Cheat Codes
Sims 3 Editor Cheat
Press control shift and c at the same time and type in testingcheatsenabled true In the box. Then right click on your mailbox to set your sims needs or profession, and right click the sim to change their age, and traits. You can also right click on other lots to edit them, or build on them, and you can right click on objects to delete them.
Acobat cheat
Click ctrl shift c all at once and code bar pop up at the top of your screen. Type in testingcheatsenabled true .It's important that you leave a space between enabled and true. Then you can shift click on the ground, your sim, an object, and then cool options pop up. Their are other codes you can type in the code bar thing. Actually, there is one cheat I know for the acrobats, singers, etc. in sims showtime. If you type in testingcheatsenabled true and touch the experience bar for the acrobat or whatever you can give them more experience. All you have to do is click, hold, and move the bar and they get experience.
testingcheatsenabled true - shift click and do cool stuff
motherlode - get 50,000,000 cash for sim
kaching - get 1,000 cash for sim
buydebug - world adventures only;buy mode has tomb stuff
familyfund - look that one up, I've never used it; sorry
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