairs and shoot the breakable boxes on the top to get the hidden money bag.

Now do the same as you did for the first building. Now if you’re fast you can

make it back to the truck and restock on bombs so you don’t have to go looking

for any in the future. After the mission you’ll also be able to Bomb

Sollozzo’s fronts.

Respect: +10,000

Money: $10,000

Sollozzo’s fronts [Optional] [W015]

Not strictly a mission, nor a hit, nor a favour so I didn’t know where to

put this, so after it’s unlocked seemed good enough. There are four fronts

Sollozzo is selling drugs out of shown on the map by a skull and crossbones.

One in New Jersey by the Viaduct, one in Hell’s Kitchen’s Industrial Park on

Peter St, one in Little Italy’s Industrial Park on Franklin St and one in

Brooklyn on Main St. You need to bomb each front so obviously you need four

time bombs.

New Jersey Front – Enter through the open garage taking out the guard at the

front. Rush to the back of the room avoiding fire from above (watch out for

Molotovs) and clear out the ground floor, once you enter the downstairs room

they’ll blow a hole in the door and more will come in, take those out as well.

Don’t bomb the place yet, head upstairs and take out anybody still breathing

and find the money bags at the end of the causeway. Now bomb the building and

leave through the door they bombed. Get the hell out before the police turn up.

Hells Kitchen – Enter through the side alley blocked up by boxes or via the

sewer system, the latter often has hotel porters in them so watch out, yeah

I know it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but still, watch out. Take out

the two guards on the ground floor and head into the basement. Stay low and

take cover behind the furniture and wipe out the guys in the cellar, now head

upstairs, head towards the right and collect the money bags then take out

all the guys upstairs. Plant the bomb in the left room and run like crazy

out of the building.

Little Italy – Head around to the side of the building and take out the lone

guard, now head up the outside stairs. Go on through a kill the guys upstairs

and pick up the money bags behind the bar, now go back to where you entered

and break the boxes blocking the stairs. Head down taking out those in the

right room before opening the next set of doors. As you enter the room they’ll

blow out the windows and more will enter, take them out along with anybody

else you can see, taking cover when needed and then plant the bomb, jump out

the window and lose the cops.

Brooklyn – With this one go around to the side and through the window, take

cover behind the boxes and take out all you can, now get to the back of the

shop towards the kitchen and into the toilet to collect the money bags.

Now head upstairs and throw a stick of dynamite where the two guys lie in wait

to make them run right into your path of fire. Plant the bomb and run like

crazy, once again lose the cops and congrats.

Respect: +25,000

Horseplay [W016]

Sadly this is one of the most annoying missions of the game, mostly due to

that fact its stealth based and this isn’t a stealth game, though it’s

indicative to the whole plot line so it was either this or leave out the

whole Woltz thing.

Firstly follow Rocco to the stables; it’s a simple case of sticking close

to Rocco as you go. Don’t get spotted by any guards as you go if you do

get spotting strangle him quickly before he gets off a gun shot and alerts

the whole villa. Once in the stable kill the guard that comes in and help

Rocco deliverer the package to Mr Woltz bed.

Now don’t kill any innocents, so that’s butlers and maids, oddly guards

aren’t innocent so kill those when ever you can. Kill the first two guards

outside and go up the stairs and into the kitchen. Wait for the Butler to go

into the other room and the guard to go into the stairway, follow the guard

and kill him, advance up the stairs and kill the next guard waiting. Wait

for the maid to go into the hallway and talk to the guard, then when they

walk off kill the guard. Follow the maid out to the balcony and pick up the

hidden money bag, don’t kill the guard there as chances are you’ll be spotted

by somebody lower down. Now head to the blue arrow and wait for the painfully

slow progress of Rocco.

Respect: +12,500

Money: $15,000

A recipe For Revenge [W017]

As soon as you go past the Corleone compound gates the timer will start and

you’ll have les than 4mins to get to the restaurant and plant the gun, plenty

of time just check the map and don’t get lost. Sneak in through the back and

silently kill the guards standing by, now talk to guy near the door to unlock

the joint. Go through the kitchen and to the right into the bathroom, now

enjoy your meal with a show.

Kill the guards that have shown up and head up stairs and get the hidden

money bags. Now head to the car where Michael is hiding, killing any

opposition along the way. You’ve got to head to the docks in Hell’s

Kitchen with the Tattaglia family trying to kill you, you can’t lose

the car.

Respect: +15,000

Money: $20,000

Soldier [W018]

Head on over to the Club to become a made man, afterwards talk to the guys

in the club.

Respect: +15,000

Money: $25,000

Promotion Benefits: Payday Income Increased.

Now It’s Personal [W019]

You know I never understood how these two really hooked up, I mean we’ve

been controlling this guy since the start and we haven’t really had much to

do with her, oh well. They grab Frankie and try to kill you, take out

everybody but the selected guy you have to interrogate. Now call Monk,

then head over to Monk.

Head over to the church in Brooklyn avoiding the attacking cars as you go.

Go left into the mausoleum and collect the money bags (and film reel if

you haven’t already) then get downstairs via the left side entrance

and take out all the goons hiding behind the crypt, now get upstairs

being careful not to be ambushed on the stairs.

