PS3 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Players Get Free VR Missions DLC Through April 3rd

Have you hacked and slashed your way through Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? If you already know the game forwards, backwards, and feel like you've got every inch of it skewered on your electrified blade, maybe it's time to enjoy 30 brand new VR Missions for free right now!

This DLC pack is exclusive to the PlayStation 3 version of the game, but all you have to do is log on and download before April 3rd and it won't cost you a single Nanopaste. The trailer above shows off the DLC which varies from Stealth and all-out-action, to more missions starring the three-armed robots from the main game, even a few off-the-wall platforming and Frogger mimicries.

If you haven't had a change to try Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for yourself, be sure to download the demo before you buy the game for some free DLC. You can also check out our full review here.

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