Warcraft 3 Reforged patch notes 1.32.1 update

Warcraft 3: Reforged release date announced

The eagerly anticipated Warcraft 3 remaster, Warcraft 3: Reforged, finally has a release date. Reforged is a full reimagining of the Blizzard classic and contains the massive campaigns from both Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne.

Warcraft 3: Reforged features seven campaigns totally 60 missions and will also launch with modern matchmaking tools using Battle.net. Additionally, Reforged keeps compatibility with the original version of Warcraft 3. So, you can play with anyone that has a copy of the original game or Reforged without issue.

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For those who love mapmaking and custom game modes, Reforged has a World Editor designed from the ground up for ease of use and further expandability than the original. There’ll be tons of new triggers available for use and LUA scripting support. You’ll also be able to import new models, and even more features will be integrated into the World Editor as time goes on.

Despite the visual overhaul, Warcraft 3: Reforged will hang onto some of its roots. The original voice-overs have been left unchanged, giving you the best of both worlds with increased graphical fidelity while still keeping iconic audio cues.

You can pre-purchase Warcraft 3: Reforged right now on the Blizzard Shop. The standard edition is $29.99, but for $39.99 you can grab the Spoils of War Edition. The Spoils of War Edition comes with several bonuses, including unique hero skins for Arthas, Cenarius, Jaina, and Thrall. You also get the following bonuses for other Blizzard games by pre-ordering the Warcraft 3: Reforged Spoils of War Edition:

  • World of Warcraft: Meat Wagon mount
  • Hearthstone: Third War cardback
  • Diablo 3: Mal’ganis Pet
  • Overwatch:
    • Player Icons: Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf, and Lich King
    • Animated Sprays: Footman, Grunt, Ghoul, and Archer
  • Heroes of the Storm
    • Anub’arak Hero
    • Jaina Hero
    • Thrall Hero
    • Tyrande Hero
  • StarCraft II
    • Alliance Console Skin
    • Horde Console Skin
    • Sentinels Console Skin
    • Scourge Console Skin
  • StarCraft: Remastered
    • Spoils of War Console

Warcraft 3: Reforged will launch on January 28, 2020 on PC.

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