Respect +17,500

Money: $30,000

The Silent Witness [W020]

Go in the back entrance and talk to Sonny, interrogate the Capo, he

won’t talk but his funeral will get Bruno out of hiding. After you’ve

parked up at the funeral home turn around, go up the street and to the

right their should be a little alcove with a burning barrel in it,

behind the barrel is the hidden money bag. Don’t worry about the warning

that pops up

Take out all the family men hanging around the bottom floor and once they’re

all dead go upstairs via the elevator. He’s got quite a right hook, once

you get up kill the last two guards, grab Bruno and then throw him in

the incinerator.

Respect: +20,000

Money: $35,000

Sonny’s War [W021]

Before you even start this mission things begin to heat up, when you go and

meet Sonny at the compound a gang of Cuneos attack, be careful not to get

run over and take cover behind the walls of the compound, there are plenty

of health vials lying around so you shouldn’t be in any real danger unless

you get run over.

After that talk to Sonny, then meet him at his apartments in Midtown.

After you talk to him you’ve got under 2mins to get to a club in Hells Kitchen,

no real worry there you’ll make it easy. Take out the few guys on the ground

floor now head down to the basement via the stairs by the front, there are

quite a few of them down there and in such a cramped environment things could

get ugly, once you reach the first room downstairs just shoot the

flammable boxes for some easy kills, head into the next room and

interrogate the guy.

The Racket boss will now run off and you have to keep up with him, he

seems to have some sort of supped up truck cause damn, it’s fast. You’ll

also be chased by the Cuneos so things can be a bit hard if they make you

crash. Once you get into the train yards take out all the men hanging

around with the help of Sonny, now head towards the marked building.

Take out the men inside like you would when you take out a racket. Watch

the cut scene with Sonny. Before you leave go up to the roof using the

elevator and collect the money bags.

Get into the car with Sonny and head towards the Cuneos warehouse, which

oddly enough always seemed like Corleone controlled before now. Talking

over warehouses are never completely easy so if you’re having difficulties

call in the hit squad if you can. It’s just a case of making sure the

outside is clear before heading inside, duck behind cover when you need

to and make use of the explosive items littered all have the place, also

use your Molotovs for large groups. Head down to the opposite side you came

in and go through those doors, crouch behind the barrels and take part

in this shooting gallery. Once you’ve taken them out interrogate the Racket

boss to end the mission.

Respect: +30,000

Money: $40,000

Change Of Plans [W022]

As soon as the mission starts Sonny drives off, get in your car quickly and

get after him,. Those fans of the movie will remember this scene well.

Get out of the car and check inside the toll booths for the hidden money bags

then chase after the highlighted car, you’ll be chased and shot at.

When you reach the warehouse in Hells Kitchen they’ll be the evitable battle,

however it’s only a few guys and it shouldn’t be no hassle, no need to go

through any of the buildings as there is a gap in the fence.

Interrogate the security guard and get the need the needed information.

You now have 5mins to get the club, don’t get lost as Hell’s Kitchen can be

somewhat confusing with all the different layered roads. Take out all the guys

on the ground floor in usual style then end downstairs using the back

stairway. Once you’ve removed all opposition the door to the Underboss will

finally be opened. He’ll be tight lipped so talk to his girl, he’ll then crack.

After that you have 5mins to get to the Corleone compound.

Respect: +40,000

Money: $45,000

Capo [W023]

Head on over to the Corleone compound and meet your new don, Michael. Is it

just me or does it make no sense in the game.

Respect: +50,000

Money: $50,000

Promotion Benfits:

Payday income increased

Order To Kill [W024]

Before you go anywhere turn around and investigate the alley, there are some

money bags not very well hidden in there. Follow Monk across the road and take

out the first three guards on the ground floor. Go up the stairs and take out

the next two hiding the one of the rooms (note you can’t go into your hotel

room during the mission, more is the pity). More should come rushing down the

stairs so don’t waste any time wasting them, head up again and take control

of the next floor, they’ll be quite a few hiding in the rooms and if you’re

not careful they can get the drop on you as they’re hiding behind furniture,

if you’re having problems Molotovs are good, also there is health in one

of the bedrooms. Head up yet another level to get a cut scene, things don’t

seem right. Oh and that’s the only time the main missions ever say anything

about Vito being dead, how weird is that, I think some of the family men say

something about it but I missed it this play through.

For the family you must kill Monk, this is quite a good mission as it has

nothing to do with the movie and just shows the life these guys lead, it wasn’t

that long ago you were drinking buddies. You’ll have under 3mins to get to Monk

on West St, which I always thought was a dumb place to hide out as I always own

that hotel and it’s right next to the Corleone compound, it’s also very close

and you’ll have no problem getting to him. Now a group of Cuneos will appear,

you can go upstairs or just jump the barrier either way once you get into the

main bar hide behind the bar and take out the group of Cuneo’s, they’ll make

short work of you if you get caught in the open, after they’re dead kill Monk

Respect: +75,000

Money: $50,000

It’s Only Business [W025]

You’ll have to kill Tessio in under 3mins but that shouldn’t be too big a

problem. After you enter the building Tessio will run off and you can’t

kill him or even hurt it right at the start to take out the two family men

at the end of the hallway, then check out the bar area, enter the lift and

get downstairs. After you get downstairs clear out the two rooms but before

going up the stairwell break the boxes in the second room the one where

they’re laundering money to find the hidden money bag. Once you get back

into the bar area you’ll be able to kill Tessio.

