The World Ends With You Tin Pin Slammer


Tin Pin Slammer (or Tin Pin) is a mini-game enabled when you receive the sticker (S) Tin Pin Versus. Tin Pin can be played against NPC opponents, or, using Mingle Mode, against real opponents. The rewards from the game include pins and MPP. There are books in-game that tell you tips about this game (in the Swag List), but most of the information has been complied onto this page. Tin Pins can also be used as psychs during battle, each with a unique ability as always, though most Tin Pins don't evolve at all. Read on for more information about Tin Pin gameplay, rules, and pin stats.

Rules & Abilities

Tin Pin Slammer is won by knocking all of your opponent's pins off of the battlefield, or having the highest score when time runs out. You gain a point for stunning your opponent's pin with a technique, and you gain two points by eliminating an opponent's pin. If all of your pins are eliminated, your score will be reduced to zero. When one of your pins are eliminated, it will be replaced by the next pin in your deck, going from left to right. When a new pin comes in to play, it will flicker and be unable to act for a short time (invincibility period). During this period of time, enemy attacks will pass through it.

There are four techniques (special moves) which pins can make use of. In order to use these abilities, you must press the D-pad in the direction of the move you wish to use. Each pin has a set amount of times they can use each technique, ranging anywhere from not at all to dozens of times. The techniques are as follows:

Stinger (Right):The stinger causes your pin to enlarge and grow spikes. You can not move your pin while it is in this state. If an opponent's pin touches your pin while the stinger is activated, the opponent's pin will be stunned. The amount of time the stinger lasts varies from pin to pin.

Dive Bomber (Up): When you use the bomber, your pin will leap off the screen and a cross hair will take it's place. You can then direct the cross hair by pressing anywhere on the touch screen. After an amount of time, which varies from pin to pin has passed, your pin will crash down onto the field like a meteor, stunning anything it impacts upon. This does not bypass the stinger effect however, and your pin will be stunned if it collides with somebody using the stinger.

Sledgehammer (Left):When you use the hammer, a hammer will extend from your pin, and rotate around it. If the hammerhead strikes an opponent's pin, the pin will be stunned. However, the handle has no effect. The hammer's duration, rotation speed, number of rotations around your pin, and the handle's length all vary from pin to pin. You can use the hammer to strike a pin that's using stinger to disable the stinger effect and stun it.

Helping Hand (Down): The hand can only be used when your pin has been knocked off of the field. If used early on during your pin's fall to it's demise, a hand will form and knock your pin back onto the field.

Effectiveness Note:Dive Bombing is most effect against the Sledgehammer, the Stinger counters Dive Bombing every time, and the Sledgehammer will crush the Stinger to pieces. Each time you succeed in using a move (excludes the Helping Hand), you will gain one point.

Panels & Fields

Aside from regular panels, there are quite a few field variations and panel differentiations. Each panel/field is separate and unique, so use each one to your advantage!


Red L-Block:Also known as the invisible panel. When you send your Tin Pin into one of these, your pin will become invisible, but that doesn't mean you are invincible, you are still vulnerable to Pin Slams and abilities.

Red Fan: Sends your pin in the air for a brief period. Pins can soar over all obstacles and other pins while airborne

Blue Warping Circle: These panels teleport your Tin Pin to another Blue Warping Circle. Useful for getting away from opponents.

Bricks: These bricks are off the stage, but they act like walls and prevent Tin Pins from falling.

Metal Panels: Metal Panels are extremely slick and can send your pin skyrocketing off the edge if you're not careful.


Jungle:This field does not have any panels, but each panel is replaced with grass and other obstacles. It has a weird awkward shape and has trees, rocks, and bushes. The doodads are usually bouncy once you hit them, so beware.

Large Field:The large field isn't that different from the basic field. This field is longer (vertically) and is the only stage I know that contains bricks.


This is a list of all pins with Tin Pin-related information. You can sort this table by clicking on the arrows at the top of any column.

