Age of Empires: Mythologies DS Cheats

Unlockable Heroes

Unlockable How to Unlock
Ladon the Lamia Beat the Greek campaign.
Setekh Beat the Egyptian campaign.
Narfi, Son of Loki. Beat the Norse Campaign
Hard mode Beat all the campaign scenarios with the Egyptian, Greek and Norse


Yes, I know this is a DS game. Its still got achievements though.

Unlockable                     How to Unlock
Asgardian Create one of every Norse Myth unit
Berserker Complete the Norse Campaign missions on hard
Blessed of Asgard Win a multiplayer or skirmish game with each Norse core hero
Blessed of Egypt Win a multiplayer or skirmish game with each Egyptian core Hero
Blessed of Olympus Win a multiplayer or skirmish game with each Greek core her
Cartographer Win a 4 player game with the whole map explored
Cryptozoologist Create one of every Myth unit
Demigod Complete the Greeek Campaign missions on hard
Devout Win 10 games by Temple control
Don't Open the box! Win or lose a game where Pandora's box appears, but is not claimed
Egyptian Conquerer Complete the Egyptan Campaign
Egyptologist Create one of every Egyptian myth unit
Greek Conquerer Complete the Greek Campaign
Greek Studies Create one of every Greek Myth unit
Hero Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games with each culture
High Priest Use each Major and Minor god at least once in a multiplayer skirmish game
High Warlord Win a multiplayer or skirmish game with each core hero
Huskari Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games as the Norse
Khepesh Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games as the Egyptians
Kingslayer Kill an enemy hero three times in the same multiplayer or skirmish game
Myrmidon Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games as the Greeks
Norse Conquerer Complete the Norse Campaign
Opened the box Win or lose a game while controlling Pandora's box
Pacifist Win a game without attacking any enemy units
Pharoh Complete the Egyptian campaign on hard
Play 1 game on Wi-Fi Pay 1 game on Wi-Fi
Sacraficial Lamb Attack an enemy unit or building with an Egyptian Villager or Greek Architect
Spelunker Complete all Underworld scenarios
Studious Complete the Tutorial Campaaign
Tourist Complete all Egyptian scenarios
Vacationer Complete all Greek scenarios
Wanderer Complete all Norse scenarios
Warlord Win 10 games by Conquest

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