Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

While a mostly easy game, the Indivisible Kala boss fight can be pretty tough. There’s a trick to it but it can be hard to figure it out since the game doesn’t quite require you to use a certain skill to often. So here’s how to beat the Indivisible Kala boss fight. Keep in mind that this is the final fight, not the one halfway in the game. Also, spoilers.

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

There are two different phases to the Kala boss fight that you’ll need to get down if you want to beat her. After all, she’s got 18 health bars that you’ll need to chop away at.

First off, you’ll need to avoid her punching attacks. This seems impossible because they hit the entire screen. You can’t technically dodge it and you can’t block it. There are two ways to escape this attack. You can use your new Divine Wheel move to shoot off since you have some invulnerability frames. But this is not advised since it takes too long and somehow drains your health. It’s possible but not recommended.

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

But perfect block is possible and recommended. By hitting the block button at the right timing, you’ll fend off the attack. Green numbers will indicate that you’ve done it correctly. This requires strict timing so be sure to land on the ground and hit the block button right in time with the fists coming forward. You’ll want to favor one side and be on the ground to make it easier. If you go to a place where fists overlap, you might block one fist but still take a hit.

After you perfect block, jump up and hit her. Don’t swing at her for too long or you’ll have a tougher time blocking her attacks. The Sky Splitter ability (up and Triangle/Y) is a good way to get in the air quickly to do some normal hits or a World Splitter move (down and Triangle/Y). The latter will slam you to the ground to block, which is where you will want to be. Just don’t get overzealous and spend all day trying to kill her. Just be patient.

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

Then when she sucks you into her after you do enough damage, mash the attack buttons in any order as fast as you can. If you don’t, you die. Then wail on her in the normal RPG combat like you always do. It’s always good to heal here with some of your support characters like Ginseng or Thorani.

Repeat these steps until you kill her 18 health bars. This next step is important unless you want to repeat this boss fight forever. After draining her 18 life bars and listening to her dialogue, Kala will begin to suck you into some weird void. Don’t let that happen. Instead, go into your Inner Realm before she sucks you in. Do this by pressing the Circle/B button and then pressing up on the D-pad. If you fail, you’ll have to fight most of the boss fight again until you do it right.

Indivisible Final Boss | How to beat Kala

When you successfully avoid repeating the cycle, you will move to the final stage. It isn’t as tricky as the first phase as you will just have to perfect block all of her attacks to win. You don’t have to attack. The timing is strict again so this might take you more than a few tries but you should be able to do it correctly since this phase is not as long as the first one. Once you do that for long enough, you’ll “defeat” her and finish the game.

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