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Apex Legends Nova Legend leaked character details

Thanks to the efforts of data miners, we know more about the seemingly incoming new Apex Legends Nova Legend. While little is currently known about Nova, you can read on to find out all of the Apex Legends Nova Legend leaked character details that are available right now. Discover all there is to know about Nova below, including the Legend icon, and more.

Apex Legends Nova Legend leaked character details

Apex Legends Nova Legend leaked character details

Nova appears to be a new Legend heading to Apex Legends. Unfortunately, we know very little about Nova and her abilities. All we know is that game code files have been data-mined along with an image of the incoming new Legend, which you can see above. It appears, though, that Nova is the new name for Valk. There is some mention, too, of wall running in Nova’s code file names.

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Reliable Apex Legends dataminer Shrugtal has released a series of tweets containing what they have found regarding Nova. This includes what Shrugtal believes to be Nova’s legend icon. As said above, little else is known about Nova aside from what her Legend icon is. Thanks to this Shrugtal tweet (below), we know that “Wall Run” is listed in Nova’s lines of code. While this could potentially mean that Nova will be able to wall run in some capacity, it could, unfortunately, mean nothing. As per comments to the tweet, we know that every Legend has references to wall running. It could very well mean nothing at all.

What we do know is that it looks as though Nova is the new name of Valk. This, again, is according to a tweet from Shrugtal. For now, we know that Nova should be on the way, but we don’t know when, nor do we know what kind of abilities she’ll have. We’ll have to wait and see.

[Featured image via Shrugtal]

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