Respect: +80,000

Money: $50,000

A Royal Flush [W026]

Fredio, the loser brother, oh-boy. Head downstairs and gently draw out the

password for the secret basement casino. After you’ve done that head into

the left room and pick up the hidden money bags, now talk to the bouncer

outside the basement. In the casino’s lower level you can distract the two

guards but it isn’t necessary just hop the wall and blow up the safe, then

fight your way out using the bars for cover. Once you get outside get over

to the marked safe house. Now talk to Michael and Clemenza.

Get into the police car out back pay a visit to Moe Green, you have less

than 5mins, plenty of time but try not to run anybody over or crash into

any cop cars as you go, okay? Once you reach the flower shop go around back

and take you the two guards silently, head upstairs and kill Moe, now fight

your way out and get to the marked location

Respect: +100,000

Money: $50,000

Baptism By Fire [W027]

Ah the climax, Michael is being baptised and has order the death of all

four major Don’s in NYC, because it’s a computer game and you’re the player

you’ll be the one to pull the trigger on all of them, if you’ve completed

the contract hits for all the families this will complete the set.

Every hit is timed so you’ve got to act quick.

Don Stracci – You’ll have to get to Midtown and Clemenza, go to the marked

hotel and head upstairs, talk to the two marked guards and when you meet the

Don kill him and fight your way out, talk to Clemenza once you’ve cleared

the area.

Don Cuneo – Hell over to Willi in Hells Kitchen, now get back to Midtown.

Don’t listen to Willi and just go in and kill all of them inside, Cuneo will

be in the stairwell somewhere hiding now talk to Willi.

Don Tattaglia – You now have to get over to Brooklyn and talk to Rocco,

the Cuneo’s however will be chasing you until you get to one of the bridges.

After you talk to Rocco you have to find the Don, he’s in the hotel you can

buy a room in, on Plymouth St. Head up the stairs taking out all the guards

on the second floor he should be hiding, he’ll be holding some girl hostage,

you don’t care about her kill them both if you want, talk to Rocco after

clearing out the place of bodyguards.

Don Barzini – You’ve now got to go meet Al Neri at the police station in

Little Italy, he’s dressed like a cop, Barzini has an appointment at the

justice building that’s were the hit is going down. Park where he says and

don’t move, you’ll have to play this one cool. Wait until Al starts shooting

then move in, chase Barzini around and revenge your father (remember him,

at the start he killed him).

You’ll now need to outrun the cops but before you go anywhere head up the steps

on the justice building and collect the money bags. Get in a car and stay around

Little Italy or even better hide in the Little Italy church until the time runs

out. Either way at the end of the time you’ll need to get back to the Little

Italy church to talk to Michael.

Respect +175,000

Money: $150,000

Underboss [W028]

After all that fun head over to the compound to receiver the highest rank

you should receive, of course it isn’t the highest rank you get in the game

but that’s were it all gets weird.

Respect: +200,000

Money: $150,000

Promotion Benefits:

Payday Income Increased

Oh and you get a room in the Corleone compound.

Respect: +400,000

Money: $250,000

Promotion Benefits

Payday Income Increased.

Don [W030]

To become Don all you have to do is take out the four families, easy enough,

well that’s a lie. To be honest you don’t have to wipe out the families

(take over all their fronts, rackets a destroy their compound) all you have to

do is take out their compounds. This is no easy task in itself but I have the

feeling that some of you reading this would have taken down at least one

compound already, I know I have every time I’ve reached this point so I’m not

going to tell you how to do it, because that ship has sailed already, maybe

if I ever

update eh?

Don Of NYC [W031]

Now there has been some speculation about how exactly you become Don of NYC

but practically everybody now knows it’s when you reach 90% completion of the

game. You need to have completed all missions however and become just a normal

Don (by destroying the compounds) before it’ll open up. You don’t need to have

completed all favours, execution styles, found hidden film clips, extorted all

businesses or completed all contract hits the only thing you need to do is have

90% Overall Game Progress, the percentage includes taking over fronts, contract

hits, merchant favours, favours, bombing the drug fronts and of course missions,

everything under the Criminal Progress menu.

Respect: +600,000

Money: $1,000,000




Contract Hits [CH01]

After your first promotion you’ll be able to take on Contract hits given out

by the family. You’ll be taking out key heads in the other families so it’s

good fun to see their family tree’s be pruned. Each hit has a special condition,

sure it’s all well and good killing the guy but we want to send a message as

well. Full-filling bonus conditions give you extra money and respect so

they’re well worth doing. These appear as yellow dots.

Tattaglia [CHT1]

Whack Mikey Saleri [CH02]

He’s causing problems outside a Butcher Shop in Little Italy, get on over

there and sort him out, rush up to him and beat him up.


