steam user reaches level 4000

A user on Steam has now reached level 4,000

It’s going to take a lot of achievement hunting to catch up to Steam user St4ck. They now have the highest level of anyone on Steam, becoming the first person to hit level 4,000 on the PC digital storefront. And they are already well on their way toward level 4,001.

As you can see here, St4ck reached the milestone by spending not hundreds but thousands of hours in games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, APB Reloaded, H1Z1, and The Elder Scrolls Online to reach such an insane level.

The other key to reaching this goal lies within the store’s site badges. St4ck has obtained 6,495 badges, raking in huge amounts of XP for opening cards, whether it be for obtaining cards by playing games, special holiday sale events, or buying and opening packs of cards.

A reddit thread from a couple of years ago shows that StAck had spent what could be nearly a quarter of a million dollars on the virtual cards. The chart shown may not be totally accurate, but it does paint a picture that St4ck has spent a pretty penny to keep the record intact.

People have been looking to break and keep records when it comes to console and PC achievements since 2005, when Xbox introduced their Gamerscore concept. The Gamerscore world record is currently held by Ray Cox, better known as Stallion83. Scoring his first achievement on the day the Xbox 360 was launched, Cox has since amassed over two million Gamerscore points, being recognized by Guinness World Records for the feat. As a award for spending so much time playing Xbox, he earned a lifetime Xbox Live Gold membership and a customized Xbox One controller.

As far as who has the most PlayStation trophies, according to PSN Trophy Leaders, it may be someone under the username Hakoom. This user has amassed over 1,822 Platinum trophies and has a grand total of 73,370 trophies with a level of 259, just slightly ahead of Roughdawg4, who has 72,731 trophies and is at level 258.

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