Trigger Fist iPhone Cheats


When you're on the edge of a firefight, hang back and wait to mop up rather than running straight in.

Reload when you're somewhere relatively safe, otherwise you'll be gunned down.

If your team mates have the goat, stick close to them.

Complete Achievements for bonus XP experience points.

You have a sensor located in the top right that not only tells you when someone's firing a weapon, but also how close he is to you.

Goals For Each Mode

Trigger Fist's four different modes.

Free-for-All: Every man for himself. First player to 15 kills wins.

Team Deathmatch: Work as a team. First team to reach 30 kills wins.

King of the Hill: Hold the Hill. First team to 120 seconds wins.

Sacred Goat: Hold and protect the goat. First team to 90 seconds wins.

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