Respect: +500

Money: $500

Vendetta: +100

Bonus Condition: Use hand-to-hand combat

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +2,500

Money: $2,500

Take Down Donnie Marinelli [CH03]

Donnie has some dirt on a police chief who happens to be on the take,

infact that’s the dirt. Take out Donnie before things get out of hand.

Head on over to the Brooklyn social club


Respect: +1,000

Money: $500

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Use a Baseball bat

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +5,000

Money: $2,500

Rub Out Tony Bianchi [CH04]

Head on over to the marked hotel and up to the top floor, equip the

garrotte and take out the two guards from behind. Now enter the room

and use the garrotte on Tony.


Respect: +1,500

Money: $500

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Use a garrotte

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +7,500

Money: $2,500

Whack Freddie Nobile [CH10]

Freddie Nobile is the Tattaglia’s Consigliere, he knows how to keep

out of sight, but he also has a weak spot for the ladies, We don’t

want any witnesses around when you off him so be careful. When you

reach the hotel go down to the basement via the stairway, run up to

Freddie, grab him then slam him into the power conduit in the wall,

then talk to the maid and leave.


Respect: +3,500

Money: $4,000

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Electrocute Freddie when he is alone.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +18,000

Money: $20,000

Take Down Johnny Tattaglia [CH14]

Johnny Tattaglia is the family’s Underboss and the son of Don Tattaglia,

with their Consigliere dead Johnny has been ecertnig more influence and

he’s ready to start a war with the Corleones (funny I thought we were at

war). Stop him before it turns into a blood bath. Well you find him take

wall cover and take out all his body guards, rush up to him and beat him

up until he reaches the red then throw some of the many scattered bottles

at him.


Respect: +4,000

Money: $4,000

Vendetta: +400

Bonus Condition: Kill Johnny by throwing a bottle

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +20,000

Money: $20,000

Stracci [CHS1]

Assassinate Plinio Ottaviano [CH05]

Plinto is turning local gangs against the Corleones, he has a penchant

for explosives but oddly enough you’re going to make him burn, rather than

blow him up. You’ll be up on a ledge while him and a couple of guards will

be down on the rail tracks, this can make things rather tricky, Toss a

couple of Molotovs at him (though I doubt they’ll be spot on, aim above

him) and if he gets close to the crates with explosion signs on them shoot

them, remember the aim is to kill him with fire so don’t use your guns on

anybody but his bodyguards.


Respect: +2,000

Money: $1,500

Vendetta: +100

Bonus Condition: Make Plinio Burn

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +10,000

Money: $7,500

Knock Off Leon Grossi [CH13]

Leon seems intent on starting a mob war, take him out before it comes to that.

Once you get to bakery be care as there will be a couple of guys hiding

behind the counter with Tommy Guns which can case a bit of a problem,

he’ll also have another couple in the back room with him, once they’re

disposed of grab him and toss him into the fire.


Respect: +2,500

Money: $1,500

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Throw Leon into a furnace.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +12,500

Money: $7,000

Take Down Oscar Zavarelle [CH21]

Seems he did something to this guys sister, as such he’s got to pay. Once

you’ve found the hideout (the sewers, classy) follow him in and take out

the first two bodyguards that are in the alcoves, crouch and move a little

bit forward until two oil cans fall from the sky, shoot the flaming barrel

in the next section now take out the two (hopefully) dazed guards. Now you

meet Oscar, switch to your Snub based weapon (the weakest) shoot him in the

knee, then the shoulder and finally in the head.


Respect: +6,500

Money: $5,000

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Shoot Oscar in the knee, then shoulder, then the head.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +32,000

Money: $25,000

Assassinate Jack Fontana [CH22]

Jack is trading out of Hell’s Kitchen’s Docks, unfortunately for him he’s

disrupted Michaels plans. He’s found were you can normally buy TNT, talk out

his many guards which are well armed and once the close is clear head up and

strangle him. In you’ve having problems you could always use a car with a

henchman in the back.


Respect: +15,000

Money: $7,500

Vendetta: +300

Bonus Condition: Strangle Him.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +75,000

Money: $37,000

Assassinate Salvatorre Stracci [CH23]

Salvatorre is the Don Stracci’s son, he’s planning to blow up a Corleone

warehouse in Hells Kitchen, kill him before that happens. This can be quite

a hard hit to complete with the bonus condition. Once you enter the warehouse

(on foot) look up at the balcony connecting the two buildings either side

and he should be there, a couple of hits he’ll fall down and die however

if you miss your chance he’ll blow up the first building (note he needs to

blow up all three). He’ll then appear in the building to the right, head

up the stairs enter the building just through the door way. Then double

back and chase him through the courtyard into the other building and up

the stairs, on this balcony is the last chance you’ll have to kill him

before you fail the bonus condition and if you target you’ll almost always

target somebody on the ground floor so use free aim.


Respect: +6,500

Money: $5,000

Vendetta: +400

Bonus Condition: Kill Salvatorre before he blows up the warehouse

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +32,000

Money: $25,000

Cuneo [CHC1]

Eliminate Bobby Marcolini [CH06]

He killed one of Clemenza’s friends, this isn’t business it’s personal and

isn’t sanctioned by the Corleones, so make it look like an accident.

Simply kill his bodyguards and throw him off the edge of the causeway.


