Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement Not Unlocking

Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement Not Unlocking | Is there a fix?

Anthem is a game that’s full of bugs and glitches, apparently. This guide is taking a look at the Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement not unlocking. Those Achievement and Trophy hunters out there will not appreciate an Achievement not unlocking when you do everything it tells you to. Read on to find out if there is a way to unlock the Arcanist Loyalty 3 Achievement.

What is the Anthem Arcanist Loyalty 3 Achievement?

Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement Not Unlocking

The Anthem Arcanist Loyalty 3 Achievement/Trophy should unlock when you complete a set number of tasks in order to aid the Arcanist cause. The Arcanists are a faction in Anthem, and it’s up to you to complete tasks in order to aid them.

Essentially, you’ll have to complete tasks for them, such as various search and rescue escapades and recovery of dangerous artifacts. Knowledge is power, after all. Each time you complete a task, your loyalty with the Arcanists will raise. When you raise your reputation to 3,000 with the Arcanists you should unlock the Arcanist Loyalty 3 Achievement. The trouble is, it appears to be something of a broken Achievement/Trophy. While it’s not a game-breaking bug, it is an annoying one for completionists everywhere.

Is there an Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement not unlocking fix?

Anthem Arcanist Achievement Not Unlocking

Unfortunately, there is no way of unlocking the Arcanist Loyalty 3 Achievement/Trophy in Anthem if it didn’t unlock when it should have done. If you fulfilled the criteria and it didn’t unlock, it won’t then unlock if you go on and complete more Arcanist missions. You could try creating a new Anthem save file and re-doing everything, but that would be time-consuming, and who’s to say that the Achievement simply won’t unlock again?

You may also want to try unplugging your internet router/logging out of your console and then logging in and rebooting your router while your console is on. This can sometimes make achievements and Trophies pop whereas before they wouldn’t.

We’re afraid to say that you’re going to have to wait for an update in order for this Anthem Arcanist Loyalty Achievement not unlocking error to be fixed properly. Hopefully, EA and BioWare sort this issue sooner rather than later.

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