   Name  Class  Weight  Spin  Ko length  Stinger  Bomber  Hammer  Hand
Pin 001 Ice Blow A 99 00 44 1313 55 00 11
Pin 002 Ice Risers A 99 11 55 1313 33 44 00
Pin 003 Frozen Cool Reaper 99 22 33 1515 44 00 00
Pin 004 Blizzard Cool Reaper 99 33 44 1616 00 00 11
Pin 005 Earthshake B 99 44 44 77 55 44 11
Pin 006 Sexy D B 99 55 44 66 88 44 00
Pin 007 Sexy + B 99 66 66 99 44 77 11
Pin 008 Sexy B B 99 77 44 44 55 99 00
Pin 009 Straitjacket B 99 88 55 00 77 99 22
Pin 010 Blown Kiss Angel 99 99 33 44 77 55 00
Pin 011 D+B A 99 1010 44 00 1111 44 22
Pin 012 Happy Beam A 33 00 44 66 00 1212 00
Pin 013 Natural Magnum A 33 11 33 77 55 00 11
Pin 014 Wonder Magnum A 33 22 33 1111 00 55 00
Pin 015 Beauty Launcher A 33 33 44 55 88 44 11
Pin 016 One Love Magnum A 33 33 33 33 55 88 00
Pin 017 Hounder Magnum A 33 44 33 44 55 77 00
Pin 018 Bear Hug Magnum A 33 44 44 00 1111 66 11
Pin 019 Sparkle Beam A 33 44 55 88 55 33 22
Pin 020 Lil' Terror Bazooka A 33 55 44 77 77 77 00
Pin 021 Angel Magnum A 33 55 33 66 33 88 00
Pin 022 Cutie Beam A 33 55 44 44 88 55 11
Pin 023 Lovely Beam A 33 55 55 1010 44 00 33
Pin 024 Sexy Beam A 33 66 33 00 1010 99 00
Pin 025 Superfine Beam A 33 66 44 44 55 44 11
Pin 026 Playmate Beam A 33 66 33 55 00 77 11
Pin 027 Purity Launcher A 33 77 44 55 99 44 00
Pin 028 Innocence Beam A 33 77 33 66 44 55 00
Pin 029 Pop Pendulum A 33 77 55 33 66 55 33
Pin 030 Casual Pendulum A 33 88 55 77 22 33 33
Pin 031 Love Me Tether A 33 88 44 1010 44 55 00
Pin 032 Pamper me Tether A 33 88 44 1313 00 77 11
Pin 033 Sweet Talk Tether A 33 88 55 1515 44 00 22
Pin 034 Natural Puppy A 33 99 44 44 77 66 00
Pin 035 Frantic C 88 00 33 44 00 1717 00
Pin 036 Blink Step C 88 00 44 77 55 44 11
Pin 037 First Gear C 88 00 44 55 33 55 22
Pin 038 Top Gear C 88 11 44 66 66 66 00
Pin 039 Egg Bomb B 88 11 55 88 88 88 00
Pin 040 Meteor Magnet B 88 11 44 33 1212 33 11
Pin 041 Meteor Hook B 88 22 44 00 1515 44 00
Pin 042 Meteor Spike B 88 22 44 55 1616 00 00
Pin 043 Strong Heart C 88 22 55 55 22 44 33
Pin 044 Strong Spirit C 88 33 22 00 44 66 00
Pin 045 Strong Body C 88 33 44 99 66 33 11
Pin 046 Strong 'n Proud B 88 44 44 1111 00 77 00
Pin 047 Poison Scorpion A 88 44 55 66 1010 00 22
Pin 048 Poison Skull A 88 55 44 1010 33 44 00
Pin 049 Poison Bones A 88 55 44 55 77 77 11
Pin 050 Poison Chains A 88 66 44 66 44 88 00
Pin 051 Rapier Glance A 88 66 44 33 1010 44 11
Pin 052 Love Charge Angel 88 77 44 33 33 33 33
Pin 053 Guardian Angel Angel 88 77 44 88 55 88 00
Pin 054 Archangel Angel 88 88 44 1010 77 00 00
Pin 055 Energy Factor Angel 88 88 33 55 00 55 11
Pin 056 Speed Factor Angel 88 99 44 33 77 77 00
Pin 057 Supply Factor A 88 99 33 00 1010 99 00
Pin 058 Chaos A 88 1010 44 44 88 55 11
Pin 059 Pavo Real A 88 1212 44 55 88 33 11
Pin 060 Lightning Moon A 55 00 44 11 99 1010 00
Pin 061 Lightning Storm A 55 00 44 77 33 88 11