Respect: +4,500

Money: $1,500

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Throw Bobby of a bridge or roof.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +22,000

Money: $7,500

Take Out Ronnie Tosca [CH07]

Probably the smartest Cuneo Capo, he’s been making deals with black market

sellers behind our backs to weaker our influence. Take him out and give

him a close cut between the ears, you know, shoot him in the head. Kill

the three guys in the front of the shop then take out the last bodyguard

in the back room then just shoot him(the target) in the head.


Respect: +5,500

Money: $4,000

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Kill him with a head shot.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +28,000

Money: $20,000

Take Out Mario Debellis [CH08]

Debellis is an old school Capo, he’s challenged the Corleone’s to a duel,

have over to the industrial park without drawing any weapons and beat him

up, then toss him over the ledge. You don’t have to worry about his guards

they won’t touch you.


Respect: +4,500

Money: $1,500


Bonus Condition: Accept the Duel, throw him off a ledge.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +22,000

Money: $7,500

Finish Off Michael Costa [CH15]

Costa is smuggling in weapons via the Canadian border, these guns are killing

Corleones, Kill Costa in the train yards. Sadly once you catch up to Costa

he’s on a platform with only one ramp up, if recommend getting out of your car,

killing all those around you then finding the ramp and driving up it killing

him,or you could go up and then throw him down.


Respect: +5,000

Money: $1,500


Bonus Condition: Run him over, with a car.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +25,000

Money: $7,500

Take Out Luciano Fabbri [CH30]

Luciano is the Cuneos’ Consigliere, while there is meant to be a peace

between the two families (really?) he his longing for a war. Head over

to the marked location, there you’ll meet a load of Cuneos hanging around

a street corner, if you haven’t taken over the opposite front then you’ve

got more of a problem, take out all his body guards, rush up to him and

talk to him a couple of times with the A button while you have him grabbed

and kill him.


Respect: +10,000

Money: $7,500

Vendetta: +300

Bonus Condition: Taunt Luciano before he dies.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +50,000

Money: $37,500

Eliminate Marco Cuneo [CH31]

Marco is the son of Don Cuneo, publicly he’s clean and well respected, even

by the cops, privately however he’s a brutal commander and responsible for

the deaths of many Corleones’. Take him out but make it look like an accident.

This can be quite a tough one as you’ve got to take out the large number of

guards armed with Tommy Guns on the corner then grab Marco who is armed with

a magnum then drag him across the road and throw him off the edge. I

recommend doing a drive by with a crewmember first to soften them all up,

then take out the rest of the guards when weaken Marco with a few choice

shots so it makes him easier to grab, hopefully your crewmember will still

be alive to keep any remaining guards or any cops that show up off your back

while you drag him.


Respect: +15,000

Money: $7,500

Vendetta: +400

Bonus Condition: Throw Marco into a ditch or rail yard

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +75,000

Money: $37,500

Barzini [CHB1]

Dispatch Big Bobby Toro [CH17]

Big Bobby Toro is wanted by the Corleones (who isn’t these days) there is only

one place the Barzini’s know he can’t be got at, in jail. Stop Bobby from

getting to jail before its too later. Simply run past the police and shoot

Bobby, then run out again, remember not to kill any of the cops.


Respect: +7,500

Money: $7,500

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Don’t kill any cops.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +37,000

Money: $37,000

Eliminate Glovanni Armanno [CH20]

Glovanni runs Barzini’s business in Sicily, he’ in town and has kidnapped a

FBI agent, kill Glovanni but save the fed. Take out the guards on the ground

floor, there shouldn’t be too many but everybody is well armed. Go down to the

basement and use cover until you get to the last corner. Now use wall cover

aim at his head and shoot him dead.


Respect: +6,000

Money: $5,000

Vendetta: +400

Bonus Condition: Don’t kill the fed.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +30,000

Money: $25,000

Execute Pietro Testa [CH24]

Pietro is weakening the Corleones influence on Police Chiefs, he’s the reason

why, kill him while he’s shacking hands with the Police Chief. Head all the

way down to Chambers St Little Italy and once you reach the arch they’re

meeting under, sneak up to the car and wait for Pietro and the Police

Chief to shake hands, after that they’ll try to kill each other and you

can either get away or kill them all.


Respect: +8,000

Money: $5,000

Vendetta: +200

Bonus Condition: Kill Pietro while he’s shaking hands with the Police Chief

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +40,000

Money: $25,000

Put Away Domenico Mazza [CH29]

Mazza is the Barzini Consigliore, he’s wealth and very paranoid and hires

numerous body guards. With good reason to it seems. It’ll be tough so hire a

crew member to help you out. Make sure you have a crew member at this point,

you’ll find places to hire them all over, just look for the head icon. Get a

nice car, you know something sporty not too damaged and head over to the

marked location. Make your crew-member hang out of the car and shoot anybody

but pressing the – and + buttons head over to the target and just let you

crew do the job for you, be careful you don’t catch on fire and blow up though.


