New 3DS StreetPass DLC Games Rake In $4 Million For Nintendo

With Nintendo 3DS entering its third holiday season, the publisher of Mario and more released four new StreetPass-centric games and has reported impressive profits to the tune of $4 million dollars after one month.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told Tokyo Keizai Online that the four games, Mii Force, Flower Town, Warrior's Way, and Monster Manor (which are sold for $5 a piece or as a package for $15) raked in the impressive sum of cash on the burgeoning 3DS platform.

With each game driving people to carry their 3DS handhelds around to progress, I'm not surprised by the numbers. Interacting with other 3DS owners and showing friends and family in public raises awareness and subsequently pushes the platform for deeper marketplace penetration.

I walked around several Southern California tourist hot spots over the past week and reaped plenty of StreetPasses, but I think the number one motivating factor for carrying a 3DS out of the house is play coins and their use in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


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