fallout 76 update

E3 2019 | Fallout 76 update revealed, includes NPCs, new quests, and more

Details of the highly-anticipated Fallout 76 update have been revealed at Bethesda’s E3 2019 conference. The updates include NPCs for the first time in Fallout 76, along with a new questline, choice-and-consequence dialogue trees, and new weapons and gear to help the vault-dwellers of Appalachia. Additionally, a 52-player battle royale game mode called The Storm is coming in the Nuclear Winter update. This update is one of many that the game will see in 2019 according to a roadmap released earlier this year.

Bethesda’s Fallout 76 was torn asunder by critics upon launch last November for a multitude of glitches and half-baked content. It seemed to be rushed into launch after the success of its predecessor, Fallout 4. Bethesda also found itself in the middle of several Fallout 76 controversies, including outrage over a plastic bottle of Nuka-Cola rum which was made to look like a glass collectible, a very thorough educational moment on the difference between nylon and canvas bags, and a data breach of sensitive customer information.

Since launch, it has received multiple patches and updates to improve the base game and hang on to the dedicated core player base. Their 2019 roadmap announced plans for updates and DLC spanning this year. The first major update of the year was Wild Appalachia, which brought new quests, game modes, and features to the struggling game.

Fallout 76 update brings NPCs and new quests, weapons, and a special game mode

Now, players will have Wastelanders to improve their time in Appalachia.

Whether these updates will prove to be enough for Fallout 76 to grow its base player count is another matter. After the rough launch, it could be difficult for Bethesda to earn back player trust. Nonetheless, we can expect the Nuclear Winter and Wastelanders updates to bring more content to the game later this year.

Fallout 76 is offering a free trial on all platforms until June 17.

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