Respect: +9,000

Money: $10,000

Vendetta: +300

Bonus Condition: Let a crew member kill Mazza in a drive-by.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +45,000

Money: $50,000

Execute Emilio Barzini Jr.[CH32]

Emilio is the son of Don Barzini and the new underboss to the family; he’ll be

attending the funeral of the late Mr Mazza their Consigliere. This can be an

annoying mission and despite what the bonus condition says you don’t have to

use a car bomb, all you need to do is take him out by making a car explode,

I tried planting a car bomb but all that happened was he ran away into the

church yard I took a load of rounds in my chest and he didn’t get killed, I

then had to drag him out of the church yard, place him next to a car, then

blow up the car. The alternative method is without going across the road to

were they are just blow up the line of cars, that should take him out in

the desired method, maybe ploughing your car right in the centre of the

group and that exploding would be a good idea.


Respect: +9,500

Money: $10,000

Vendetta: +400

Bonus Condition: Take out Emilio with a car bomb.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +47,000

Money: $50,000

Other [CHO1]

Execute Patrick O-Donnell [CH09]

Unlocked after the Silent Witness mission. O-Donnell is an Underboss for a

powerful Chicago based syndicate, his family wants to move in on New York,

send him a message that they aren’t welcome.

I really like this hit, head over to the marked hotel in Midtown and use the

elevator, go through the racket and up to the roof. Go across to the other

building by a plank of wood and take out the family men in purple, go around

the top of the building until you come to a breakable window, kill the guy

inside and jump in. Now kill the women, one of them will shoot you, grab Paddy

and toss him off the pent balcony just through the window.


Respect: +4,000

Money: $4,000


Bonus Condition: Throw Patrick off the balcony of his penthouse

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +40,000

Money: $20,000

Bring Down Luigi Fusco [CH11]

Luigi has been using local girls to smuggle drugs, stop him. He’ll be in an

alley going after a girl, he’ll have loads of body guards armed to the teeth

so watch yourself and remember you have to use the lead pipe on him if you

want all the extras so don’t get carried away.


Respect: +3,000

Money: $1,500


Bonus Condition: Use a lead pipe

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +15,000

Money: $7,500

Put Away Jaggy Jovino [CH12]

Jovino has turned against the Corleones and has hooked up with the Barzinis.

Send a message on how the Corleones lead with traitors.It’s a simple case of

killing the few bodyguards then shooting him in the head while he’s holding

one of the girls hostage.


Respect: +7,000

Money: $7,500

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Don’t hurt the escort girls.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +35,000

Money: $37,500

Assassinate Tyrone Bloom [CH16]

Judge Tyrone is presiding over Ferriera’s police brutality case (this guy

is a barrel of fun). He’s in hospital at the moment so he’s your chance,

ake it look “natural” though. Enter the hospital and go downstairs, kill

the guards and search the rooms for a package.


Respect: +5,000

Money: $6,000


Bonus Condition: Give Tyrone a lethal injection.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +60,000

Money: $25,000

Knock Out Kelly Berry [CH18]

Kelly “KO” Barry was meant to take a dive in a fight, of course he didn’t

and won the fight and everybody lost their bets, teach him how to go down

in a fair fight. When you get up to the roof of the building marked kill

all the spectators with your fists as they’ll throw bottles at you, now

turn your attention to Kelly, he can be a pain so if you’re having problems

pistol whip him, then kill him when he’s down.


Respect: +1,000

Money: $50

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: KO Kelly in a fair fight

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +50,000

Money: $10,000

Knock Off Nicholas Klaus [CH19]

Nicholas is a business associate of the Cuneos and can spot weapons a mile

off so .keep them hidden. There are two methods for this hit, either walk

past the guards and strangle him but that doesn’t work often as the guards

will be shooting at you and hitting you often interrupting the strangle or

even killing him in the progress but it can be done. The second is more

practical, kill the guards first then rush up to him avoiding his shotgun

fire and strangle him without any interruptions, he also seems to go down



Respect: +6,000

Money: $5,000

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Strangle him

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +30,000

Money: $25,000

Eliminate the Scaleri Brothers [CH25]

Ray and James Scaleri are hitmen from the Chicago crime syndicate, take them

out before they get a foothold in New York. This one can be a pain as you

have to kill them at the same time, or near enough, head over to Columbus

Circle and head up to the lorry (on foot) Take out a powerful weapon and

start plugging bullets into the grill until it blows up, now this may kill

them but more than likely they’re going to get out and it’s just going to

knock them to their feet in which case you can kill them in quick succession

anyway. Oh the other hand you could chase them with a car until they get out

or it blows up but then they’ll be driving all over the place and shooting

at you and it can be messy but it’s the same principle. Just remember you

don’t have to kill them exactly at the same time, just very close to each

others death.


Respect: +7,500

Money: $6,000

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Kill them at the same time.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +75,000

Money: $30,000

Take Out Ronaldo Manning [CH26]

Manning is with Internal Affairs investigating Ferriera, odd has he seems

squeaky clean. Send Internal Affairs a message by drowning him. Head over

to the marked location, bribe the cops at the top and go down the stairs,

he’ll be with three heavily armed FBI agents. Either talk to him to start

off the fighting or start it off the old fashion way, that’s shooting first

asking questions while you’re killing them. Once you’ve taken out his guards

grab Manning and hold him over the ledge where the water is coming out of a

pipe, hold him there until he drowns.


