Data_Hunter's Guide to Dokapon Kingdom for the Nintendo Wii Version 1.0 If you have any questions, comments, or more tips on this game, you can contact me at the web address below. You must head the message based on this game for me to reply! To get to certain sections of the guide, highlight the section you want to go, copy it, press CTRL and F at the same time, press paste and click next. Contents ********************************************************************* I. Contents II. Version History III. Introduction IV. Characters V. Controls VI. Mode Select VII. Rare Encounters VIII. Walkthrough Prologue: The Kingdom in Distress! The Rush to Dokapon Kingdom! Chapter 1: Help the Little Guy! A Cure for Cash! Chapter 2: The Case of the Demon Prince and the Missing Piggy Bank Chapter 3: Special Delivery - A Shopping Brawl! Chapter 4: Return of the Demon Prince and the Kidnaped Princess. Chapter 5: The Royal Ring has been Stolen! Who's the Culprit?! Chapter 6: The Ancient Artifact Debt of the Ancestors. Chapter 7: Overlord Rico. Can you buy victory? Final Chapter: The Final Battle! See you in Heck, kids! IX. Credits X. Legal Notice II. Version History November 13, 2008 8:45 PM to 9:30 PM Finished the Introduction and Characters Section. 9:30 PM to 10:05 PM Finished the Controls Section. 10:06 PM to 10:22 PM Finished the Modes Section. 10:23 PM to 11:25 PM Worked on the Walkthrough. November 14, 2008 6:33 PM to 8:13 PM Continued on the Walkthrough and added the Rare Encounters section. Finished Chapter 1. 8:14 PM to 10:28 PM Finished Chapter 2. November 15, 2008 3:00 PM to 5:31 PM Finished Chapter 3. 5:32 PM to 8:05 PM Finished Chapter 4 8:06 PM to 10:15 PM Finished Chapter 5 10:16 PM to November 16, 2008 at 12:26 AM Finished Chapter 6 12:27 AM to 12:56 AM Ending Session for the guide. Resume after daybreak November 16, 2008 1:07 PM to 9:05 PM Resumed working on the walkthrough. Finished Chapter 7. 9:06 PM to 11:48 PM Ending Session for the Guide. Resume after daybreak. November 17, 2008 3:15 PM to 4:42 PM Completed the Story Mode Walkthrough. III. Introduction Here we are back again and in for another installment of my ever growing collection of guides for the free world to see! This time were all heading for the happy-go-lucky world of Dokapon Kingdom! Now, I first played this game on November 1 and it was weird at first. I thought it was going to be for kids but, I managed to get a kick out of this game! It's a fun and a hilarious game in it's own right. It will make you laugh and at sometimes makes you scared of your life! Never the less, this game is not your average party game! So tie your laces to your boot straps, folks! It's time to enter the colorful world of the Kingdom of Dokapon. IV. Characters The King of Dokapon: He's the King Midas of the game. The game's answer to Disney's Scrooge McDuck! He loves money more than anything else. He has money on the brain! Of course, he's not the guy with the golden touch. He will pretty much give you the low down on what goes on in the kingdom. I'll tell you more about him as we progress into the game. Princess Penny: Like father, like daughter. She likes money just like her father! But what really is surprising is that she looks too much like Penny from Inspector Gadget! And she owns a dog named Cash? I sense the irony of this game already! But, truthfully speaking she's a sweet girl. You: You have been summoned by the king to help save the kingdom and get the money flowing again. Where's a economic plan when you need it!? (Hey, it matched our real live scenario. So what, sue me!) V. Controls You have three different types of controls to choose from when playing this game. You can use: The Nintendo Gamecube Controller The Nintnedo Wii Remote The Nintendo Classic Controller But here's another interesting fact. You and up to three other players can actually use the same controller. But who wants to share, eh? This information is based from the Instructions manual of the game. Nintendo Wii Remote: Control Pad: Move the Cursor and the Character. Up Control Pad: Use offensive Magic and Defensive Magic during battle. Left Control Pad: Strike and Counter during battle/ Rock option in Roshambo. Down Control Pad: Skill and Give up during battle/ Scissors option in Roshambo. Right Control Pad: Attack and Defend during battle/ Paper option in Roshambo. A button: View Shortcut and Help menu. B button: Bag Shortcut and Display World Map before and after the spin. 2 button: Make a selection/Stop the Spinner/Confirm Message/ Show available moves/ Speed up the cursor during view/Show Predictions. 