Etika concerns fans with distressing ‘I’m Sorry’ video

Update: The NYPD has now confirmed that Etika’s body has been found. The full report can be read here.

Original story: YouTube creator and former Twitch streamer Etika has concerned fans with a distressing new video, in which he appears to deliver a goodbye message to his viewers. The video sees Etika discussing his life being “cut so short,” before discussing the games, movies, and technology he’s “never gonna see.”

The video was posted to Etika’s YouTube channel, TR1Iceman, with it immediately prompting concern among his viewers. Etika, real name Daniel Desmond Amofah, was reportedly detained in April and taken to a psychiatric ward after fighting with a police officer.

Etika has not posted a follow-up message since the ‘I’m sorry’ video went live. We reached out to the NYPD for more information, and they stated that a report was filed on June 19 for 29-year-old Amofah. They stated that they have no update in regards to this report.

The video can be viewed below:

Etika also left a lengthy message in the video’s description, calling his life an “incredible tale” and apologizing for it ending “on such a heartbreaking note.”

The description can be read below:

“I’m sorry for betraying all of your trust. I’m sorry for the manipulative things I’ve done, and I’m sorry I never sought help for myself.

I’ve made my bed, and now I’ve got to sleep in it. Please learn from my example. Don’t be like me. Don’t push away the people that care about you.

I’ve always lived my life as a [clown emoji, so I guess that’s all my “legacy” will amount up to. Don’t let this social media shit consume you the way it did me. I pushed away and hurt so many of you.

The good times however! MAN were they good. I’ve lived an incredible life filled with thrills and happiness. Even though I always was an odd ball out, I used that as my strength and brought together an incredible community of insane wild bois just like me. God I’ll miss you all so much. 

I was mentally troubled, and far to stoneheaded to admit it, far too stubborn to face it, and far too scared now to deal with it.

God… I’m so sorry I hurt you all so badly. I’m so sorry I betrayed you all. I mislead so many of you, I manipulated, I lied, I shifted blame… I don’t know what awaits me on the other side, but I’m ready to face it.

As far as we know, there is no life after death. My time ends now, but if there is a way for me too, I’ll send you all as many blessings as I can from the other side. 

Thank you all for helping to making my life the incredible tale it was. I’m sorry it had to end on such a heartbreaking note. Though I know for SURE hella people are gonna prolly laugh at it LOL I just hope there’s at least some fresh me-me’s that come of it. I’m dying as a guy hated by a lot of people, so I know you all won’t let me down haha.

Well, that’s my cue. Time for me to go. I mean this with every bit of my heart…

Take care of yourselves, and of course, as usual, please have yourself a damn good one. 

-Etika, 2019″

We’ll update this story if we receive any new information.

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