CIA Data System Login IDs and Passwords
When using the computer to access the CIA Data system, you can use the following login IDs and passwords. After logging into an account, you may then browse each user's unique files using the DIR command or read messages with the MAIL command.
Effect | Code |
The user account of Alex Mason, already logged in when you first use the terminal. | User: amason - Password: PASSWORD |
The user account of Bruce Harris | User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS |
The user account of D. King. | User: dking - Password: MFK |
The user account of Dr. Adrienne Smith. | User: asmith - Password: ROXY |
The user account of Dr. Vannevar Bush. | User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN |
The user account of Frank Woods. | User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY |
The user account of Grigori "Greg" Weaver. | User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON |
The user account of J. Turner. | User: jturner - Password CONDOR75 |
The user account of Jason Hudson. | User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950 |
The user account of John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965. | User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22 |
The user account of Joseph Bowman. | User: jbowman - Password: UWD |
The user account of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. | User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER |
The user account of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. | User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD |
The user account of President Richard Nixon | User: rnixon - password CHECKERS |
The user account of Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973. | User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY |
The user account of Richard Kain. | User: rkain - Password: SUNWU |
The user account of Ryan Jackson | User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET |
The user account of T. Walker. | User: twalker - Password: RADI0 (Zero not an O) |
The user account of Terrance Brooks. | User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN |
The user account of William Raborn, Director of Central Intelligence from 1965- | User: wraborn - Password: BROMLOW |