[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] A R M Y O F T W O (XBOX 360) W A L K T H R O U G H AUTHOR: PAUL MICHAEL (VHAYSTE®) CONTACT/PAYPAL EMAIL: vhayste@gmail.com Main Page: http://vhayste.blogspot.com Blog: http://vhayste01.blogspot.com V 1.0 4:11 PM 8/11/2008 ----------- Finished the text faq. =========================================================================== =========================== C O P Y R I G H T ============================= =========================================================================== This document is copyrighted to me, Vhayste®. It is intended for ~PRIVATE~ use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. =========================================================================== ====================== A U T H O R 'S N O T E =========================== =========================================================================== Hello guys and welcome again to another walkthrough of mine. This time, I’ll be covering a 3PS (Third-person shooter). It’s actually a first for me, since my forte is with RPG games and Ace Combat. This will be my fourth guide for a 360 game in PDF format, of course. I wrote this guide after I finished the game and after collecting the intel briefcases. Apparently, once you collect them in your playthrough, they won’t reappear anymore on your future playthroughs. If you have questions, suggestions and additional tips you would like to add, kindly refer to the credits page for my contact email add or my official homepage. This guide is distributed FREE and can be downloaded in major gaming sites I usually contribute to. I don’t request for payments but if you are generous enough to pitch in a dollar or two to support my projects, I would greatly appreciate that. ~~Paul Vhayste Download the PDF guide here: http://faqs.ign.com/articles/896/896344p1.html View it online here: http://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/xbox360/19789.htm =========================================================================== ======================= I N T R O D U C T I O N =========================== =========================================================================== Security threats at home and overseas were getting out of hand. And it only takes two men to stop them – at a price. Caught between being a contractor and a soldier, Rios and Salem proved to be indispensable in the battlefield. They have completed missions that were considered impossible by others. They executed each mission flawlessly and with deadly efficiency. It doesn’t matter how many adversaries they faced; together they are unstoppable. Together they are the Army of Two. =========================================================================== ============================ B O O T C A M P ============================ =========================================================================== AGGRO ++++++++++ Since you and your partner are the only ones between oblivion and a hell lot of enemies, sometimes you’ll need to flank them to efficiently overcome the opposition. This is where Aggro kicks in. The player with the most aggro gets the enemies’ attention. This makes the other player practically invisible. Don’t think this is just one way of defeating enemies; it’s the only way to survive a firefight against an army. Firing at enemies normally builds up aggro. Carrying a hostage, a heavier weapon or manning to the turrets gives you an automatic aggro boost. Aggro is essential for playing tactically and strategically. The player on aggro turns fiery red and becomes the target of enemy fire while his partner enters ‘stealth’ mode. This is a great way to strike enemies from behind while the other player creates a diversion. In single player campaign, its always a good idea for your partner to act as a decoy. Putting him on Aggressive Hold will prompt him to take cover while blind-firing at enemies. You can then safely move around the enemies to get a vantage point to your advantage. Remember that your partner will keep shooting at enemies even if his health is low. Order him to ‘Passive Hold’ for him to stop shooting, rest and regenerate his health. More of these commands will be discussed later on. OVERKILL ++++++++++ Holding the aggro long enough will enable players to enter Overkill mode. This burst of adrenaline-like reaction provides temporary increase in defense and damage, as well as infinite ammo. There are two kinds of overkill mode: Power and Stealth overkills. Power Overkill -------------- When the aggro meter is pointed to your side, activating overkill mode will enable you to have increased damage and armor. Everything slows down and you can accurately shoot enemies at deadly efficiency. Your ammo is unlimited while in this mode so keep that trigger finger steady. The only downside while in this mode is that you move sluggishly; you can’t just rush at enemies with guns blazing unfortunately. Stealth Overkill ---------------- If you activated overkill while the aggro meter is pointed to your partner’s side, you’ll enter Stealth overkill mode. In this mode, you’ll be able to move quickly around the field to score some melee kills. Everything is in slow-mo, including enemy movement. However, you won’t be affected by this limitation. Killing a certain number of enemies in both overkill modes will unlock some achievements as well so don’t just go with one kind of overkill. Be creatively deadly. MEDIC! ++++++++++ The game features a health regeneration system, like most modern shooters does. The screen will slowly turn red while taking fire. When near death, the screen turns ominous red and the next few shots will surely incapacitate the player. To recover health, take cover and it will regenerate in a few seconds time. Another great feature of the game is that players don’t get killed immediately after taking severe damage. Instead, they will be incapacitated. Their partners will need to drag them to safety and heal them back to fighting condition. Players can still shoot their weapons while being dragged so they can protect themselves from enemies that will try to take advantage of the situation. Remember that the actual healing takes a few good seconds to complete and can be interrupted by enemy fire so bringing your partner to a safe cover before healing is integral in surviving. FEIGN DEATH +++++++++++ When a player’s HP is critical, he can fake his death for the enemies to ignore him. Health will still be restored but takes a lot longer than normal. While down, the player’s partner’s aggro meter will be filled automatically, taking in all enemy fire. Remember that you can only fool enemies once; they’ll continue shooting even if you feign death the second time around. This is very effective in getting behind enemies as well as getting the chance to find a suitable cover to regenerate your HP. PARTNER AI COMMANDS +++++++++++++++++++ You can issue orders to your partner. Knowing how each command works and when to use them is essential for completing missions effectively. Don’t worry; your AI partner is very efficient. You don’t need to worry about doing everything on your own. Some basic commands will be taught during the training mission so we’ll just discuss the basic rundown of some. Commands have two types; passive and aggressive. Passive/Defensive commands will prompt your partner to retaliate only when fired upon. Aggressive on the other hand will make your partner shoot any hostiles nearby. Advance – Obviously, your partner will proceed forward. When taking enemy fire, he’ll attempt to clear nearby enemies first then move cover to cover. Hold – Your partner will find the nearest cover and stay there until commanded otherwise. Putting him on aggressive hold will make your partner create diversion for you. Putting him on defensive hold will enable him to regenerate his health. Regroup – Your partner will stick close to you, wherever you go. If you are away from him, he’ll move in to your position. Camera – This is not actually a command but rather an option to toggle your partner’s helmet camera. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY ++++++++++++++++++++++++ You play as mercenaries so almost every objective has a price. Aside from the primary objectives, there are also secondary and secret/extra objectives. The primary objectives can be completed as you go through with the missions. Secondary objectives aren’t that easy to miss; however they are also essential for earning extra cash. Extra objectives come in the form of intel briefcases. These briefcases are scattered throughout every mission. Finding them will reward you with extra cash that is credited immediately to your account. Unfortunately, you can only collect briefcases once in your career. Those briefcases won’t appear anymore on subsequent playthroughs. Collecting all briefcases will unlock a corresponding achievement as well. SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIENDS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The cash you earn can be used to buy bigger, better and badass hardware. Aside from that, you can upgrade them to give you an edge in battle. You can also buy some new masks as well. Don’t get stuck with the same old peashooters. The weapon attributes are pretty much self explanatory. Also, you can’t immediately purchase a LV3 upgrade without buying the LV2 add-on first. GENERAL TIPS ++++++++++++ Before going out for your first mission, read through some of the general pointers you should consider when playing. 1. Work with your partner. -------------------------- He’s not your rival and competing with him to get more kills won’t get you anywhere. He’s your ally, your lifeline. That’s why you’re called the Army of Two. 2. Money talks. -------------------------- Seek out and complete all secondary and extra objectives. Relying on the rewards from primary objectives will leave you with a dwindling bank account. 3. You’re not Rambo. -------------------------- Sure, that only happens in the movies. Don’t expect to stay alive by standing still with guns blazing. Use your environment as cover. Even in easy mode, enemies are painfully accurate shooters. 4. Pimp your gun. -------------------------- This won’t just increase its stats but aggro as well. Enemies have a thing for shiny, large and badass weapons. So expect the heat when you’re just a one-man killing machine. 5. Show me the way, oh mighty GPS! ---------------------------------- If you are not sure where to go, use your GPS. Not only does it show you different points of interest, it also shows you possible dangers nearby; especially landmines. 6. Two shots are better than one. --------------------------------- There are certain key points in the game where co-op snipe is the most efficient way to take out a target. 7. Flush ‘em out! -------------------------- Use your grenades to flush cowardly enemies hiding behind cover. It’s better to do this by holding the LT so that you’ll know where the grenade will land and explode. You can also use this against pesky turrets. Just make sure the grenade lands on their side or behind them. Alternatively, you can also use the RPG. Just aim it near the floor or wall where the enemy is hiding and the “splash” damage can even kill multiple enemies at the same time. If you want, you can also shoot the RPG, Stinger or grenade launchers directly to the protector shield of the turret; the force upon impact should be enough to kill the gunner manning it. 8. I see you... -------------------------- When using sniper rifles, hitting the body or the head is not the only way to kill enemies. As long as any body part is exposed, you can kill them by shooting it. Just wait until your crosshair turns red before pulling that trigger. 9. Back to Back --------------------------– Avoid turning around too fast during back-to-back sequences; maintain at least a 180 degree visual range and let your partner take care of the enemies behind you. 10. A good shot at the back. -------------------------- You’ll learn from training camp that defeating heavily armored targets require flanking and back-shooting. But what if your partner is pinned, carrying a hostage or regenerating? Simply knock the armored guy down using grenade launchers (barrel upgrade), grenades or some solid firepower. Most of the time, the guy will just roll over, exposing his vulnerable back. Then, move in for the kill. =========================================================================== ============================ W A L K T H R O U G H ======================== =========================================================================== We’ll just skip right through Somalia, the first mission in campaign mode. Remember that you can do this with a human partner and you’ll both get the achievements normally. You’ll receive your objectives for this mission. Mission updates will be provided real-time along the way. SOMALIA MONGADISHU Exploration Items: 0 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Meet up with PMC contact Clyde. ($4,000) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Eliminate Somali warlord Mo'Alim. ($4,500) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Once in control, just climb up the ladder and jump down to the lower level. In single player mode your partner will offer you a step jump. If playing with a friend, activate your GPS to find the correct spot for boosting. There will be hostiles above so make sure you kill them first before climbing up. Don’t forget to pull up your partner as well. Reload your weapons then head outside. Separate from your partner and apply what you learned from training camp. You can order your partner to advance while you take the opposition or vice versa. Just fight your way through enemy gunfire and use the environment as you cover. Once you reach the end of the street, you’ll meet up with Clyde and your first fee will credited to your account. Approach the wreck nearby and grab the door to use it as a shield. Your partner will join up with your and you can just walk towards the enemies while your partner shoots. This is just one strategy to get through heavy fire without injuries. Just don’t approach enemies too close; your partner won’t hit them. Also, take note of the shield’s armor. It will break after enduring a considerable amount of damage. Just eliminate all the enemies then head left to enter the hotel. After the scene, you’ll be in for your first, real back to back session. Just face to the direction of enemy fire (shown as a red arc in your screen) to kill enemies from behind. As soon as the B2B scene completes, find a cover immediately and eliminate the enemy troops. Once cleared, approach the fragile-looking pillar and pull it to reach the upper level. Fight your way through the enemies here. There aren’t that many guards so take them out with ease. You can’t flank Mo’Alim since the corridor is just one-way. In any case, he’ll get cornered soon so just use explosives if you want or just simply aim for the head. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Reach the Extraction point. ($3,000) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the scene, just continue along the path. Upon reaching the open area, you’ll be advised to use the Co-op snipe to take out the gas tank and kill the guards. After that, you’ll need to fight your way through enemy opposition again. Don’t advance too fast or the enemies will be able to flank you from behind, putting you in a disadvantageous situation. Just move slowly but surely. Kill all enemies to update your mission objectives. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Use Gun Turrets to secure Extraction point. ($3,500) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Approach the turrets and boost your partner. Man the turrets and spray some hot lead. Don’t worry, turrets in the game have infinite ammo and doesn’t overheat so you’ll just need to hold the trigger down and concentrate on your aim. Eliminate as many enemies as you can for your extraction chopper to arrive and complete the mission. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== AFGHANISTAN KHANDUD Exploration Items: 3 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Destroy the M-11 missile in Cave Complex. ($3,000) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Destroy the M-11 missile in bunker. ($4,000) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Find SSC Hostage Brian Hicks. ($3,000) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Take down the helicopter. ($3,500) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You’ll be in co-op paradrop as soon as the mission starts. The welcoming committee is already showering you with bullets and RPGs. Good thing is that you have your sniper rifle equipped. To start off, aim at the helicopter’s tail rotor first to destroy it and complete the secondary objective. Take out the RPG soldiers next and as many enemies as possible. Upon landing, you’ll be in another B2B session. Aside from enemy gunfire, you’ll need to watch out for suicide bombers running towards you. Eliminate them by shooting at the explosives strapped on their chests. There is also an achievement for killing a certain number of martyrs (as the game calls them) and this mission has quite a number of them. After the sequence, find a suitable cover behind and eliminate the incoming enemy troops. There will be martyrs joining the fray as well so be cautious. After eliminating all enemies, collect all the ammo bags they leave and proceed through the tunnel. Your first objective lies here. There is a turret to your right and a bunch of soldiers on the other side. You must eliminate the enemies there first, before taking out the gunner. You can set your partner in aggressive hold in this cover while you advance and take out the enemies. Watch your partner’s health. Make sure to order him to hold defensively to regenerate then toggle it back to provide diversion and covering fire. Flank the gunner by encircling around the cave. Beware of a proximity mine planted along the way. You should hear some ominous beeping. Just use your GPS to locate the mine and shoot it at a distance. Take out the gunner and place an explosive charge on the M-11 missile to take it down. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 1/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Find a path leading up behind the turret. The briefcase should be | | sitting in the wooden part of the broken footbridge. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After getting the briefcase, backtrack to the main path and enter the tunnel. Step jump and kill the three guards. Follow the path until you reach the next open area. There is another turret ahead and not to mention some martyrs strategically taking cover, waiting to spring at you any moment. The opening between the two container vans is the bottleneck here and it is guarded by a turret. You have two options here; first, there is a car wreck to the left. You can detach the door and use it as a shield, approach enemy gunfire and let your partner do the rest. Or, if you want to play it safe, you can head to the right and ask for a boost from your partner. These container vans will provide a good vantage point and cover at the same time. From there, you can just throw a grenade to take out the gunner, order your partner to advance while you provide fire from above. There will be enemies appearing from the tents so don’t let your guard down. There are also some guards up the ramp. Dispose them and approach the parachute to base jump. You’ll be steering the chute and your partner will take care of the shooting. Just hold your left analog stick down to stabilize the chute so your partner can make more accurate shots. Just glide through the cavern until you reach the bunker. As much as you steer, you’ll still land in the middle for another B2B sequence.If there are still enemies left after the sequence, find some cover and eliminate them. Enter the hangar to reach your checkpoint and the ability to do some shopping. The hatch will open and enemies will start rushing in. The launch sequence for the missile will be activated at this point. You have less than a minute to plant your charges and destroy the missile. Try to hold the aggro by scoring some kills to enter overkill mode. As soon as it activates, immediately rush outside towards the missile (its just straight ahead from the hatch) and plant the charges. Now fight your way around to reach the platforms. Pick up all the ammo you can carry along the way, then proceed to the platforms. A heavily armed guard along with lesser insurgents will appear as well. Set your partner to aggressive hold and move in to flank the enemy. Beware of the proximity mine planted just after you take the stairs. Take out the guard from behind to clear the area. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 2/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The second briefcase in this area is located in a platform just beside | | the destroyed missile. Walk around the walkway to reach it on a platform| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now backtrack to the hatch where the armored soldier came out. Both you must push the buttons to open the blast doors then take the elevator down. After getting off from the elevator, find a riot shield. From there, there is a turret to the right so I suggest equipping the shield then encircle the enemies to the left. Fight your way through (be careful of the proximity mine near the open door). Make sure to clear the area of enemies and collect any loot they’ll drop behind. Clear out the enemies and open the hatch behind the cover made of wood and metal sheet. Clear out the enemies in the next area. Since this corridor is pretty narrow, throwing a grenade at the enemies should take out several of them in one explosion. Take the stairs down and find another riot shield. You can use it if you want, then head out. There will also be enemies on the other side so clear them out easily using potshots from a sniper rifle. Take the stairs down to the right, then straight through the corridor after reaching the bottom floor. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 3/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clear out the enemies here. The open hatch in the middle is where Hicks | | is kept. Before going there, head straight to the end of the corridor. | | Find the chest behind the sandbags | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Escort Hicks to a safe area. ($2,500) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After getting the briefcase, head to the cell and examine the gate for your partner to help you take it down. After the scenes, you can just have your partner carry Hicks or the other way around. There will already be four guards waiting at the bottom so you can just take them out from above or just a well placed grenade. Just remember to order Rios to halt when you are taking out enemies. Don’t take the stairs yet after taking out the initial guards downstairs. More will follow; so I suggest waiting within the corridor and aim near the base to ambush incoming guards. Just head to the newly opened hatches, order your partner to regroup and he’ll lay Hicks down. The next phase of your mission will begin afterwards. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Eliminate Al Habib. ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Destroy Al Habib's Chemical Warheads. ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In the next area, there will be two turrets and a hell lot of enemies. Just use the same tactic of diversion and flanking, and you should be able to take these guys out. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Discover the Taliban's source of funding. ($3,500) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just make sure do this after sweeping the area and clearing out any enemy; some of the may take gunner positions while some may attack you from behind. You can also look up and kill additional enemies hiding behind cover. To complete this second objective, just find a laptop sitting in one of the crates there. Examine it to upload the data and complete your secondary objective. There will be two stairs in both sides of the building. You can ascend using any of them. Once you reach the second floor, kill all the initial wave of enemies and a second wave, including a heavy armor and Al Habib himself. Try to kill as many small fries as possible so that you can concentrate on eliminating the heavy armor and Al Habib. Al Habib sports a Dao-X shotgun; a very powerful weapon up close but can also deal considerable damage on medium distances. Flank him if he is just hiding behind the metal plates in the main walkways. Use grenades if he is cowering within the small room his team originally came out. He shouldn’t be that hard to take down; you can still use headshots or just simply rush at him with weapons blazing. Upgraded hardware recommended if you’ll do this approach. Approach the control panel of the electronic locked door. You won’t be able to use it during the dialogue so wait for it to finish. Once ready, examine it and plant the charges on the blinking orange spot. Leave the room and wait. After the explosion and more conversation, mission completes. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== IRAQ US ARMY BASE Exploration Items: 3 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Locate Lt. Col. Samuel Eisenhower in the U.S. base. ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just follow the path from your insertion point and immediately run behind cover. There is a turret on top of the building to your 11 o’clock and enemies will start pouring. Order your partner to aggressively hold that position while you go behind the tents to the right and flank incoming enemies. You can also take out that gunner and order your partner to advance. Just use the covers as you move forward; there will be additional enemies that will come out from the barracks so be careful. Attempt to flank the enemies (which shouldn’t be that hard) and walk around the small building in the center. You can either take the ladder or use the stairs. Find Eisenhower inside the cell. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Defend Lt. Col. Eisenhower. ($6,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enemies will soon be attacking from both ends; I suggest guarding the stairs while your partner holds the cover near the ladder. This way, you can easily kill incoming enemies without the risk of them slipping through. Their main target is Eisenhower so they’ll do anything to get to him. Also remember that as long as the objective is still active, don’t let your guard down. That means there are still some enemies below. Kill them all to complete the objective. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Locate and eliminate Ali Youssef's lieutenant. ($11,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the scene, you’ll be in the next section of the base. There are some enemies up ahead. You can even snipe them from a distance. Just have your partner advance to one of the covers ahead, take your position and eliminate enemies at a distance. If you want it the normal way, just move forward from cover to cover while eliminating enemies. Beware of the two proximity mines in both walls; use them against enemies by blowing them up. Before entering the next section, take cover because a barrage of bullets will be coming your way, courtesy of the turret placed above the building. Have your partner take the brunt so you can snipe the gunner or just approach the position slowly and use a grenade to flush him out. Continue clearing the section. Shoot the large gas tank beside the building and the blast will kill the enemies hiding inside. Once cleared, approach the low wall and work with your partner to give you a boost. Don’t climb up yet completely. Kill the guards then quickly pull your partner up. Jump down and find a pickup truck. You can use its door for a crude shield; however it won’t stand that long compared to a riot shield so don’t use it instead. Tell your ally to hold while you enter through the building remains to the right and take out enemies as you go. Move past the turret and expect some more enemies behind those concrete blocks. Clear them out, go around the building and take the ladder up. Find a large hole on the floor. Initially, there are two enemies below so drop in and clear them. Make sure that you find a suitable cover quickly. If you managed to kill them quickly, move in to have a direct view of the door. More enemies will appear there so take position just near the stairs and ambush them. Head outside and open the hatch. Go downstairs and find a riot shield. You may bring this if you want or just proceed. The next area is swarming with enemies. Avoid advancing too close or you’ll have an enemy past through and shoot you from behind. Alternatively, you can just order your ally to aggressively hold the position then kill the enemies yourself. Throwing a grenade in the middle may help you eliminate multiple targets at once. Just clear the enemies and go upstairs to the left. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 1/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This is pretty obvious and impossible to miss. Find the ladder on the | | other side of the room and run through the end of the pathway. The | | briefcase is beside a crate. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Take the ladder up and step jump on the next floor. Climb another ladder to reach the top of the building. From there, equip your special weapon (Sniper rifle, RPG or Stinger) then aim for the gas tank beside the helicopter. Shoot it to destroy the helicopter and complete the objective. Kill all the enemies rushing at you and proceed to the open tunnel ahead. Once in control again, follow the road and perform either a co-op snipe or shoot the barrel to kill both guards. Don’t forget to take out the RPG soldier in the second floor of the bunker. Quickly move ahead and man the turret. Waste some more enemies, including some martyrs. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Destroy Bunker in Iraq Base. ($10,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This will be completed by your partner automatically once you enter the turret. You may do this yourself by going uphill to the left and plant the homing beacon. Watch the short scene and the objective is completed. Once that is done, continue to the small hill first. I suggest taking out the sentry on the tower to avoid too much problem later on. Have your partner regroup at you and order him to aggressively hold the position by the sandbags. There is a turret to the left and a group of enemies to the front. Fortunately, there is a safe and discreet way of flanking the gunner. Continue left go through the bushes and the fuel tanks. You can then kill the gunner and some insurgents there then take the turret for yourself and lay waste on enemies. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 2/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | I suggest clearing out the area first before getting this case. In the | | first section of the base after destroying the bunker, find the tent | | closest to the wall. The briefcase should be sitting beside the tent | | itself. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Continue to the next area and clear the area. There will also be enemies coming out from the tent near the wall. Once cleared, head to the checkpoint and examine the door. You’ll be in for a B2B sequence. Kill all enemies and head to the tunnel. Continue along the road and clear enemies. As the road turns, enemy turret fire will pour. Order your partner to advance a few covers ahead then aggressively hold that position. You, for the meantime shall sneak cover- to-cover on the oil depot side of the road. Flank the gunner and kill the remaining guards. Examine the large door ahead to continue to the next area. You can either proceed to the left or right side. The left side has lesser cover and has a proximity mine as well. Watch out for the enemies that will take the upper platforms and remember not to advance too far ahead. Wait until the heavy armored soldier arrives and flank him. There are two hangars here that you can through to get behind the soldier and kill him. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 3/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The briefcase is located on the highest platform in the area where the | | enemies used earlier. Push the enemies back and put your partner on | | hold. Go around to the right to find the stairs then eventually the | | ladder to reach it. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Eliminate Ali Youssef ($13000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Continue forth to the warehouse. You’ll meet Ali Youssef there. He’ll escape and throw in some minions along the way, with another heavy armored soldier. If you are planning on flanking them from the side of the warehouse, make sure to destroy the proximity mine first. Draw them in by placing your partner inside the warehouse and holding it aggressively. Make your way from the other side of the warehouse to flank them yourself. Follow Youssef down the ramp. I suggest letting your partner take their attention while you take them out from above. Youssef will retreat at the back, leading his last batch of soldiers to delay your advance. He will also send you a heavy armored soldier again. It will be challenge to get at the back of this soldier since the path is too narrow. You will need to target his side or just use a grenade the stun him then shoot his back. Youssef wields a large chain gun that can take you out immediately if not careful. Use the covers wisely; you can even slip past him and take cover behind the pipes behind him. Kill him to end the mission. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== AIRCRAFT CARRIER THE CONSTELLATION Exploration Items: 3 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Speak to the Aircraft Carrier's captain. ($10,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You’ll start the stage in co-op parachute mode. You’ll be the shooter but you can still issue commands to your team mate. To take a shot, make sure to press Down on the D-Pad. UP will increase your speed and the other two are just directional buttons. Take out as many enemies as you can. The landing point is in the back of the carrier. Upon landing, you’ll be in a B2B sequence. After the sequence and a scene, you’ll receive a new objective. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Disable the Fighter Jets on the Carrier runways. ($6,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enemies will start rushing to you from different sides and there will be reinforcements that will be dropped via helicopter. There are a lot of covers here that may prove helpful or harmful to you guys. Enemies can easily flank you from behind since they can slip unseen with all those container vans and crates. Just press on slowly and if possible, take out some enemies at a distance. Don’t mind Alice’s nagging on disabling the planes immediately; there is no timer and just plain rushing to the targets will expose you to enemy gunfire. There are four jets in total that you’ll need to sabotage. Its better to move behind the ship’s control tower to reach the planes’ faster and less prone to enemy fire. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 1/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | When you reach the control tower, there are two platforms beside it. One| | of the platforms contains the chest. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Fight your way to the farthest pair of planes first then examine their front landing gears to disable them. There will be more enemies coming your way so move behind covers. If you need to run in the open, make sure to roll to avoid taking too much damage. After disabling the other two planes, fight your way back to the end of the ship. Head right to find some stairs leading inside the ship. Find a riot shield inside. It is strongly recommend to use this since there will be a lot of enemies waiting for you outside. The shield should last long enough to clear all enemies. Lift the cover for a scene. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Find Phillip Clyde's USB drive. ($10,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Upon discovering the traitorous swine, order your partner to hold his position above to provide covering fire. Jump down and seek cover immediately; kill the enemies then examine the laptop to obtain Clyde’s USB drive. Climb the ladder, follow path then jump down. Step jump (there are two guards here) then examine the CO2 torch to reach the next area. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Find Phillip Clyde's second laptop. ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You’ll be in one of the main hangars of the ship, crawling with enemies. Use the covers as usual and advance slowly. There are actually 3 waves of enemies here; the other two groups will be delivered by the lifts from the sides of the ship. These guys are practically cunning and aggressive; they will rush to your position and will always try to find ways to flank you. Just stay close with your partner to support each other strategically. Clyde’s laptop is located over a red crate, by the wall. This is near the missiles and bombs in the other corner of the hangar. The briefcase is also nearby, just behind the bombs placed near the wall. Examine the large rolling door (its locked), then activate your GPS to find your next objective. Examine the plane and you’ll boost your partner up to release one of the plane’s missiles and to destroy the door. A new wave of enemies will be coming in from the lift behind you while a heavily armored guard will appear from the opened door. Just clear kill all the enemies and proceed to the door. You’ll be taken to the bridge to talk to the captain. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Sink the Aircraft Carrier. ($15,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After talking to the captain, head back to the elevator. You’ll be taken in the next hangar. There is a shield nearby but its up to you if you’ll use it or not. As usual, clear all enemies in this hangar. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 2/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The briefcase is located behind some large, bombs, near the wall. It is | | opposite from the door you blew up using an F-14’s missile and where the| | heavy armored guy came out. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Find your objective via GPS. You and your partner will need to step jump to reach it. The hatch leading to the next hangar will open. Find some cover immediately since enemies will start pouring in and will try to take cover behind your position. Order your partner to stay put while you take them on. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill well-armored terrorist. ($8,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There will also be a heavily armored terrorist with an RPG waiting on the other side. Defeat the lesser terrorists first then order your friend to act as a decoy (advance or hold aggressively) then take out the armored terro. Clear the hangar; we’re almost finished with this mission. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 3/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Find a basketball court in the far end of the hangar. Just go behind the| | hoop closest to the wall to find your third and final chest for this | | mission. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Activate your GPS again to find your objective. Approach the bombs and ‘use’ them for the duo to push it on the lift and have it lowered. Now activate your GPS again to locate the spot where you need to step jump. Do so, follow the catwalk, enter the door and examine the gate to pull it down. You’ll be out to the ship’s deck. You have less than two minutes to reach the other end of the boat; the last remaining life raft is there. The funny thing about this is that there are still enemies attacking you, without regard to their own safety. Return fire if you can but continue moving and evading the debris. The mission ends once you and your partner reaches the escape boat. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== CHINA Exploration Items: 3 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Destroy the convoy as it crosses the bridge. ($30,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note: Once you can freely select your missions, you can retry this part of the mission to earn easy $30000. Just blow the bridge, fight your way back to the hovercraft until you reach the checkpoint; then quit the game and start the mission again. Do this to reach $1000000 to unlock the corresponding achievement as well as enough funds to grab heavier arsenal, upgrade them and even pimp them up to increase aggro. Take the stairs up. Once you reach the top of the hill, expect some light resistance but don’t let your guard down. Use the tree trunks as cover. There is around 5-6 guards here. Trek the path down of the hill and equip your special weapon. Ignore the very tranquil and overlooking view of the river and go to the edge of the cliff to get a vantage point of the bridge. After the short scene, immediately take aim of the bridge and shoot the gas pipe in the middle. You can do this in solo or co-op snipe. After watching the glorious explosion, a group of Chinese troops will magically appear near your location and will confront you. Fight you way back to the starting point and enter the hovercraft. Just concentrate on maneuvering the hovercraft; your partner will take care of the shooting. Just follow the river to reach the canal. Beware of RPG troopers here as well. Activate your GPS when you are near the canal to find where you can dock the craft. Just maneuver it to the green marker and it will dock automatically. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Take down the Chinook Helicopter. ($10,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill the first heavily armored soldier. ($15,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get off the craft and you can do some shopping. I suggest equipping/buying the Stinger now if you have the cash. You will need it to complete a sub-objective later on. Go upstairs; there will be some enemies already waiting ahead. Find cover immediately. There are a lot of enemies here; not to mention the potshooters hiding in good sniping positions ahead and across the facility. You can also use the fuel tanks in the area to save ammo and kill several guards in one blast. The heavily armed guard will appear from the other side of the canal and will cross the bridge. Order your ally to hold behind the concrete blocks and head upstairs to get a good shooting position. You may also want to clear the opposite side by using a grenade. Kill the heavy armored guard from that position. Beware of enemy snipers too. You should probably hear Alice *****ing right now so head back to your starting position near the stairs and examine the small building to find the switch. Activate it. Head downstairs and move the hovercraft inside the canal. Take the ladder up and activate the control panel there. A Chinook helicopter will appear on the other side of the canal, dropping some reinforcements. If you have the Stinger, lock on the Chinook to take it down. The stinger will do the job better than the RPG since it has more ammo and has auto-lock. If you take down the Chinook quickly, you will have lesser enemies to deal with. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 1/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Across the bridge find a small building opposite to the first panel you | | activated. It is near where the chinook dropped reinforcements. The | | briefcase is located behind it. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After getting the briefcase, head to the other end of the area, go upstairs and activate the final control panel to open the doors. After you do that, another Chinook (no rewards if you take it down) will drop reinforcements in the other side. Clear them. Take the nearest stairs down and ride the hovercraft. Just follow the river and dock in the wooden platform. Follow the walkway and step jump. Wait for some enemies to appear before climbing up. After that, continue to reach the end of the walkway and find an abandoned Chinese village. There will be two guards here. If you have a sniper rifle, take out the guy to the right since he has a RPG. You can go either straight ahead or right around the village to clear the first wave of guards. I suggest ordering your partner to aggressively clear the area ahead while you provide covering fire. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Secondary Objective: Retrieve the satellite data from the laptop($15,000)| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After clearing the village, two more Chinook helicopters will appear. They will be dropping reinforcements in both ends of the village. Order your partner to regroup and find a good building to take cover. Guard the doors since the enemies will always try to flank you from behind. Once you thinned the enemy force a bit, go for the offensive and clear the enemies. Some of them have even secured good positions so you may need to change your positions to draw them out. After clearing the second wave of enemies, the steel rolling door in the far corner of the village will blow up, releasing another wave of enemies. Clear them all and make sure to grab all the ammo bags you can get. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 2/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Find a two-storey house in the other side of the stream. The chest is on| | the second floor. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the blown up door and examine to rolling door for the pair to lift it and reach the next part of the area. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Use cargo train for extraction ($0) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can do some mid-mission shopping here so change your Stinger with an ordinary sniper rifle. You’ll see the laptop over a crate so examine it for an easy $15000. Lift another door to reach the next area. This next area has a lot of enemies waiting so you may order your partner to move ahead and take cover while you snipe enemies at a distance. Just stay in cover and take out enemies slowly but surely. Avoid staying close together or you won’t cover each other’s back. Well placed grenades can take out those pesky enemies at hiding. After clearing the area, head inside the building. You may enter through the front door or to the side. Kill the initial enemies guarding the floor. Now you’ll have two ways to go up; take the elevator or the stairs. If you take the stairs, there is a turret above waiting to make minced meat out of you. If you take the elevator, there will be soldiers with shotguns waiting to make gore shake out of you. Either way you’ll be walking into an ambush but I’d say take the elevator. Make sure to check your GPS around to know the location of the proximity mine. Kill the gunner for your partner to join you. Step jump to the nearest elevation; don’t climb up yet. Wait for the enemies to appear then pull up your partner. The place will be swarming with enemies so take cover immediately and avoid moving forward hastily. There is a heavy armored soldier among the fray so take out the small fries first to stop them from getting on your way. Beware of the proximity mine around as well. Continue upstairs and continue killing the enemies. Once done, lift the rolling door to reach the next area. Once outside, take cover immediately and order your partner to aggressively hold the position. You can then move around the dump to the right to flank the enemies. There will also be a heavy armored target ahead. You can actually take this guy with a direct stinger or RPG hit. You can also just throw a grenade to knock him, turning his back then shower him with bullets. There will also be enemy reinforcements that will be dropped via chinook. Eliminate all of them. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 3/3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Head to the far corner of the area where there is a truck sitting. The | | briefcase is in the back, beside the green cargo container. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Lift the door beside the staircase. You’ll be thrown back by the explosion and a back-to-back sequence will trigger. After the sequence, enter the factory and clear the enemies inside. There is a lot of cover inside that you and your enemies can use. Order your partner to stay behind the middle track while you take the upper levels. This way you’ll have a better position and you’ll avoid getting flanked from above. After killing the initial wave, more will come via helicopter. Eliminate them and proceed to the control panel in the far end of the factory. More enemies will appear after using the control panel. Defeat them then take the door in the other side of the factory. Activate your GPS to find the last proximity mine and destroy. There will also be a last pair of enemies waiting on the other end. Just approach the large dumping machine and use the rods to open the loading bay. Mission accomplished. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== MIAMI Florida, USA Exploration Items: 2 Welcome to the last stage. Since you’ll be fighting against SSC now, expect a lot of heavily armored soldiers. Also, ordinary enemies here have increased defense, thanks to their wellsupplied armors, courtesy of the company. After the intense scene, you’ll find yourself in a hovercraft in the middle of the hurricane and flood-ridden city of Miami. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Find and eliminate Ernest Stockwell. ($0) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Find and rescue Murray, get her to the extraction point | | alive. ($35,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just drive the hovercraft to the end of the corridor and park it to the side. You can actually use the turret to rain some lead to incoming enemies but I prefer using the sniper rifle while my partner has advanced a bit and takes their attention. There will numerous enemies in the first floor alone so taking them out using the sniper rifle will be a great idea. If you want to do it like most people do, you’ll press forward slowly, moving from cover to cover. Since the covers are just located on the left side, you won’t be able to shoot the enemies hiding on the right side. If you have the sniper rifle, you can just get some free shots by targeting their limbs. Once that is cleared, move forward. There are two sets of stairs here; straight ahead will take you to the main group of enemies while the other will take you a safer distance away from them. In case you want to approach them head on and take the stairs ahead, remember to use the riot shield. After clearing the enemies in the second floor, find another stairs going up. Go through the door to reach the next area. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Find and eliminate Phillip Clyde. ($20,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill Smiley's Bodyguard #1 ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill Smiley's Bodyguard #2 ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill Smiley's Bodyguard #3 ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secondary Objective: Kill Smiley's Bodyguard #4 ($5,000) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This area is swarming with enemies. Two heavy armored guards will be here and enemies will start flanking you by occupying the lockers behind. If you want to play it safe, you can use the higher ground you have to your advantage. You can order your partner to hold that position and take the attention while you clear the enemies by the lockers. Don’t move from your position until you defeat a good number of enemies from your position. Once you thinned the enemy ranks, regroup with your partner and ask him to hold the position in front of the heavy soldier. Slowly move to the right, near the windows. Enemy reinforcements will rappel down to you so holding this position will allow you to ambush and prevent them from flanking you. Just be patient and avoid moving forward too often; press forward too fast or you’ll find yourselves surrounded. Though the enemy seemed to be endless, the numbers are finite. Just keep on killing whoever is unlucky enough to eat your bullets and you should be able to clear the area. After clearing the enemies, the rolling doors in the baggage area will also open. Two enemies will act as sentries on the two baggage claim terminals. You can just use grenades or rush them to flush them out. You can then use the terminals as cover while more enemies start to swarm in. Again don’t be hasty here; the enemies will be aggressive enough to rush to your positions and attempt to flank you. Have your partner stay in cover and fire while you move in to flank some enemies yourself. Once cleared, take the stairs going up to reach the upper level. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 1/2 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kill all the guards in the small office in the upper level. Find the | | chest in the right corner beside the trash bin and fire hose panel. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After getting the briefcase, activate the controls just outside the office. The ramp will get stuck so you’ll need to remove the obstacle. Go back to the lower level and enter the small corridor underneath the ramp. Kill the two guards, go upstairs and kick the obstacle along the way. Examine the ramp to push it in place then go around, use the ramp and kill the guards guarding Alice. Examine the gate to open it. After the scene, let your partner lift Alice then go back down. There will be enemies waiting at the end of the ramp so advise your partner to hold until you clear all enemies. Make your way bag to the waiting area. The gates to the side will open. Clear enemies as you go. Continue clearing the enemies; another heavy armored guard will appear near the end of the corridor. Since your partner is carrying Alice, it will be unwise to put them in unnecessary danger. Just use the grenades to knock the heavy guard off and shoot his back while he is lying on the ground. Have your partner bring Alice near the end of the corridor. Lift the gates to the next area. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Eliminate Richard Dalton before he kills Ernest Stockwell($0)| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Ride the monorail to the SSC Tower. ($0) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In the next area, you can do some mid-mission shopping as well. Ride the hovercraft. Enemies in hovercraft will intercept you. I suggest keep going straight, even through dry land. Once you reach the next large area, head right and straight. Activate your GPS to get directions to reach your objective. You’ll need to dock your hovercraft when you reach the power station. There will be some enemies inside as well so clear the area before you start your objectives. Activate the panel nearby to cut off the power. Order your partner to advance then turn the power on. Wait until he confirms that the power to the monorail has been diverted already. Turn off the power again and return to the hovercraft. Head out again to stormy waters. It’s hard to give general directions here so activate your GPS to find where you’re going. Once you find the place to dock, reduce your speed and carefully maneuver your craft in place. Head upstairs and enter the monorail. Examine one of the panels and your partner will access the other side. Once moving, you can enjoy the peaceful ride. But not for long… Stinger soldiers will appear from buildings. If your eyes are quick enough to locate them and shoot them, you can possibly stop them from firing. There will also be enemies in terminals so be cautious. You will endure 3 stinger shots before reaching your next objective. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Objective: Clear your name by uploading data incriminating Dalton. ($0) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to the right, so you can co-op snipe two guards. Enemies will start rushing in so order your partner to advance a bit to get their attention. You can stay near the entrance to provide covering fire with your sniper rifle. If you don’t have any special weapon ammo, head back inside then exit to the left to get behind the enemies. Some enemies may fall back to the main building but don’t just go in to pursue them. Regroup with your partner and slowly approach the stairs. Kill any enemy nearby then rush inside and take cover in the nearest cover. Order your ally to hold that position and wait until he builds the aggro. Quickly move while in stealth then find another cover. If you can, snipe the RPG troopers upstairs since they can be a problem in the long run. Otherwise, kill all enemies within your sights. This area has probably the most number of enemies than any part of the game. Avoid pressing forward too much or you’ll find screen bloody red in a few seconds. Also avoid straying from your partner too much. Kill the heavy armored guard as you normally do. More enemies will start pouring from the stairs so be patient and kill them efficiently without endangering yourself. Once you take control of the area and clear all the enemies, examine the elevator in the middle. Head to the second floor and find some more enemies. There is also a riot shield nearby that you can use. With or without the riot shield, press forward the second floor to reach the other side. There are a lot of covers here that you can use. There is also another heavily armored soldier; its one of Clyde’s personal bodyguards, actually. Flank him and kill him to earn your reward. Enter the door to the side and follow the corridor. Open the door, kill the lone guard inside and examine the terminal to power the elevator. Head outside and find some more enemies waiting for you. Aside from the enemies on the second floor, there will also be enemies in the ground floor. Use your position to snipe out enemies/limbs you can target. You can also order your partner to advance and hold the position in front of the elevator to get the enemies’ attention and give you the chance to score some free kills. Go back to the lobby and examine the computer in the reception desk. The elevator will start moving without you so you’ll need to work your way to the third floor. Of course, trigger-happy enemies will be waiting for you there. Just kill them all. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Intel Briefcase 2/2 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The final briefcase is located in the far corner of the third floor. | | Just go around the area opposite the stairs to find it. The | | corresponding achievement should unlock as well. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now head back to the elevator and press Y to jump over the elevator to reach the next area. When you reach the next area, step jump and you’ll be in for another back-to-back sequence. After the B2B sequence, move on, enter the open door and follow the stairs down for some scenes. Once in control, quickly move to either side of the room. The left side has a lot of enemies but has the most covers as well. If you want, you can have your partner hold a position there while you sprint to the opposite side and encircle your enemies. Once the small guys are taken care of, you can safely get behind the heavy soldier. Don’t worry; even if he sees you (behind the staircase) he won’t fire his RPG for some reason. You can flank him easily. Now, examine the computer terminals behind you to upload Stockwell’s data. There are four of them; you can just your GPS to find all of them. Once done, take the stairs up. Expect heavy resistance on the second floor. Quickly move behind covers to avoid getting hit by the turret in the other side. As usual, order your partner to act as bait while you safely take out the enemies. Take the last stairs up and face Clyde. There will be a wave of enemies that will attempt to stop you and a heavy soldier as well. Beware of the psychopath’s sniper rifle; it can deal critical damage and can knock you back good. Take care of the ordinary soldiers first then order your partner to take all the brunt for a brief time. You will know where Clyde is hiding by looking at his off-placed shadow. Once the guard has been taken care of, you can easily (and cheaply) win by order your partner to aggressively hold his position in the other side opposite of Clyde while you sneak behind him. You can then take cover behind an obstacle beside him. He will try to shoot you and exhaust his ammo. While reloading you can then spring out from cover and shoot him. Repeat until he’s killed. Watch the last scenes and that’s it. CONGRATULATIONS FOR FINISHING THE GAME! =========================================================================== ============================ C R E D I T S ================================ =========================================================================== For the complete achievement list, please visist: xbox360achievements.org -- To my friends and family for supporting this little hobby of mine -- Thanks to the gaming sites, primarily IGN and Chaptercheats.com for providing me free games to cover and to earn something for contributing. And.... to you for downloading this guide. Send your questions/suggestions/comments/paypal donations to: vhayste@gmail.com
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.