Pin 062 Burning Cherry A 55 11 44 55 1212 00 00
Pin 063 Burning Melon A 55 11 55 00 1212 55 22
Pin 064 Burning Berry A 55 22 44 33 1212 33 00
Pin 065 Aqua Monster B 55 22 44 55 44 88 11
Pin 066 Aqua Ghost B 55 33 44 88 66 44 00
Pin 067 Aqua Demon B 55 33 44 88 44 33 11
Pin 068 Cornered Rat B 55 44 33 55 44 77 00
Pin 069 Blast Warning A 55 44 44 00 1111 66 11
Pin 070 Candle Service A 55 55 44 33 1414 33 00
Pin 071 Shock Warning A 55 55 44 77 1010 00 11
Pin 072 Kinetic Warning C 55 66 44 55 1010 33 00
Pin 073 Impact Warning B 55 66 55 00 2323 00 22
Pin 074 Storm Warning C 55 77 44 44 66 66 11
Pin 075 Electric Warning B 55 88 44 66 77 44 00
Pin 076 Teleport Warning C 55 99 44 1010 00 77 00
Pin 077 Shout A 55 99 44 00 66 99 11
Pin 078 Psych Support A 55 1010 33 33 77 77 00
Pin 079 Stopper Spark A 55 1111 44 00 1010 44 22
Pin 080 Mus Rattus A 55 1212 33 55 55 66 00
Pin 081 Masamune A 77 00 44 99 00 88 11
Pin 082 Onikiri A 77 00 55 44 77 33 22
Pin 083 Nenekiri A 77 11 55 99 99 99 00
Pin 084 Kanesada A 77 11 33 00 55 88 11
Pin 085 Enju A 77 22 44 66 88 44 00
Pin 086 Yoshimitsu A 77 22 33 00 88 88 00
Pin 087 Ichimonji B 77 33 44 1010 44 33 00
Pin 088 Nikkari B 77 33 66 1111 88 66 11
Pin 089 Mikazuki B 77 44 44 1212 33 44 00
Pin 090 Shiro B 77 44 55 1414 44 00 22
Pin 091 Unjo B 77 55 44 1515 00 22 00
Pin 092 Izanagi B 77 55 55 1616 00 55 11
Pin 093 Murasame A 77 66 44 00 77 1010 00
Pin 094 Rakuyo A 77 66 44 99 99 00 11
Pin 095 Kusanagi A 77 77 44 44 77 77 00
Pin 096 Ohabari A 77 77 44 1414 00 55 11
Pin 097 Zantetsu B 77 88 33 1010 33 44 00
Pin 098 Mitama B 77 88 44 00 44 1515 00
Pin 099 Izanami A 77 99 33 00 1010 55 00
Pin 100 Onmyo A 77 99 44 55 44 55 11
Pin 101 Konohana A 77 1010 66 33 44 33 44
Pin 102 Konohana Sakuya A 77 1010 44 88 44 55 00
Pin 103 Jupiter of the Monkey A 77 1212 55 77 00 99 22
Pin 104 Long Live the Rock C 1010 00 33 55 55 33 11
Pin 105 Long Live the Ice B 1010 11 44 00 99 1010 00
Pin 106 Long Live the Floe B 1010 22 44 33 44 77 22
Pin 107 Eyes Full of Hope B 1010 33 33 33 33 44 11
Pin 108 Eyes Full of Light B 1010 44 44 99 88 00 11
Pin 109 Hot Gaze C 1010 55 44 55 1414 00 00
Pin 110 Sizzling Gaze C 1010 66 55 00 1414 44 22
Pin 111 Cold Stare B 1010 77 33 88 33 66 00
Pin 112 Icy Stare B 1010 88 55 55 44 55 33
Pin 113 Wassup Thunder! B 1010 99 44 33 99 77 00
Pin 114 Wassup Lightning! B 1010 1010 44 00 99 66 11
Pin 115 Wassup Voltage! B 1010 1111 44 33 66 66 11
Pin 116 Indestructo Man A 1010 1313 44 00 1010 44 22
Pin 117 Hip Snake A 1010 1515 44 55 00 1010 11
Pin 118 Octo Squeeze Reaper 77 11 44 33 77 1010 00
Pin 119 Snail Squeeze Reaper 77 22 44 00 77 1212 00
Pin 120 Vacu Squeeze Reaper 77 33 44 44 00 1313 11
Pin 121 Gimmie Dat Sheep Reaper 77 44 44 00 88 1414 00
Pin 122 Gimme Dat Elephant Reaper 77 55 44 66 00 1515 00
Pin 123 Gimme Dat Hippo Reaper 77 55 44 00 00 1818 11
