Yeah, the Wii U isn't doing so hot, and yeah, a lot of gamers really want Nintendo to just bring their software to other platforms, but Iwata doesn't believe that's a particularly wise move for the company in the long run.
Speaking to CVG, Iwata explained:
If I was to take responsibility for the company for just the next one or two years, and if I was not concerned about the long-term future of Nintendo at all, it might make sense for us to provide our important franchises for other platforms, and then we might be able to gain some short-term profit. However, I'm really responsible for the long-term future of Nintendo as well, so I would never think about providing our precious resources for other platforms at all.
The Nintendo exec then went on to state why being both a software and hardware company is such a major asset, saying that "because we have hardware and software developers in the same building, they stimulate each other."
Do you think it is in Nintendo's best interests to hold off on going multiplatform? Let us know in the comments below.