1 button: Cancel/Movement Shortcut/Data (After Spin)/Show information in battle. + button: Data Shortcut/Flip page/Switch between opponents. - button: Flip page/Switch between opponents. The Gamecube and the Classic Controller has some of the same functions as the Wii Remote but with a few changes First of all the C Stick and the Analog Stick are not operational. A button: Make a selection/Stop the Spinner/Confirm Message/ Show available moves/Speed up the cursor during view/Show Predictions. B button: Cancel/ Movement shortcut/ Skill and Give up/Scissors X button: Bag Shortcut and Display World Map before and after the spin. Y button: View Shortcut and Help menu. L button on the Classic Controller/R button on the Gamecube Controller: Data Shortcut/Flip page/Switch between opponents. R button on the Classic Controller/L button on the Gamecube Controller: Flip page/Switch between opponents. + button on the Classic Controller/Start button on the Gamecube controller: Display World Map before and after the spin. V. Mode Select There are three modes you can play in this game. You have: Normal Mode Battle Royale (which gives you three different modes of the game) Story Mode In Normal Mode, you can choose the number of weeks you want to play in. You can play from a week to as many years as you want! That's 999 weeks! At the end of each weeks, you will be ranked on how much you have based on towns and how much gold you have. In the Battle Royale, you have three modes to choose from. In a town race, the first person to slay the monster in the randomly selected town wins the game! Simple, huh? The Kill race is a mode where you have to defeat the other players a certain number of times. Under these circumstances, if you come across them, you can not surrender! The Shopping Race sends you on a scavenger hunt that you must find other items and bring them back to the King when as requested. You must have all of the items in order for you to win. The Story mode is where the core of the game starts. To be simply bunt, all you have to do is to have the most cash and you get the princess hand in marriage and the throne to the kingdom! Sounds pretty sweet to me! For the time being, this guide will cover only the Story mode. VII. Rare Encounters These are also called Character Events and the chances of you coming across on are very rare! Normally, you have a 5 percent chance of that happening to you and when it does, who knows what will happen. That's how random this kingdom is! Abducted by a UFO: After one turn, you appear on the screen again and they can either increase your stats or take them away. Beggar Man: If you come across him, he'll ask you for some money. If you give him what he needs, it turns out to be the Goddess of Generosity in disguise! (This is a total rip off on how Disney's Beauty and the Beast started out!) She'll give you one random item and disappears once more. Should you refuse, well let's just say that the end result isn't going to pretty. Doctor Exiles: This so called doctor will decide if he wants to heal you or not. In the end he'll charge you a huge fee for his services. But if your in the red and you cross him again, he WILL kill you if you don't pay him! Roche: A boy in a pink bear outfit that will challenge you to Rochambo. Should you lose he gets all of the money that you have. If you win you get nothing! Risque The Bandit: A hired thief who's ratio of taking one players items is 50/50. If you're the only player on the field, you're a sitting duck! Mitch Digger: A mole who has a thing for hot springs. If you're successful he'll place one in one random town. Kira the Merchant: A wondering nomad that sells rare items should you come across her. Robo~Agent: The metal assassin. This robot will search and destroy anyone who pays it for one whole week! However, if you have enough money by the time you cross him, it will spare your life if you pay him twice the amount the other player payed it previously. Leane the Village Girl: A timid girl who asks you to do certain favors to deliver items to certain towns. Weber the Trickster: A devious dual colored man that gives people nasty gifts you can use on the other player. Gutz the Blacksmith: A famous wondering blacksmith that will make a weapon for you on the spot if you pay him. Musashi the Tax Collector: A Stork that will collect from all the cities and castles you own. Of course, he seems to take more of his share of the profits. VIII. Walkthrough Now we can get started on the heart of the matter! The entire world in Dokapon has 7 continents for you to travel. But you can't reach it yet. You have to make your character first! As you start, meet that cute little fairy called Angelo. She will be with you during the game. So go ahead and make your character. I'll wait... Oh one more thing! You can also create your opponents if you're playing by your self. Note: Please note that for every chapter may have different events happening at random. You may not have some of the same events as I do while I'm typing and playing this game with you. When the time comes refer to the guide to help you out. The story starts with a normal peaceful day in the kingdom... that is until terror strikes and monsters pop up all over towns! The call as been sent out. Will you be one to answer his call? I know that you are rearing to go but there's a trial you have to go through first. You have two weeks to reach the castle first one to get there will get points! Points? Why only points? I'll tell you why. They are necessary for you to get stronger in the journey ahead. Prologue: The Kingdom in Distress! The Rush to Dokapon Kingdom! Now here's how it works, you move by using a spinner and you press A to stop it from spinning. What ever number it lands on, you have to move to that amount. No excuses! However, that won't be the only way you can travel. By gaining