Pin 124 Crackle Pop Barrier A 77 66 44 00 1111 77 00
Pin 125 Splish Splash Barrier A 77 66 44 44 77 33 22
Pin 126 Creepy Weepy Barrier A 77 77 44 1010 00 44 11
Pin 127 Whirlygig Juggle C 77 88 33 66 1010 00 00
Pin 128 Healing Bunny A 77 88 66 33 66 55 33
Pin 129 Healing Flamingo A 77 88 66 22 77 55 33
Pin 130 Healing Whale A 77 99 55 11 55 55 33
Pin 131 Croc Leisure A 77 99 33 55 55 66 00
Pin 132 Monkey Leisure A 77 99 44 99 00 66 11
Pin 133 Bear Leisure A 77 1010 44 1010 1010 00 00
Pin 134 Squirrel Leisure A 77 1010 44 66 44 66 11
Pin 135 Sparkle Charge Angel 77 1212 55 55 77 11 33
Pin 136 Handsfree Healing Angel 77 1212 22 44 99 00 00
Pin 137 Sheep Heavenly A 77 1515 44 55 00 1010 22
Pin 138 Distortion B 66 00 33 00 88 88 00
Pin 139 Velocity Attack A 66 11 44 77 55 55 11
Pin 140 Velocity Tackle A 66 11 44 00 1010 1010 00
Pin 141 Demon's Hatred A 66 22 44 33 1515 33 11
Pin 142 Go 2 Hell B 66 22 44 1212 66 00 00
Pin 143 Go 2 Heaven B 66 33 44 1212 33 44 00
Pin 144 Lightning Anger B 66 33 55 33 44 1515 22
Pin 145 Lightning Rage B 66 44 44 00 44 1818 00
Pin 146 LIVE! A 66 44 44 88 44 66 11
Pin 147 Peace Full A 66 55 66 11 66 66 44
Pin 148 Thanx A 66 55 44 1010 33 44 11
Pin 149 D.I.Y A 66 66 44 66 77 33 11
Pin 150 Tigre Punks A 66 77 33 55 77 55 00
Pin 151 One Stone, Many Birds B 44 00 44 88 00 77 22
Pin 152 One Stroke, Vast Wealth B 44 11 33 00 77 99 00
Pin 153 One Grain, Infinite Promise B 44 22 44 88 99 00 11
Pin 154 Self Found, Others Lost B 44 33 33 55 00 1010 00
Pin 155 Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire A 44 44 44 00 1212 66 11
Pin 156 Flames Afar, Foes Aflame A 44 55 44 33 1212 44 00
Pin 157 Final Pyre, All Expired A 44 55 44 00 1414 44 11
Pin 158 Blue Blood Burns Blue B 44 66 44 44 1616 00 00
Pin 159 Live Slow, Die Fast B 44 66 44 77 00 88 22
Pin 160 Local Fire, Distant Sea B 44 77 44 55 88 55 00
Pin 161 June Earth, January Fan B 44 77 33 33 66 88 00
Pin 162 Swift Storm, Swift End B 44 88 55 77 99 99 11
Pin 163 Black Sky, White Bolt B 44 1010 55 77 00 77 22
Pin 164 Follow Suit, Fall in Turn B 44 1212 44 00 99 99 00
Pin 165 Dragon Couture A 44 1515 44 99 00 99 11
Pin 166 Lolita Bat A 55 00 55 55 55 33 22
Pin 167 Skull Rabbit A 55 11 44 33 88 77 00
Pin 168 Kaleidoscope B 55 22 33 44 88 55 00
Pin 169 Lolita Emblem B 55 33 44 1414 44 00 11
Pin 170 Lolita Chopper B 55 44 44 1616 00 66 00
Pin 171 Link Spider C 55 55 44 00 99 99 11
Pin 172 Web Spider C 55 66 33 55 66 55 00
Pin 173 Network Spider C 55 77 44 88 00 88 11
Pin 174 Lolita Mic A 55 88 44 88 88 55 00
Pin 175 Spider's Silk B 55 99 44 33 1111 33 00
Pin 176 Leopard A 55 1010 66 55 66 00 44
Pin 177 Lolita Skull A 55 1111 33 1010 77 00 00
Pin 178 Black Rose A 55 1212 44 55 66 44 11
Pin 179 Lapin Angelique A 55 1515 44 33 88 55 11
Pin 180 Thunder Pawn A 11 00 33 00 66 99 00
