Postal 3 PC Cheats

Steam Achievements

Achievement Description
AIN'T GOT COJONES! Finish your business with Krotchy.
ALL PERPS MUST DIE! Take out all the criminal scum infesting Catharsis!
ARSONIST 150 kills using fire.
BIPOLAR Swap paths 5 times in one playthrough.
CAMELBACK Piss 100 gallons of urine.
CAT WRANGLER 50 kills using cat.
CHAMP WHISPERER 50 kills using dog.
COMMIES GO HOME! Make Venezuela peacemakers go home.
DADDY NEVER LOVED ME Complete game killing only males.
DANNY TREJO 100 kills using machete in melee.
DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON! Disobey orders, given to you, and see what happens.
DON'T TAZE ME BRO Taze 200 victims.
EASTWOOD Complete game using only the pistol.
EMO Injure yourself.
ENTOMOLOGIST 50 kills using bees.
FAIL ZOMBIE Respawn 20 times.
I AM THE LAW Complete Good path without falling off.
JACK THOMPSON WAS RIGHT Kill 1000 unarmed bystanders.
KAVORKIAN Euthanise 30 elderly folks.
MEGA-SADIST 200 injured or death-crawling victims NOT finished off.
NEUROSURGEON 300 headshot/decap kills.
PERSONAL JESUS Beat game with zero kills.n(zombies and bosses don't count)
PETA CHAIRMAN Kill no animals in one playthrough.
PRODUCT RECALL Destroy 50 cars.
PROPERTY DAMAGE Smash 50 windows.
PSYCHO DUNDEE 50 kills using boomerang machete.
REAL AMERICAN Kill/incapacitate 235 terrorists.
REPO MAN Return Thegways to the owner
SAYANARA, TREE HUGGERS Arrest eco zealots leader.
SCHWARZENEGGER 200 kills using M-60.
SCOFIELD Escape from prison.
SPECIAL OLYMPIAN Beat the game once. No restrictions apply. Everyone's a winner.
STALLONE Complete game using only melee.
SUCKTASTIC! Suck up 500 items with the shop vac.
T.J. HOOKER Arrest 200 perps.
THE CHOICE WAS YOURS! Choose path for the first time.
THERE IS NO SPOON Spend 900 seconds or more in catnip bullet time.
WOLVERINES R GHEY 50 badgersaw kills.
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