Respect: +10,000

Money: $7,000


Bonus Condition: Down Him

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +100,000

Money: $37,500

Bring Down Josef Neikrasz [CH27]

Josef is an international crime boss, he’s in New York on business, find him

and bring him back to Ferriera and spilt the bounty on his head. Talk to the

broad at the marked point, it’s a set up! Take out the car that comes driving

up the path and head down to street level clearing the road of everybody you

can. Get in a car and drive away, infact you don’t get anything so ignore the

stats below.


Respect: +15,000

Money: $10,000

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Stuff him in a car trunk and bring him back to Ferriera.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +150,000

Money: $50,000

Whack Sergeant Ferriera [CH28]

Ferriera set you up, now it’s time for him to pay, to tarnish his reputation

as well as extinguish his life make it a public execution. Head over to

Little Italy Police station, kill his two cop buddies and drag him out to

the street, you’ll know when you go far enough as he’ll drop to his knees,

now kill him.


Respect: +15,000

Money: $10,000

Vendetta: N/A

Bonus Condition: Drag him into the street and then execute him.

Bonus Reward;

Respect: +150,000

Money: $50,000




Favours [FV01]

People we occasionally ask you for favours, it helps you gain respect.

These appear as purple dots.

Pay Off The Don’s Official [FV02]

This favour is so easy, it’s an insult really. Just go over to the club and

talk to the guy who is talking to the girl and is in a blue suit.


Respect: +2,500

Destroy Fredo’s Car [FV03]

*Sigh* Fredo, the weak link in the Corleone family. Seems his car has a dead

body in it and what’s worse the cops have it impounded, thankful they haven’t

looked in the trunk yet so get over to the New Jersey police station and blow

it up. Just rush into the police station ignoring the police and plant some

TNT and rush on out again. You’ll have quite a few stars after this though so

have a car waiting.


Respect: +2,500

Retrieve The Valuables From The Top Floor [FV03

You can only do this favour after you’ve exploited the shop in Brooklyn on

Tillary Lane. Don Stracci has hidden something on the top floor, despite

being on fire it’s surprisingly easy to reach. Climb through the front window

and head on out to the back. I suggest crouching while you’re going because

explosions will be going off and you’ll get knocked off your feet each time

so it just becomes annoying. Head down the steps and around the strangely

linear fire line and up the stairs on the other side, then through the window

and pick up the key on the office floor. Go downstairs and out through the

side door. You don’t give the key back so head towards the bank in Little

Italy (the lower one on Worth St) to pick up the key to those armoured cars

you see parked outside banks.


Respect: +2,500

Break Up The Union Strike [FV04]

Now you’re meant to do this quietly but I’ve never figured out how to do that

so head over to the warehouse in question and just kill them all, they can’t

strike when they’re dead, right?


Respect: +5,000

Destroy The Midtown Drug Market [FV05]

After you’ve destroyed all of the drug fronts this favour will be open to you.

Head over to the market and shoot up/blown up/ destroy all the market stalls.

This should draw some attention from the rival families so wipe out the few

guys that turn up. Get over to the truck in the alley across the street and

blow that up too.


Respect: +5,000

Intimidate A Guard Jury Member [FV06]

Seems there were witnesses from your last favour and they’re bringing the case

to court, odd I’ve killed thousands of people in front of thousands of witnesses

and that’s never happen before. Oh well, head down to city hall, bribe the cops

standing guard and talk to the Juror, beat him up a little and get him to change

his mind.


Respect: +5000

Stash The Truck At Paulie’s Apartment [FV07]

Seems Clemenza has a lot of stuff he doesn’t want the cops to find. Get in the

truck and head down to Paulie’s apartment, the cops will be after you so it can

be a pain in the arse. They have set up some serious roadblocks to try and make

you take the long way around but you can still just drive right through them if

you want.


Respect: +5,000

Infiltrate The Bank and Retrieve Don Corleone’s Evidence [FV09]

The Don has blackmail evidence on a number of judges which he keeps in a vault

in Manhattan Trust. The Cuneos are planning to heist the bank, get the evidence

before it falls into the wrong hands or is destroyed. When you reach the bank

head around to the side door, inside you’ll notice the building is on fire,

great. Take the long way around via the main room, through the side office and

around the back of the cashier desks killing anybody you see along the way.

Now the fire will magically disappear and cops will rush downstairs.

They’re not much cop (get it cop, cops, so funny) and it’s up to you to save

the bank, kinda. They’ll blow the vault leaving it wide open so take the

money, kill the guys left in the office at the end and pick up the papers

on the desk to complete

the favour.


Respect: +7,500

Steal The Cuneo Money [FV10]

After their successful (debatable) heist of Manhattan Trust the Cuneos have too

much money to launder through their businesses. The Corleones however have no

such problem so let’s relieve them of this unnecessary burden. You can hire

the crewmember downstairs if you wish but I preferred my man, get over to the

train yards in Hell’s Kitchen and kill all the guards hanging around the train

carriage. There are explosive boxes all over the place and a guy on the roof

so watch yourself. The money is inside the carriage so collect that to complete

the favour.