certain items, you can move with or with out the spinner! But for now trust in the spinner and it will guide you to where ever you want to go. Take time out to look at the spaces ahead of you. Press the X or A button, depending on your method of control, and take a look around. The green spaces with the yellow bag gives you basic items in a spinner form as well. Time it right to get the items that you need. The yellow chest is the Money Space. Land on it to get a certain amount using a spinner. The Shield Space gives you your shield where you need it the most. A Weapon Space will give you a weapon, depending on you class using the spinner as well. If you land on a space with a book, that's the Magic Space. You can gain magic to use outside of battle but if you are a mage, once you get that spell it stays on you forever! A Battle Magic space will give you a ability to help you in battle. Keep in mind that you can only have 1 ability at a time. If you want to learn a new one, you have to give one up! Now if you come across a path that has arrows flowing in one direction, then you can only move in that direction. If you ever land on a empty yellow space, two things will happen. Either you will go into battle or you will come across an encounter. You will more likely battle someone, so let me show you how it works. First, select a card. This depends on who goes first. If you get lucky and go first, now you get to choose to either perform a simple attack, charge up your attack power or perform a critical strike. WARNING! WARNING! Be very careful not to choose Strike often! If you do choose that move and the enemy counters, you will be killed and won't appear on the field for 3 turns if you don't have a Revival or a Deathblow Item. Just a little something to let you know. But here's a another piece of advice. If you happen to knock out the opposition, you can choose three options. You can steal their equipment, their cash, their items, or execute the "Ultimate Shame"! You can draw on their face Jigglypuff style or change their name to Poo for all I care! If none of you take each other out, then it results in a draw and will continue until your or their next turn. Chapter 1: Help the Little Guy! A Cure for Cash! Now that you have gotten on the actual field of play, there's a lot of places for you to explore. However, you can't gain access to those areas due to the fact that there are guards blocking the bridge. The towns in Tiphrates, Moriah, Bukhan, Xishan, Uvs Nuur, Jurong, Sumida, Ussuri, Urai, and Volga all have monsters plaguing the towns. Now here's one of the best parts of this game. If you manage to defeat the monster in this town, the townspeople will be so thrilled, that they will give you the key to the city, thus owning it! However should Fate have other things in store for you and you lose the boss, then it can choose to do all the bad things your opponents does, even take away a town! When you own a town, you can invest in it, tax them, or have it stolen away from you from the other teammates. But that's not all! The more towns you own by the end of the week, the more money you earn! Trust me, you can earn a quarter of a million really quick! Since nothing has told us on what to do in this chapter, continue to move around the board fighting enemies, collecting items, and meet other characters of the game. By the way, you can also return to the castle to change your hair, your clothes, have the King heal you, and change your occupation every time you max two available occupations. When you change your occupation, you do some of loose the stats that you gained so far. So you can switch them out at any time! As you progress into the game, more occupations will become available. They are as listed below: Cleric: Helps their fellow man with holy powers Spellsword: A well rounded fighter skilled in weaponry and magic. (Nice!) Alchemist: Produces items using magic. ( I wonder if you can get a Philosophers' Stone in this game?) Ninja: Assassins who quietly strike from the shadows. (Like Splinter once said, "Go Ninja! Go Ninja! Go! If you don't know what movie that came off of you're dead to me!) Monk: Warriors who have honed their fighting skills and uses the art of the fist. (Seems promising!) Acrobat: Professional entertainers who can even act like they're dead! (So they can play possum!) There's a little more info I have to tell you on the map. If you land on a red treasure chest, that's called Red Loot box. It's a very risky space where there are very few good items. Should you land on anything else, who knows what result you'll end up with! If you land on a Bank Space, you can choose to collect invest in a town one at a time compared to a collection space where you can collect taxes from a town. If you land on a blue space with a fist in the middle, you just landed on a Harm Space. And that will lead in to big trouble! You can get damaged or receive a status effect PLUS a encounter with a strong enemy. Avoid this space as much as possible! Land on a space with a white wing, you can chose to go back to the castle or a available Temple. Of course, it doesn't come cheap. You do have to pay a certain fee. That's the Warp Space for you! Landing on a space