Pin 181 Lightning Pawn A 11 00 44 33 77 77 11
Pin 182 Aqua Pawn B 11 11 33 66 99 00 00
Pin 183 Swing Bishop A 11 11 55 44 55 44 33
Pin 184 Pegaso Bishop A 11 22 55 55 33 66 33
Pin 185 King Arthur A 11 33 44 00 99 99 11
Pin 186 Excalibur A 11 44 44 33 99 66 00
Pin 187 Thunder Rook B 11 55 44 55 44 55 22
Pin 188 Lightning Rook B 11 66 44 1111 77 00 00
Pin 189 Jack's Knight C 11 77 44 66 44 77 11
Pin 190 King's Knight C 11 88 44 99 00 99 00
Pin 191 Queen's Knight C 11 99 33 33 77 44 00
Pin 192 Her Royal Highness Angel 11 1010 44 44 99 44 00
Pin 193 Pegaso A 11 1313 44 77 00 88 11
Pin 194 Lazy Bomber A 22 00 44 00 99 99 00
Pin 195 Flower of Flame A 22 00 55 33 1515 00 22
Pin 196 Flower of Fire A 22 00 55 00 1616 55 11
Pin 197 Kewl Line B 22 11 44 77 00 1111 00
Pin 198 Dope Line B 22 11 44 33 44 1111 11
Pin 199 Wild Line B 22 22 44 00 55 1313 00
Pin 200 Fly Line A 22 22 33 00 44 1414 00
Pin 201 Fresh Line A 22 33 44 33 00 1515 11
Pin 202 Microcosmic Pull B 22 33 44 44 1717 33 00
Pin 203 Cosmic Pull B 22 44 44 00 1919 55 00
Pin 204 Macrocosmic Pull B 22 55 55 11 1919 22 22
Pin 205 Diss A 22 66 44 1111 77 00 00
Pin 206 Wild Boar A 22 88 55 77 11 44 33
Pin 207 Big Bang B 66 33 44 33 77 77 11
Pin 208 Big Crunch B 66 11 33 77 44 66 00
Pin 209 Swift as the Wind --- 66 11 44 00 44 1010 11
Pin 210 Hushed as the Wood --- 66 22 33 55 44 88 00
Pin 211 Fierce as the Flame --- 66 22 55 77 44 99 11
Pin 212 Stalwart as the Mount --- 66 33 33 33 33 99 00
Pin 213 Black Mars A 66 33 44 77 66 44 11
Pin 214 Black Jupiter A 66 44 44 00 77 77 22
Pin 215 Black Uranus A 66 55 44 66 1111 33 00
Pin 216 Black Venus A 66 66 44 77 1010 00 11
Pin 217 Black Saturn A 66 66 44 00 77 1010 00
Pin 218 Black Mercury B 66 77 33 44 88 44 00
Pin 219 Righty Cat A 66 77 44 66 1111 00 11
Pin 220 Brainy Cat A 66 88 44 66 44 99 11
Pin 221 Lefty Cat A 66 88 44 66 00 99 22
Pin 222 One Jump from Eden --- 66 99 22 00 44 55 00
Pin 223 One Skip from Eden --- 66 99 33 33 55 77 00
Pin 224 One Hop from Eden --- 66 1010 44 33 99 44 11
Pin 225 One Step from Eden --- 66 1010 33 44 66 66 00
Pin 226 Eden's Door --- 66 1212 44 77 00 1010 11
Pin 227 Visionary Blend Angel 66 1212 66 00 66 55 44
Pin 228 Red Skull A 66 1515 55 44 66 88 22
Pin 229 Gatito A 66 1515 44 00 1111 77 11
Pin 230 Tin Pin Fire C 55 44 44 33 44 55 11
Pin 231 Tin Pin Custom B 55 55 44 44 55 44 00
Pin 232 Tin Pin Wind A 66 66 44 66 33 33 00
Pin 233 Tin Pin Blade B 66 33 44 55 44 44 11
Pin 234 Tin Pin Wheel A 44 77 44 77 66 00 11
Pin 235 Tin Pin Dash A 55 22 44 00 66 88 11
Pin 236 Tin Pin Thrift A 77 55 44 77 44 44 11
Pin 237 Tin Pin Hellfire A 66 11 44 00 88 77 11
Pin 238 Tin Pin Sunscorch B 55 44 44 77 44 66 00
Pin 239 Tin Pin Rocker A 77 11 44 99 11 88 22
Pin 240 Tin Pin Artist A 22 22 44 77 55 77 11
Pin 241 Tin Pin Devil B 22 33 44 55 99 66 11
