Minecraft's toolkit is about to get an upgrade. Your sleep schedule isn't happy.
Minecraft's 1.6 update is now available for pre-release install. Although it's being referred to by Mojang as the "Horse Update" it includes more than that. New block types, interactive objects, and even horse armor are being thrown in for good measure. As you've probably learned from your hours playing the game, the addition of one simple tool can turn into hours of creative fun. This update includes over a dozen of them and is sure to remind a lot of gamers why they loved Minecraft when it first came out.
Here's the jist of what's included in 1.6:
- Added Horses
- Added Donkeys, Mules
- Added Horse Armor
- Added Leads
- Added Carpets
- Added Hardened Clay, Stained Clay
- Added Block of Coal
- Added Name Tags (item)
- Added Hay Bales
- Texture packs are now “resource packs” that also can hold sound etc
- Food meter is now drained when healed by full food meter
- Removed Herobrine
The update is 100% free and will be available next Monday on July 1st.