Repect: +7,500




Blackmail {BM01]

Little Italy Police Chief

Talk to one of the dancers on the upper floor of Sammy’s located in Bowery St.,

Little Italy. Now go head to the church on the corner of Prince and Mott St.

Rough up the gravedigger then go visit the Little Italy Chief in Harry’s Bar

on Allen St. You can now go back and talk to the Police Chief anytime to get

some free police coverage.

Brooklyn Police Chief

Flirt with the Singer in the Valentino’s Club, located in Fleet Alley in

Brooklyn. Now go talk to the good Doctor on Nassau ST, Brooklyn. Talk to him

first then plant some TNT on his miniature safe out back, grab the

prescriptions and head over to Church St, Brooklyn and confront the Brooklyn

Police chief. You can now go back and talk to the Police Chief anytime to

get some free police coverage.

New Jersey Police Chief

Flirt with the girl upstairs in the Crane club located on River Rd. Seems the

Chief has been swiping evidence and what’s more he’s the chief suspect in

several unsolved murder cases. He keeps the evidence in a room in The George

Hotel, located on 14th St. Infact it’s just by your room. Bribe the cops

standing guard outside the room now head over to Garden St. and blackmail

the Chief. You can now go back and talk to the Police Chief anytime to get

some free police coverage.

Hells Kitchen Police Chief

Flirt with the girl in the Providence Hotel in the room next to yours, it’s

located on 48th St. Seems the Police Chiefs son is in witness protection,

head to the church on 42nd St. go around the left side of the church and go

down the stairs, kill the family man he’s talking to and interrogate him

for info, now go confront the Police Chief. You can now go back and talk to

the Police Chief anytime to get some free police coverage.

Midtown Police Chief

Flirt with the Girl in the Flowers of Scotland florist on 37th St. Seems the

Police Chief is a regular and not only that some photographer has been taking

pictures, head down to Midtown hospital and convince him to part with these

photos. Pay the guy off with $10,000 now go confront the Police Chief on 40th

St. You can now go back and talk to the Police Chief anytime to get some free

police coverage.




Shopkeeper Favours {WS01]

Simple missions really, where shopkeepers ask you to help them with something,

complete it and you’ll get protection money.

Trapani’s Bakery [WS02]

This Bakery is in Little Italy on Mulberry St. She has a problem with a drug

dealer doing drugs behind her shop. Simply kill the drug dealer and go talk

to the Baker.

Bowery Hotel [WS03]

Located in Litter Italy on the corner of Pitt St. The owner has a problem

with tenants, or rather squatters. Go upstairs and kill them all, it’s an

easy affair as they’re only armed with melee weapons, but try not to let

them get the drop on you. After that go talk to the owner.

The Full Moon [WS04]

Found in Brooklyn on Front St. All you have to do is destroy the car behind the

club, your shotgun will make short work of it. Now go talk to the owner.

Arnolds Famous 47 [WS05]

Located in New Jersey, Garden St. it appears that next door is blocking the

back door with all his stock, take out a gun and blow up all the crates outside.

Sicilian Goods [WS06]

Found in Brooklyn on Tillary Lane there is some arsonist around back and kill

him,watch out you don’t get set on fire. After that just go talk to the


St Alban’s Hotel [WS07]

Found in Midtown it’s the first place you can buy a safe house coming from

Little Italy. Seems the Stracci’s are attempting to set you a casino on the

upper level, get up there and sort them out. It shouldn’t be too hard there

is round five of them, don’t forget there is a safe up there as well, now go

talk to the manager.

Palladio Willow [WS08]

Found in Midtown on Fifth St. After you talk to the shopkeeper she’ll talk

about Jimmy, her boxer friend, thankfully he’s rather old and past it so he

shouldn’t be too much of a problem, even if you can’t handle yourself in a

boxing match yet. Just keep up the punches and he won’t know what hit him.

If you can’t however remember you can use melee weapons or pistol whips.

The Lunar Bar [FV08]

Found in Midtown on the 40th St the shopkeeper has a problem with some goons

setting of fireworks. Head out the front door and down the alley, shoot the

explosive barrels and then blow up the van, the ensuing explosions should

take them all out without you breaking a sweat.

Tyler’s Top Cuts [WS09]

Found in Hells Kitchen on 44th St. talk to the barber, he’ll tell you about

how these guys are going to rough him up because he can’t pay on time (do we

really want to extort him as he doesn’t pay up?) and before he finishes a couple

of Cuneos turn up. Stay inside the shop and kill the three guys that appear the

other side of the window, magnum is good around here or a shotgun. Make sure

the shopkeeper doesn’t die and after you finish them off talk to him.

A Word From the Maker [WFTM]

Godfather the game was fantastic, not having played the other version of the

game I’m not sure how well it’s been ported however the Wii controls make

pounding a guy much more fun than it would be just hitting a button. Anyway

the game made me go out and buy the movie, the movie then caused me to get

the box set. See the movies if you haven’t already and watch all three, each

one is a good as the last. Oh and finally rumours of Godfather II the game

are going around at the time of writing this so here’s hoping.

You may use this guide however you see fit, I wrote everything so credit

wouldn’t go amiss. Everything apart from the ASCII artwork which was

generated by .

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