Pin 242 Tin Pin Ifrit A 77 00 44 99 77 99 11
Pin 243 Tin Pin Shiva Reaper 44 44 44 99 99 55 11
Pin 244 Tin Pin Golem B 55 44 44 55 1010 1010 22
Pin 245 Tin Pin Bahamut Reaper 66 66 44 77 55 1313 22
Pin 246 1 Yen --- 22 55 44 55 66 77 00
Pin 247 5 Yen --- 33 99 44 99 00 88 11
Pin 248 10 Yen --- 44 00 33 33 88 55 00
Pin 249 50 Yen --- 55 44 44 55 00 1010 11
Pin 250 100 Yen --- 66 44 44 88 88 33 11
Pin 251 500 Yen --- 77 33 55 1010 99 00 22
Pin 252 1000 Yen --- 88 77 33 00 66 1111 00
Pin 253 5000 Yen --- 99 77 44 00 88 1010 00
Pin 254 10000 Yen --- 1010 1515 22 33 33 55 00
Pin 255 Scarletite --- 88 00 55 00 66 66 33
Pin 256 Rare Metal --- 88 33 44 00 1010 99 00
Pin 257 Tektite --- 88 66 44 88 00 99 11
Pin 258 Adamantite --- 88 88 44 88 77 33 00
Pin 259 Orichalcum --- 88 1212 55 55 33 66 22
Pin 260 Shadow Matter --- 88 1515 44 44 88 55 00
Pin 261 Dark Matter --- 88 1515 44 55 99 33 11
Pin 262 Rhyme --- 55 66 55 00 88 88 22
Pin 263 Lucky Star C 1010 00 55 44 1010 00 22
Pin 264 Lady Luck C 22 66 55 66 66 33 22
Pin 265 Lucky Panda C 11 22 33 00 99 88 00
Pin 266 Pyrokinesis A 55 99 44 44 99 55 11
Pin 267 Shockwave A 44 11 44 55 88 55 11
Pin 268 Cure Drink A 66 44 55 77 00 77 33
Pin 269 Force Rounds A 44 33 44 77 55 55 11
Pin 270 Psychokinesis C 77 55 33 00 99 77 00
Pin 271 Thunderbolt C 22 1212 44 33 77 55 11
Pin 272 The Eyes Have It B 88 44 33 00 1010 77 00
Pin 273 I Live for Food A 99 44 55 33 66 77 33
Pin 274 Walk on, Walk off C 11 66 33 66 44 55 00
Pin 275 Me Time is Free Time Reaper 88 22 55 44 00 1616 11
Pin 276 Fuji Yama B 33 1010 44 88 44 66 00
Pin 277 Daruma B 77 88 44 00 1414 55 00
Pin 278 Sushi B 55 00 44 55 77 66 00
Pin 279 Shinobi A 44 44 44 1010 00 1010 00
Pin 280 Tigris Reaper 44 55 44 1717 00 55 00
Pin 281 Corehog Angel 55 33 44 44 77 77 00
Pin 282 Jelly Reaper 66 66 44 00 1111 66 00
Pin 283 Shark Reaper 88 1010 44 55 00 1515 00
Pin 284 Leo Reaper 22 88 44 88 66 44 00
Pin 285 Ovis Reaper 33 1212 44 00 1010 44 22
Pin 286 Cornix Angel 77 88 44 44 1717 00 11
Pin 287 Popguin Angel 55 11 44 88 44 44 11
Pin 288 Pteropus Angel 66 99 55 33 55 55 33
Pin 289 Mink Reaper 55 99 44 00 44 1818 00
Pin 290 Boomer Angel 44 77 66 1818 00 00 33
Pin 291 Sprog Reaper 88 00 33 99 33 55 00
Pin 292 Fox Angel 55 22 44 55 1313 00 11
Pin 293 Bat Angel 66 33 55 00 99 44 33
Pin 294 Rhino Reaper 66 1212 44 44 00 1616 11
Pin 295 Shrew Reaper 77 77 44 88 55 55 00
Pin 296 Woolly Reaper 88 66 44 77 00 77 11
Pin 297 Raven Reaper 88 66 55 33 88 66 22
Pin 298 Drake Angel 55 1111 44 00 1717 00 00
Pin 299 Anguis Reaper 1010 66 33 66 00 1010 00
Pin 300 Pig Reaper 55 77 55 77 66 33 22
Pin 301 Carcin Reaper 77 66 44 55 1212 00 11
Pin 302 Grizzly Reaper 88 1515 44 55 33 1010 00
Pin 303 Wolf Angel 33 33 44 00 1010 66 11
Pin 304 Frog Angel 66 55 44 55 00 1212 00
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