Blitz Brigade iPhone Cheats


You'll need to unlock Sniper, Medic and Stealth by reaching specific levels or unlocking them with Diamonds.

Press the Armory button to view/switch the current class, repair weapons, change allegiances and create weapon load outs.

Complete a variety of singleplayer Training missions to home your skills.

You can seek out hidden puzzle pieces to unlock concept art as well.

It's easier to score headshots by aiming down the weapon sights.

You'll need to wait 15 seconds to respawn unless you go with an Instant Respawn.

You can reduce the wait time to just three seconds by purchasing and then using the Phoenix Insignia.

Shoot gift boxes to launch the Blitz Brigade slot machine with prizes.

Pick up supply crates as they contain instant heals, ammo refills and special weapons. The game drops supply crates at timed intervals.

Earn free Diamonds by signing up for various services. Become a fan of Samsung Mobile on Facebook (four Diamonds), watch videos (one Diamond) and purchase flowers (297 Diamonds), among other things.

Official Tips From Gameloft

Each weapon has a Weapon XP Parameter, which represents how much the player is attuned to that particular weapon. Weapon XP has three milestones that can be reached at 30 percent, 60 percent and 100 percent.

Reaching a weapon milestone unlocks basic upgrades of various types: Clip Size increase, Critical Chance increase, extra effects (incendiary bullets that set enemies on fire, bleeding or concussion for melee weapons), Damage increase (general or versus vehicles), longer effective range, no movement penalties, etc.

Each weapon has a Durability value. Weapons decrease in Durability with every shot, and the lower the Durability, the less satisfactory the weapon's performance.

When a weapon is in top shape, it has an increased chance to deal double damage.

When Durability decreases, the chance to miss increases, and other penalties start to pile up: slower rate of fire, increased reload time, less damage.

Repair weapons regularly so they remain at maximum efficiency.

In Domination, the goal is to be the first team to reach 30 points. Points are awarded for killing enemy players and holding flags.

In Team Deathmatch, you get points only for killing enemy players. First team to reach 15 points wins.

There are three vehicles in the starting zone for each team: one 4X4, one tank and one helicopter. If a vehicle is full, you cannot get in and the Interact icon will not appear.

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