You may have noticed on your various social media feeds that many PlayStation fans have been sharing their My PS4 Life videos. These videos showcase the games played by PlayStation 4 owners (or at least those attached to their usernames) and how long they played them for.
To get your own My PS4 Life video, head on over to the PlayStation website using this link. We’ve noticed that it may only be rolled out for some regions such as Europe and Australia and doesn’t yet seem to work for some of our American staff. It’s not clear if an American version will become available soon if it is coming at all.
Once you’re there and logged in, you can check out a general video combining stats of all PlayStation 4 users. If you want one specific to yourself, click the “create my video” button to be directed to a new page where you can see your My Life PS4 video. This can take several minutes to load so you’ll have to be a little patient. It’s also worth noting that this process may sign you up to receive marketing emails from Sony but you can opt out of them later.
The video will show you the first game you ever played on your PlayStation 4 and depending on how desperate you were for launch titles this may not be something you remember fondly. You’ll also get a summary of how many hours you’ve spent using your PlayStation alongside how many games you’ve played.
Perhaps the most interesting screen is the “most played games” section where the video will show you your top three games by hours. It then goes on to showcase the trophies you’ve earned, including revealing what your rarest trophy is.
Once you’re done, you can grab an embed or share code to show all your friends your My PS4 Life video and compare stats. This is all in celebration of five years since the console’s initial launch, back in November 2013.