with a purple door will lead you into a dungeon filled with strong monsters! An ideal place to level up as long as you come well prepared! You may never know what lies behind a Passage Space! There's also a way where you can become a wanted criminal! It works like this. If by any chance you decide to rob the place blind, you have to Roshambo to do battle. No, it doesn't require you to kick someone in the groin. (Thank Goodness!) But it's more like Paper, Scissors, Rock. Anyway, should you lose in that match, a bounty will be on your head for one whole week! That means that you are easy Pickens and if you lose to another player with it on your head, not only they get to choose what to do with you, they get the bounty too! Should you live for one whole week? You get a full pardon! While you are a wanted criminal, you are shut out of towns, banks, temples, stores, and the castle itself! If by some stroke of luck you win the match altogether, you get a free item from the person you are trying to rob. One turn or another a monster from one town will drop a slab of rock in your path. If you don't have a Mattock (Pick Axe) to break it down, you will have to find another way around. If you can't find another way around and your in a tight spot then you will have to wait for five turns for it to crumble. Uh-oh! Cash, the loveable puppy has eaten a poisonous...doughnut? The only person who has the antidote is the Wise Grandma. Grab it and deliver it to the puppy before it meets it's end! She's located in the Asiana Continent...Hey! We're on that continent! Before you spin, take a look at the area southwest of the castle and that's where she is. Remember, you have to land on that space in order for you to get it. Who ever returns it to the King first gets a random castle and with the value of you highest valuable city! And that's the end of Chapter One! Chapter 2: The Case of the Demon Prince and the Missing Piggy Bank Once delivers the antidote, the King will request for one of you to get a dish for him to taste. But that's the least of your problems. If someone ends up hearing the whispers of dark revenge and they travel to a Dark Space. Let's just say that there's going to be a whole lot shaking going on! If you land on a dark space with a bat hanging over your head, a demon will give you the powers of darkness at the cost of losing everything that you own! Should you continue to get the get the power, you will become a demon for a full 2 weeks! Trust me when I say this that if you have more than 2 players playing, it's going to feel like an eternity! By now you should be at level 6. When that happens, you can switch jobs at the castle. But the Cleric is the only job available. Once someone beats the big boss, the king receives a letter stating that he took the Princess' Piggy Bank! In order for you to get it back you have to fight Rico Jr. for it. Now a plague has spread through out the kingdom and it will automatically donate your money to the expensive towns on the map. Once you reach Rico jr., he will send a clone version of yourself. If you can defeat it you can get the piggy bank. However, once you returned it turns out to be broken and not a single cent inside! And that's the end of Chapter 2! Chapter 3: Special Delivery - A Shopping Brawl! One of the first events in this chapter is that all of the townspeople went on strike. Um, since when did they have a union? Now you can't enter any towns, stores, even the banks are closed for the entire week! This also puts you at a disadvantage since you can't save any towns either. If you're lucky and Wabbit Week comes a long, try to get a Wabbit Shield. The shield alone boosts all of your stats. After a couple of weeks, the King asks for a favor. You have to capture a Wabbit for the king. Why, because every other aristocrats have one and he doesn't want to feel left out. Travel to the spring cave so you can bring one to the king. Once you bring it back he'll give you a handsome amount of gold for your delivery. However this is not the main part of the chapter. The Royal Museum is losing its attendance and the King needs help to bring the crowds back! With his crazy usage of urban lingo, he asks for someone to bring back a Salamander Bug from the Lava Cave. Try to look for it under a big red tree and deliver it to the king if you can make it with out being scorched first! Finally, the last request of the chapter from the king is 5 magic keys. He wants to spruce up his bathroom since he has some extra cash lying around. All you have to do is to buy them at the nearest Item Shop and deliver it to the king. And that ends Chapter 3! Chapter 4: Return of the Demon Prince and the Kidnaped Princess. Green jr. is hosting a tournament at the Colosseum to pit all of you against his bodyguard. The bodyguard is very strong and the best way to beat him is let the other players soften him up and you finish the other players off Then when the bodyguard is weak enough, deliver the final blow! Some security they got! Princess Penny has been kidnaped by no one other than Rico jr.! He has her hostage in one of the available caves! Hurry and bring her home! But it seems like he has feelings for this girl. Now he wants to fight you for