Could Nintendo Be Looking To Revive Seaman?

Dreamcast owners will likely be all too familiar with an incredibly weird game that centered around conversing with a fish-man creature. Oddly enough, Seaman quickly became a sort of cult hit for Sega's final gaming console, serving as one of the most strange and unique virtual pet games of all time.

Believe it or not, it appears that Nintendo may be looking to bring back the franchise in some capacity. According to Japanese blog Esuteru, The Big N has purchased the rights to "Mysterious Pet: Legend of the Fish With A Human Face," as well as "Mysterious Partner: Legend of the Fish With A Human Face."

Considering the fact that Seaman is the only known game in existence to feature fish with a human face, one can only assume that Nintendo's looking to revive Sega's cult classic in some capacity. In fact, Eurogamer notes that Yoot Saito, the creator of Seaman, is no stranger to Nintendo, having developed Odama for the GameCube and Aero Porter for the 3DS.

As creative as the concept is, I'm sorry, but that fish-man just creeps me out. Would you be interested in a new Seaman game? Let us know in the comments below. 


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