Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode

When is the Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode start date?

When is the Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode start date? Following a data mine that tells us of the existence of a new Apex Legends Paintball LTM, little is known about what seems to be about to be added to EA and Respawn’s free-to-play battle royale title. Read on, though, to find out when the Apex Legends Paintball LTM start time should be. Discover below when you should be able to shoot some paintballs on King’s Canyon.

When is the Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode start date?

Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode

The Apex Legends Paintball limited time mode start date should be July 7, 2020. This is the earliest date the data mined Paintball LTM can begin, at least, so do expect it then. The current Apex Legends LTM is scheduled to end on July 7, which leads us to believe that the next LTM, which should be the Paintball mode, could release right after the current LTM comes to an end. Of course, the leaked Paintball LTM in Apex Legends could release later than July 7. July 7 is the earliest possible start date for the new mode. Don’t be surprised if it begins later than this.

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Reliable Apex Legends data miner Shrugtal found code for a Paintball LTM within the game. The code contains “supporting strings, audio, and code,” which makes Shrugtal believe that it should make an appearance in the next Apex Legends update. As with all leaks and data mines, however, the information is subject to change. It could be added to the game soon, but it could also come later on. We’ll have to wait and see.

Apex Legends Paintball LTM start time

Based on our reasoning, the earliest we can expect the Paintball LTM in Apex Legends is July 7, 2020. Based on when previous events have begun, we can guess that the Apex Legends Paintball LTM start time will be the following on July 7, or whenever it begins:

  • 11 AM PDT
  • 2 PM EDT
  • 6 PM UTC
  • 7 PM BST
  • 8 PM CEST
  • 4 AM AEST (July 8)
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