her! It's not going to be easy to beat regardless of what level your on. This is a battle that will test your luck! It would be a total shame for him recover should you lose the match! Should you win, Rico will revive himself and simply let Penny go. Now you have to take her home in one piece. Once she's back at the castle, the king will give you a castle! And that's the end of Chapter 4! Chapter 5: The Royal Ring has been Stolen! Who's the Culprit?! Somebody stolen the Royal Ring! I wonder who would do such a thing? With out it, he can't conduct of any official business and they already have a suspect! Find them and bring them to justice! Once the Royal Ring has been returned, the chapter ends there. Time for Chapter 5! Chapter 6: The Ancient Artifact Debt of the Ancestors. Green jr. shows up again and invites you into the coliseum but this time for a game of cards. All you have to do is match up a pair of cards and get the most amount at the end of the game. If you match a pair, you can get that item. But if you pick up a bomb card you lose all of the cards you have! It will be a couple of weeks until the King asks for a favor again and this time, the findings are somewhat on the lines of bizarre! The king was looking to excavate the ruins for treasure and found IOU's instead! How can you place IOU's inside a tomb, huh? But the weirdest thing is, the kingdom's more in debt than our economy! Of course, the king wants to keep it all hush-hush! So they want you to find the Demolition Man and take him to destroy the tablet so no one will ever know that they were in debt. Once you find him you must travel into the pyramid and lead him to the artifact so he can destroy it. Unfortunately, the king still get stuck with the bill in the end. And that's the end of Chapter 6! Chapter 7: Overlord Rico. Can you buy victory? Uh oh! The big boss is here! Looks like he's here to see who's been bullying his son! Now he's thinking about taking over this kingdom for his own! This is your last test of valor and who ever beats this guy wins the game! Of course getting to him won't be easy. Just like his son he'll block your path towards him. When you get inside of the tower, you'll face Rico jr. before you reach Rico himself. Go into battle and should you win, the king will give you another castle! And Green jr. appears once again in this chapter. This time you have to find the Angel Card. First one to find them wins and you get a 100,000 gold! And now the final chapter awaits! Final Chapter: The Final Battle! See you in Heck, kids! With Rico back in the underworld, he can use his full power. But there are two requirements needed in order for you to enter the final battle. You must defeat your Clonus and battle your way through the Gates of Heck to fight him one last time. By getting this far into the game, if you are at least over level 75, you stand chance. If not, then you have a long way to go! Go and battle as much as you can before you tango with the devil! A spot will appear on the map and that's where you go for your final battle. Once you finally get to that special room where's he's standing, he will reveal his true form and it is UG-LY! If your stats are higher than his regardless of the level, you can take him down in 5 turns. Once the deed is done, your character runs away from the place and the monsters of the kingdom disappears as well and the monsters that are still in town, they now belong to you! As the results are revealed to the king, you get a bonus every time you make it into first place. However, if some how the person who wins it all turns out to be a female character, you HAVE to marry the king... maybe not... And that, my friends, is the end of the final chapter and the end of the game! Well, did you win? I SURE DIDN'T! I have: Been killed over 12 times Succumbed to the powers of darkness 7 times Gained only over 10 million gold And only killed my only computer opponent three times. This is by far the only game that I ever played that I actually lost at the end! I'm so ashamed... Credits I would like to thank the following below because with out them, this guide would not be possible! Nintendo: For making such a interactive system, the Wii Game Faqs: For making the guide and all other available to help complete games in the past. And you for taking time out to read this guide! Thanks a bunch and I hope that this information will give you a better edge on the track. Atlus: For making a funny, yet challenging game despite the fact that I lost! Legal Notice: I will authorize this guide to released at these following websites at this time: GameFaqs and its CNet affiliates Cheat Code Central Hotgame If you want to post it on your website, you must contact me at You can not post it unless you have my blessing. This guide can be linked giving others access to this information. This guide and all following guides in the distant future posted under the Game FAQS ID name Data_Hunter are copyrighted. I can't make any money off of it for this information is available without prejudice. Dokupon Kingdom and other characters, music, and everything else in the game are copy righted by Atlus and Licensed by Nintendo.
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