Apex Legends Knockdown Shield

Apex Legends Knockdown Shield | How to use shield while down

The Apex Legends Knockdown Shield can be a lifesaver when used in the right way. Being able to shield oneself from incoming fire when downed, allows extra time for teammates to reach you and help you to your feet. This can be a game-changing play when fighting against a large squad, as getting back on your feet means adding another weapon to the gunfight. Here’s your guide to the Apex Legends Knockdown Shield, and an explanation on how to use the shield while down.

How to use shield while down in Apex Legends?

Apex Legends Knockdown Shield

The first time you spot the Apex Legends Knockdown Shield may well be when you down an enemy. If they have the Knockdown Shield equipped, they will raise the blue protector to stop incoming fire. The bright blue color is an immediate giveaway that the player is no longer taking damage from that angle. However, it also draws attention to non-shielded areas that can still be hit. You see, the Knockdown Shield only protects a certain field-of-view area, with the downed player needing to adjust their aim to consistently block incoming fire. It’s not simply a big bubble shield of protection.

To use your own Apex Legends Knockdown Shield, you’ll first need to find one. Loot the environment and other players, being sure to keep an eye out for the “Knockdown Shield” text. Once you’ve looted one, keep it equipped and you’ll be able to defend yourself once downed.

What does the Knockdown Shield do in Apex Legends?

Apex Legends Knockdown Shield

As mentioned above, the Apex Legends Knockdown Shield can be used to block incoming fire from a set field-of-view range. To keep blocking fire, the downed player must maneuver to ensure the enemy remains in front of them. Otherwise, the enemy can shoot past the shield and finish off the kill.

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